The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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i a
f K
Tfte Mc0o Trttitte
Foleys Kidney Remedy vs a
less Case
Hon Ark J E Freeman
Seed Wheat For Sale
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
McCook Nebraska October 24 defeat was a demonstration that
1911 John M Watson Esq progressive wing oi tlie
Pcan party was in the minor-
Bartlev Nebraska Dear Sir
in- and m this way injure the
T am in receipt of your lotto- of
progrcssive cailse lt seems t0 mc
the 22nd instant asking my that this ought to be a very good
ion in regard to Mr Skalla the reason why other things being
county clerk being a progressive equal we should give him our
Republican In reply I will state hearty support The proper thing
that Mr Skalla has from the vei M course in the election of a
beginning been an earnest and co unly clerk is the qualification
thorough progressive He has a 1- of th respectivae candidates 1
ways been outspoken and emphat think it is an acknowledged fact
ic in his support of progressive that Mr Skalla has made a rec
m asmts and progressive men I ord as county clerk of which ev
know of one or two standpat Re- cry citizen of Red Willow county
publicans who are bitterly fight- can justly feel proud II is ad
ing Mr Skalla for the sole reason ministration of the office it is
that he is known to be a support- conceded all has been of the
er of Senator LaFollette and that highest character His etficien
he blongs to the progressive cy as county clerk has never been
wing of the Republican party anc exceeded and I think all concede
has been active in liu support of thai it has seldom been equaled
progressive principles and if
such men should succeed in de
feating him they would immed
iately make the claim that such
party offers the people of Red
Willow county a young man of
I know of no reason why he
sloud not receive our hearty and
enthusiastic support Yours truly
It is admitted by fair minded high class character with busi
men that the Republican county nes qualifications secured in a
ticket tliis fall is eompsed of school of experience where men
capable men Most of them have must make good the railroad ser
proven their ability by faithful vice He is strongly endorsed at
and efficient service Those who home where he has lived all his
are seeking election for the first life and has made a personal ac
term are equally strong and quaintance over the county in the
cient in their qualifications past few months which ivdll as-
Charles Skalla sure his election by a safe major-
The nominee for county clerk ity
has served the county for two Elmer Kay
terms in this one of thecountys Here is another young man of
most exacting and important of- equipment for the office he seeks
fices No man can successfully that of clerk of the district court
place 3iis finger on the spot That the can make good he has
wherein he has failed to give a shown with work he has done
good and faithful account of him in that office as deputy ne is
self with a degree of efficiency a superior clerk and penman whe
not excelled in the history of the has been at the head of large af
office in this county fairs consequently is not new to
Arthur B Wood the business and its requirements
In this nominee the Republican E F Osborn
Having been associated with of
fieial work of this office and
Itli The Hanclv Heater
mZZd Perfection
You often need some heat
in early Fall when you have
not yet started the furnace
In whatever part of the house you want it you can get it
best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater
The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market and you
can move it wherever you please
Start it in bedroom or bathroom and you dress in comfort on the coldest
morning Take it to the dining room and early breakfast becomes a pleasant
cosey meal A touch of a match at dusk and all is snug for the evening
The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is beautifully finished an ornament
asywhere Drums of plain steel or enamelled in blue nickel trimmings
A special automatic device makes smoking impossible Burner body cannot
beccno wedged All parts easily cleaned Damper top Cool handle
Dealm everywhere or write for descriptive circular to any eeency d the-
Standard Oil Company
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for
Hope- A Medicine That Gives Confidence
Is Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
sayS Mrs T J Adams 522 No Kansas
I had a severe case of kidney Ave- Columbus Kas writes For
ble and could not work and my case a number of years my children have
seemed boneless One large bottle been subject to coughs and colds I
of Foleys Kidney Remedy cured me Foleys Honey and Tar Com-
and I ihave never been botheied
since I always recommend it A
pound and found that it cured their
ilan ones for the past few years
Ernest P Osborn brings to the of
rice of sheriff he seeks experi
ence and all the requisite nerve
the position requires dn any of its
branches A young man of up
right character with careful
training in conduct of his own
business affairs he is well pro
vided wdth the essentials to make
a competent sheriff
J C Moore
The office of county judge is
one of the county offices wMch
has been increasing in volume
and importance with the years
and which will continue to grow
in all these particidars in the fu
ture Judge Moore seeks reelec
tion and points with satisfaction
and confidence at the work per
formed It has been character
ized by fidelity honesty impar
tiality and carefulness His rec
ords are in good shape and the
conduct of the office has been a
credit to him and to the satisfac
tion of the people
Miss Bettcher
This brings us to another offic
ial spot in county to which we
point with pnide The office of
oountv superintendent under
Mis administration
of its affiirs Ins Ikvji higiilv
vslWtoiy to the of
AVillow county and for v rviTji
qod and irnffieionl rearons lvr
Qmnfkd and equipped in aca R
denic and business wavs and a man
McCook Neb October 30 1911
Mr J C Moore McCook Nebra
ka Sir When the voters at the
recent primary declared you and
me to be the candidates for coun
ty judge in this countyfor the Re
publican and Democratic parties
resp actively a friend of mime ask
ed me What will be your atti
tude toward Mr Moore I re
plied 1 shall accord him fair
treatment and shall exact the
same from him
Have you treated me ftdrly Mr
last weeks issue of the Maiuon
Enterprise you caus d to be print
ed under the head political ad
vertising an article favorable tc
coughs and colds so I keep it in the but I have at least accorded
house all the time
stitutes A McMillen
Refuse sub-
We never hesitate to guarantee
Updike Grain Co Phone Lily Patent flour At the
Gook Flour and Feed Store
rtor gave you the same rates
that he quoted to me it cost you
five cents per lineor nmety iiivc
cents for the article I desire
to object to six lines in this ar
ticle J quote them hereAvithTIe
stands and always has for a high
standard of morals and is beiaig
opposed by ring politicians and
the sporting element over the
county on account of his opposi
tion to their interests The rest
of the article is all right I ob
ject to but six lines
At five cents per line or for a
total of tliirty cents vou have
tried by your insinuations to
blaekein my character in the eyes
of the honest voters of this coun
ty This aiticle says you are be
ing opposed by ring politicians
and members of the sporting elr
enuint I am opposing you in
fact I am your chief opponent
therefore according to the lan
guage of your advertisement I
What do you mean sir Ring
politician Tis a low term com
monly applied to the dishonest
politieial trickster men of filthy
morals Sporting element Do
you refer to the croquet tennis
or base bali player to the man
who plays checkers for sport
No lMr Moore you do not You
insinuate by this term that I am
a member of the sporting ele
ment in its lowest sense Wliat
do we commonly understand by
the terms sporting men and
sporting women The former
is the gambler the rake the roue
the booze fighter a man who
follows fast horses and fast wo
men The sporting woman A
woman of the streets whose good
name is gone Is this the ele
ment to which I belong sir If
we are to take words for what
they are worth you are -placing
me in this catagory Just what do
you mean Come out in the open
and back up these innuendos
Mr Moore you have wronged
me but you havent hurt my
character It may not bo perfect
but you cant Idestroy it in a day
Show me please where have I
either by voice deed or printed
word tried to blacken your good
name l may nave my personal
opinion of you and your methods
you the charity of silence Have
yiou harmed me Can you harm
me No Why The reason is
plain I have called McCooik my
home for over twenty seven years
I know the people and they know
clinched and strengthened by
practical experience success and
progress and high grade accom
plishment were to be expected
They have been fully realizd
C W Eelley
A rising young man in his line
he offers a developing and in
creasing equipment for the office
of county surveyor an office
which the needs of the county
will demand larger and better
work in future as good roads
and kindred requirements pre
snt themselves
David F Smith
The doctor of course had to
be urged to accept the office
which ordinarily is of small mo
ment in this healthy law abiding
land Otuit it is worth while to
have such an officer in case of
need The doctor has the qualifi
cations for any emergency
W J Stilgebouer
The office of county commis
sioner stands practically first in
point of real business import
ance in the county and as such
should demand men of careful
business habits men who are
economical in handling their own
money and affairs and who will
consequently b judicious and
hor t lid careful in the spend-
Roliirir ef tin money of the people
J StilrehMtor of Dan-
Th Tribune believes the
ns hav nominated such
Political Advertising-
A Word From Mr Golfer
me My campaign cards bear the
inscription T respectfully re
quest that you investigate 1113 fit
ness for this office I am will
ing to stand on this basis
Ask the members of former
school boards what sort of a boy
T was Ask the parents of the
children in district number eight
where T taught school in 1901
what kind of a teacher T was
Ask the bankers and merchants
of this town whether or not I
was hooiest with them and wheth
er or not T ever denied a just
debt Ask my neighbors every
one whether or not they have ev
er sen me intoxicated or engag
M ici gambling Ask them if they
hav ever heard me sneak ill of
yourself If lr Furman the Ed my lIlow man Ask fr C A
Rodgers who defeated me for the
office of district court clerk in
1907 whether I made a clean
manly fight against him I am
a Democrat and have differed
with my neighbors on political
questions Ask them whether or
not I was decent and fair
And finally sir ask those men
whom I met for the first time
this fall in my campaign if Ivy
word or conduct I gave evidence
of being either a ring politic
ian or a member of the sport
ing element
Your advertisement says lie
stands for a high standard of
morals I am glad of it and I
have never denied it But tell me
this Mr Moore is your standard
of morals higher than mine
Wherein are you a hotter and a
cleaner man than IIf you are
let us hear from you publicly
that the people may yet learn the
true worth of that County offi
cer wliom tney cannot control
I quote from your letter to the
voters before the August pri
Your advertisements contain
references to your honesty
and mature judgment Are
you honest with me when you
caused to be published such mis
leading insinuations Do you use
mature judgment when after
fifty five years of life you fail to
give me the fair treatment which
cne gentleman should give to an
Some of your friends are claim
ing that I am too young to be a
competent county judge I am
twenty nine and I am old enough
to invite you here and now to be
more careful in the future of you
neighbors good name
This is no eleventh hour appeal
I want to give you time to say
what you please to me on tills
subject so come out in the open
and fight fair
Tell the people of this county
just what kind of a rang politi
cian am and to what branch of
the sporting element I pay
homage The people want to
know and I want you to tell then
if you can
You hav had six yars of of
fice and if you can convince the
voters that I am an unfit man
for this place you may have
I am your opponent
P S I want to ask you in
conclusion this Why did you
not have that article published
in the three McCook papers
Paint Now and Save Money jrHJill
T7CONOMY demands that you
J d oaint vour house or other build
ings just as soon as you discover the
need The longer you wait the more
paint it will take Every week of de
lay will cost you money Use
Pure White Lead
pure linseed oil and turpentine which
make good old fashioned paint
never equaled for wearing qualities
They should be mixed by the painter
on the job after he has
examined the surface to
be covered
Ask for our Free Painting
containing color schemes and miscellane
ous painting directions
For Sale by All Dealers
Joseph Pulitzer the famous ed
itor and owner of the New York
World died on Sunday aboard
iis yacht Liberty in Charleston
James C Dahlman Cowboy Mayor
of Omaha Throws the Lariat
Mayor Jas C Dahlman started his
career as a cowboy and is at present
Mayor of Omaha and has the follow
ing record Sheriff of Dawes Co
Neb three terms Mayor of Chadron
two terms Democratic Natl Commit
teeman eight years Mayor of Oma
ha six years and in 1910 candidate
for governor of Nebraska Writing
to iFoley Co Chicago he says
I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and
they have given me a great deal of
relief so I cheerfully recommend
them Yours truly Signed
James C Dahlman
A McMillen
s The best
1 all ronnd g
B cleanser in e
all the
Clians mechanically no
chcmidly and is therefore
ihc salcsl cleanser lor food
ucnsds Quickly remotes
grease and burn from
pots and pans safely and
hyglcnicaUy cleanses milk
pails cream separators and
ever thing about the dairy
Glassware cutlery floors
woodwork bathtubs painted
walls metal surfaces etc
become dean and shiny in
a jiffy
i t it
less labor
r Many other uses
and Rdl Directions on n
Large Sifter can 20P
tiry s v wim
rf A
l b
fAii A 1
XL frJtrVJl
K 5
4 HP
i m
nlr ti
a ZJ
ing Magazine of the West
The Pacific Monthly of Port
land Oregon is publishing a ser
ies of splendid articles about the
various industries m the West
The September number contain
ed an article on Success with
Cherries The October number
had a beautifully illustrated ar
ticle on Success in Growing Ap
ples Other articles shortly to be
published are Success with Live
Stock Success in Growing Wal
nuts Success with Fodder Crops
These articles are written by ex
perts and are not only authori
tative but very interesting
Tn addition to the above The
Pacific Monthly each month pub
lishes a large number of clean
wholesome readable stories and
strong independent articles on
the questions of the day
The price of The Pacific Month
ly is 150 a year To introduce
it to neAv readers it will be sent
for six months for 50c if this pa
per is mentioned
Address Pacific Monthly Port
land Oregon 23 3ts
Sound Advice Will Help
a Sufferer in McCook
No woman can be healthy and -well
df the kidneys are sick Poisons that
pass off in the secretions when the
kidneys are well axe retained in the
body when the kidneys are sick Kid
neys and bladder become inflamed
and swollen and worse troubles
quickly follow This is often the true
cause of bearing down pains lame
neess backaches etc Uric poisoning
also causes headaches dizzy spells
languor nervousness and rheumatic
AVhen suffering so try Doans Kid
ney Pills a remedy that has cured
thousands of such cases You will
get better as the kidneys get better
and health will return when the kid
neys are well Let a McCook woman
tell you about Doans Kidney Pills
Mrs H A Rough 212 E Fifth St
McCook Nebs says I have seen
what Doans Kidney Pills will do in
cases of kidney complaint and there
fore feel justified in recommending
them A member of my family took
this remedy when suffering from hac1
ache and soon received entire relief
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans
take no other
imi Li 11
A Great Advantage to Working Men
J A Maple 125 S 7th st Steub
enville O says For years I suf
fered from weak kidneys and a se
vere bladder trouble I learned of
fcoley Kidney Pills and their won
derful cures so I began taking them
and sure ienough I had as good re
sults as any I heard about My back
ache left me and to one of my ibusi
ness exSpressman that alone is a
great advantage My kidneys acted
tree and normal and that saved me
a lot of misery It is now a pleasure
to work where it used to be a misery
Foley Kidney Pills have cured me
and have my highest praise A Mc
lgvvviwyiTyTtyyiwinrtffVwviiivit n vtVY v ftimm
V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
E A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen E A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
i I
V u
1 J