The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3
K J ih i A i IV 11 s r BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No 6 1130 P M 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 13 945 A M 12 635 A M 14 J 0 P M J T - V X At A J U O U O Jr lil West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arr S30 p m 13 930 A M 15 1230 A M 9 625 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to iny point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Conductor E 3L Cox is on tht sick list Brakeman W Baken went to Lincoln Sunday The St Louis gas special Avill leave Denver this evening Jake Schlecht becomes a full fledged machinist tomorrow Mrs Ilarry Beale was a Den vcr passenger Sunday night on 3 Creini Messenger McCrea and wife were Denver visitors Sun day Engineer Charles Starr is off duty for a day or two on busi ness Brakeman J A Clark is in Red Cloud visiting with the home folks i Mrs J M Blanchard was a Hastings passenger on No 10 Friday I E B Olson went down on Xo 16 Monday morning to visit his parents j Mrs T E Lundberry return- ed Saturday night on Xo 3 from Omaha j Mrs C B Santanee and chil dren went down to Oxford Mon day morning A G Goff has been called to Koea Iowa by the serious illness of his mother Mrs Clarence Stokes return ed from her Albion visit Sunday night on Xo 3 Mrs -I G Schobel was host ess at a dinner last Thursday to -a company of lady friends The Chicago Gas and Elec tric special goes east tills after noon just ahead of Xo 10 Engineer M II Griggs went to Akron Sunday with engine 2811 to bring down the Chicago special Brakeman C E Greninger stepped into a hole at Holdrege Thursday spraining his right leg somewhat E Stimmel and W Stimuli and wives are in Atlanta Flori da where they -will visit about si month Mrs J B Records left on 10 Saturday evening for Hold rege on a visit to her son Arth ur and wife No 13 Monday was nine hours late on account of a freight wreck between Hannibal and St Joseph Missouri Engineer J W nardy went up to Denver on 1 today to see Fireman Hoffman Word from St Lukes reports him out of danger Switchman C W Lutes ar rived home Saturday ndght af ter a week in Chicago with his sick brother who is now some what improved Mail car 3051 was corner ed Friday night and damaged to the extent of 250 John B Anderson of Republican City was bruised on hand and leg but will continue in his duties for Uncle Sam CAUSES MUCH DISEASE Advice About Stomach Troubles and How to Relieve Them Do not neglect indigestion which may lead to all sorts of ills and complications An eminent physician once said that ninety five per cent of all the ills of the human body have their origin in a disordered stomach Our experience with Rexall Dys1 pepsia Tablets leads us to believe them fto be among the most de pendable remedies known for the relief of indigestion and chronic dyspepsia Their ingredients are soothing and healing to the in flamed membrances of the stom ach They are rich in pepsin one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine The relief they afford is very prompt Their us with persistency and regular ity for a short time tends to bring about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach dis orders Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help to insure healthy appetite to aid digestion and thus promote nutri tioii As of our sincere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets we ask you lo try them at our rsk If they do not give you en- iire satisfaction we will return I you th money ycu paid us for tii m without question cir formal ity They come in three sizes prices 25 cents 50 cents and 1 iicmcmhr you can obtain them i -tore The Rexall StoVe L W McConnell Surprise and Shower Tin- im uf Mis Dean Iiu t wa 3 ih scne of another pleasant tii l i is t iiid Mhcwer for Mrs Art Dinnel last Thursday afternoon A thiT uinse luncheon was serv vd The affair was enjoyed by the following numerous Rose Billings Beirtha Dough Bertha Purdy Rose Poll Auirmta Mocrs Mamie Dinnel O I Chnvlct F E Smith R A Albivcht Marie Caldwell M E Harmon Joe Albrecht Ben As kv Char- Knosp J J Jimerson J Miller J M Iluet II Iluett Ifc rl Spencer Stalla Redfield W C Poh Examination Postponed On account of not having nough applications for the city clerk carrier examination which was to have been held on Octob er 28th tlie same has been post poned until Novmeber 11 1911 Applications which must reach St Paul Minn before Nov 8 may be secured from E J Brady at the post office Any persons be tween the ages of 18 and45 years are eligible to this examination ADDITIONAL RAILROAD Conductor C E Ryan return ed Saturday night from his trip to the Rosebud drawing He wont tell liis number Fireman Fred Nelson went up to Stratton Colorado baturday night after Mrs Nelson who has been visiting there for a few weeks Shirley -was quite pain fully burned about jaws and left hand Sunday by steam from the 11oav off cock of an engine o which he was working The Atchison Topeka and San ta Fe directors and stockholders ers have authorized an issue of 100000000 additional capital stok and 100000000 more bonds Santa Fe canitalization I up to the 481864000 mark A Jarge part ot tne Dona issue as to be used in betterments Before you reach the Limit of physical endurance and while your condition is still curable take Foley Kidney Pills Their quick ac tion and positive results will delight you For bacakche nervousness rheumatism and all kidney bladder and urinary troubles A McMillen LISTEN THE ELECTRIC Presents the latest and best MOTION PICTURES Including Western Dramas with reckless riding Modern comedy dram as Funny Farces Interesting Scenes and all the best Fea ture Pictures Go Tonight Always a Good Show ADMISSION 5c and 10c Good Music by Jones Jones RED WILLOW Win Randel and family were vdscitois at the home of Will Mey ers after Sunday school Walter Helm left first of the week for Fort Morgan Colorado where he expects to make his home On Tuesday Miss Silvernail wa going to her school on a horse with Mrs John McNeil when the animal became unruly throw ing both ladies over its head Miss Silvernail was badly hurt while Mrs McNeils injuries were not serious Louis Longnecker and family went from Sunday school and din ed at Will Meyers The Main Store On Main Street If it is the freshest and best in groceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 After exposure and when you feel a cold coming on take Foleys Hon ey and Tar Compound It checks and relieves Use no substitute The genuine in a yellow package always A McMillen J W Copeland of Da3tcn Ohio purchased a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold and before the bottle was all used the boys cold was gone Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctors bill Fcr sale by all dealers Subscribe for the Semi Weekl Tribune 100 per year Fresh fruits at Manners Foleys Honey and Tar Compound Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds either for children or for grown persons Prevents serious re sults from a cold Take only the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar Com pound and refuse substitutes A McMillen All persons interested in the imitate of Mary A Whitaker de ceased late of Red Wallow coun ty Nebraska are hereby notified on the 27th day of October 1911 Jennie liendershot Mabel E Colling and George A Whit aker filed their petition in the county court of said county for appointment of George A Whit aker as administrator of said es tate and same will be heard at county court room in said county on the 18th day of November 1911 at 9 a in Seal J C MOORE County Judge RITCHIE WOLFF Attorneys First publication Oct 30 6ts The McCook Tribune 100 a year Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 210 1st st W -- Phone red 450 Your combings made into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 BULLARD LUMBER Co SELLS THE BEST Lull1 i Coal PHONE NO 1 j VVr S rvmr ALL ALIKE Ask any man past fifty years of age and he will tell you of some time in his life when he was sailing high Things were coming his way There are few exceptions Why is he poor now Well there are va rious reasons One thing is sure It is not because he placed his money in a sound bank and checked it out only when safe investments were se cured There are more ways to lose money than to make it If you are making any money no matter how small the amount start the saving habit by open ing a bank account The First National Bank of McCook Neb Sick headache is caused by a dis ordered stomach Take Chamberlains Tablets and correct that and head aches will disappear For sale by all dealers Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 271 Most for your money THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week COAL We dow handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grnin business Give us a trial order Phone 2G2 Real Easterday like Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location ti t acr - Plffnnk street in 1 Wleh btvltiiog IWWUUtt Osborn Burton DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone No 13 I t4 I4 I4 4 2 S J Fire and Wind I Insurance I Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN J 5 4 4 5 I4 I4 I4 t4 2 24 I4 White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 ftJKffovdn Mr ninm raw6a4aaaS s WSUiTW i J J p m - I S t frri ii i ii u 1 1 1 ti ii r j t a vjmj x - IHRHBIi Hraie W 1 Baked VkZ Baking The pro FREE IF IT FAILS Your Money Back If You Are Not Satusfied With the Medicine We Recom mend We are so positive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipation no matter how chronic it may be that we of for to furnish the medicine atour ex pense should it faiil to produce satisfactory results Tt is worse than useless to at tempt to cure censtipation with cathartic drugs Laxatives or ca thartics do much harm They cause a reaction irritate and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic Besides their use becomes a hab it that is dangerous Constipation is caused by a weakness of the nerves and mus cles of the large intestine or de scending colon To expect per manent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these or D 131 euooui duct of Grapes sera tts sC ake eaiikral Ro de wi OtEAM B EiWCl en m S s i r i MifflT a rm fiii i v t SeacasNNSNasxsxcKCCcasNasr uniform ignition due to perfection of famous THE FemingtonzUMC primer makes for sure fire accuracy and penetration They minimize personal hazard Individually made tested and guaranteed for all stand ard pistols and revolvers Recommended by leading manufacturers JjefnlgtOflrUMC the perfect shooting combination REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO 299 Broidwaj New York Ctr I I as gans and restore them to health ier activity We want you to try Rexall Op- derlies on our recommendation They aire exceedingly pleasant to take being eaten like candy and are ideal for children delicate persons and old folks as well as for the robust They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels They apparently have a neutral action on other associate organs or glands They do not purge cause excessive looseness nor create inconvenience what ever They may be taken at any time day ca- night They will posi tively relieve chronic or habitual constipation if not of surgical vs riety and the myriads of asso ciate or dependnt chronic ail ments if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of time 12 tablets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 cents- 80 tablets 50 cents Sold in McCook onlv at our store the Rexall Store L W Itfc Connell Revolver and Pislor iSfcf CARTRIDGES T im H i November Special Rates Winter Tourist Tickets at low rates to Florida Texas Gulf and Southern Resorts aind Cuba To many destinations tickets arc good via diverse routes through Kansas C St Louis or Chi cago Homeseekers Excursion Tickets to the -Northwest Big Horn Ba sdn Yellowstone Vallye Southwest and South on the first vind third Tuesdays AIL Year Tourist Tickets to California and Pacific Coast desti nation -via diverse routes that include Southern routes al ways one way via Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake City Through Railroad and Sleeping Car Tickets to all California des- tinations -via many combinations of going amd returning route including Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake Consult your nearest ticket agent telling him about the winter journey you have in mindlet him secure through bertlis and make tiie journey interesting and comfortable v L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska 4