The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4
d J v i ft 1 1 f i MT 4 w W PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mr Edixn Burns uck Pianist Pupil of Wm H Sherwood of Chicago Available for con certs and receptions A limit ed number of pupils accepted Address 1012 Main avenue ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 163 residence 217 Office Rooms Temple building McCook Neb DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Mo Connells drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 6 Walrf building McCook DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Mc Cook Neb B- H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store Mo Cook Neb C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska JOHN B KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and oi McCook Water Works Co Office In Postoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCook Nebraska L C CO Jewelers Opticians Eje iescu and fitted Fine re pairing MrCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods oi quality Main avenue McCook Nebrpk A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 305 2nd st East Phone black 252 Healing Plumbing MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line pi Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawnhose and sprinklers Phone No 182 McCook Nebr Commpn Colds Must be Taken Ser iously -for unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital re sistance to more serious infection Protect your children and yourself by the prompt use of Foleys Hon ey and Tar Compound and note its nuick and decisive results For coughs colds croup whooptag cough bronchitis and affections of the throat chest and lungs it is an ever ready and -valuable 2Jjjwftg Jfr3Jfy r VwrT DANBURY Mrs Mary Wliitaker was bur ied in the Danbury cemetery on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Fred Hendershoit and brctlur Geo Wliitaker and wife visited at the B B Smiley place last week Mr and Mrs Collings were vis itors at the G B Morgan home a few days last week M J Walters of Lebanon was a visitor at this1 place Wednes day on business Miss Helen Blackman of Beav er Oity returned to her home on Monday evening after teaching in tlie high school during the ab sence of Prof Renneeker E T Woods has moved to town in his fathers house and E M Woods has moved on E T Woods place northwest of town The Danbury band concert has been postponed until Saturday November 3rd Mrs Geo Gill of Akron Colo visited relatives here between trains Saturday Miss Anna McDonnell of Indi an ola was over Friday She is on the Democratic- ticket for su perintendent Ilarve Springer has moved in to the Greenway property W A Stone was a Wilson ville visitor Tuesday night going in his auto E F Osborn of McCook was iover Thursday in behalf of his candidacy for county sheriff Mr and MrsJas Cuming of Lebanon visited with E E Hay es Tuesday The ladies and their husbands gavie Mr and Mrs Hayes a sur prise Wednesday niglit as Mr Hayes and family leave Texas Mondav B Buvinsr B Baking f 8 Powder fi f I For this is g g the baking g Q powder that f g makes the g n baking better y It leavens the food evenly throughout a f puffs it up to airy 3 lightness makes it J m ing and wholesome Remember Calumet m E is moderate in price highest in quality Ask your grocer for Calumet Dont take 1 f a substitute Q I 1 w vB a iprlNa powder J TMADEBYTHETR inTTTmMnni for A Date Arranged Managers McConnell Pennell say they have at last received a contract for The Lion and the Mouse The date will be an nounced a little later it will be a menth or so at least before the ectinranvs appearance This is on or Unas Klein s ist plays Continued from page 1 THE NEW AUTUMN BLOUSE lliggins the son taf said Lowell With the tailored suit a M Iliggins a claim for fees asblmise of matolliu eiiiffoii lailer of said county in the sum meteor satm messatone of 30150 for 201 days from Jan 5rePe or uary 11th 1910 to July 31 1910 as absolutely essential simple of inclusive and that said last men- line for morning and general tiored claim was assigned to said wear more elaborate for after Ijowell M Higgsns under the nmtf 1 iin - iiiiiiii i in r viiiii f iii name of L M Iliggins that said Lowell M Iliggins at the time of the presentation of said last men tioned claim and at all times thereafter claimed to be the own er of said claim and to bo per sonally entitled to all the monies mentioned therein aind that said slaim filed on said 11th day of August 1910 was duly considered by this board on the 6th day of September 1910 and duly disal lowed and no appeal has been taken from said action that said claim filed on said 11th day of August 1910 is for the same ser vice as said Lowell MHiggins in his claim filed on the 28th day of August 1911 described as fees From January 11th 1910 to January 31st 1910 inclusive 21 days at 150 per ilay 3150 from February 1st 1910 to Feb ruary 28th 1910 inclusvie 28 days at 150 per day 4200 from March 1st 1910 to March 31st 1910 inclusive 31 days at 150 per datv 4650 from April 1st 1910 to April 30th 1910 in clusive 30 days at 150 per day 4500 from May 1st 1910 to May 31st 1910 inclusive 31 days at 150 per day 4650 from June 1st 1910 to June 30th 1910 inclusive 30 days at 150 per day 4500 from Julv 1st 1910 to July 28th 1910 inclusive 28 days at 150 per day 4200 We further find and adjudge1 that on the 4th day of January 1911 said Lowell M Iliggins caused to be filed wifli said clerk in the name of said II C Iliggins the son of said Lowell M Iliggins a claim for jailer fee of said county in the sum of 39750 for 265 days during the year 1910 from January 11th 1910 to and including the 31st day of Dcember 1910 and that and doubtless will attract a said last mentioned claim was as -- 8 d m tv uvii mow ps mentioned in saiid last sfid day of January 1911 is for the S3me and identical serv to mvself for favoring the pay ment of the claim J will give the circumstances in connection with this affair When Sheriff L M Iliggins in January 1910 asked for a deputy sheriff and propcte ji to the county board a man who lived in Indianola and the board had every reason to believe he would continue his residence at Indianola for his deputy there was no question and he was duly appointed About the 16th day of January 1910 Sheriff L M Iliggins had several prisoners to take care of He finds he had t secure seme one for jailer and he employed liis oldest son Hom er C Iliggins He thereupon brings the matter to the attention of the commissioners who refus ed to appoint a jailer for Mm II again after some time brings the question up and proposes to the commissioners that if they ap point his son as jailer jbhat he would do io janitor work in connection with tlie jailer work without extra charge and the commissioners refused to appoint and have refused to pay thp claims asset fortih ini this resolu tion and they are still unpaid And as our former county attor ney advised me they would have to be paid and as 1 believe they will as I stated m my reasons for voting for tlie allowance of tlie claim on January 4th 1911 I shall vote againsrt tlie resolu tion I Continued in Thursdays dssuej l - - f i I j ii T imif lt I i if U Hi 4i I --T- V wJraS0S9H w - 0 0 practical sailor blouse is always in style and this season it is de veloped in fine cashmeres cord uroy satin or wash silk in the fashionable peasant style The collar may be of self materialor of some contrasting fabric in self color wihite cashmere and cordu roy with satin collar are decid ly -smart The other blouse dis plays the much talked of Citoy enne effect which ns being feat 6170 JjL G24C Laircs ZIo ed bodice belt is a new style I 1 - 1 I - - ------ nouse nguctl to siul Low all M iiuggtns tuiv adding quite unuer tue name oi u M iiiggnns rCneral ei c Journal Patterns ured by Paul Poiret The yoke cut in one with the sleeve is gen erally of contrasting color or ma terial and this affords an excel lent opportunity for remodeling a last seasons waist The shap a little to the ensamble when made of th it ivd Lowell M Iliggins at the same material as the yoke It -WV iv-v-- I11 oi e presentation ol rG laced in front and can bo ad lsaul t mitiond Irrm and at Wd to normal or slightly rais - - uLcriuii u m ei waast Jine a separate gmmp Wkr k K th owner of said claim and to af not or point d esprit may s53PJ be personally entitled to all the t worn claim and that said claim tiled When jou have a bad cold you on said day of January 1911 want the bst medicine obtainable iwas duly considered by this so as to cure it with as litle delay board on the 4th day of January ab possible Here is a druggists J 1911 vnd duly disallowed and no opinion I have sold Chamberlains j appeal has been taken from said Cough Remedy for fifteen years nation ithait said claim filed on says Enos Lollar of Saratoga Ind and consider it the best on the mar ket For sale by all druggists ice as dtribed in tli said claim filed on the 28th day of August ere is a woman who speaks from 1911 personal knowledge and long It is therefore resolved ant ence viz Mrs P H Brogan of Wil eonsidered by us that said claim on- Pa- wh say l know from ex cif Lowc M M Higgins filed as Perlcnce that Chamberlains Cough aforesaid on the 28th day of Aug Remedy is far superior to any oth iL9t 1911 should be and the For crouP there b nothing that Plane hereby is disallowed The roll call was ordered and resulted as follows Yea Lofton Rogers 2 Nay Sughroue 1 The resolution was declared adopted and the claim disallowed Sughroue wants record to show that he votes nay for the following reason In justice to Sheriff L M Ilijrorjns insisting excels it For sale by all dealers Notice of Administratrixs Sale In the District Court of Red Willow County State of Nebras ka In the matter of the applica tion of Nina IIarrisWade Ad ministratrix of the estate of Jam es B Wade deceased to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in nnhonvmntnffirieninim n nri pursuance oi an order o the ww iv TT Honorable R C Orr Judge of the District Court of Red Wil low county Nebraska made on the 7th day of October 1911 for the sale of the real estate here inafter described situated in Red Willow county state of Ne braska to wit lot numbered six in block numbered six in the or iginal town now city of McCook said real estate will le sold at public vendue to the highest bid der for cash at the front door of the court house in the city of Me Cook Red Willow county Ne braska on Wednesday the 8th day of November 1911 at the hour of one oclock in tlie after noon Dated this 7th dav of October 1911 NINA HARRIS WADE Administratrix of the Estate of James B Wade deceased First publication Oct 16 6ts An article that has real merit should in time become popular That such is the case with Chamberlains oCugh Remedy has been attested hy many dealers Here as one of them H W Hendrickson Ohio Falls Ind writes Chamberlains Cough remedy is the best for coughs colds and croup and is my best seller For sale by all dealers The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is founded on their experience in the use of that remedy and their know ledge of the many remarkable cures of colic diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected For sale by all dealers ROYAL BAKING POWDER ASssoSuteSy Pure MbsssSutieiy has eao substitute Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness or so wholesome and economical nor will make such fine food Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar A Wonderful Record Glen Henry and AV S Rumble driving a Palmer Singer 4 30 automobile arrived from the east Sunday evening going on west this morning on their way baek to San Francisco from New Tori they having gone over the road in the interests of the Panama Pacific Trans Continental Route Map Co Their car which has al ready made 87000 miles seemed equal to any emergency Heal Estate Filings -John Harrison et ux to Jos eph McKiver wd Pt 8 9 10 11 12 in 3 Indian cli 425 James W Hatfield et ux to William F Everist wd sw qr 31-3-28 mv qr n hf ne qr 6-2-28 9000 Delixsonia E Bertram to Flor ence A Ilartman wd 38 in 2 So McCook 60 If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most corn men ailment To correct this jou will find Ciamb2rlalns Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent They are asy and pleasant to take and nxild and gentle in effect For sale by al dealers 100 The Tribune one vear The Rosary Tlie second presentation of The Rosary in McCook was greeted cn Saturday evening in tlie Temple theatre by a splendid audience many coming from neighboring towns Barring Rob ert Harland as Father Kelly the cast was not so strong as that of last year although the comedy lines were increased and strength ened The Rosary is neverthe less a religions moral play of such human interest as to consist ently appeal to the people and the offering Saturday night was appreciated and enjoyed Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Foley Kidney Pills Supply just the ingredients needed to build up strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder Specially prepared for back ache headache nervousness rheuma tism and all kidney bladder and uri nary irregularities A McMillen MRS HATTIE ALLISON NURSE Phone Red 116 203 East Fourth Street MICHELIN I X Semelle TX S Anti Skids S Loelhr OZJO on hading hardened Steel f Leather treadV Anti Skid 1 -T-- I touh flexiWe I Studs do prevent V an non I II skidding pttarillS IN STOCK BY C R LIVINGSTON State of Ohio City of Toledo Lu cas County ss Frank J Cheney makes oath that ho is senior partner of ithe firm of F J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dol lars for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscrxi edi in my presence this 6th day of December A D 188G Seal A W GLBASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in tern ally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation ---- v Take Your Common Colds Seriously Common colds severe and frequent lay the foundation of chronic disease condition of the nose and throat and may develop dnto bronchitis pneumonia and consumption For all coughs and colds in children and in grown persons take Foleys Honey and Tar Compound promptly A Mc Millen McCONNELL Druggist For Sale Several Red Polled Bulls Jos Dack McCook Nebr Phone Ash 3853 f x r JtjJ ow t i I I t K 4 T I i 1