The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 26, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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I -v
A Jovial Gathering
Tlic heme of Mr and Mrs Ed
Fliteraft -was the scene of an un
usually pleasant jovial gaith
ting on Monday night ist the
occasion was an cntertainmnl
given by the Ladiis Circles Nos
1 and 2 of the Baptist church
to their husbands and others of
the sterner sex The number
which gathered was sixty odd
conveyed by Ed Ilubers auto
carryalls and private conveyan
ces Fun feasting and music fill
ed the interval between the ar
rival and departure of the guests
The gentlemen voted the ladies a
success as entertainers and the
commodious home and the gener
ous and thoughtful attention of
Mr and Mrs Fliteraft and fam
ily added no small part to a
happy evening
Buy Season Tickets
The opening number of the en
tertainment course will be given
in the Temple theatre Monday
evening next when the Tyrolean
Alpine Singers appear in our city
The committee especially urges
the sale of season tickets at 2
Childrens season tickets are 1
This gives three splendid music
numbers and two strong lectures
at a most reasonable price The
committee lias chosen able talent
and invites the people of Mc
Cook to came and enjoy the feast
prepared Buy a season ticket
now and get advantage of every
pay out money for coal and wor
ry over house cleaning We have
a dusit proof metallic weather
strip for doors and windows that
has been in use in McCook for
two years and has proven itself
up to what we claim it to be in
every respect It costs less in
stalled than i storm easAi and
will save you more money per
year than storm sah will with
out saying anything about its
dust saving qualities Will glad
lv call and demonstrate
Lets Have It
Managers McConnell Pennell
say thev liave received a com-
munication from the office
United Plav company svin
it is just possible they mig
able to arrange a dte roi
Hay and Dairy Farm
If vou are looking for a
thing as a renter on a profitable
liay or dairy ranch call on or
address the Tribune McCook Xe
braska 26 3ts
The Rebokalis of McCook lodge
had a good meeting Monday eve
ning i iter which refreshment
wore sived Everybody had a
good tim
Classified Advertisements
FOR -RENT The first floor
of our residency furnished four
rooms and bathroom Mrs
Meeker 902 First St E
FOR RENT Furnished heat
ed room 519 Mam st 1 tr
Seed wheat for
sale W
Dutton I2tf B
FOR SALE Leather daven
port leather rocker chiffonier
2 other chairs library table and
Wilton rug Call phone 121
FOR SALE A first class pian
witli Ceeilian piano player at a
bargain on terms Inquire of
this office for particulars 9 28tf
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
room modern house Hot water
and heat 504 west 2nd s
TO TRADE Have the follow-
They Claimed It Was
A spirited encounter was wit
nessed on lower Main street be
tween a well dressed man of
filled with good clean cotton bat
ting one large batt making the
whole comfort 6 ftx7 ft in size
14 yds of good Cretonne or silk
olene or outing or robe print
well tacked and hemmed ifor
200 to 300 each You can
choose your own materials out
of stock and we do the rest This
is way ahead of the factory com
fort in size in cleanliness and
convenience The Thompson D
G Co Utmost value for cash
An Interesting Contest
by the married ladies of McCook
for a dress pattern closed Satur
day last with Mrs Ruth McKern
Riley as winner The following
bit of historical information gain
ed her the prize which was of
fered by The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
anus also known as Ileliogabalus
was born about 203 A D lie
became Roman Emperor by ap
pointment May 16 218 A D and
ruled until 222 A D He was
murdered Signed
Bring Your Season Tickets
Season ticket holders must
bring their tickets to the Temple
theatre on the evening of each
entertainment in addition to the
seat check This is important
The season ticket admits you to
the theatre the check simply lo
cates your seat So be sure on
each entertainment evening to
bring your season ticket with
Of Interest
The exposition of the methods
used by many financial kings of
America in their nefarious trade
of shaping legislation by means
of their power over weak and un
faithful public servants to gain
their ends is tersely told in Chas
great play The Lion
and the Mouse
A Pretty Foot
of th ean x macle t0 l001c uSly ean ue
tia f spoiled if covered with corns Th
lit be same i00t can oe niaae to iook
tm snanelv bv removing tiie corns
Thesa are11 Jlcmiieu s urii J
Lion and the Moine
the kind and quality of attrac
tions we want in our city
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
Get our rates on farm loans
You will find them fresh
clean at Magners grocery
j Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
land Wedding- Breakfast heads
I the list
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
n ji iiir 11
C II I rjveryuung tnai j seasonable in
i fruits and vegetables at Ilubers
i all the time
Huber handles the Carhart
V gloves and caps also and a full
nue oi oilier iiiukcs
When the heart is young black
togs have an attraction for the
feminine eye that wanes in the
j twilight of life
The Ellingson Studio people oc
cupied their quarters the Kel
ler building on Main avenue
this week Tuesday
The character of Rev Brian
Kelly in The Rosary an early
attraction here makes many peo
ple think of their parish priest
Gaskell MacVitty have met
with tremendous success with this
Magic Clothes Cleaner does per
iug city propertv to trade in on i
land all clear of incumbrance 7- ftjy what so many cleaners fail
n ug eves g e i u
room dwelling in very desirable
p from the most deligat feli
location 1 four room dwelling j
also in desirable location in Mc i rif etc without the slight
to the article either in
Cook in first class condition Call injury
matemb It does not
phone red 295 or write H E 61f or
colors that have faded bui
Culbertson McCook Ijstorc
it does make them seem brighter
WANTED Pupils on piano and or- by removing the dirt and grease
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c that concealed them It is easy to
per lesson Susie McBride phone use Prise 25c
black 464 j L W McCONNELL Druggist
Thursday Evening Edition
l Corrected Water Works Report j
The following items were omit
ted by the city clerk from the re
cently published statement of the
receipts and expenditures of the
city water works company
Coal bought from McCook
Water Works Co in -bin 39950
Overcharge in operating ex-
penses of freight on car of
In Mondays paper The Trib
une offered figures to show the
cost of maintaining the needy of
Red Willow county for the past
The total for the
oif 1911 are as Alien
j given 146182 Since the time
those figures were collated the
amount has increased -38609
making the total for 1911 up to
it 1ms meeting of the county
missi oners 184791 This rate
ifor the nxt few months of the
year will make the total about
J 260000 a sum which would go
a long way toward purchasing a
county fa nn
It seems that this matter is
I worthy the closest scrutiny and
imost careful consideration of the
people of the county
Hot Water Bottles
often prevent a long spell of sick
uess and save a doctor bill We
have a good fresh assortment
warranted not to leak
A McMILLEN Druggist
Highest Market
price will be paid for butter and
eggs at the City Restaurant 5tf
I will be responsible only for
accounts contracted by myself
All the fresh fruits of the se-
I son at Magners
j Everything in drugs McCon
- AaC
i -
coal delivered October 2
and 3 16900
One fourth of 273207 sup
ply city hydrants troughs
park sewers and cemetery
from July 25 1910 to
July 6 1911 68302
Following is the complete cor
rected report
Earnings for Quarter from July 1 to October 1 1911
Water supplied consumers 3423 93
Rentals for meters supplied consumers 64 50
Tapping of mains 10 00
Supply to city hydrants troughs park sewers and ceme
tery for wliich city paid water company the sum of
273207 from July 25 1910 to July 6 1911 one fourth
of 273207 683 02
for quarter 4181 45
Operation and Maintenaaice
Coal bought from water works Co July 6 1911 399 50
Coal bought from mines during quarter 322 19
Less coal on hand Sep 30 1911
Cost of coal actually used 666
Freight on coal 586
Drayage 88
Supplies 77
Salaries and wages 598
Reading meters 4
Repairs on meters etc 58 50
Lights 13 70
Insurance 25 90
Telephone 12 75
3 mos int on 65000 bonds 975 00
3150 67
Leaving a clean net profit of 1030 78
for the operations of the quar future solving of which will mak
ter after paying the expenses of a still better showing for the op-
all and every kind and holding eration of the plant The mayor
by the interest on the bonds
1 It must be remembered that
this report is for one of the two
most lucrative quarter periods of
the year On the other hand it
nedj to lie statd that the pump
and council have been getting
facts and figures upon the oper
ation of oil burning engines with
a view to possible future use here
in pumping If the same is adopt-
Ocor any other fuel or ubor saw
ing cl wutr into the stand pipe ing improvements that the
and the presumable consumption opment of machinery permits it
in the homes and shops and upon
the trees lawns gardens has
been largely in excess of the
quantity shown by the meters
This constitutes a problem the
Expenditures for Support of Pooi
Will Reach That Sum
J dozen years
tnine months
is a matfr or congratulation tnat
the benefits will accrue directly
to the city and consumer through
city ownership Signed
Mrs Walter Stokes entertain
ed the 1904 club and several
guests Monday evening Mrs
T A Tucker was an out of town
gust In serving dinner Mrs
Stokes was ably assisted by Mrs
Barnev Lewis and Mrs Arthur
Mrs J G- Schobel entertained
the 1riscillas Wednesday after
noon Misses Thursby Thoindyke
and Delell assisted in serving
dainty refreshments Out of
town guests were Mrs R M Le
Gorp of Lincoln and Mrs Cope
land of Minden
The Pythian Sisters held their
regular moling and initiation on
Wednesday evening taking two
new members in Mrs A M Wil
liams who was demited to this
lcdg vats at one timj Mrs1 Ex
cellent UJnet ot the Jowa organ i
ii t 4t tvt4 i
PntfriTI RafG HlUll HJ5S UULLll 1 iklKlIJS VMIIlv
in bv regular initiation
Ae are undoubted headquart
whSch followcd th
eis lur lii injuumg ma iei una
Batts at Se 12c and 20c per
roll Comfort size batts 6 ft by
7 ft weighing 3 lbs 75c Same
batt stitched all over 90c Large
line of Robe prints Cretonnes
Silkolenes Outings and other
comfort materials 5c yd and up
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
value for cash only
Money to
See Rozell
Hi nan
e regular
i business was an excellent though
informal one without toasts Hal
loween was the theme of the
i table d- eorations and n fortune
teller nu gypsy booth in one
corner carried out tlu thought
it Avas withal a very enjoyable
Loan on Farms
Sons at clothing
McConnell for drugs
a Tribune
Pure Gold flour
wheat at Magners
want ad and
from winter
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magners
Get your fresh oysters of J A
Wilcox Son Booths solid
packed 35c 55c and 60c for
standard sizes
There is magic in
Advo They are
the words
the final
word in canned excellence AnA
Hubcr is the prophet
Mrs Nellie Butler of our city
has been seriously ill
C E Eldred was in Trenton
yesterday on business
Miss Lottie Watkins visited
friends in Danbury last Friday
Chester W Dow of Indianola
was in McCook Tuesday on bus
Harlow W Keyes was a busi
ness pilgrim yesterday from In
L Morse of Benkelman was in
the city Tuesday on business
Judge E S Hill was up from
Indianola on Tuesday transactinj
Miss Allie J Peck attended to
business interests in Palisade on
Mrs Patterson of nolbnook lis
visiting her daughter Mrs J E
Morrissey arriving Wednesday
on No 13
Mrs A Campbell left Thursday
morning for ONeill on a visit to
her sister Maggie
Mrs Viola Kenyon left today
for Dakota City Nebraska on
a visit to an uncle
Clarence Rozell was a passen
ger last evening on 10 for Wash
ington D C on business
Mrs Augusta Anton is enter
taining her two nephews Paul
and Fred Anton this week
Mrs S J Miller has been vis
iting her daughter Mrs P J Mc
Manus in Cambridge this week
Mr Weybright camei in on 13
Tuesday from a business trip to
Colorado on sugar beet matters
Oscar Grismore returned Sun
day morning from Ohio from a
three weeks visit to his parents
Mrs- W M Rozell departed on
10 last evening for Bellaire
Oliio on a visit to the old folks
at home
Fred McBride and family of
Sterling Colorado spent most of
last week visiting his parents Mr
and Mrs D L McBride
D G Divine arrived from De
troit first of the week having
spent a week there looking thru
the grent automobile factories
-frank Johnston departed on
Wednesday morning on 13 for
Wray Colorado in wliich neigh
borhood he is located on a farm
Mrs A S Campbell of Imper
ial spent a few hours in the city
last evening on her way to Om
aha whithr she journeyed on G
last night
J T O Stewart of Omaha wai
in the city on Tuesday between
trains on business on his way
west to Fort Morgan Colorado
on a similar mission
Mrs E J Kates departed on
2 Tuesday morning for her liomc
in Lincoln after a visit of a week
or two with her parents Dispatch
and Mr T B Campbell
Mr and Mrs C R Livingston
will occupy the Valine bungalow
on re th Main avenue recently
bought by Mr Livingston Thev
wer married in Trenton Nebras
ka October 18th
Serge and Corduroy Dresses
We are showing some remark
able values in thes drosses from
750 to 1000 handsomely com
bning th chief materials with
mesTJliies velvets all overs ball
fringe and Bonnaz embroidery
as the case may be See us be
fore p irtiiig with your money
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
value for cash only
Barnard Hesterworth
Bernard the son
of Mr and Mrs John Hester
worth died last night Funeral
service- will be held in St Pat
ricks church tomorrow morning
at 1030 oclock and -burial will
lxi made in Calvary cemetery
The parents receive th tender
est sympathy in the death of
their dear little boy
Comedy abounds in The Ros
ary which comes soon despite
the impressions that might b
gained otherwise by the- title of
the play The comedy is the un
expected feature of this play
A N Lineburg has been en
tertaining his brother Vigilius
and wife who are now visiting ir
Colorado The brother lives in
North Carolina and is in the rail
road employ
The McCook Semi Weekly Trib
une It js 100 a year
some people fail to make a
financial success is not be
cause they do not have the
ability to make money but
because they lack persisten
cy or
You can save if you WILL
Perhaps you have tried to
develop a bank account and
have failed Does that one
failure justify poverty in old
age This bank offers you
allth inducements and fa
cilities possible for a bank
to offer With the ready as
sistance and advice of which
customers of this bank may
avail themselves there is no
reason why YOU should not
accumulate an independent
Start a bank account NOW
Mccook national
P Walsh President -
C F Lehn V Pres
C J Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Christian Science The subject
for next Sunday morning will be
Everlasting Punishment i
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m j preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H M Mitchell min
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O E Kicherr
Divine Science Unity health
riieeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sundav
afternoon 123 W D street
Catholie St Patricks Church
830 a m low mass and sermon
1030 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
S 00 evening services Rev Wm
Patton O M I pastor
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L Mc
Bride minister
Episcopal Wednesdays choir
reihearsals at S p m Friday a
special meeting of altar guild at
rectory at 7 p m Sunday Sun
day school at 10 morning pray
er and sermon at 11 evening ser
vice at S All Avelcome
Mthrdat Th District Super
intendent Rev J W Morris will
proaeh at the Methodist church
next Sunday both morning and
evening Dr Morris made a good
report of the Iloldrege district
last y Tr and the new conference
year h giving evidences of hope
for splendid results during his
second year The McCook M E
church Anil strive to hold her
place in his records and hopes to
keep abreast with all forward
movements The quarterly con
ference will be held Monday at
7 30 p m sharp The public has
a cordial invitation to attend
thesa services and hear Dr Mor
Lily Patent Flour when once
used none other will satisfy you
Another carload of cabbage ar
rived at J A Wilcox Son
Prices right
Cement walks are being laid by
John Marshall Mat Stewart and
Barney Hofer
An -early attraction is The
Rosary which is repeating with
tremendous success this season
It will be remembered that this
play was the bit of last seasons
Attention to a cough at the
start has saved many a person
from going into consumption If
you have a simple cough dont
neglect it but take McConnells
Balsam and get rid of it Price
25 cents