The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 16, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    Tfte Mcooft THfrime
Omaha will entertain the Ne
braska Stat Teachers associa
tion November S 9 10
The League of Nebraska Munci
palitics will hold dts annual con
vention in Omaha November 15
The world is seeking efficien
cy in its service in every depart
ment of life The great corpora
and individual business why not
value it in public affairs in the
business of the people It is
worth just as much to the public
to sacure good service as it is to
corporations and individual busi
ness men Chas Skalla has de
termined his value to Red Willow
county by service which has nev
er been exceeded for efficiency
in the history of the county He
deserves to be reelected on that
basis alone
The growth and development
of a new country with its expand
ing business and closer social
relations bring the office of
county sheriff gradually into
more prominence There is
more litigation amd the prob
lems of life become more
cute and keener in all lines
The demand naturally lis for
increasing competency in that
office Ernest F Osborn famil
iarly known as Dick Osborn
lias had experience as an officer
in both city and county and
stands well wherever known es
pecially so in McCook his home
for many years ne is a young
man of vigor and fully equipped
for the office he seeks The vot
ers of Red Willow county will do
well to remember liim with a
large vote at the Novmeber elec
j j
With the close of the present
term Judge J C Moore will have
held the office of county judge
for three terms This fact is in
itself significant It means that
the judge has given a faithful ac
count of his stewardship in that
office The generous majorities
by which he has been returned
to office give added color to the
pleasing fact of his repeated elec
tion to the office of importance
and trust The judge does not
attempt to ocpupy the center of
the stage in a dazzling way any
or all the time he just honestly
and conscientiously and continu
ously gives the people of the
county good and careful service
dispensing the duties of the court
with an even hand and irrespec
tive of individuals being mind
ful only all the while of being
fair and just to all litigants and
administering with economy and
the statutes
iustice and according to
winch come into
utes the estates
Tt for nrobate And m
Ljing let us state that these are
for his asking for another
hands of the voters
term at the
of Red Willow county -
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
Supreme Judges
Railway Commissioner
Regents of State University
Judge 14th District
County Clerk
County Treasurer
Clerk of District Court
County Sheriff
County Judge
Countv Superintendent
County Surveyor
Countv Coroner
Commissioner 1st District
Those having business in the dis
trict court know the value of
system and thoroness in keeping
up to date the business and rec
ords of the office of clerk of the
district court As deputy clerk
Elmer E Kay has exhibited more
than usual ability in that office
so much so that both lawyers and
litigants remark upon the system
atic filing and recording of pa
pers and the facility and prompt
ness with which necessary and
proper information can be secur
ed from that office The election
of Elmer Kay will make sure thai
the office of district court will be
handled with accuracy and care
and up to the highest business
requirements An X after his
name will do the work
The public especially commends
and enjoys that quality of pub
lic service which goes about the
work in hand quietly and thoroly
and yet gives a product of effic
iency high and worthy Brass
bands are quite well in their
place but in the office of county
superintendent of public instruc
tion under the administration of
Miss Elizabeth
tions individual business men and systematized business train
even individuals themselves are ing both qualifications being os
after results efficiency sential in the conduct of that of
iency means less waste and con- fice Hence results have follow
sequently more profit for the ed during her administration
money invested If this is of which will make certain her re-
Tiat importance in corporate j turn to that omce
Mrs W 0 Bradbury of the Ce
dar Bluffs Kansas region left
for Rochester Minn end of last
week from this place to undergo
an operation
Gr Woyeneth shipped three -car
loads of young to the Kan
sas City market last week 90
liead of them and a fine looking
bunch they were
Lem Ormsby and a neighbor
named Cruson had a little troubl
over some loose hogs at the for
mers home southwest of town
last Friday Iem made a dash
at Ouson and Cruson opened up
Lems scalp with the muzzle of a
shot gun wliich he happened to
be carrying No arrests Mar
ion Enterprise
After exposure and when you feel
a cold coming on take Foleys Hon
ey and Tar Compound It checks
and relieves Use no substitute The
senune in a yellow package always
A McMillen
uys more here
than anywhere
Quality is what you
get for what you pay
Not what you pay
for what you get
Everything to eat - Everything to wear
Mrs W T March is receiving
a visit from her father Mr Petea
IT W Keyes of Indianola was
in attendance upon district court
Bettcher there Friday
has been no place for such music E B Perry of Cambridge spenl
or indeed anything approaching most of the Aveek in McCook last
that method Her work has been week attending distract court
essentallv modest and wmte ot Uurtos was
inir but the results and the among those attending court
ord show the conduct ot the Here Friday and Saturday last
fice to have been highly satisfac
tory and successful She brought
to the office ripe experience as
a teacher and well established
The public is becoming more
and more discriminating and ex
acting year by year in its demand
tint those seeking to be chosen
to public offices be honest and
qualified It is not now enough
that a man wants a place at the
public treasury or even that he
needs it It is entirely right and
proper that he shall offer better
claims and that the people shall
demand higher motives or reason
for office seeking When the
office deals with vast sums of
money the demand for honesty
and efficiency is the keener and
rightfully so But the Republit
cans of Red Willow county in
their nominee Arthur B Wood
meet that condition and in fact
all conditions ne stands high
in the community where he has
spent his life as an honorable and
honest man and years of exact
ing clerical and business life have
qualified him splendidly for the
office of county treasurer ne
deserves a large vote and we
have no doubt that he will re
ceive it
Tama Jim Wilson is the lion
orary president of the brewers
congress in session in Chicago
this week But whats in a
Cambridge Avill become a pos
tal savings bank toAvn November
J II Wicks Bert Everist and
Thus Relph of Cedar Bluffs Kan
sas were visitors Friday and Sat
Alex Perkins wife and child oi
Fairmont who have been visiting
has brother Ed here will return
home this evening
Mr Brown of Crete Nebras
ka a member of the firm of
Brown Venrick attorneys at
law attended district court here
last Thursday
Mrs W B Mills and Miss Dun
lap gave an acceptable recital in
Trenton Saturday under auspic
es of the public schools of that
town The recital was given to
the small children in the after
noon and to the public and large
children in the evening They re
turned home on No 16 Sunday
Surprise and Shower
A very pleasant surprise and
shower were given Mrs Frank
Douglas at the home of Mrs
Dean Iluet Thursday afternoon
at four oclock A three course
luncheon was served The guests
were Mcsdames William Poh
John Poh Frank Smith A E
Rowland D P Clouse Ed Purdy
William Ratcliffe JJenry Moors
O U Chariot Fred Billings Earl
Spencer Arthur Dinnel Harry
Iluet Marie Caldwell A R
nett J E Albreeht Ben Askey
Charles Knosp
Public Sale Oct 18th
We will offer 50 head of large
type Poland China hogs at pub
lic sale at farm 2 miles south of
Holbrook Neb October 18 1911
Fall farrow Sired by six boars
LTere is a hog opportunity Cat
alogue ready 5 2ts
Frank Davis Sons
LTausler Bros
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
MeConnell for drugs
State of Ohio City of Toledo Lu
cas iCounty ss
Frank J Cheney makes oath that
he isi senior partner of the firm of
F J Cheney Co doing business
dn ithe City of Toledo County and
State aforesaid and that said firm
will pay the sum of One Hundred Dol
ars ifor each and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot he cured by the
use of Halls Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence this 6th day of
December A D 1886
Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system Send for testimonials free
F J Cheney Co Toledo O
Sold by all druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
We Guarantee to Relieve Dyspep
sia If We Fail the Medicine
Costs Nothing-
To unquestionably prove to the
people that indigestion and dys
pepsia can be permanently reliev
de and Rexall Dyspepsia Tab
lets will bring about this result
we will furnish the medicine abso
lately free if it fails to give satis
faction to any one using it
The remarkable success of Rex
all Dyspepsia Tablets is due to
the Mgh degree of scientific skill
used in devising their formula as
well as to the care exercised in
their manufacture whereby the
well known properties of Bismuth
Subnitrate and Pepsin have been
combined with Carminatives and
other agents
Bismuth Subnitrate and Pepsin
are constantly employed and rec
ognized hy the entire medical pro
fession as invaluable in the treat
ment of indigestion and dyspep
The Pepsin used in Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets is carefully pre
pared so as to develop its great
est efficiency Pepsin supplies to
digestive apparatus one of the
most important elements of the
digestive fluid Without it the
digestion and assimilation of food
are impossible
The Carminatives possess pro
perties which aid in relieving the
disturbances and pain caused by
undigested food This combina
tion of these ingredients makes a
remedy invaluable for the com
plete relief of indigestion and dyj
We are so certain ofthis that
Ave iirge you to try Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets on our own person
al guarantee Three sizes 25c
oOc and 100 Remember you
can obtain Rexall Remedies only
at our store The Rexall Store
L AV MeConnell
Many McCook People Deprived of
Needful Sleep by Kidney Troubles
There is little peace or rest for
the kidney sufferer Night brings
no respite from the days misery
the same old backache is ever pres
ent the sharp twinges when turning
or twisting the annoying urinary
troubles the headaches and nervous
ness and all tend to prevent rest or
sleep You arise more tired than
when you went to bed To get well
you must get to the cause the kid
neys Sick kidneys cannot get well
alone Use Doans Kidney Pills the
remedy that is so strongly endorsed
by your friends and neighbors in
McCook Could you desire more con
vincing proof of merit
Mrs Thomas Groughan 421 B
Ave McCook Nebr says A mem
ber of our family suffered from
backache caused by disordered kid
neys He also had headaches and
got up in the morning feeling all
tired out Doans Kidney Pills were
finally used and they brought splen
did results I have observed the
good work that Doans Kidney Pills
have done in many cases of kidney
trouble and therefore do not hesitate
to recommend them
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
J W Copeland of Dayton Ohio
purchased a bottle of Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for lias boy who had
a cold and before the bottle was all
used the boys cold was gone Is
that not better than to pay a five
dollar doctors bill For sale by all
The McCook Semi Weekly Trib
une It is 100 a year
Sworn Secrecy Envelops the Wooing
and Winning of the Girl
An Arab loves as none but an Arab
can love but he is also mightily excit
able and easily won An Arab sees a
girl bearing water or brushwood and
in a moment almost at a glance is as
madly in love as if be had passed
years of courtship He thinks of noth
ing else cares and dreams of nothing
else but the girl he loves and not in
frequently if he is disappointed in his
affection he pines and dies In order
to commence his suit he sends for a
member of the girls tribe and first
insuring bis secrecy by a solemn oath
confesses bis love and entreats his con
fidant to arrange an interview
The confidant goes to the girl gives
her a flower or a blade of grass and
Swear by him who made this Jlower
arid us also that you will not reveal
to any onethafe which I am about to
unfold to you
If the girl will not accept the pro
posal she will not -take the oath but
nevertheless keeps the matter per
pectly secret frm all If she is favor
ably disposed to the match she an
I swear by him who made the flow
er you hold and us and the place and
time of meetiHg are settled These
oaths are neverbroken and it is not
long before the ardent lover becomes
the happy husband
ji j i i 1 1 mi ipi
Time to Call the Painter
THE time to call the painter is when
your house needs paint If you wait
for cheaper linseed oil you will lose money
The longer you wait the more paint you
will need Use
rr orn
reiMJ irA l l
Pure White Lead
and pure linseed oil now and the high
price of oil will mean only about 5 per
cent increase in the cost a very few
dollars at most Not enough to pay for
having a shabby looking place
Send for Our Free Painting Helps
containing color schemes miscellaneous painting direc
tions and names of Blue List Painters in your com
munity who use our white lead Ask for Helps No B
TO PAINTERS If you use our white lead send
us your name for our Painters Blue List Write us
for Circular No B It gives particulars
5jb ill Liiestnut at at jouis iio
We Back up Our Statements with
Our Personal Reputation
and Money
We are so positive that we can
relieve constipation no matter
how chronic it may be thatwo of
fer to furnish the medicine free
of all cost if wo fail
We think that it is worse than
useless to attempt to cure consti
pation with cathartic drugs Ca-
Worlds Pure
1 M
ga an
ill I i vftSJw
mw im i i
rr i i
For Sale by All Dealers J
I 9 9ft JF2h Mm 2
i m m
91 i Y W9 B 9
aL i m
llSslvOV BttWa
principle of our remedy involved
the labor of skillful research
chemists This remedy produces
results such as are expected from
the best of the best known intes
tinal tonics and it is particular
ly prompt in its results
We want you to try Rexall Or
derlies on our guarantee Tliey
are exceedingly pleasant to take
and are ideal for children They
apparently act directly on the
nerves and muscles of the bow
els having it would seem a neu
tral action on other organs or
martics may ao mucii Harm Tiiey glands They do not purge or
may cause a reaction irritate and eause inconvenience If they do
weaken the bowels and make con uot positivelv cure chronic or
stipation more chrome habitual constipation and thus re-
Constipation is often aceompan lieve the myriads of associate or
ied and may be caused by weak- dependent chronic ailments your
ness of the nerves and muscles of money will be refunded Try
the large intestine or colon To Rexall Orderlies at our risk
expect a cure you must therefore i Three sizes of packages 10c 25c
tone up and strenjrtilien those
parts and restore them to health
ier activity
The discovery of the active
and 50c Remember 3 011 can ob
tain Rxeall Remedies in this com
munity on- at our store The
Rexall Store L W MeConnell
The wonder of
mg powders Calumet
Wonderful in its raisinor
powers its uniformity
5 lts never failing results its
Wondcrf -
It costs less than the r
trust brands but it is v j
much It costs a trifle more than
the cheap and big can kinds
it is worth more But proves its
real economy m the baking
Use CALUMET the Modern
Baking Powder
At all Grocers
Here is a woman who speaks from Before you reach the Limit
and of Physical endurance and while
personal knowledge long experi
your condition is still curable take
ence viz Mrs P H Brogan of Wil Foley Kidney Pills Their quick ac
son Pa who says I know from ex tion and positive results will delight
perience that Chamberlains r bacakche nervousness
rheumatism and all kidney bladder
t j - A
Remedy far to oth
superior any
and urmary troubles A McMillen
er For croup there is nothing that
excels it For sale by all dealers The Tribune 100 the year
flDhoigun III
Five shots all under absolute control
three to get the cripples
The action is simple powerful and sure
The trigger pull is smooth and easy
The hammer is light and quick
Part of the recoil ordinarily absorbed by shooters
shoulder is utilized to operate the mechanism
Not one single ounce of muzzle energy is lost
Handles theheaviest loads with ease and safetv
Solid Breech Hammerless Safe
FemingtonrUMCkz perfect shooting combination
Send for Descriptive Folder
Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co
Z99 Broadway New York City
hte TTB
2SffiSi 5SJfiP
t 1 1 f MEt II
x 3WK