The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 16, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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    fi Ttl
East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
13 945 A M
12 035 A M
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 P Al
5 arr 830 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
Rny point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
E B Olson is laying off
Brakeman Leyton visited in
Iloldrege Saturday
C W Strauser was up from
Republican Sunday
F A Denton is back from
Excelsior Springs Mo
Lavosier Burney and wife
are visiting at Laird Colo
A Ehlers G McKern and A
G Talbot are now brakemen
Lester Carmoney is taking in
the electrical show at Denver
G A Brooks was a visitor at
the Hastings festival Saturday
Harry and Merlin Cox went
up to Denver to visit the electric
al slfow
R B Burns and wife took in
the fall festival at Hastings on
Saturday night
Fireman Ray Love is now fir
ing on 15 and 16 between Mc
Cook and Red Cloud
Mrs W D Mackechnie and
Miss Angie Quice of Indianola
were shoppers in the city Friday
Ralph Bosworth came down
from Denver close of past week
and was the guest of his sister
Mrs R J Gunn
Mrs E J Kates came up
from Lincoln last week on a visit
to her parents Dispatcher and
Mrs T B Campbell
Art W Wilson went up to
Denver Sunday to briefly enjoy
the great electric show holding
there all this week
Road Forenfan and r Mrs W
H Dungsui came down from Den
ver Friday evening on No 10
on a short visit here
Mrs Fred W Bosworth came
down from Denver close of week
and has been guest of her daugh
ter Mrs Robert J Gunn
Engineer Walter Stokes was
in Trenton Saturday arranging
to Shave some wheat planted on
Jris farm in that neighborhood
Coal Inspector Jolin Craw
ford arrived at McCook headquar
ters end of week and spent a
few days here on coal business
Mrs Joseph Hegenberger anc
family arrived home Thursday
from their visit at Glen wood la
and points in eastern part of our
B C Bainter returned end
of week from Galesburg Illinois
where he was summoned by the
death of Ids father some two
weeks since
William Chinsel a former
brakeman on the McCook divis
ion and running out of Red
Cloud lost a limb on the Sterling
division last week
Conductor and Mrs G L
Burney went up to Laird Colo
Friday to visit Ma and Mrs C
A Rodgers the gentlemen to in
dulge in hunting for a few days
Frank Clark has been pro
moted to chief clerk to the mas
ter mechanic at Sterling Colora
do and Floyd Curran has been
made assistant eliief clerk in his
place at McCook
Cases Disposed Of Adjourned to
December 11
District court in session last
week disposed of the following
cases on the docket
Mattie Sheets vs City Of Mc
Cook Verdict for defendant city
Egbert H Everist vs Mangels
dorf Bros Co Judgment against
defendant for 21038
State vs O T Kelley Con
William Travers vs George
Mogridge et al Decree of fore
Taylor Williams vs James
Steinmann et al Verdict in fav
or of plaintiff and against James
Steinmann Judgment rendered
accordingly for 53500
State vs Mitchell U Clyde
Continued to first day of next
regular term
State vs Laura Hughes Con
tinued to first day of next reg
ular term
James W McClung vs Phebe
Helen Zeggio Default of all de
fendants taken and title quieted
in plaintiff
Mary E Foss vs Nathan B
Retherford et al Decree of fore
Satte vs William Little Con
tinued to first day of next regu
lar1 term
Nebraska Central Building and
Loan asEOcialion vs Harry T
Groves et al Decree of foreclos
As there was a large amount of
business on the docket which
could not be disposed of this
term court was adjourned until
December 11th next
yrs J F Utter and sun went
u to Mix Saturday
Mrs P E Potter was a Kn
esaw passenger Thursday
C L Debenham is1 no longer
in the companys service
Paul Benjamin followed his
star of destiny to Oxford Satur
day evening on 10
Herman Hegenberger was up
from Republican Sunday to be
with the home folks
Switchman C W Lutes was
called east Sunday on 10 by the
serious illness of his brother
Mrs C W Britt lenves to
morrow morning on No 13 for
an extensive visit in California
A new way ear and crew was
with Conductor C B Dalton in
placed in commission Monday
Dan Lucas boss of the boiler
shop at Ilavelock came up to be
present at the Marshall Trammell
Agent D F Hostetter arriv
ed home Saturday from his trip
lo the Northwest and is on the
job again
The Tribune hears it stated
that one railroad man is interest
ed in a planted acreage of wheit
of 1200 acres
G A Brooks had charge of
the Cartlidge special from Akron
to Red Cloud Mr Cartlidge is
inspector of iron bridges
Mrs Clarence Stokes loft on
Monday morning on No 2 for a
visit with her parents in Albion
going via Lincoln and Omaha
Mrs AVdll Hegenberger and
the twins arrived home this
morning on 9 from their visit
with Hastings relatives of sever
al days
The coal shed men near
Wray allowed a car to get away
from the shed Sunday and the
blocking car was sent down from
Akron to rerail it
Conductor Tom Nashleft on
10 via Lincoln Saturday night
for Great Falls Montana where
he will be located for the next
sixty days He will during his
absence run on the Great North
ern He first goes to enter a
claim on the Rosebud reservation
Presents the latest and best
Western Dramas with reckless riding Modern comedy dram
as Funny Farces Interesting Scenes and all the best Fea
ture Pictures
Go Tonight Always a Good Show
ADMISSION 5c and 10c
Good Music by Jones Jones
Different States Will Have Feat
ures at Western Agricul
tural Exhibit
The special state days at the Omaha
Land Show will be of interest to vis
itors from this country as they will
be home coming days Those who
have gone into the west will time
their visits to the east so as to be In
Omana on their state day and their
friends from heie can arrange to meet
them at the land show and have re
unions there where they can see the
results of the work done by those who
have done the pioneering worlc
Feature programs have been ar
ranged for each of the state days
The governors of the different western
f tates have appointed advisory boards
who have this matter in hand and each
will vie with ihe other to make their
state program the best of all In most
oases the iovernor Is now arranging
to be present to take part in the pio
gram which will in each case be one
of a most interesting character The
following is a list of these special
stato days
Monday Oct ICth Omaha Council
Muffs and South Omaha Tri City day
with formal opening at 7 p m
Tuesday Oct 17th Iowa and South
Dakota state day
Wednesday Oct ISth Nebraska
State day
Thursday Oct 19th Idaho State
Friday Oct 20th Washington State
Saturday Oct 21st Omaha and
South Omaha Public School day
Sunday Oct 22nd Labor Union day
and United Church Choir day
Monday Oct 23rd Montana State
Tuesday Oct 24th Oregon State
Wednesday Oct 25th California
State day
Thursday Oct 2Gth Colorado State
Friday Oct 27th Utah State day
Saturday Oct 28th Wyoming and
Nevada State day
Programs for other special events
have also been arranged so that there
will be something of interest going od
all of the time Each day will be a
big day and every night will be a big
night at Omahas Big Land Show
Thousands of Land Hungry After In
dian Acres
Chief Yellow Horse the Sioux lead- j
er and his tellow tribesmen have
vielded un their reservation and are
now counted as farmers instead of as
wards of the government On June
25 they voted for the first time when
the selection of county seats came up
at special elections at several points
In South Dakota Now another reser
vation is to be opened up and 3000
more farms -will be opened to the
homesteader The registration dates
have been set by the president as Oct
2 to 21 and drawings are to begin on
Oct 24 Thscs dates come at a tima
when those who go to the places of
registration can also attend the Oma
ha Land Show being held at the same
time and by stopping at the expo
sition can gain much information
which will be of value to them This
show will be o interest to those who
are successful and also to those who
See it in fhA rlmwimr as it will
show how persons wno piuu uiu ucci
opment of a farm can do so to the
best advantage and also where those
-who are looking for a new location
will find just what will suit them best
Western Development Association
The fall meeting of the Western
Development association will be held
in Omaha in October This associa
tion was organized for the purpose of
interesting those who plan to move
from their homes in the middle west
into our undeveloped portions of the
new west The object of the organiza
tion is to divert the tide of immigra
tion which has been going Into Can
ade and turn it into sections where it
will be of some value to the United
The first meeting was held in Oma
ha in January and this one will come
during the Omaha Land Show which
will be held from Oct 16 to 28 Tho
two are held in connection with each
other so that those who attend the
convention may also see exhibits
-which will show the whole vest u t
one roof
Now that these little frocks are
so smart women are wondering
how they ever managed to worij
through the between seasons with
out them In blue serge with col
lar of Irish lace or black satin
piped with cerise and cuffs to
match nothing could be more
comfortable for morning and gen
eral wear A good model is
shown with side front closing
and should the tunic seem too
l i l yy
r H I r
v t
Ladies llcznc Journal Patterns
dressy for ordinary occasions it
may be omitted without detriment
to the design From the- other
model a most delectable little
frock may be devised of taupe
or plum color corduroy Avith
guimpe of ecru net or white ma
line and girdle of matching or of
black satin weighted at the- ends
with one of the new immense tas
sels of beads We -women still re
tain some of the primitive bar
barian in our make up for we
take to these dangly fringes and
tassels as do ducks to water All
sorts of beads are being pressed
into service for trimmings this
season and they carry out attrac
tively the East Indian note so
dominant just now
Try Dr Swans Kidney Pills
for all kidney trouble
A McMILLEN Druggist
In the county court of Red
Willow county Nebraska In the
matter of the estate of Robert B
Wilson deceased
To all persons interested in said
estate You are hereby notified
that the administrator of said es
state has filed his petition for
the distribution of moneys paid
him by the Chicago Burlington
Quincy Railroad Company for
the death of said deceased Said
petitioner alleges that said mon
ey is not liable for the debts of
said estate and prays that the
same may be paid to the heir at
law of said estate freed from all
claims of said creditors You are
hereby notified to appear at my
office in the court house on the
21th day of October 1911 to
show cause why the prayer of
said petition should not be grant
ed It is further ordered that
notice of pendency of said peti
tion be given by publishing a
copy of this order in the McCook
Tribune for four consecutive
Dated this 25th day of Septem
ber 1911
County Judge
First publication Sep 25 4ts
Notice of Administratrixs Sale
In the District Court of Red
Willow County State of Nebras
ka In the matter of the applica
tion of Nina Ilarris Wade Ad
ministratrix of the estate of Jam
es B Wade deceased to seU real
Notice is hereby given that in
msuanee of an order of the
lion or able R C Orr Judge of
the District Court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska made on
the 7th day of October 1911 for
tihe sale of the real estate here
inafter described situated in
Red Wallow county state of Ne
braska to wit lot numbered six
in block numbered six in the or
iginal town now city of McCook
said real estate will be sold at
public vendue to the bid
der for casli at the front door of
the court house in the city of Mc
Cook Red Willow county Ne
braska on Wednesday the 8th
day of November 1911 at the
hour of one oclock in the after
Dated this 7tli day of October
3 dnrnrtratrix of the Estate of
Jims B Wade deceased
First publication Oct 16 6ts
3 Royal has no substitute for L3
jS making delicious home baked foods y
W Hfe Wfo Mi
O The only Baking Powder made P
M from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar M
Eead Heed and Get Busy
Office of State Fire Commis
sioner Lincoln Neb Oct 10
The time has arrived to black
en and set up the family heating
stove or start the fire in tlie
furnace The first tiling to do
before you set up the stove is to
make a close inspection of your
chimneys from cellar to garret
and then go upon the roof and
see that it is in good condition if
it is not there is just one thing
to do and that is FIX it
The eliimney should be cleaned
out from top to bottom before I
you start a fire Take a long
pole fasten an old gunny sack
on the end of it and swab out tli3
chimney your stove will draw
better and it will not burn out
throw sparks on the roof and
burn up your house If your
chimney happens to be one of
these crooked kind take a rope
and fasten a log chain in the end
of it and drag the chain up and
down in the chimney until you
have knocked all the soot down
then clean out the soot either i
from the hole in the bottom of
the chimney or the lowest stove
pipe hole
Do not forget that a defective
flue will rob you of your home
and all there is in it and per
haps burn you and your family
up and if you neglect yoiu duty j
to thoroughly inspect and clean j
it you can blame no one but yoiuj
self if you biu n out I
The next thing to do is to in 1
spect the stove pipe and elbows
The action of the salt and sul 1
pliuir in the coal will eat and j
rust out stove pipe iron in a
very short time Dont fail to
look carefully at every length
of pipe and elbow Take a stick
and pound them and get the rust
flakes and soot off of the inside
and where ever you see a rusty
spot see if you can punch a
hole in it with your finger Old j
stove pipes are guilty of thous
ands of fires every year better
give yourself the benefit of the
doubt Throw it away and buy
new it dont cost as much as a
new house and household goods
An old stove if it is sound is
all right but look it over and
see df it is sound dont take
any chances You cannot afford
to See to it that there is a
good metal or asbestos lining un
der the stove on the floor and
if the stove sets near a parti
tion or door get a zinc protec
tion and put it so there can be
no question about safety
There is an old adage that An
ounce of prevention beats a
pound of cure In these mat
ters I have mentioned an hours
attention beas a ltife time of re
gret and if you will heed the
advice and get the habit and do
it every year defective flues old
stoves old stove pipes and no
protection under stoves will not
be charged with as many fires in
the future as they have been in
the past Verv truly
Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner
Wc never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
A Medicine That Giver- Confidence
Is Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
Mrs T J Adams 522 No Kansas
Ave Columbus Kas writes For
a number of years my children have
been subject to coughs and colds I
used Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound and found that it cured their
coughs and colds so I keep it in the
ihouse all the time Refuse sub
stitutes A McMillen
When you have a bad cold you
want the best medicine obtainable
so as to cure it with as litle delay
as possible Here is a druggists
opinion I have sold Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for fifteen years
says Enos Lollar of Saratoga Ind
and consider it the best on the mar
ket For sale by all druggists
Foleys Kidney Remedy vs a Hope
less Case
Hon Ark J E Freeman says
I had a severe case of kidney trou
ble and could not work and my case
seemed hopeless One large bottle
of Foleys Kidney Remedy cured me
and I have never been bothered
since I always recommend it A
James C Dahlman Cowboy Mayor
of Omaha Throws the Lariat
Mayor Jas C Dahlman started his
career as a cowboy and is at present
Mayor of Omaha and has the follow
ing record Sheriff of Dawes Co
Neb three terms Mayor of Chadroa
two terms Democratic Natl Commit
teeman eight years Mayor of Oma
ha six years and in 1910 candidate
for governor of Nebraska Writing
to iFoley Co Chicago lie says
I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and
they have given me a great deal of
relief so I cheerfully recommend
them Yours truly Signed
James C Dahlman
A McMillen
October Special Rates
THE DRY FARMING CONGRESS at Colorado Springs October 16 20
will be one of the most instructive conventions ever held in the west
special rates
THE OMAHA LAND SHOW Octoberl6th to 28th Here you will see un
der one roof the remarkable products of irrigation and dry farming
it will be a great educational show of farm and orchard products
from every state in the west
most successful season of heavy crops Filings for Government irri
gated homesteads this Autumn will be very numerous Some of tho
finest lands that the Government has ever bestowed are for you in
these regions A party of twenty one newspaper correspondents has
just made a tour through the Big Horn Basin and Sheridan Country
and they were amazed at the wonderful fields of grain and alfalfa tho
ample water supply the permanent canals the progressive new
towns ithe productive soil the climate the surrounding and scenic
mountains the mineral wealth the industrial possibilities and the hos
pitality of the people
Join our personally conducted excursions the first and third Tuesdays of
each month and keep ahead of the coming movement
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska