The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 8

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Bigger Cities Yes
Bisrorer Stores Ye
Cammittse Now Presents Its Tal
ent and Scheduled Dates
The Tribune has pleasure in
acintini the fact that the
1 I- J A - J H n -
3izttee behees tl y av secured
a srorthy and iiirit ious course
Ssr the winter at a reasonable
At the outset The Tribune
ants its readers to know that
s is not a money making
acfieme in any sense of the word
The committee is composed of
-v L E Lewis Kev W M
Rev D L Me Bride Rev
H T Bayne R ev A J R Gold-
v3Eith Supt W T Davis and
Messrs L W McConnell C W
fiiraes J R McCarl F M Kim
Kll E S Howell C F Heber
3LK Cnlbertson Cluirks Skalla
rasworth Monks Di C L Fahn
toc k Their services are each
szd all free and their only pur
3i is to offer the people- of Mc
iCbok some first class attractions
zit a minimum of cost To this
and they hope to have- the enthus
iatic and earnest cooperation of
people of McCook
The season tickets will cost
32D0 for the five numbers and
3uclf that amount or 100 for
under twelve years and
Trr school children The hand
Sag of all the tickets has been
with L W McConnell
tStopi Davis will have charge of
ifce school tickets
The special committee in
aSssrge of the sale of the tick
aeis is L W McConnelL Dr
US ii Fahnestoek and Eev W M
3teiion These gentlemen will im
isBafiately inaugurate a campaign
far the sale of the season tick
cfc of which at least four hun
feid must he disposed of to as
SKre the financial success of the
In order to relieve the conunit
Itsz of some of this work it has
Jkb decided by the committee to
grrcr z free season ticket to any
Tvho will sell twelve adult sea
ut Better
You can be fitted here f
in our store in clothes
whose style range as far
and as wide as any
stores in the state
Why dont you try them Our mir
rors are big and they show you from
head to foot
SteinBlock Suits and Overcoats Cur
lee Pants Thoroughbred and Stetson
Hats White Cat Underwear the new
patented union suit
Come and try one
vou wlSS never
Willi any other kind
11 L
McConnell for drugs
You will find them fresh
clean at Magners grocery
115 West B Street
s n tickets or an equivalent num
her of childrens tickets Details
can be ascertained from either
Mr McConnell Dr Fahnestock
or Rev Patton
iieru u cu the tWQ leeture numberSj 50 cente
MIS a uitj uu irUl w
eajh jt bft geen that
aaad rs an announcement ot its
b advantageous to to
asarsft for the winter ot lectures - fnl0ft
musnl numbers By refer-
SKtce to rhv r advertisement on
first page of this issue a souk
Trhat detailed foreword of the
Tanrse can be read It compris 1
s threv fin imrV numbers and
ttro splendid lttu The com l
in i iiv oi noun iioiyclo
Holders of season tickets will
be given the advantage of one
day in making reservations of
seats over holders of single ad
mission tickets in each entertain
ment number
Tt is the ardent hope of the
j committee that the people of Mc
Cook will respond to this oppor
tunity with a prompt and liberal
purchase of season tickets
J he best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Manners
A R Scott continued his- jour
ney to Denver Wednesday morn
The Argan Tree
Among the most remarkable trees of
the world is the argan which abounds
in soutliern Morocco hut is seldom
seen elsewhere A forest of argans
has a curious scattered appearance be
cause the trees grow singly and far
apart They are very leafy but sel
dom exceed twenty feet in height
The branches put out horizontally and
begin a yard above the ground Sheep
cattle and camels feed on the leaves
and goats will stand on their hind
legs to reach them but horses and
mules refuse to touch them The wood
is very hard and extremely useful to
the natives who make charcoal from
it The fruit resembling a largo olive
Is used to feed cattle and to manufac
ture a valuable oil It also furnishes
the principal sustenance of many of
the -poorer natives Scientific Ameri
First Veterinary School
J vc y - i -V J vx v
Once worn
History ot the Sardine
The sardine has been honored with
a history the writer being noiess i
personage than a member of the So-
ciete Academique of Nantes The sir
dine in the early days was brought in
Singleadmission tickets will be in small boats Then came a police
sold as follows For each of the
musical numbers 75 cents for
ordinance in 173S in the interest of
the poorer classes against the monop
olist Owing to the police ordinance
the sardine was a source of livelihood
to the Bretons Joseph Cillin -whose
name is still revered in Xantes first
prepared the lish with oil His ven
ture was a great success and he had
many imitators In 1SJ5 there was
something like a crisis in the sardine
industry Millet- who was the chief
curer had his factory indicted as a
nuisance but the diiliculty was over
come by removing it from the center
of the town to the shore Although
the fame of the sardine was tirinly
established it was only in 1835 that
it received its apotheosis Then it
was shown In the Paris
London Globe
Something to Show
Do you mean to tell me demanded
Mr Sillicus angrily that you actually
ordered 10 worth of groceries of a to
tal stranger at prices less than am
wholesale dealer can buy them and
paid for them in advance
Yes thats what I said replied hi
better half
And you hadnt sense enough to
that It was a barefaced swindle
roared Sillicus Well your money-
gone now and you have nothing t
show for it
Why 5es I have John said his
wife I have the mans receipt for
the money LIppincotts
y - AUCls LUU ue sot ai t Forgot His First Aid
uie arse veterinary scnooi was iouna 1 But how does sbe know that
ea in tne city or Lyons France about joesnt j0ve her
tne miaaie or May or tne year 1701
Since 17C1 veterinary schools have
spread all over the civilized world
especially in Germany France Eng
land and the United States of Amer
ica in which advanced countries the
horse has the benefit of as fine a sci
ence as that which exists for his mas
ter man New York American
A Big Job
That is old Jed Wombat our oldest
Why doesnt he get his -whiskers
Well he does start a dicker with
the barber everj winter but they aint
never been able to reach no agreement
yet Washington Herald
His Cure
I have cured myself by learning to
chew my food
What have you cured yourself of
The belief that if I remained away
from the office for more than ten min
utes at lunch time everything would
go to the dickens Chicago Record
She fainted away the other evening
and he didnt kiss her before he
I lered for help Houston Post
As a Last Resort
Mother I saw you kissing my daugh
Yes but only out of desperation
I couldnt think of anything to say to
her Flieefinde Blatter I
Associated Doctors Specialists
Will Be At the Lead
ing Hotel
Remarkable Success of These Tal
ented Physicians in the Treat
ment of Chronic Dis -eases
The Associated Doctors Licens
ed by the state of Nebraska for
the treatment of deformities and
es of men women and children
offer to all who call on this trip
consultation examination advice
Diseases of the stomach intes
tines liver blood skin nerves
heart spleen kidneys or blad
der rheumatism sciatica diabet
es bed wetting leg ulcers weak
this Time may Help you I
iix iuc uuer mis ivev
for one day onlv
Married ladies must come with
their husbands and minors with
their parents
Office at leading hotel b
Cook Neb
Hours 10 a m to S p m
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular That
such is the case with Chamberlains
oCugh Remedy has been attested by
many dealers Here lis one of them
H W Hendrickson Ohio Falls Ind
writes Chamberlains Cough remedy
is the best for coughs colds and
croup and is my best seller For
sale by all dealers
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are mak
ing for success at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
The implicit confidence that many
people have in Chambenlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
founded on their experience in the
use of that remedy and their know
ledge of the many remarkable cures
of colic diarrhoea and dysentery
that it has effected For sale by all
This Beautiful Pillow Top
to remind our patrons of ths
superior beauty of
New Process
Our only request is that you buy six skeins of Beldings Silks
needed to commence the pillow top which together with illustra
ted diagram lessonwill cost you only 25c pillow top and back are
included free also list of 1911 designs
emt la today end see wart we are of ferine yoib Scut delay
Chas A Bisnett went to j
except the actual cost of medi 1 We wonder if Jimmie Bennett
cine All that is tasked in re
turn for these valuable services
is that every person treated will
state the result obtained to their
friends and thus prove to the
elc and afflicted in wrv city
are reasonably sure and certain
in their effect
Tlis1 doctors are considered
by many former patients among
Amrais leading stomach and
iim vc specialists and are experts
in the treatment of chronic
on qi
and so great and wonder
ful haw been their results that
in many eases it is hard indeed
to find the dividing line between
ZOtiSK islcill and milacle
is going over to see how Iris fall
Avheat is before he leaves
J II and C A Wesch hauled
out two loads of seed Avheatfrom
McCook last week Wesch brotli
ers have their own steam
and locality that at last treat-
er ami are gojng to try wheat
mollis naw neen discovered that raiciiv nnfn m
- ai w X
Jiaeob Wesch and family and
Miss Dora Greenway called at th
home of Aug Wesch Sunday
A Peters and wife were Mc
Cook visitors Saturday
Miss Rosa Dike and mother
were McCook visitors Saturdav
understand that A M Ben
jamin and family moved back to
this country from Missouri last
Miss Alice Garfield as going to
school at McCook
W B Wolfe has gone to Ore
lungs and those afflicted with S to
long standing deep seated chron
ic diseases that have baffled the
skill of the family
should not fail to call
According to their system no
more operations for appendicitis
gall stones tumors goiter or cer
tain forms of cancer They were
among the first in America to
earn the name of the Bloodless
Lrrover Doyle returner from
Wyoming last week
Miss Mary Dixon of Alma is
visiting her aunt Mrs F G Ly
tle this week
The men folks are busy put
ting in wheat since the rain
Rev Foutch will preach at this
place next Sunday morning
liie subject for the Epworth
Surgeons by doing away with iaglle on Sunday evening is
the knife with blood and with gS W May Know-
Jill pain in the successful treat- ii i Tl Acts 418 20 Rom
mnet of these dangerous diseases- 1 X 112- A- Mod-
It vou have Inirlnnv - mbii 1LJ leaaer
troubles bring a two ounce bottle
of your urine for chemical analy
sis and microscopic examination
Dealness often has been cur
ed in sixty days
No matter what your ailment
may be no matter what others
may have told you no matter
wih at experience you may have
had with other physicians it will
be to your advantage to see them
at once Have it forever settled
Til VAin niinl TV
We will commence harvesting
potatoes Monday on the Mor
ton farm Persons desiring to
buy may secure them on and af
ter that date
McMillens Cora Remedy
e if used as directed
jw MW1U ii y uur uHsy is m AA i
The Diamond hall is being re-
curable they will give you anchrBlulIteu
advice as may relieve and stay Frank Burbridge bought out
the disease Do not put off this Mr Siekler Monday and is now
duty you owe yourself or friends sole proprietor of the Whit-
or relatives who are suffering be- Swan barber shop
cause of your sickness as a visit
Foley Kidney Pills
Sujply oust the ingredients needed
to build up strengthen and restore
the natural action of the kidneys and
bladder Specially prepared for back
ache headache nervousness rheuma
tism and all kidney bladder and uri
nary irregularities A McMillen
Dry Goods
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
Ladies Furnishings
McCook Nebraska
Miss Jo Murray spent Sunday
all nervous and chronic His family moved to Me- with her father and brother
Cook Saturday The teachers of the Indianola
Mike Crocker has bought the district me ton Saturday in the
Jolm Maisel place and is moving high school assembly room and
free making no charge whatever on same tlus week-
elected iur uoruon president
Mr Plourd secretary A good pro
gram was enjoyed by all teachers
Many will be grieved to learn
of the death of an old timeresi
denl of Indianola Mrs E E
Calkins at her home in San Die
go California October 1 The
remains were brought hMV on No
4 Sunday evening and laid by
the aide of hr husband on Mon
day afternoon in the Indianola
eem tery
TIi Optimist Literary society
of tin high school entertained th
tar Friday evening at
the home of Lon Sargent AH
enjoyed themselves- and pronoun
eed the Optimists royal entertain
T 1411 ll i
rn iiien ana oritlc aiv lion
from their honejmoon trip and
will go to housekeeping in a cor
ing in the northern part of the
R II Thomas and Mat Colling
we McCook business visitors on
S iiurday of last week
Mrs Lucy Dunning is quite
sick at this writing
Miss Millie Branler got Iier
shoulder dislocated while play
ing at school
Five car load of stock were
shipped from here to Superior on
Tuesday evening
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey Avheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
Get our rates on farm loans
Pure Gold flour from winter
wheat at Magners
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding- Breakfast heads
the list
Over three hundred acres of
wheat has been secured for fall
planting by W B Whittaker al
ready this fall He reports the
soil in exceptionally fine condition-
and hopes everybody who
can afford it will enlist in- this
good cause Plant wheat
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
Still retains its high place as the
best household remedy for all coughs
and colds either for children or for
grown persons Prevents serious re
sults from a cold Take only the
genuine Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound and refuse substitutes A
So The People May Know
The new Kimmel Studio located in the Commercial
Hotel building will be re opened Wednesday October 25th
under the ownership of the Ellingson Studio Co
The highest grade of photo portraits at moderate prices is
our motto
Come and see our work or better telephone for a sitting now
The Ellingson Studio Co
STUDIOS Arapohoe Cambridge Holbrook and McCook
C r