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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1911)
l s j IN THIRTIETH YEAR lv call and Phone 29 OBITUARY Jacob Long was born in Penn sylvania January 6th 1839 He unloved with his father to India na -when ai small boy From there he enlisted at the call of his country and served for three years in the civil war lie was married to jMdss Millie McNeil and to them were born four chil dren They moved to Red Wil low county Nebraska in 1876 in which county he lived until about three years ago when he went back to Indiana where he died on October 27th 1911 About 45 years ago he united with the Methodfct church As a local preacher he did much to build up the cause of liis Master having organized the Box Elder churches paralysis and was unable to speak for an hour afterwards telling liis son it was the hap piest hour of his life Two sons survive him I D Long of TJaag ler Nebraska and Romie Long of Brush Colorado The remains were buried in River view ceme tery McCook Nebraska October 30th 1911 Halloween Party About forty five girls and boys with jack o lanterns surprised May and Paul Ward on Monday night with a hallowcen party The evening jiassed in game play ing with music and eating apples and pop corn The violin playin by Mrs F E Smith with Mrs W B McClain accompanying on the piano was an enjoyable feat ure of the evening The up town and South McCook delegations met and entered the Ward home together A halloAveen post card was given each guest as a souve nir of the day pay out ry over i dust WHY money for coal house cleaning proof metallic 1T1 we strip for doors and windows that lias been in list in McCook for two years and has proven itself up to what we claim it to lie in tvery respect It costs less in stalled than a storm sash and Avill save you more money per year than storm sash will with out savinir anvthinj about its demonstrate A E IIOTCIIKIN Dont Miss This Tlu loss of position wealth and ic lw nf Tllr crful drama of the century Hay and Dairy Farm If you are looking for thing as a renter on a itnnrl Iipv r dairy ranch call on or address the Tribune McCook Ne braska 26 3ts Everyone Should See It The Lion and the Mouse Is 3o faithful a picture of domestic i life in certain circles that at ranks as tin- one truly great I Ameiican drama Classified Advertisements LOST -A bill book containing meal tickets currency an order on DcGroif s Finder will bcre warded by returning tr this of fice FOR REXT Furnished heat ed room 519 Main st 12 tf Seed wheat for Dutton 12tf B sale W FOR SALE A first class pian with Cccilian piano player at a bargain on terms Inquire of this office for particulars 9 28tf FOR RENT Furnished room modern house Inquire 319 1st W Phone red 281 W21tf TO TRADE Have the follow ing city property to trade in on land all clear of incumbrance 7- dwelling in very desirable location 1 also in desirable location in Mc- j Cook in first class condition Cal phone red 295 or write H E Culbertson McCook Neb 12 4ts WANTED Pupils on piano and or f gan beginners preferred Terms 50c per lesson Susie McBride1 phone- black 464 THE ALPINE SINGERS Please a Goodly Audience Mon day Evening1 The opening number of the en tertainment course Monday eve ning was quite satisfactory The Tyrolean Alpine Singers gave a unique a novel entertainment Their style is unsuited of course to parlor efforts and style and voices accord with crag and vale of the Tyrol is vigorous and somewhat harsh to American ears Hut withal it is hearty and so norous and harmonious and in singing the folk songs of their country they appear to best ad- v intflnrn fm nrnioTifiil TOT- Viular selection received the lie naa a stroKe or eiaitive apPUrase cf the audience inn wor have weather Their reader made quite a hit too with her hearers Iler efforts were for the most part simple but effective monologue with one heavy selection to more fully ex liibit her art In toto they entertained and pleased and opened the course auspiciously and to the satisfac tion of its patrons Dick at the Wheel Dick Polk recently acquired an automobile and took Sunday to give his Criends a joy ride in liis bonm Ford W A Gold Joe Molund Mr Sinner and the Swede composed the jolly party iiitii iiiiinuiiL uiit ijiijl lt i - gotiated the railroad subway west of the gas plant At tliis point the auto took a notion ap parently 1o cut across the valley toward the river Dick threw tin wheel around with such vigor and dexterity as to- turn the auto I upside down Dick and Gold I cleared the machine but the trio in the rear seat were under the eai the top being up The boys behind were tangled up under the tcp like a bunch of snakes Fortunately when the tangled became unraveled it was found that none was hurt while the damage to the ear was not heavy Bullard Donates Lots The Tribune takes pleasure in noting the fact of the liberality dust saving qualities Will glad- or W U JiiUlard ot umana in aonaunu two iuis in ouuxu Cook to the Water Works park board This donation will enable the beard to secure a fine road down into the park from main street in South McCook wmi uiie uunuuuij uame u iuuiui Lion and the Mouse which has g the enterprise success rightlv been called the most pow A Pretty Foot can be made to look ugly can be spoiled if covered with corns Th same foot can be to- I i i nrofitahlesliaIey Z removing made to look the corns ai irirn r t - i wiiii niKiiuiieu s vjuiii jvtnuuu Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 1C9 Get our rates on farm loans DORWART BARGER Odors at their best if it were inct so we hardly think ladies J would keep saying that they al i ways get the best perfumes of eMcConnell Three things give his perfumes tliis reputation He buys iof the best perfumers picks the choicest odors and attends to keeping his stock fresh i The 13 lads who briefly looked at the darkened world from the G county bastiles grated windows still regard with suspicion that fated number since hallowcen No matter what yon need in sponges McConnell can supply it Try a Tribune watch results want ad and You will find them fresh clean at Magners grocery and Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents nnrl lirerlrHrirr Rrnnlrfnet tioarfo four room dwelling 7llAll t VUW 3W V Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Hubers all the time Money to See Rozell store Loan on Farms Sons at clothing Receives a Diploma Mass Bettcher on behalf of the with Dick at the wheel All wenfii ge am Jmow wlat I stafld for well until after he parity had I have not made an extended can vass of the county as the duties of the office prevented it 1 asik the consideration mF tlm elected or not shall appreciate all the help given me I heart ily thank you for your support in the past and for the good will shown me by many people Yours sincerely J C MOORE Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since our last re port John Harrison et ux to Ches ter W Dow wd to 7 8 in C Esther Park Bartley 2500 L E Barger et ux to W A Fisher wd wi 17 swV wj ej 8-3-29 24000 WilL am 0 Bullard et ux to City cf McCook qed to 14- in l o MeCeo k 1 With Sprained Ankle II N Rosebush is using two additional legs these days in his perambulations the result of spraining an ankle several v in Calling off a culvert out an the fcuuuieasr part ot the county wuuen ne and a force of were employed on men Underwear for Everybody Union suits for men women and children from 23c a suit up to 300 Separate garments for everybody from 10- each up to 225 Large sizes too up to 50 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Notice I will be responsible only for accounts contracted bv myself S B GOCKLftY Ladies Lonsr Coats S500 gle November 16th will be the date ety ot the Congregational church Place will be announced next is sue The Dorcas society of the Con gregational church will hold their annual bazaar November 16th Place will be announced later A joint sale is being advertis ed by Charles Squires and the Stelzer Bros for Monday No vember 13th Kodaks and kodak supplies McCONNELL Druggist All the fresh fruits son at Magners McConnell for drugs VX Thursday Evening Edition Mid Season Shoe Sale At Diamonds Shoo Store is now public schools of Red Wilknvn lull swing and although we county is pleased to be inform 1 have not specified any certain ed that the board of agriculture j length of time for this sale we nf Nebraska has granted the iwould like to convince you that w -- n - i public countv schools of Red Willow a diploma for the best at the rate we are selling these shoes this sale will not last very school exhibit It will be remem 1 long as we cannot possibly re hered that the public schools oi this county as well as individual pupils received prizes from the state board last year and this re peated recognition of the merit orious work of the county naturally brings added pleasure to our enthusiastic and efficient superintendent Unconscious for Eight Hours every day and protected only by the bed clothes They need to be good That means to be warm light clean Size is important for tucking in We make hun dreds of our celebrated Izer Bed Comforts They are large They are filled with clean batting They are made of Cretonnes Silk olenes Outings Robe Prints etc You can select the materials here and we turn them into comforts at same price asked for those kept ready 200 to 300 The Thompson D G Co Utmost val ue for cash only TO THE VOTERS The most of you are acquaint ed witli J C Moore the countv plenish our stock with the same high class dependable footweai to sell at such unheard of prices Shoes that only last week you paid fcrSy 500 for now 3S5 400 shoes for 285 330 mens shoes for 269 350 ladies shoes for 248 300 ladies or mens shoes for 229 250 ladies or mens shoes for 189 200 boys shoes for 139 These shoes are of the finest quality and made en the newest lasts high toe liigh arch high heel effect that appeal to most peoples tastes and made in all leathers such as Russian calf gun metal patent colt velvet suede buckskin and most any thing you are looking for Dont fail to attend this sale if in need of footwear for men women and children and save from 35 to 50 per cent on all the shoes you may need through the coming winter DIAMONDS SIIOE STORE Look for the sign W New Dress Skirts have just received three lots of Dress skirts ranging in price from 200 to 750 with voters next Tuesday and whether fringe trimmed panels with silk- lined loose end panels in fish- back style with girdle tops or bands in velvetteen in serge in Panama in novelty mixtures We invite your inspection The Thompson D G Co Utmost val ue for cash only Halloween Pranks The season of youthful ebulli tion passed in McCook in the usu a I way numerous pranks and small damages are reported by the policy but nothing of much moment A number of special policemen were on duty over the city and assisted materially in keeping the more venturesome lads in check i Silk Lined Jacket Suits 10 and up to 1650 Th Thomp son D C Co Utmost value- Read The Tribune 1 a year Annual bazaar November 16 Advei tise get results TI inn1 Everything Tlu fruit and up to 2500 The hon ij Lr co utmost value lis ht e c 1 In in The Tribune and Remember the waffle supper election da v Slight skiffs and promise of of snow more jlluber i is the prophet McCook Semi Weekly It is 100 a vear in drugs McCONNELL best brands and vegetables i cm should stop a sore throat Williams as soon as you get it The best way is with Rexall Throat There is magic Brace 25c Advo They McCONNELL Drucrerist I word in canned on Ti ib Ol CH at Magner 1 scph Teeteis wnt down tt jLinecln iiist of work tc he ther until after election 31 in Walsh nee Mary Williams irom Wymore giust cf ins Mr and Mrs S in the are the excellence woros final An of annual bazaar of Dorcas I let Waffles and country age will be served hy the Ladiera liuikl on door east election day of Pastime th at atre first Quite a number of the boys in the Ash Creek German settlem have gone down ito the eastern part of the state to shuck corn McCook lodge No 12 Knights of Pythias conferred the rank of page last evening and enjoy ed an oyster supper after the work i The Red Wallow County Auto l mobile association will meet in of the seP 1 McCook tomorrow afternoon at two oclock to complete their county organization adopt by l laws and constitution etc VVy UM 1 NBT NT VV V - affa McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAYEVENING NOVEMBER 2 1911 ZaflPKT mskht - myy MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs C E Minnick of Indianola was a lialloween guest of Miss Ilattie Schmidt A B Easter of North Valley precinct had business in the coun ty seat Tuesday A G Bump enjoyed a visit from his brother from Longmont Golorado last week Mrs T A Endsley arrived home Monday on 9 from her visit of several weeks in Illinois and other states east Dr Z L Kay who was sum moned to Illinois a few weeks since by the death of his broth er will arrive at home on tomor row morning Mrs Kirchner of Ilerndon Kansas who has been the guest of her sister MLss Caffrey of the teacher corps left on Monday for home Mr and Mrs Robert LeGore who have been guests of their daughter Mrs C D Ritcliie for a week or two departed this morning for their Lincoln home Rev and Mrs L E Lewis went down ito Orleans Monday night Mrs Lewis will spend a few days with her daughter Mrs Cram and the gentlemen will attend th district association meeting at Axtell together Mrs Augusta Anton was a pas senger for Omaha last night on 6 She expects to spend three weeks there in interest of lodge D of II which now has 700 members but has on a campaign for a largo increase n membership with a big initia tion for November 15th Frank Humphries returned on Monday night on 14 from Ids western trip much impressed with the country LTe has decid ed to locate on an irrigated farm near Twin Falls Idaho and will shortly ship his goods and live stock from Monrovia Kansas to the new home over which he is very enthusiastic Misses Lucile and Genevieve Trant Mary Carroll and Esther McKillip attended The Rosary at McCook Saturday evening Mrs D F Neiswanger and daught2r Miss Gladys went up to McCook Saturday evening and visited over Sunday with rela tives Cambridge Clarion SOME SOCIAL AFFAIRS Aiiss Helen Thompson gave a hallowcen party to a company of young girl friends Tuesday even ing C 11 Boyle entertained yesterday afternoon at a whist party Lunch was served in two course Mrs Robert LeGore of Linr om was an out-of-city guest Mrs Hugh Kelly assisted Miss Addle Doan served a six ocLc Jv dinner hallcween to the young Jadies ol the Junior Dcr crs soiety of the Congregational church The center piece and tlu place cards harmonized with the hallowcen season A lialloween luncheon was en joyed by the ladies of the Entre Nous Embroidery club Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Robert J Gunn Hot tamales were served on corn husks pump kin pie doughnuts coffee etc carrying out the further season able menu Th losers in the monthly spell ing contest in the Third grade trailed the winners Tuesday af ternoon The children brought their jack o lanterns and the hallowcen season was in child ish evidence Young Peoples Whist club enjoyed the clever hospitality of Mi- and Mrs C D Ritcliie Tues day night at their regular con vocation The decorations were appropriate to the lialloween sea son as was also the luncheon served at the conclusion of the playing Mr and Mrs Robert Le Gore of Lincoln parents of Mrs Ritchie were guests Miss Edna Waite assisted in serving refresh ments The gentlemen of the Cres cent Dancing cloib were guests of their best girls Tuesday even ing -at the Monte Cristo hall at a lialloween dance of attractive S c -S m v NUMBER 46 i ii THE REASON WHY some people fail to make a financial success is not be cause they do not have the ability to make money but because they lack persisten cy or You can save if you WILL Perhaps you have tried to develop a bank account and have failed Does that one failure justify poverty in old age Tliis bank offers you all the inducements and fa cilities possible for a bank to offer With the ready as sistance and advice of which customers of this bank may avail themselves there is no reason why YOU should not accumulate an independent competence Start a bank account NOW with THE Mccook national BANK P Walsh President C F Lehx V Pres C J Cash DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS S Christian Seience The subject for next Sunday morning will be Adam and Fallen Man Christian Sunday school at 10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m H M Mitchell min ister Congregational Subject for Sunday morning November 5th Advertising the Church Even ing Christ the Revelator German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock and evening at 730 O R Eiehert pastor Divine Science Unity health meeting on Tuesday and Fridav evenings New Thought Sunday school three oclock on Sunday afternoon 123 W D street Catholic St Patrick s Church 8 30 a m low mass and sermon 10 30 a m high mass and ser mon 230 p m Sunday school 8 00 evening services Key Wm Patton O M I pastor Baptist Sermons at 11 and 8 p m Bible school Christian Endeavor at 7 p Hearty welcome to all who to worship with us D L Bride minister Keep cool a m at 10 m A wis i Mc- Freshest fruits at Magners Lily Patent Flour when once used none other will satisfy you The new fire department held a meeting in department head quarters Wednesday night The boys are gradually getting in form Highwaymen are usually not over considerate of the property of others nor some times of the feelings or privacies of their neighbors Want ads 5 cents per line present The ladies were dressed as witches and ghosts and the decorations were in seasonable colors and designs A novelty dance was a feature in which dance was a feature in Avliich electric lights were dispensed Avith illumination secured by electric sparks fireworks car ried by the ladies Miss Pattie Galusha and Miss Regina McKen na were in charge of the cauld ron from which sweet cider was dispensed Mrs F A Pennell entertained the K K Gs Tuesday evening The ladies assembled at seven oclock when dinner was served Halloween was the theme of the decorations A large pumpkin with lights formed the center piece for sprays of wild rose ber ries After dinner was spent with their needlework Those present were Mesdames Bronson McCarL Mills Fahnestock Clapp Madison Miller and the hostess details There were 16 couples i jrrs pennell I i I i 1 i P HI Si