The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 23, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    Furs for
Ladies and Children
We want ever7 woman of McCook and vicinity to see
our line of furs whether you wish to buy or not it will be
well worth your while to look through this great display of
Gordon Quality Furs
Fur coats and sets of Beaver Blue Fox Per
sian Paw Isabella Chinchilla Australia Chinch
ilia Isabella Black and Blue America Opossum
Brazilian Mink Striped Black Timber Lynx
and Aleutian Seal
Childrens Furs
Ordinary prices far above our present figures
C L DeGroff Co
Special Rates on the Leading
ing Magazine of the West
The Pacific Monthly of Port
land Oregon is publishing a ser
ies of splendid articles about the
various industries in the West
The September number contain
ed an article on Success with
Olierrh v The October number
tide on Success in Growing Ap
ples Other articles shortly to be
publish are Success with Live
Steele Success in Growing Wal
nuts Success with Fodder Crops
The articles are written by ex
perts ad are not only
but very interesting
In addition to the above The
Pacific Monthly each month pub
lish l a large number of clean
wholesome readable stories and
strong independent articles on
the qmvrtions of t he day
The price of The Pacific Month
ly is 1 a year To introduce
it to twv readers it will be sMit
for 5- months for iOc if this pa
per r
Adlvr i Pacific Monthly Port
am Or iron 2 3ts
A Grj t Asvtirtage to Working Men
J J ar 2r S 7th st Steub
envilic o r - For years I suf
fered frcs vaJ kidneys and a se
vere bladdc r I learned of
Foley Kidney nis and their won
derful ee o i ij -an taking them
and sure t c - 1 J id as good re
sults as an- I Irari a out My back
ache left me a i e of my busi
aess express man at alone is a
great advantage My kidneys actou
free and normal and that saved me
a lot of misery It is now a pleasure
to work -where it used to be a misery
Folzy Kidney Pills have cured uie
and have my highest praise A Mc
S no tty c ntr ro th Lincoln
State i iirsl and you will re
teir 1iiiX lig stat duiily all the
rtt of tii year it will stop at
the end of that time TheJour
nal is different from other state
papers It is independent
and fearless- not in pol
ities fto its owners or friends
dees not print liquor or nasty
medical advertising sjiends more
money for state news all of the
Assoeiat d Press splendid Wash
ington x rvice and does things
for tin irood of Nebraskans It
prints more columns of reading
matter than any other state pa
per has many high class special
features and Bixbv ldmsclf is
worth fifty cents Try it at
ifiis cut price Including Sunday
paper 75 cents
If you have young children you
Save perhaps noticed that disorders
ef the stomach are their most com
snon ailment To correct this you
Trill find Chamberlains Stomach and
Xiver Tablets excellent They are
easy and pleasant to take and mild
and gentle in effect For sale by all
The Main Store On Maki Street
If it is the freshest and best in
groceries fruits vegetables etc
you seek look no further than
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Hed Turkey wheat for
sale Updike Graki Co Phone
Indianola Xeb Oct 20 1911
To the McCook Tribune I was
amused on picking up the -Reporter
or the Carrion as it
is called here to see how Ponti
us and his friend S R Smith are
attempting to play on the ignor
ance of the people by telling
th vim that their taxes are doubled
siLY - Kkalla went into the clerks
HV int li harl invt1mirThe Great Violinist Didnt Play the
---- 1 - 1 - M - -
bad a beautifully illustrated ar to do with it
It reminds me of
j fiicry that thev used to tell on
n ii
that their influence is restricted
tc their own votes Smith bolt
ing tickt and fighting Reed
r because he beat him for th
nomination and fisrhtinsr
because he is jealous of him anc
SkailLa because he make him pa
carali for his filings has put bin
where he belongs namely in th
class marked with a big D ir
the precinct books And as fo
Ponitius he never had any influ
ence so there you are
A man like Smith who cam
man of the co unity central com i
m to D ninti mm ana then onl
cts S2 votes ini th entire count
that casts almost 3000 vote
should hesrtate before telling oth
ers how to vote
Take Your Common Colds Seriously
Common colds severe and frequent
lay the foundation of chronic disease
condition of the nose and throat
and may develop linto bronchitis
pneumonia and consumption Foi
all coughs and colds in children ant
in grown persons take Foleys Hone
and Tar Compound promptly A Mc
Civil Service Examination
The U S Civil Service commis
sion announces a competitive ex
amination to be held Sautrday
October 28 1911 for the position
of clerk male or female and
carrier for service in the Mc
Cook postoffice Applications f o
this examination must be made
on the prescribed form which
with necessary instructions may
ha obtained from the commis
sions local represenatturc E J
Brady at the post office
Observe the date after youi
name on The Tribune Notch it
The McCook Semi Weekly Trib
une It is 100 a year
It Is Quito Often Very Far From Being
True to the Pole
True as the ueedle to the pole like
many another popular saying conveys
a distinctly erroneous Impression In
order to keep itself duly informed as
to the unfaithfulness of the needle to
the pole or technically the variation
of the compass from the true north
our government maintains a division
of terrestrial magnetism
Not only does the magnetic needle
vary at different places but the varia
tion changes from year to year and
t a ai t x - ii
which at a particular time have the
i same amount of variation are connect
ed by what is known as an isogonic or
equal variation line Through these
points on the map in which there is no
variation of the needle from the true
north a line known as the agonic
Iron deposits and mountain ranges
modify the action of the unknown
causes of the periodical variation and
cause these lines to become even more
crooked than those which mark equal
temperatures known as isothermal
Isogonic charts may be accurate to
day and full of small errors in a few
years The famous Mason and Dixons
line between Pennsylvania and Mary
land which was surveyed in the years
17G3 to 17G7 was run by the stars
and not by the needle a great piece of
foresight in that day If it bad been
surveyed by the compass in 1S0O it
would have shown a deviation in some
places of two miles and had the line
been run by uncorrected compass a
hundred years later in 1900 the varia
tion would have reached nearly nine
teen miles to the south and the rich
coal fields of two Maryland counties
would have been thrown into Pennsyl
The discovery of the magnetic
needles shortcomings is believed to
have been made during the voyage of
Columbus The disclosure constitutes
a high tribute to the scientific percep
tions of that day even though it spread
consternation among the ships crews
Harpers -
took a unique way to do it He pro
cured a -wooden shoe and so fashioned
it that it could be strung up iiH
played like a fiddle Then he adver
tised that he would give a concert and
play Ave pieces on the violin and five
on a wooden shoe Of course this
strange announcement drew a good
house The violinist had given the girl
tickets to the concert and after it wa
I iui mi bivcuiuuuii auu wiiii lue re- i
gave her the wooden shoe that had
brought her such good fortune and
told her to sell it Of course this curi
ous instrument brought her a goodly
sum which she added to the amount
which was to bring her domestic hap
Wanted Regular Work
A farm hand had worked in the field
from dawn till darkness doing the
chores hv Inn torn Urht Tm mnni r
aind for an entire year wit f i te1 v ob
tli pi stg cf having been chair j astonished
Semi princess dresses are al
ways attractive and always serv
iceable but this season they are
exceptionally charming and here
are two of the prettiest The
one at the left is a very original
over blouse model in panel style
corresponding to the panel de
sign of the skirt It is like at
back and front except that a
loose panel may be added at the
back Developed Nattier blue
even at different times in the day On
magnetic survey charts those places or old blue Liberty satin with
sleeves and side portions of broc
ade or of lace all over inecru or
cream it is very rich and
1 I W m
omc Joumcl Patterns
ing while a less costly
quite as pleasing dress may be
fa thioncd of henrietta or satin
pmmella with sides and sleeves
of lace of figured silk veiled with
chiffon Self color banding adds
an ef t cllvi finishing touch For
e inner uri imii j
Miser on This Occasion
TIip fnllmvin stm v nlnpos Pnfrnnini Wlltl a 211111110 01 11 CX OT KICC u
in a better light tlian this musical tucicu ciniion me tiqipn
of the Session Laws
braska 1899
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
fromRoyal GrapeCream ofTartar
Public Notice of the Intention of 00000 or such portion thereof
the Mayor and City Council as by lawful means may be taken
of the City of McCook Red up and paid off by the issue and
Willow County Nebraska to
take up and pay off the Out-
to take up and pay off the valid
sale or the issue and exchange
therefor of the refunding bonds
standing and Unpaid valid Inj j hereby contemplated
terest Bearing Bonds of thef And public notice is hereby
city in the Aggregate Amount j given that on or before Saturday
of sixty five Thousand Dollars
Dated June 15 1908 desig
nated Water Bonds By the
Issue and Sale or issue antt
the twenty eighth day of Octob
er A D 1911 at the hour of six
oclock p m of said day at the
office of the City Clerk in the
Exchange Therefor of the Re j city of McCook any tax payer of
funding Bonds of the City inTsuch city may file objections to
Accordance with Chapter Eigh such proposed action
If no objection or objections
are filed as to the amount of said
In conformity with law and a bonds as stated in thisnotice and
resolution of the mayor and city if no objection or objections are
council of the city of McCook j filed against the validity of such
Eed Willow county Nebraska bonds then and thereafter the
duly adopted by the mayor and authorities of the city of McCook
city council on the tenth day of Avill issue and sell or issue and
October A D 1911 public notice exchange as the case may be the
is Hereby given tnat tne mayor
and city council of said city seek
bonds contemplated by this not
ice not to exceed the aggregate
amount of sixtv five thousand
outstanding and unpaid interest- dollars 6500000 and not to
bearing bonds of the city in the bear a greater rate of interest
aggregate amount of Sixty five than six per centum 6 per an
thousand dollars 6500000 num and thereby take up and
said bonds being numbers one pay off the outstanding water
to thirteen inclusive bearing dat bonds described in this notice
the fifteenth day of June A D L C STOLL City Clerk
908 payable at the option of j Dated McCook Nebraska Oe
the city after five years and tober 10 1911
solutely due and payable on the j First publication Oct 12 5ts
fifteenth day of June A D 192S
and bearing interest at the rate Notice of Administratrixs Sale
of six per centum 6 per an- In the District Court of Red
num payable semi annually on Willow Countv State of
nnvthe fifteenth day of December ka In the matter of the
Jtii M cClung Jim was up in j mIr vas acclltoniod to annear And dr si velvets are psneoiallv suit- nl the fifteenth day of June tion of Nina Harris Wade Ad-
Frontier county many years ago reany 0ne is led to wonder which is aile A leather brown shade m eie vear at the ilseal agency mimstratrix of the estate of Jam-
npagning for Jack Lynch wlu the time Paganini tbe miser or the mfii chesen or one of the f the slate of Nebraska in the es B Wade deceased to sell real
vjj running for sheriff on th j kind artist giving his talent to ssist n j0iv sibdu d reds with a satin ctv Tw Yr- le s1 estate
Democratic ticket Jim got in Por servant girl One morning the lV a ilflmi yhntle a I 1untls so sought to be taken up Notice is hereby given that in
to conversation oik dav with a I maid wbo Wil5te1 on him in nnVts Velveteen ailt Iai1 off were issued for the pirrsuance of an order of the
5ame t0 W weeplug and told how J of erecting construct- Honorable B C Orr
nan of about 22 calibre short cbtitiitI in eithre ma PTse Judge of
and after tellincr him all of Lef in nptfJ md L t I n IT 1 u inp and maintaining a system of the District Court of Red
n w -- -
- 7 i r --
- 1 3 l 44 4JJ IV CUU Y U1 UUU OUf Ui
ivncn s gooti quairies Uie courset was too poor t0 buv a 8UbstI
j Hieing ssiim tun i j tute for him
haJ I shall vote for Jack for I j Paganini resolved to aid the girl and
lvuumyer when lie was sherm
biciw that we used to gel 20
cent i r dozen for run fif
l - OD
new we onlv ret 12
c id Jmi and while vou
net tell everybody 1 have it fron
lack in confidence that if he is
nlestd this time the cgS will je
a quarter
would be appropriate for a fjrea t I w iiorwcncs lor tne city or low county iMebrasija made on
variety of occasions 5ini were authorized ly the 7th day of October 1911 for
Diphtheria has closed the Beav
er Citv schools
Oxford will take on posital sav
ings bank frills November 10th
ranahoe will enter the nostal
IluniK uruu i or two tilings tnat Lr ue weiiL iu uer auu pouring wuw c ivins bank class November 8
the voters of this calibre are j francs into 1er he told uer that 11
Tsarcc and second that both For rc C0U1U now Prcnase a substitute j
lius ami mitii are so weji Known i eparin tn rramze a
luiinuui act u uuuuKceiJiiig xie iiiso
heaviest annual in 16 years the
piness TV Francis Gates in I jn J9Q5
dotes or ureat Musicians
Benkelman business men are
cial club
The total rainfall for 1931 up
to and including October loth at
Norton Kansas is 1832 The
was 2814
Prof S M Dunlap of Iloldregc
had been elected to succeed Prof
Davis as superintendent of the
Beaver City schools but the Hold
quit he said to the farmer at the ree school beard reiuse to re-
onu of the month You promised mQ1is u rioin i s ccruraci
ent j ou got one was the It is anticipated that a full
reply miota 0f Benkelman members of
Xo said the man there are three i Tfnvnl Arli Ar1CnnC nrrt nf
His Curiosity
Stranger I noticed your advertise
ment in the paper this morning for a
man to retail imported canaries Pro
prietor of Bird Store Yes sir Are
you looking for the job Stranger
Oh no I merely had a curiosity to
know how the canaries lost their tails
Not Worth Bothering About
Customer Confouud you thats a
piece of my ear Barber Only a small
bit sir not sufficient to affect tne ear
ing London Opinion
vi iuu uuus urv mgiic mat i uonttin vtii w iv
have anything to do and fool my time i I
i t n i
1 10 a to participate w
cway sleeping Success Magazine
A Gentle Hint
But look here Snip said Slowpay
you havent put any pockets in these
trousers Whats the matter with you
Why Mr Slowpay replied Hie
man of clothes I was going to sug
gest that in case you ever had any
thing to put into them j ou send it up
to us to keep for you Harpers
Not True to Life
How very few statues there are of
real women
Yes its hard to get them to loot
How so
A woman remaining still and say
ing nothing doesnt seem true to life
Boston Transcript
i ii ivtgree woric ana meet rn
grand high priest George S Pow
ell of Omaha on the eveming of
Thursday October 26 The Ben
kelman boys would not miss that
banquet for anything Benkel
man News
Real Estate Filings
W T Wootton et ux to
I David Diamond wd to part
i 2 3 in 13 West McCook
Louis Thorgrimson to Thom
as McCarl wd to 12 in 14
2nd McCook 500
Daniel Linahan to Margaret
A Linahan wd to s hf
3-1-30 1
John W Underbill et ux to
First National bank wd
to 12 in 19 McCook 1100
Clerk District Court to David
C Sullivan sat hf ne qr
e hf sw qr 14-4-27 216
Jacob Frank et ux to George
Schellereff wd to 1 in
5 Willow Grove Add 650
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular That
such is the case with Chamberlains
oCugh Remedy has been attested by
many dealers Here as one of them
H W Hendrickson Ohio Falls Ind
writes Chamberlains Cough remedy
Look not mournfully into the past is the best for coughs colds and
it comes not back again Wisely croup and is my best seller For
brove the present sale by au dealers
iwo tmras oi tiie iegai vuics u wic saie or une real estate nere
the city of McCook cast for and inafter described situated in
against the proposition at an Red Willow county state of Ne
eleetlun heki for that purpose in braska to wit lot numbered six
the city oi McCook on the sev in block numbered six in the or
enth day of April A D 1908 iginal town now city of McCook
4 1 11 1 1 1 1
jiiid puonc nonce is nereoy saia real estare win oe sola at
given that said bonds issued and
outstanding as aforesaid are
sought to be taken up and paid
off by means of bonds to be is
sued b the city of McCook and
designated refunding bonds in
the aggregate amount not to ex
ceed Sixtv five thousand dollars
6500000 to consist of Sixty
five 65 bonds in the denomina
tion of one thousand dollars each
payable in lawful money of the
United States of America and
bearing interest at the rate of si
per centum 6 per annum
from and after the first day of
September A D 1911 payable
semi annually on the first day of
March and the first day of Sep
tember in each year and evidenc
ed by coupons attached to said
bonds said bonds to be number
ed in regular and consecutive or
der commencing with number
one of which ten thousand dol
lars 1000000 numbered one
to ten inclusive shall be absolute 1
ly due and payable on the first
day of September A D 1916
twenty thousand dollars 20
00000 numbered eleven to thir
ty inclusive shall be absolutely
due and payable on the first day
of September A D 1921 and th
balance or thirty five thousand
dollars 3500000 numbered
thirty one to sixty five inclusive
payable in the order of their
number at the pleasure of the
City at any time after the first
day of September A D 1921
and -absolutely due and payable
on the first day of September
A D 1931 said bonds and the
coupons thereto attached to be
payable at the banking house of
Kountze Brothers m the city of
New York U S A being the
designated state agency for the
payment of bonds issued by Ne
braska municipalities said bonds
to bear date the first day of Sep
tember A D 1191 executed as
the law directs and as shall here
after be prescribed by ordinance
which ordinance shall provide fo
the sale or exchange of said re
funding bonds for the bonds to
be taken up and paid off to wit
said water bonds bearing date
the fifteenth day of June A D
1908 in the aggregate amount of
sixty five thousand dollars 65-
public vendue to the highest bid
der for cash at the front door of
the court house in the city of Me
Cook Red Willow county Ne
braska on Wednesday the 8th
day of November 1911 at the
hour of one oclock in the after
Dated this 7th dav of October
Administratrix of the Estate of
James B Wade deceased
First publication Oct 16 6ts
State of Ohio City of Toledo Lu
cas iCounty ss
Frank J Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of
F J Cheney Co doing business
in the City of Toledo County and
State aforesaid and that said firm
will pay the sum of One Hundred Do
lars for each and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Halls Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence this 6th day of
December A D 1886
Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system Send for testimonials free
F J Cheney Co Toledo O
Sold by all druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
After exposure and when you feel
a cold coming on take Foleys Hon
ey and Tar Compound It checks
and relieves Use no substitute The
genuine in a yellow package always
A McMillen
Foley Kidney Pills
Supply just the ingredients needed
to build up strengthen and restore
the natural action of the kidneys and
bladder Specially prepared for back
ache headache nervousness rheuma
tism and all kidney bladder and uit
nary irregularities A McMillen
The implicit confidence that manv
people have in Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
founded on their experience in the
use of that remedy and their know
ledge of the many remarkable cures
of colic diarrhoea and dvsenterv
that it has effected For sale bv all