The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 23, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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The important part of child
rens Shoes are
We have a line of Boys Miss
es and Childrens Shoes made by
S L Pierce Co who make
nothing but Boys Misses and
Childrens Shoes
Therefore they are able to give
better shoes for less money
Come and see them We guar
antee them
Corner Store
201 Main
Half Block From Ocean
Mrs Adele Phelan has purch
ased the Lincoln apartment
house at 60 Linden avenue Long
Beach Calif half block from
the ocean This is a handsome
modern apartment house with
large well furnished and equip
ped rooms and apartments and
under the management of Mrs
Phelan and Mis Viva would
make an ideal place to spend the
winter in California right in view
of the mighty Pacific Any read
er of The Tribune contemplating
spending som time in sunny Cal
ifornia will do well to remember
the Lincoln and the well
known proprietess Mrs Phelan
for many years a resident of Me
Business Men in Theatricals
The Chicago Herald of May 8th
said Its strange the strides busi
ness men have made in the The
atrical business since they began
investing in those enterprises No
longer is it looked upon as a haz
ardous game A coterie of solid
business men of Oliicago have or
ganized what is known as The
United Play company and have
bought the western rights to a
number of the leading dramatic
successes and will present the
plays in the leading cities of the
middle west and coast Some
minor towns will be visited to
shorten the -jumps
It is the ruling of the legal de
partment that the precinct assess
ors will not be elected tliis fall
but hold over with the county as
sessor Consequently the county
clerk will not print names of
candidates for asesssor on the- bal
lot except where there is a vacan
cv in that office
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Iluber is exclusive agent in Mc
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
Numeral figures dont lie any
more noisily than do some
figures And few there
are who are fooled thereby save
the victims of their own folly
x It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
Seven saloons in McCook
havent successfully robbed the
of his profitable avo
The Two Toms from Bahrama
bad have been canvassing the cit
for the sale of Persian rugs
If you feel you want to be
shown -in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
For special- on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Automobile Association for1 Red
Willow County Formed
D E Watkins secretary of the
Nebraska Automobile association
was out from Omaha Friday and
assisted in organizing a county
association which is affiliated
with the state and the state with
the American Automobile associa
tion Mi- Watkins addressed a
gathering from over the county
in the afternoon and later in the
evening others in the Commercial
club rooms setting forth the ad
vantages to be derived from such
an organization of car owners to
assist in securing better roads
to have a part in securing feder
al and state aid in the building
of highways for protection and
in various other ways legal and
The case presented appealed to
those present and such an organ
ization was thereupon formed
with an opening membership of
sixteen These members then
completed the organization by se
lecting F A Pennell as presi
dent and F M Khnmell as secretary-treasurer
these officers to
act until the first of the new
The president appointed J E
Kelley TV B Mills and J F
Cordeal as a committee to draft
constitution and by laws for the
county organization
An active canvass will be made
by tliis committee and others of
the association for a large in
crease of the present membership
A meeting of the association
wil lie held in McCoak Friday
afternoon November 3rd at 2
oclock for the purpose of com
pleting the organization electing
vice presidents etc
The expense of the organiza
tion is small 150 paying mem
bership fee and dues until Jan
uary 1st next
It is the opinion of those inter
ested that this association can
be instrumental in securing good
results for all concerned and that
in time every owner of a car in
tliis county will become a mem
ber of the association and that
it will even include those who do
not own a can- as the good roads
benefits and other advantages will
amply repay them for the small
amount invested
Fifty four counties in Nebraska
already have similar associations
The A A A now includes a
membership of 41000
Mr Watkins especially compli
mented Red Willow upon num
ber of cement bridges built and
building in the county The num
her now includes 28 structures
large and small a record he says
not excelled anywhere he lias
been in the state
Can Pay at the Store
Parties oAving the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones
Cos confectionery and news
stand on lower Main avenue
Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
TVhittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Ui
fice in Temple block
Dissolve Parlvosrship
with your corns Apply McCon
n ells Lightning Corn Remedy
Everything in drugs McCon
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy
ers only
At Hub-
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
Coffee has begun to follow su
gar in the rae to still further ad
vance the cost of living
All grades of Oxford flour and
eaeh sack guaranteed at the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Mrs Gibbons wife of Henry
Gibbons grand master of Nebras
ka Masons died in her Kearney
home last Thursday afternoon
Our Cold and Grippe Tablets
J will cure a cold in a day They
are quick sure and reliable
A McMTLLEN Druggist
Monday Evening Edition
Figures Showing What Is Being
Paid Under Present
It is the opinion of many who
have given the matter considera
tion that Red Willow county can
profit by buying a farm and tak
ing care of its needy and depend
ent ones in a county home or
county farm The present board
of county commissioners is giving
the people of the county the op
portunity of again passing upon
this matter at the coming electior
Under our present system pos
sibly the most expensive one im
aginable the cost to the county
in taking care of and providing
for its indigent people is large
and growing as the figures here
in offered indicate The cost for
the past thirteen years has been
as follows
1899 1558 73
1900 1699 80
1901 1686 60
1902 2018 17
1903 1765 14
1904 2114 52
1905 1971 09
1906 1892 23
1907 1995 77
1908 2082 46
1909 1157 76
1910 1493 46
19119 mos 1461 82
Ilic se figures speak for them
The ballots at the coming elec
tion will provide the voters with
an opportunity of voting upon a
proposition to vote for or against
a proposed levy of one mill to
create a poor farm This amount
will practically in time provide
the county with a poor farm at
a cost little or no greater than
is now paid out eaeh year for
the poor and without any return
to the county
On a farm it is thought the
poor can be cared for more cheap
lythari under the present system
as they can have some employ
ment and this assist in keeping
Voters investigate this matter
Mrs Mary A Whittaker Passes
Away After Long Illness
A telegram to her son George
of our eity Sunday morning an
nounced the death on Saturday
night of Mrs Mary A Whittaker
at the home of her daughter in
Cheyenne TVyo
George TVhittaker left on 13
this morning for Denver to meet
the body which will arrive in Me
Cook tomorrow morning on train
No 2
Services will be held in the
Methodist church at ten oclock
conducted by Rev L E Lewis
after which the remains will be
driven over to Danbury for bur
ia in the cemetery at that pace
b aside the body of her long d
parted husband
Mrs TVhittaker was among the
early settlers of this county in
the Beaver country For a long
time she has been a sufferer with
cancer of the stomach
Basket Ball
The basket ball game between
the girls of Cambridge high and
McCook Jiigh was well attended
and heartily applauded It was
marked by loose playing and by
much blowing of wliistles by ref
eree and umpire The slight pre
ponderance of the score for Cam
bridge was much a matter oi
chance as the play was quite
eveny Imatched Final score was
20 to 18 in favor of Cambridge
Our girls should improve very
rapidly since Friday has shown
them their weak points
Jasper N Koontz is Dead
Lincoln Oct 19 Special
Jasper N Koontz a civil war vet
eran and pioneer in this state
died here today at the age -of 67
years Mr Koontz was formerly
a resident of Holdrege later of
Hayes Center and finally came to
tliis city in 1890 The deceased
is survived by a widow a son L
B Koontz a brother A J
Koontz of this aity and a sister
Mrs L Ct Bittner of Manchester
Ind Omaha Bee
Barrs Saturday Candy
29e per pound on Saturday
Mrs C L Fahnestoek entertain
ed the J O C club Thursday
The Shakespeare club will meet
with Mrs W 13 Whittaker on
Tuesday afternoon
Dr and Mrs E 0 Vahue en
tertained a party of young folks
on Saturday evening A seven
oclock dinner was served Mrs J
D Hare and Mrs TV B Mills as-
Mis J G Stokes gave a party
Saturday evening in honor of
Mrs T A Tucker of Spokane
Wash Refreshments were serv
ed and the evening passed pleas
antly in social ways
Mrs Harry A Beale entertain
ed a company of lady friends on
Friday afternoon at kensington
Mrs C D Riteliie and Mrs TV
B Mills assisted in serving the
two course refreshments
Ladies Circles Nos 1 and 2 of
the Baptist church will entertain
their husbands at the home of
Mr and Mrs E F FHtfff W
evening October 23rd All
oers are urged to be present
Mrs TV G Dutton sii vr c
TV E MeDiVitt at the home of
me latter last Thursday after
noon were hostesses at akensing
ton to a numerous company of
friends In the serving of the re
freshments Miss Edna TVaite as
The Au Fait club was entertain
d by Mrs TV G Duttcn on last
Friday afternoon at the home of
her daughter Mrs TV E McDiv
itt Mrs T A Tucker of Spok
ane Wash was a guest Mrs
Mc Divirt assisted in serving the
refrshments of the occasion
Methodist Sunday School Observ
es Last Sunday
Last Sunday was rally day for
lb0 Methodist Sunday school and
the fact was celebrated in a mean
ornble manner In the morning
the children of the Sunday school
remained for the morning ser
vice the 100 members of the pri
mary department having a brief
part in the service giving their
rally day yell singing a song etc
Rev Lewis address was short
and to the rally day point and
in part an appeal for women
men and means in the greatest
Avork of the church the Sunday
In the evening the entire- pro
gram was in charge of the Sun
dav fchcol which gave a splen
did program of declamations ree
taitions and music one of the besl
vr attempted the children
in wliieh the musical f ntures
Aver by tin efforts
of an orchestra of several pieces
from among the Sunday rhocl
A special collection was lifted
for Sunday school work
For Sle Cbca
1 small base burner 1 single bed
1 laundry stove I cot Inquire at
th music store opposite Temple
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Iluber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
Did You Know
ill tlu latest popular pieces of
mi ic are seling at 18c per copy
at Browns 3 copies for 50c 6
for 1 Opposite Temple theatre
Beginning with this week and
during the winter months the
Rummage Sal will b open on
Saturday only
Select your wall paper from
McConnells stock yit means
years of satisfaction and you get
the rigkt price
A cough or rather the condi
tions of the respiratory tract that
causes a ccugh is truly danger
ous Unless quickly overcome
theres no knowing what it will
lead to Take McConnells
Balsam Its a cure
Speaks About the Record of Ne
braska Democrats the
Tariff Etc
Ex Governor Shallenberger ad
dressed a fair sized and attentive
audience in the Temple theatre
Saturday afternoon
The ex governor hurriedly cov
ered the history of Democratic ac
complishments while they held
the reins in this state and made
out a ood case for his party and
lus administration altho he ad
mitted ho got into some serious
trouble therefor himself
But the tariff was the chief ob
ject of the ex governors skillful
attack Ho indicated that the
infant industry had become so
large and lusty that he had his
daddy licked and made a plea
tor a reduction of the tariff in
the interest of the consumer and
against the trusts and interests
and special privilege fellows
As The Tribune has said upon
other occasions Mr Shallenberg
er is not only a splendid gentle
man but a clever politician and
the Democratic side of our state
and national politics never suf
fers when he does the speaking
Besides he is intelligent and vir
ile and enthusiastic and wide
awake and interesting whether
you can follow him or not to the
end and to all his conclusions
County Democratic -Mayor
MeAdams Chairman
TValsh and others occupied the
stage platform during the meet
Th foot ball game Friday af
ternoon between McCook high
and Cambridge high was marked
by snappy playing and sportsman
ly conduct Cambridge made the
opening kick off The first half
p sed without ft score by either
skle altho McCook s line seemed
to be able to hold a little the
more consistently
In the first quarter of the sec
ond half an interchange of punts
gave McCook the ball near Cam
bridges 25 yard line An attemp
ted forward pass at this point
was intercepted by Captain Min
niek and carried over for a touch
down Cambridge failed to kick
goal Score 5 to 0 for Cambridge
No further scoring in that quar
In the last quarter McCook se
cured tlk ball and took it down
the field by a forward pass and
nd runs and Knowlcs made a
25 yard run for touchdown
punted out to Schmidt who
kicked goal making the score 6
to in McCcoks favor
The Cambridge fellows are a
nitf bunch and Ave hope to see
them again next year
Delinquent Water Tax
OtIc rf McCock City Water
Works Under Ordinance No -16
the City of McCook a penalty
f tn per cent must be collected
in add tion to the tax due from
11 dclirjtients If your AA ater tax
if please call and set
t1 at once or the service AAill l1
dioeoEtnucd Water office in
Laienunt of city library and
open from 8 a m to 6 pm
By order of the mayor all de
liimiuent Avater tax for the third
quarter mist be paid by October
25th or Avater to such consumers
Avill be discontinued
By D Diamond Acting Com
A song for every American
home Stirring melody patriotic
Avords Its a neAV song just off
the press and 18c gets you a copj
at the music store Opposite the
Temple Theatre
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey Avheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
McConnell for drugs
35 good steam heated rooms
for rent by day week or month
at Commercial hotel which has
just been reopened The din
ing room is also open noAV in con
nection and Ave are serving the
best meals in the city We im ite
you to give us a trial J
Raymond Harr has succeeded
Raymond Walker in The Bon Ton
N Coons visited his brother
Charles in Norton Kansas last
Dr TV A DeMay of Danburv
was a business Aasitor in the city
C B Critehfield returned Sat
urday evening on 10 from a trip
up Avest
Art Ruggles of near Indianola
Avas in the capital city Saturday
on business
G II Rowland and family have
moved away it is stated doAvn in
to Missouri
L G Brian ex state treasurer
is in the city today coming in on
3 last night
Mrs Charles Pfrimmer visited
friends in Stratton closing days
of past Aveek
Douglas Wentz left for Haisler
Saturday on No 13 after a short
visit AA ith relatives here
Mrs J A Eckman was a guest
of her parents east of Beaver
City part of last Aveek
Dr J E Hathorn of Bartley
was a business visitor in the seat
of county affairs Friday
Joel A Piper Avas up from Lin
coln end of Aveek looking after
loan and collection business
Miss Ida Breclis nurse in the
ease of J R McCarl left for her
Lincoln home Saturday on 10
J F Cordeal AA as in Omaha on
Saturday on some business mat
ter arriving home Sunday night
Mrs C J Ryan Avent down to
Omaha Saturday morning to
spend a AAiiile visiting the boys
Banker T E McDonald of Dan
bury pilgrimaged on business
bent to th countys capital eity
Miso Mary Powers Avent up to
Trenton Saturday morning on No
13 to be AAitli her parentsover
Mrs E O Valine and Mrs W
B Mills provided the music for
the club dance in Arapahoe Fri
day evening
jMisa Amanda Wileox arrived
from Chicago Friday night and
AAill be the guest of her brothers
Justin and FWler for some time
Mr and Mrs Robert LeGore
arrived from Lincoln last night
and aauU be guests of their daugh
ter Mrs C D Ritchie for a sea
A E Turner of Red Cloud Avay
in the eity Saturday making an
other shipment of stock from hr
THins mikes 11 cars he his slip
ped from this neighborhood
Mrs O F Bardshar and chil
dren Avere guests of Tlr and Mrs
Rcy Zint Sunday coming from
the Avest on 2 and leaving for
Bertrand on No 10 same even
Con Wilson left last Thursday
night Avith the Taylor household
goods and ive stock for Lincoln
AA her h AA iill attnd school Oon
Avill lie especially missed on the
foot ball squad
Th Lion and the Mouse
In an article yesterday headed
Business Tien in Theatricals
Ave notiee the United Play com
pany has taken OAer the Avestern
territory for serveral Ncaa York
and London dramatic successes
Among the plays to be presented
rs The Lion and the Mouse
Why cant Ave have this splendid
play in cur city
Wll some one kindly sell Loui
Thorgrimson a ticket or tAvo -right
soon for the Citizens Entertain
ment Course
Classified Advertisements
LOST Between city and Cal
vary cemetery a fur collar Re
Avard aatII be paid for its return
to S06 E 3rd street Mrs J M
TAKEN UP White face steer
calf about 6 months old OAvner
can liaAre same by paying damaja
es Art Ruggles Phone ISOi Im
TO RENT Unfurnished rooms
808 E 2d street J M Henderson
FOR RENT A she room cot
tage at 906 W 2nd st Inquire
at Tribune office 9tf
FOR SALE Harness and sin
gle buggy Inquire of O N
Reetor Phone red 349