The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 06, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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The important part of child
rens Shoes are
We have a line of Boys Miss
es and Childrens Shoes made by
5 L Pierce Co who make
nothing but Boys Misses and
Childrens Shoes
Therefore they are able to give
better shoes for less money
Come and see them We guar
antee them
Corner Store
201 Main
Political Advertising-
To Voters of Red Willow Co
As to the fitness for the of
fice to Avliich A L Fitch aspires
at the coming election there can
be no question certainly he is tlu
peer of his opponent He is a
son of a veteran and ito themem
ory of their deceased sires the
living veterans and sous of veter
ans should not fail to give him
their earnest support regardless
of party affiliations There was
a time when in the thick of bat
tle the fierce charge the hail
of bullets boom of cannon
shrieking of shot and shell the
father did not stop to inquire
whether one or the other -was
Democrat or Republican but
Avent on to the end and helped
save the country that Ave might
have offices to fill Let us not
stop to inquire whether this son
of a veteran is a Democrat or a
Republican but show our appre
ciation of the heroic deeds of
his father bv voting for the son
is vital to all business Wereal
ize this especially in filling pre
scriptions and dispensing drugs
Our customers must have confi
dence in our ability as well as
know that we use the greatest
care and only pure drugs in fill
ing out prescriptions In bring
ing your prescriptions to us you
will not be disappointed Night
clerk over drug store
A McMILLEN Druggist
A Record
Mr Harris claims for The
Lion and the Mouse the greatest
theatrical entertainment of the
decade Its presentation here
will be accompanied ly the same
competent cast of
players and elaborate scenic set
tings as lias been the history of
tliis play since it was first pro
duced i
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Mc
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20e
25c and 35c per pound
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
If you feel you want to be
shown in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
A touch of -winter
Cant Entertain
Without Flowers j
Jack Boyd
James Harmon
Fred Sehlagel
White Line Transfer
John Eckstedt
J E Corey
Council Meetings
The mayor and council met in
speciaivsession pursuant to a call
of the mayor Friday evening No
vember3rd at the council cham
ber Present Mayor McAdams
Councilmen Stansberry Brown
Wood and Middleton City At
torney Wolff and Clerk Stoll
The following bills were ap
proved by the finance committee
and on motion were allowed
Henry Pate 4 00
Jennings Hughes Co 10 00
C TV Kelley 2 50
P J Morrissey 5 00
W A Middleton 16 60
White Line Transfer Co 14 10
WeJsbach St L Co 154 00
W S Morlan 202 10
Frank Cain 2 00
Dr McDivitt 1 50
T liegeman 20 00
L W MeConnell 90
E Benjamin 2 85
Frank Cain 100 00
I A Underbill 50 00
E C Underbill 55 00
F W Rank 46 50
McCook Elect Co 72 50
McCook Elect Co 3 26
McCook Eleet Co 1 00
L C Stoll 2 00
M O McClure 16 90
Ajrthur Shepherd 100
J E Corey 2 00
2 00
2 00
27 50
63 75
43 86
S4 70
2 00
L A Fitch 21 50
James McAdams 17 00
Xebr Tel Co 8 35
II D Strunk 3 75
I J Henderson 1 00
W Winans 2 00
II X Rosebush 757 81
Le Wootton 2 00
T A Endslev 15 00
II B Miles -- 40 40
McCook Public Library 44 05
Ed Fitzgerald 55 00
Win C athereole 2 00
John Wentz 2 00
Also the following fire claims
for 100 each
Floyd Berry W T Gollehon 2
I L Hawkins 2 C A DeLoy Lee
Wootton 2 Paul Perrenoud 2
Earl A Smith 2 01 wis A Leach
2 L E Ilegenberger 2 R Iles
kitt 2 E A Bedell 2 Ohas R
Knowles 2 Fred Sehlagel 2 A
L Lashbaugh 2 James Harmon
C F Lehn R W MeBrayer A J
Dillon 2 Joe Vincent Ed Fitz
gerald E Sinner David Diamond
and H E Durham 150
Ordinance No 210 was intro
duced and duly adopted On mo
tion the clerk was instructed to
buy a new boiler for pumping
station as per specifications and
prices submitted by C C Bur
ton Machinery Co
Motion made and carried to
join the municipal league of the
A resolution was passed entitled
A resolution to repeal and res
A resolution declaring the in
tention of the city council of the
City of McCook Nebraska to re
fund sixty five thousand dollars
of the outstanding water bonds
of the city bearing date the fif
teenth of June A D1908 and
directing public notice to be
given of such intention all in
accordance with chapter eight of
the session laws of Nebraska
1899 being sections 796 800 of
the Coimpiled Statutes of Nebras
ka 1907
And all action taken in regard
thereto and to declare the same
null void and of no effeet
Mayor appointed F M Kim
mell to fill vacancy on library
tern which appointment was con
Resignation of F W Rank
water coJnmissioner read and on
motion accepted
Mayor appointed David Dia
mond as water commissioner pro
teniwliich appointmnet was con
firmed Couneilmen Stansberry
and Wood voting against it
Moved and carried to adjourn
L C Stoll City Clerk
Special Meeting Nov 4
The mayor and council met in
special session Nov 4 1911 All
were present except Councilman
Ordinance No 211 was introduc
ed and duly adopted This is an
ordinance prescribing some of
the duties of the city treasurer
Monday Evening Edition
and providing for the equal disr
tribution of the funds of the city
among banks which shall agree tc
pay monthly to the city interest
at the rate of three per cent per
annum on the daily average bal
A resolution was passed to fix
the time and place of holding a
special meeting of the council of
the City of McCook to value cer
tain lots and make special assess
ment thereon for improvements
and to levy a tax thereon to pay
for said improvements The date
was set for December eighth at
8 p m at council chamber
Motion made and carried to ad
L C STOLL City Clerk
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
United States to William
Sullivan pat to W hf
NE qr andE hf N W qr
Sarah E Hath et cons to
Alfred R Chirk qcd to
NE qr SW qr 31-4-28 1
Eliza O Shields et cons to
Albyn C nipple Avd to
i 2 3 in 4-3-29 1000
John F Miller et ux to
Mamie F Tirrill wd to
Blocks 17 1S in Hatfield
Park 1800
Joseph Kennedy sustained a
fracture of his collar bone Mon
day of last week hut is getting
along favorably under the doe-
tors care
Martin and Frank Kennedy left
here Monday of last week for
eastern Nebraska to husk corn
Ralph Peterson was over from
Maywood last week buying hogs
Milo Pate of MeCook visited E
K Hamilton part of last week
E Beebe bought twelve calves
from Anton Braun having sold
his calves to George Wacker of
Froze the Pipe
Thursday night the pipe at the
foot of Main avenue from which
the street sprinkler draws supply
was frozen and burst As the
mains shut off valves refused to
work satisfactorily it was neces
sary to shut off the water at ithe
stand pipe which inconvenienced
water patrons for a few hours
during Friday afternoon until
the mains could be drained suffi
ciently to permit of repairs to the
burst pipe to be made
Elegantly Staged
The coming of The Lion and
the Mouse is arousing great in
terest among our theatre patrons
and a packed house awaits the or
ganization as well as a splendid
performance by a splendid com
pany The company carries two
complete outfits of scenery one
for large and the other for small
stages thus enabling the manage
ment to stage the production ev
erywhere in a first class manner
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
Eureka Kensington
Mesdames Robert Cole and
John Hunt will entertain the
Eureka kensington on next Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs Cole on 1st street east
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car-
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
Tribune advertisers get results
Why not write it halloween
and let it go at that
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
We have a complete assort
ment of the u Latest in box pa
A McMILLEN Druggist
County Automobile Association Is
Now in Full Force
Lively interest was evinced on
Friday afternoon at the meeting
of the Red Willow County Auto
mobile association held in the
commercial club rooms of Me
Cook About thirty gentlemen
attended the meeting which was
called for the purpose of com
pleting the county organization
Thirteen additional mmebers
were enrolled m the association
Avliich already numbers about
thirty and will soon be largely
increased as the officers and
membership committee get busy
I The committee on constitution
and by laws reported and their
draft was adopted unanimously
The following vice presidents
were elected
McCook P Walsh 1st
Indian ola W A Dolan 2nd
Bartley Dr J E Hathora Sri
Danbury T E McDonald 4th
Lebanon Dr R B Campbell
Marion II A Reed 6th
President Pennell was author
ized to select the two delegates
from the county association to
the state association meeting to
be held in Omaha in December
The committee for soliciting
members is composed of Messrs
W B Mills J F Cordeal and J
W Rhodes who will associate
with them the several vice presi
dents in the work of securing
new members
It was decided to hold a meet
ing of the board of governors in
McCook Friday November 17th
at 230 oclock
To Attend Farmers Institute
Miss Gertrude Cowan of the do
westie science department of the
Agricultural College of the State
University W W Burr of the
North Platte Experimental Sta
tion and Earl Harnly an inspec
tor of the State Food Commission
spent last Thursday night in the
city on their way to Benkelman
where they Avere speakers at the
Farmers Institute in that town
Friday and Saturday They went
on to Benkelman on 13 Friday
His 21st Birthday
Louis son of Matt Collings of
rural route 1 out of Indianola
passed his 21st birthday on Wed
nesday of last week and the hap
py event was made the occasion
of a surprise party by his many
neighborhood friends who came
and celebrated the day with mucl
social enjoyment refreshments
etc Louis was liberally remm
bered one of the gifts being a
team of young horses and har
Missionary Meeting
The missionary society of the
Congregational church will meet
wiiith Mrs R D Rodgers Thurs
day afternoon Mrs B L Web
ber and Mrs R D Rodgers be
ing the leaders
Personal Taxes Due
Personal taxes are due and
become delinquent Decembr 1st
10 per ceiljfc inheres added tot all
taxes after that date
C NADEN Co Treas
MeConnell for drugs
Evervthiug in
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy At Hub
er s only
You should try our 30c per lb
package candy
A McMILLEN Druggist
Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull
for service 100
The way to prevent chapping
is tO protect and soften the skin
before exposure so that the dry
ing and cracking will not occur
An application of
will do both If neglect to use
something of the kind has result
ed in chapping and inflammation
there is no remedy that will
quicker heal and restore natural
conditions Keep it handy Price
25 cents
The Mid Season Shoe Sale
at Diamonds Shoe Store is a
grand success Never before in
tlie history of McCook have the
people had an opportunity to sup
ply themselves with such beauti
ful and up to date footwear right
in the midst of the season at
such unheard of prices as these
500 shoes for men or
women 385
400 shoes for men or
women 285
350 shoes for men 269
350 shoes for ladies 2 48
300 shoes 229
200 strong boys shoes 139
Look for the sign and be sure
you come to the right plac
113 West B Street
Burnett Hillers
Mr Jolin Wesley Burnett and
Miss Mildred Rena Hillers of
cur city were married in Hold
rege last Friday November 3rd
1911 going down to our neigh
boring city on No 2 of that
morning The young folks return
ed home on No 1 Saturday
and have gone to housekeeping al
314 Main avenue with the
hearty good wishes of many
warm friends
The Fortnightly Dancing club
held its regular hop Friday
night in Monte Ciisto hall
The B Y Embroidery club waj
entertained at the home of Mrs
J S Miller last Thursday after
Mrs Lottie Brewer was hostess
to the An Fait ladies Friday af
ternoon Those enjoying the oc
casion Avre Mesdames A Bar
netr W G Dutton E II Doan
S P lla r Z L Kay t M
Knipple W R Starr W K Mc
Divitt Walter Stokes A B
Wood Vna Wood and Miss Beck
Miss Ruth Black Todd was a
guest of Miss Mars of DeGroff s
ready-to-wear department end of
week Mrs Todd has been in Ca
ifornia but Salt Lake Citv wl
be her future home As Miss
Ruth Black she was- formerly em
ployed in DeGroff s
Mr and Mrs H P Sutton en
tertained a small company of
friends Saturday at a six oclock
Mr and Mrs IT
tertained the J O
Thursday evening
P Waite en-
C club last
A 7 o clock
was served Mrs C D
assisting Those present
Avre Messrs and Mesdames II
D Stewart II C Clapp A Ga
Iuslia Sr C L Fahnestock C
II Boyle G L
lush a Jr J G
M Knipple Mr
Ritchie guests
Burney A Ga
Schobel and O
and Mrs C D
The regular session of the 1904
club Avas held at the home of Mis
Vina Wood Saturday evening
and AAas accentuated by a mild
celebration of the natal day of a
in ember Mrs Lottie BreAver avIio
received a token of the day from
the club Participants Avere Mes
dames 0 M Knipple Z L Kay
IL P Waite H P Sutton Lottie
BreAver Mrs Viola Kenyon The
ladies of the An Fa it elub Avere
No druggist in the Avorld ca
S M you better drugs than youll
find at McCcnnells You surely
Avant the best for Aour medicines
J J Hadley Democratic ean
cTdnte for county treasurer did
si little campaigning in the eity
Saturday coming up on No 13
Miss Myrth Nash returned to
her home in Minden Saturday on
No 10 after a Aiscit of scrae
length AA ith relatives here
Dorcas society annual bazaar
AAill be held in the Morris build
ing on Main avenue November
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the Mo
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Miss PoAvers of the 8th grade
spent Saturday Sunday AArith the
home folks in Trenton
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
C M Matson attended a sale
at Stratton Friday
C II Meeker came in on 13
Friday morning from Beatrice
Mrs Vdola Kenyon returned
last Thursday from her visit east
C F Lehn is one of the late
additions to the ear OAA ners Its
a Buiek
T T11 1
a w xuiuues maae a irvery car
drive to Oberlin Kansas Friday
Miss Hope Henderson of the
Indianola hello staff AAas a Mc
Cook Aisitor Sunday
O W DeWald of the Trenton
Register AAas a city visitor Fri
day night befAveen trains
H T Groves aa Iio has been
contracting in Des Moines return
ed on No 9 this morning
U G Etherton of the Bartley
Inter Oeean came up Friday eve
ning on some business matters
Mrs Chas Pfrimmer Avent up
to Stratton end of last Aveek
on a visit to Mr and Mrs F M
Captain I II Wasson of the
Driftwood is spending some time
visiting and looking over Colo
G Weyeneth came over from
Danbury neighborhood Sunday
on business rehiring home Mon
day morning
Mrs E O Valine and Mrs W
B Mills provided the music for a
pretentious social affair in Cul
bertson Saturday evening
Miss Lenore and Miss Vera
Fitzgerald were home A isitors oa
er Sunday coming from Cam
bridge and Kearney respectively
Miss Agnes Osborn closed her
season Avith the Allie J Peck mil
linery Saturday and left for her
Home in Omaha Sunday morning
R J Branscom Avent down to
Cambridge Friclav evening mi
a short A isit to his son Lucius
AAho is noAv emraired in busing
in that toAvn
Supt W T Davis household
goods arrived from Beaver Oitv
Iai3t Saturday The family is oc
cupying the A C Ebert residence
on 1st street Avest
Miss Grace Donisthorpe of Ge
neva is in the city visiting her
sister Miss Louise Donisthorpe of
tlie teaeiier corps She departs
for home on tomorroAV morning
Mrs A Galusha Jr received
wordThursday last of the death
in Arizona of an inA alid brother
and manyn eAV friends in McCook
deeply and tenderly sympathize
C K Duteher Democratic nom
inee for clerk and Miss Anna
McDonnell Democratic nominee
for superintendent campaign
ed in McCook Friday between
trains 13 and 14
Mrs Mahala Dunn came down
from Benkelman on 14 Saturday
night and is a guest of Mr and
Mrs W II Ackerman Avho are
also entertaining Miss Ida Smith
of Indianola
Mrs Jackson avIio has been a
guest of her sister Mrs J R
Pence of our city returned to
her Cambridge home on Friday
night on 6 Mrs Pence accom
panying her for a visit
Mrs Marley of Fontanelle la
an aunt of Mrs J R Pence ar
rived in the city Wednesday eve
ning remaining here until Friday
night Avhen she Avent doAvn to
Cambridge on a visit to relatiA es
Mr and Mrs F F Humohries
Avere nnssengers on No 14 Fri
day for their home in Kansas
near Monrovia They AAill close
up their affairs on the farm there
and Avill in due time move to neai
Twin Falls Idaho AAhere they
Avnll occupy an irrigated farm
W A Dolan and Dr W D
Mackechnie of Indianola at
tended the Red WHIoav County
Automobile association meeting
in MeCook Friday afternoon
Ahen the organization AAas com
pleted Mr Dolan is the sec
ond vice president of the organi
zation which promises good re
sults for good roads and ear
oAvners of the county
Classified Advertisements
TO RENT Unfurnished rooms
808 E 2d street J M Henderson
FOR RENT A six room cot
tage at 906 W 2nd sf Inquire
at Tribune office 9tf
FOR SALE Harness and sin
gle buggy Inquire of O N
Rector Phone red 349
- i