The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 19, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1
IT v n V t hi w Vj ft 5 sa - THIRTIETH YEAR Chickens notel 2t Haben Sie Gekauft If not come to us We childrens warm sleeping sell ments 35e Childrens fleeced un ion suits from 23e up Bear skin coals 199 hoods 35c Ladies woolen dress skirts 150 and up Best prints 5c Best table oil cloth 15c Fleischers German knitting yarn 25c for y lb skein Ladies all wool jacket suits with silk lining 1000 Mens suits 500 to 2000 Stetson hats at 369 Blanket lined coats 100 Sheep lined coats with thick wide sheep collar 400 Horse blanket S5c Lace curtains 50c to 600 a pair Ladies long coats 500 and Tip Girls 150 and up Large Smyrna nigs 30x60 in at 125 Feather pillows 65c Glens bibb overalls with swing pock ets 44c Jackets 44c Am A 2 bushel seamless grain bags 22c Home made bed comforts 200 to 14c Hundreds of other items at 300 Boys lined leather mittens bona fide cash prices The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value for cash onlv Dr and Mrs E O Vahue en tertained with charming particu lars a large company of friends Monday evening at their cosy bungalow on north Main avenue A well appointed three course seven oclock dinner was served Mrs R J Gunn Mrs J D Hare and MrsW B Mills assist ing in the serving Wlust was the chief source of social activity with some impromptu music by hostess and guests Dr W F Jones Avon the honors of the game We have a large stock of soaps tliat includes all sorts of special lands for special purposes Im parted and domestic soaps bath soaps nursery medicated and shaving soaps It is worth while to select your soaps where you have an abundance to pick froi andwhere if sonie special I is wanted you are sure to find it L W MeCONNELL Druggirt Dustless mops and floor brush es the greatest invention of ih age for sale bv McCOOK HARDWARE CO Subscribe for the Semi Weekl Tribune 100 per year Classified Advertisements FOR SALE Furniture and stoves Inquire 304 W C street LOST A ladys gold watch broken crystal with knotted 1 Willi rrloir QnntoillllnV 9R the M E church and Temple the- atre or between Rouchs residence and the depot Friday morning Finder with Conductor Rouch FOR SALE Leather daven port leather rocker ehiffonier 2 other chairs library table and Wilton rug Call phone JL FOR SALE A first class pian with Cecilian piano player at a bargain on terms Inquire of this office for particulars 9 28tf FOR RENT Furnished room modern house Inquire 319 1st W Phone red 281 W21tf FOR RENT OR SALE A nine room modern house Hot water and heat 504 west 2nd s TO TRADE Have the follow ing city property to trade in on land alL clear of incumbrance 7 room dwelling in very desirable location 1 four room dwelling also in desirable location in Mc Cook in first class condition Call phone red 295 or write H E Culbertson McCook Neb 12 4ts wanted at National WANTED Pupils on piano and or gan beginners preferred Terms 50c per lesson Susie McBride phone tlack 464 Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since our last re port Martin Nilsson et ux to Mar ion Powell wd Y int nw 34 35-1-29 2500 Martin Nilsson et ux to Mar ion Powell wd y int 7-8-9-10-11 in 6 Marion 150 Martin Nilsson et ux to Mar ion Powell wd 3 int 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 inc 3 to 10 inc in 2 11 in 5 3 to 6 inc in 7 3 in 8 1 to 5 inc in 9 Marion 1 to 4 inc 1 to 6 inc in 2 1 2 in 4 1 2 3 in5 1 to 11 inc in 6 1 to 15inc in 7 1 to 12 inc in 8 3 to 10 inc in 9 1 to 6 inc in 10 1st Add Marion 3300 Martin Nilsson et ux to Mar ion Powell wd y int in 10 in 5 Marion 1000 Martin Nilsson to Marion Powell bill of sale y int complete plant of Marion Enterprise and other personal property 750 Lecture Course Tickets The Tyrolean Alpine Singers the opening number of the Citi zens Entertainment Course will appear in the Temple theatre on Monday evening October 30th Season ticket reservations for this number will be made at Me Connells drug store next Tues day morning October 24th at 9 oclock Reservations will be made separately for each enter tainment and the season ticket Shallenberger to Speak Ex Governor Shallenberger Alma will address the people holders will be given one day ad J vantage in their seat reservations for each number Get your tick ets now General admission tick et reservations for the Tyroleans will open on Wednesday morn ing October 25th at McConnells drug store at 9 oclock and The purchasers innocent or otherwise of any of those new swateis just received will have to sweat if thay are normal per sons Such sterling values have not been offered in childrens boys and girls and mens and womens sweaters as we are now showing We invite your inspec tion The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash cnly of of McCook and Red Willow county in this city Saturday October 21 at 230 oclock The speaking in Temtilp theatre or between dl be delivered out of doors it the weather is suitable ConductorLwis thee Temple theatre will be leave FOUND Bunch of keys Own er can get them by identifying them and paying for add LOST A plain cuff button Finder pleas leave at the post office FOR RENT Furnished heat ed room 519 Main st 12 tf Seed wheat for sale W G Dutton 12tf B used Give 411m a Hearing ne will interest you A Pretty Foot can be made to look ugly can be spoiled if covered with corns Tin same foot can be made to look shapely by removing the corns with McMillens Corn Kemeay Till January 1st We will keep our store open til 8 oclock in the evening from this date until January 1st A GALUSIIA SON Remember Shallenberger Sat urday October 21st 230 oclock in McCook The man with the drag is now replacing the man with the hoe in the public thought Best errade of peroxide of Hy drogen only 20e per bottle WOODWORTn Druggist Catarrh Cure it with Rexall Mu Cutone THE REXALL STORE If there is any better toilet soan at 10c 3 for 25e tlian Say- mans Vegetable Wonder we liav never found it yet Have you tried it For sale by WOODWORTH Druggist Buy your entertainment course ticket early and assist in financ ing this community affair at once Dont fudge There is no money in this course to the committee The profit is to the community in good clean entertainments The committee does the work free Buy your season tickets promptly Thursday Evening Edition FATALLY INJURED Keith Jacobs a Victim of an cident at Falls City Ac- Keith Jacobs was struck oy a switch engine in the Missouri Pa cific yards at Falls City last week Thursday evening sustain ing injuries from wliich he died in a Kansas City hospital Sun day October 15th Keith had only been at work two days when the Gad accident took his young life away The remains were shipped liere for burial arriving on 13 Tues day morning The funeral services were con ducted by Rev D L McBride in the Baptist church ait 9 oclock on Wednesday morning many friends remembering the depart ed and the sorrow stricken fath er and cliildren by their pres ence and sympathy The remains were laid away in Longview cem etery Keith was a member of Com pany M First Nebraska regiment of national guards and a large detachment of guards marched to the cemetery and fired the us ual salutes three volleys ovei the grave of their mourned com rade who but recently camped with the company near Omaha Keith was a twin brother of Kenneth and was 19 yairs and 10 days old at his death The father C II Jacobs was called to Falls City when the ac cident happened and accompan ied the injured boy to Kansas City and the body upon its ship ment home The Tribune gives but feeble verbal expression when it states that the deep and heartfelt sv pathv of this ntr pommumt vs Mr Jacobs and Ins familys in this great sorrow the trir and untimely death of their dear one -All the members of the family Were present afc the funeral Ray cominjr down from Denver Mr and Mrs Will Meyers from nertson Mr and Mrs F L Barn es of Bladen Kenneth from Falls City besides the father and Miss Florence of our own city Keith was the aid to Adjutant General at the last encampment of company M The profuse floral offerings showed how sincere was the sym pathy of the home people for the family in its bereavement Keith was born in McCook and had spent practically all his life here To our friends and the past few days has shown their num ber to lie without limit words but poorly express our apprecia tion in this hour of need C II JACOBS AND FAMILY Hot Water Bottles often prevent a long spell of sick ness and save u doctor bill We have a good fresh assortment warranted not to leak A McMILLEN Druggist Repairs for all stoves McCOOK HARDWARE CO Everything in nell drugs All the fresh fruits of the ser son at Magners Lily Patent Flour when once used none other will satisfy you Kodaks and kodak supplies McCONNELL Druggist You can feel the approach of Jack Frost perceptibly these nights and mornings C C Brown and family now oc cupy the remainder of the first floor of the Lee store buildingl Rubber gloves all sizes 75c per pair WOODWORTH Druggist Tlie Research Club will meet I with Miss Lona Phelps next Mon day at 230 oclock October 23rd When the devil wamts to be let alone you may safely fig ure that he is being stretched some Try a hot beef bouillon at our soda fountain and feel it do you good 1 WOODWORTH Druggist PERSONAL MENTION Frank Denton returned to city first of the week William Plourd of Indianaola was a business visitor yesterday D C Benedict was down from Culbertson Tuesday evening on business Fred L Wolff went in to Lincoln today on business in the supreme court Mr and Mrs George WBurt drove up from Indianola Tuesday on some business matters Mrs C W Taylor and children departed Wednesday night for their new home in Lincoln C H Meeker came up from Be atrice and Wymore first of the week on some affairs here Mr and Mrs W M Lewis ar rived home Monday night on 3 They have been visiting over in Iowa F M Washburn returned to Sanborn Tuesday morning on 13 after a short business visit in Mc Cook The Moore brothers reassemb led in McCook Wednesday the guests of County Judge J C Moore Leo Murphy and Pete OCou mell went un to that dear old Denver Saturday and remained over Sunday Mrs Augusta Anton left Mon day evening on Degree of Hon or business in Prosser Broken Bow and Seneca Mr and Mrs S P Hart arriv ed home on Monday night from spending a few weeks visiting in Peru Nebraska W J Stilgebouer Republican nominee for county commission er is in the city today in the in terest of his candidae3 C E Eldred drove Mrs- Eldred and John over to Oberlin Kan sas yesterday en their way to To pka Kansas on a visit Mrs C H Meeker returned to MuCuok Tuesday from Beatrice wnere sue ani ur iWeo Kor are making their headquarters F G Ethertcn one of the coal oil Johnnies of the Nebraska newspaper woild was up 1rpm Bartl y yesterday on business Mrs Mitniek came up from In dianola on 13 Wednesdav morn ing with Miss Ilattie Schmidt who had been her guest in Indian ola briefly Father Stausherry has return ed worn Jowa and will assist in the Stansberry Lumber Co of fice Glenn Rowell retiring from the employ Mrs Maud Abrams of Denver a cousin of Mrs James I Lee arrived in the city Thursday ev nmg ana is a guest or Mrs for a while Frank Rank has resigned as water commissioner and expects to return to railroad service on the Great Northern at Great Falk- Montana in the near future Mrs C C Grum who has- been visitrg her mother Mrs McCor neil for the past several week- It parted on 13 Tue dry n h r return home to Redlands Calfr nia Walter C Schencks re 1 town d r eovcry from typhom lev 01 ben somewhat r farded latev bv complications v mother arrived from Towr Tues day night to be with him Mrs E M Sly who le been visiting in the nortlnvost fcr sev eral months past will ariive in tho city the 23rd to stay a yhrt time before continuing her jour ney to Idaho and Washington Dallas G Divine departed on Tuesday night for Detroit Mich to be absent ten days or two weeks looking thru the big Hudson and otliT automo bile pants in the big auto pity Mr and Mrs Charles Rice of Scottsbluff arrived in the city last Friday morning on 13 to at tend the funeral of Marshall Traramell They lett tor home Monday He is a brother of John Rice of Morlans law office Dr and Mrs W F Jones en tertained the Young Peoples Whist club Tuesday evening all members practically being pres ent and as guests lUiss luarcna Abel Dr J A Colfer and Mr Dave Cobb Mrs Arthur Wood won he honors of the evening and Mr C R Woodworth the consolation Usual refreshments detail and were an added a good social time the I whole thinff ciiirt btfuyir vi vsf mkz cr V vjjw reiAw r iwj McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAYJiVENING OCTOBER 19 1911 the The Rosary The following is the story of The Rosary which comes again to the Temple Theatre Saturday October 28th Bruce Wilton has amasseel a fortune wliich he has lavished on his wife Vera Their household is a happy one but into it creeps a note of men ace No one hears it at first save Father Kelly a priest the former tutor of Bruce Quietly he goes to work with his sharpened sense to find fthe person who is causing adverse influence in the house hold Almost on the verge of dis covering the cause calamity de scends upon the Wilton house Bruce s fortune is swept away and in such a manner that he be lieves his wife the cause of his ruin Husband and wife are separat ed the home is destroyed and yet the cause of all this disaster lis unknown Father Kelly with a faith that moves mountains goes on quietly serenely and confidently with but one purpose in view the happi ness of those he loves He solves the mystery and lets the white light of truth into the minds that have been desti oyed by evil More than tins he finds the one who has caused all the misery and restores the home The Rosary is probably the most successful play of the year it havingrecently closed a three months run in Chicago- a two months run at the Garden The atre New York City and three months in Boston at the Globe Theatre This was one of the most pop ular plays seen in McCook last ceason Those who saw it then will want to see it again wlm did attend mr not should not Pail te pastor Slight Fire T 17 J Z rnz fi ijiu iiaiiu wjis about i 30 fnrned in Wednesdav after noon from Frank Woody r s id nee and a quick response with the hose cart prevented an in inunt serious conflagration Mrs Woody bad started a fire in th furncee and it for came time Some excelsior near the furnace caught and flames were shooting up from the basement when rhe returned Mrs Woody was slightly burned about the face before help came Mated for Life When such an auspicious union oceuis as the joining of a sweet and amiable lady and a set of 0111 1 dutiful furs it means happiness for life as long as the furs will las Our assortment includes the Iceland white fox the blue wolf th Isabella and many oth ers from 750 to 1500 set ClVV rts 1 25 to n D G Co ues 375 The Ft most Six Years Old Mrott r Rcseland Lee reached s cxth mile post Saturday and rie evnt was happily celebrated vth the assistance of a company cf young friends Highest Market price will be paid for butter and cgs at the City Restaurant 5tf C M MATSON Prop Ex Governor Shallenberger will speak in McCook Saturday Oc tober 21st at 230 oclock If weather conditions are favorable the speaking will be out of doors if not in the Temple theatre The ex governor is one of the states ablest speakers You will be enriched in hearing him To dye easily use The same dye color Easy Dye anything Put up in collapsible tubes and sells at 15c For sale by WOODWORTH Druggist There is magic in the words Advo They are the final word in canned excellence AnA Huber is the prophet If its drugs or medicines you need tell US about it WOODWORTH Druggist Huber handles the Carhart gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes McConnell for drugs NUMBER 42 THE REASON WHY some people fail to make a financial success is not be cause they do not have the ability to make money but because they lack persisten cy or You can save if you WILL Perhaps you have tried to develop a bank account and have failed Does that one failure justify poverty in old age This bank offers you all the inducements and fa cilities possible for a bank to offer With the ready as sistance and advice of which customers of this bank may avail themselves there is no reason why YOU should not accumulate an independent competence Start a bank account NOW with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cash DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science The subject for next Sunday morning will be Probation Afer Deatth Christian Sunday school at 10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m H M Mitchell min ister German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock and Those evening at 730 O R Richert Baptist Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p in Bible jschool at 10 ClfftitiairEndeavor at ft p m A hearty welcome to all who wish to worship with us D L Mc Bride minister Catliolic St Patricks Church 830a m low mass and sermon 1030 a m high mass and ser mon 230 j m Sunday school 800 evening services Rev Wm Patton O M I pastor Episcopal Sunday October 22 Sunday school at 10 a m Morn ing prayer and sermon at II Ser vice and sermon at S p m Alfrie J R Goldsmith reetor Divine Science Unity health meeting on Tuesday and Friday evenings- New Thought Sunday school three oclock on Sunday afternoon 123 W D street Ioncy to See Kozell store Loan on Farms Sons at clothing Freshest fruits at Magners - Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners The Two rent best brands of canned fruits and vegetables at Magner Guns for rent McCOOK HARDWARE CO Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Hubers all the time steam heated rooms for McCOOK HARDWARE CO We have lots of little fancy gifts suitable for prizes at card clubs Come in and see them WOODWORTH Druggist Our Cold and Grippe Tablets will cure a cold in a day They are quick sure and reliable A McMILLEN Druggist Now guard against colds If they attack a cure is at hand Rexall Cold Tablets They cure in one day Price 25c THE REXALL STORE When you arise in the morn ing with a thick brown taste in you mouth take a small dose of Nyals Effervescing Liver Salts before breakfast and your trou bles will soon fade away Price 25c for sale by WOODWORTH Druggist