The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Tfte McQooft TVtGime
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
The Republicans of Red Willow
county present for the considera
tion of the voters of this county
this fall a ticket composed from
top to bottom of capable men
men who have either liad exper
ience in the office they seek or
vvlio have had thorough training
and preparation for the work re
quired Chas Skalla who seeks
a reelection to the office of coun
ty clerk is a splendid example of
the efficient officer his superior
has never occupied that import
ant and exacting office Arthur
Wood who is their nominee for
county treasurer has had years
of office training and is quali
fied in every essential particu
lar to give a good and honest ac
count of liis stewardship in that
position Elmer Kay the present
deputy clerk of the district court
and acting clerk has given ev
ery assurance by practical work
of his ability to conduct that of
fice to the satisfaction of all who
have business in the district
court E F Asborn the one
seeking the shrievalty is no
Mistruction lias been especially
marked by efficiency such effec
ienc indeed as has attracted the
lttention of the state s education
al department she should be re
elected by an increased majority
Chas W Kelley the candidate
for county surveyor is a rising
young man in his profession and
is giving an increasing degree of
good service in that office at
present Dr D F Smith lias
bcfii named as the candidate for
county coroner and tho happily
we have small use for that office
should occasion require lie Avill
fill the bill to the utmost Win
J Stilgebouer seeks the office of
county commissioner He needs
no introduction to the farmers
especially of Red Willow county
he has lived here lo these many
years and has gained a reputa
tion for high character and busi
ness economy that fits him for
and Dr C L Falmestock as the 169
park committee and the confir
mation followed
Application for building per
mit was granted J E Kelley
who will build an automobile gar
age in rear of postoffice build-
in jr
Treasurers report was
and placed on file
City clerk was instructed to se
cuse bids for boilers for waiter
works plant
Finance committee approved
the following bills which were
allowed and warrants for same
ordered issued
F AV Rank 83 33
0 G rismore 14 25
E C Underbill 55 00
David Diamond 28 00
1 A Underbill 50 00
Crane Co 42 48
A Sears 8 50
J R Yan Horn 2 00
F E Hamilton 3 00
P J Morrissey 5 00
John Ekstedt SO 85
11 D Strunk 2 00
J D Hare 2 00
V B Currie Co 34 28
stranger to the work of that of Wiegele R S Pipe Works 10 95
nee lie lias served as deputy
sheriff and in other official ca
pacities of that nature and his
rc pord is one of efficiency and dc
peiidableness J C Moore has
served years in the office of eoun
O iudge with an honesty and
c arefulness and devotion to duty
that is unusual and he promises
to continue such fidelity to the
people if reelected Miss Eliba
neth Bettchers tenure of the of-
of superintendent of public
the discharge of the exacting re
quirements of a good commis
sioner So from the first to the
last the nominees are worthy of
your support voters
City Council Meets
The municipal fathers were in
regular convocation Monday eve
ning All officers were present
Minutes were read and approv
ed with the correction regarding
firemens pay same to read
100 each and warrants drawn
W S Morlan representing J
H Causey Co of Denver pre
sented a request to have the is
sue of bonds changed from 5000
denomination to bonds of 500
denomination Same was grant
The mayor appointed Messrs
W A Middleton I L Rodstrom
T C liegeman 40 00
J A Wilcox Son 2 35
McCook Electric Co
McCook Electric Co
X II Snvder 18 00
S D McClain 3 60
R II Dawson 20 00
Roy Stone 19 20
W J Spencer 60 67
F M Kimmell 37 20
T X McDougal 59 85
First National Bank 150 00
Jennings Hughes Co 15 00
Barnett Lumber Co 13 25
F L Wolff 62 65
Osborn Kummer Co 2 25
D F Hostetter 94 34
McCook Nebraska Oct 5
Betzer Mrs A L 2 Brown
Mr Ed Finnell A C Fenney
Miss Grace Gutierres Espitidion
Gale Mr C H GalLway Mr C
TV Hughes Miss Ruth Kurtz Mi
Frank McNeal Mrs Sadie Smith
Mr J V TVidick Mr Glen a
ner Miss Grace Foreign letters
Creeo Mr Vito
Cook Mr L L Conley Mrs T
E Carre Miss Grace S Gooden
berger Miss -Maud ILallett Mrs
F M McCart Mr Jim Sckilke
Miss Mandy West Theodore
October 12
Batterall Mr J II Croxan Mr
E II Crozier Mrs M Deffer
Frank Kern nenery MeKin
zie Miss Marcella Neville Miss
Ida Vmeent Mrs Correne
Bonner Mrs Sarah Ellis Miss
Gladys McKinzie Miss Marcella
National Holiday
The banks and post office clos
ed and district court adjourned
today as recommended by a re
cent act of congress making Oc
tober 12 a legal holiday in com
memoration of tbe discovery of
America by Columbus October 12
Money to Loan on Farms
See Bozell Sons at clothing
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
Chicago Chop Hou
Best Place in City
104 Main Ave
Phone 128
Dont Waste Nervous Strength and
Energy In Useless Fretting
The immediate cause of neuralgia is
poison in the blood therefore our
object is to keep the blood pure and
healthy as it is only when the blood
is poor that the neuralgia poisons de
velop in it Poor blood is caused by
lack of sleep lack of fresh air im
proper food and overfatigue by too
little exercise and by mental worry
Nothing is erfsier to say than Dont
worry and few things so dillicult to
carry out But by Dont worry tbe
doctors mean do not waste valuable
nervous strength and energy in fret
ting over things beyond your control
Make a point of putting all anxiety
from you during meals and above all
when you go to bed Train yourself to
think of something cheerful as you try
to go to sleep otherwise your sleep
will bo harassed and fitful and will do
you very little good
He was a wise man who made it a
rule to think of nothing disagreeable
after 10 oclock at night He at any
rate could never have been a victim to
Keep up the general tone of the
nervous system and you will have little
difficulty in keeping off nervous ail
ments notably neuralgia London
The Curious Vegetable Caterpillar of
New Zealand
Among tho many strange growths
apparently freaks of nature which are
to be found In New Zealand the vege
table caterpillar readily ranks among
the foremost This caterpillar is sev
eral inches in length Is hairless and
does not differ essentially in appear
ance from some of the caterpillars of
our own land
Its claim to distinction lies in the
fact that when it gets ready to die it
digs a hole for itself in tbe earth and
completely buries itself Later a slen
der green shoot spring from the spot
3 go j This bears two or more leaves near it
92 25 lJP
upon investigation it is lounu tnat
the green shoot springs from the head
of the dead caterpillar and further In
vestigation develops the fact that the
body of the caterpillar is filled with
The form is retained without change
and the roots do not pierce through
the skin or enter the ground When
dug up this dead yet living freak pre
sents a most odd appearance for the
head and even the eyes of the cater
pillar are distinctly seen yet from the
head is growing the green sprout with
its leaves
A Child Shall Lead Them
It was in Boston
They were having a difference
After careful cogitation said he
I am firmly convinced that I dis
played a deplorable lack of discern
ment in choosing you as the partner
of my joys and sorrows
You are correct said she and I
am sure that I must have been suf
fering under a mental aberration to
have given an affirmative answer to
your impassioned pleading
I have realized said Bartholomew
the four-year-old progeny as he step
ped from the nursery I have re
alized for several years that my pa
rental affiliations were uncongenial I
might almost say distasteful But I
have deemed it my duty to continue as
the tie that binds Now I must in
sist that unless you show to each other
the courtesies due my immediate an
cestors I shall be forced to repudiate
my relationship
They embraced Again a little child
had won Brooklyn Life
Psychology of Sleep
The psychology of sleep is a vast and
little explored subject Sleep deepens
to trance trance to death Therefore
in life speaking somewhat paradoxi
cally sleep is most akin to death
Whether the spirit is parted from tho
body and goes long journeys through
space or whether it is in a state of
one long dream parts of which we ave
alone conscious of is a matter for the
Society of Psychical Research Yet
many of us have dreamed things seen
things or even spoken and heard things
in sleep which we have seen heard or
spoken later on in reality We can
more or less follow the stages up to
the final sleep of all but here we must
pau e and with Ilamlet in vain at
tempt to learn what lies beyond the
veil And in that sleep of death what
dreams may come London Globe
A Matter of Economy
But why do you wish to have a
running account at the department
store asked the husband Do you
think It saves jou anything
Of course It does 5ou silly thing
Isnt that just like a man It saves
me more than you can imagine an
swered the wife in a breath
But what does it save
Time I dont have to stop and
ask the price of anything I want to
buy Cleveland Plain Dealer
Her Beautiful Hair
ilaybelle your girl friend has beau
tiful hair
It will pass Tom
Why do you girls hate to admit that
another gid has fine points
In that case it wouldnt do to ap
pear too enthusiastic I lent her that
hair Kansas City Journal
Feminine Reasoning
Stella Her gown is just like yours
Bella I dont care if hers is a dupli
cate of mine but I dont want mine a
duplicate of hers Puck
Civilization is first and foremost a
moral thing Amiel
Thorough Demonstration of Farm
Machinery at Land Show
What will he one of the greatest
and most thorough expositions and
demonstrations of farm machinery
ever exploited in the west will be
seen Oct 16 to 28 in connection with
the Omaha Land Show This feature
of the products exhibit the magnitude
of which far surpasses the plans of
other land shows will he attractive in
more ways than one particularly in
the fact that every contract for dis
play space specifies that the exhibit
shall be live or practical
At the first Omaha Land Show the
total attendance was very large and
it is expected that the admissions in
October will be doubled because of
the added features and the great suc
cess of the first exhibit Farmers are
drawn to this exposition from Iowa
Missouri Minnesota the Dakotas Ne
braska Kansas and a dozen more
states farther west The majority of
persons who come are not those who
expect to see a grand spectacle but
rather those who have been drawn
into the magnificent mc ment of de
veloping the west in ah those states
embraced in the territory of the West
ern Development association It Is
true that they will see spectacles the
ike of which are not attempted out
side of world fairs hut everything has
been arranged to educate and uplift
the fa mer and the western farmer Is
not slew to adopt improved and mod
ern methods
Many Big Exhibitors
Machinery hall which is separate
from but connected with the main ex
position building has a floor space ot
about 20000 square feet and already
all of this has been disposed of to
exhibitors All the big agricultural
implement concerns will be repre
sented as will scores of smaller ones
from Ohio west to the Pacific coast
Every kind of machinery will be repre
sented and there will be a practical
demonstration of every machine dis
played Even the big gasoline oil
and steam tractors will be put through
a series of tests actually breaking up
the soil as they do when in use on
the rolling prairies of the west
One of the features of the machin
ery exhibit is the fact that all dis
plays are contained under one roof
instead of being scattered as is the
case at big fairs as the buildings will
1 be connerted with each other The
I scene in Machinery hall will be made j
as brilliant as possible with thousands
of electric lights and elaborate deco
rations and form electric light plants
will add lo this feaure
Myriad of Lights and Fine Decorations
Features of Land Show
Those who have known the Omaha
Coliseum in days gone by will not be
ible to recognize it now With its new
walls of concrete and with the interior
entirely remodeled its appearances
have been entirely changed
The second annual Omaha Land
Show will be given in the huge Coli
seum which is now being put in shape
for that purpose When the portals
are swung wide on Oct 16 the interior
of the great structure will present the
most beautiful sight ever seen in the
west The decorations will be gor
geous all brilliantly illuminated with
thousands of electric lights The
court of honor extending through the
middle of the entire exhibit hall will
he a thing of artistic beauty lined on
either side with massive columns sur
mounted with beautiful statuary rep
resenting sowing and reaping An
electric fountain will form the central
feature of the court
One big attraction that will be in
full view of all who enter the exposi
tion will he the gorgeous panoramic
display depicting the development of
the west from the glacial period down
to the present day This will be the
best thing of the kind since the intro
duction of creation at the Louisiana
Purchase exposition A remarkable
advantage to all exhibitors and vis
itors is that the arrangement is such
that all exhibits can he seen from any
point in the hall The exposition will
xmdoubtedly be the greatest of its kind
ever presented in the west Its dates
are Oct 16 to 28 making two full
weeks this time
Women at the Land Show
Special attention will be shown to
women visitors at the Omaha Land
Show Appreciating the fact that it
is the women who decide the future
policy of the home the management
ot the land show extends a special in
vitation to them to visit the big ex
hibit of the products of the west Rest
rooms will be provided for their com
fort and every effort will be made to
make the ladies who attend enjoy
their visit
Bee Wizardat Omaha Land Show
F G Odell the bee wizard will
be at the Omaha Land Show with his
50000 assistants They put on an in
teresting program which is decidedly
out of the ordinary Instead of it be
hig a performance of Daniel in the
Lions Den it is one of Odell in the
Bees Hive Mr Odell handles the
6ees as carelessly as jf they were not
protected by stingers but they never
abuse his confidence in them
5- JFj
100 Per Cent Right
H Mi 1
Real Estate Filings
Frank II Coleman et ux to
Lytle wd 3 ny
4 in 5 Willow Grove 1000 00
K D Rodgers et ux to Is
aiah R Pate wd
in 7 Willow Grove 1300 00
Austin J Stringfellow to A
A Wdest Avd neVi 27-4-30
4650 00
Jjacob A Clouse et ux to
Ilarve Springer 6-
7 8 in 6 Danbury
Ilarve Springer et ux to
J A Clouse wd
7000 00
Ilarve Springer et ux to
Mitchell Young wd 6-7-8
in 6 Danbury 400 00
Gilbert W Cheney to Geo
W Norris wd sw 7-3-29
3000 00
Sherman Ball to Prank Ball
wd 3 in 3 Cent add to
Bartley 1200 00
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
Observe the date after your
name on The Tribune Notch it
Non Irritating
The Home of the Hart Schaffner Ivlarx Clothes
Arthur Chelf Leaves for Home
in Care of Deputy Sheriff
A deputy sheriff arrived from
St Josepb Mo Tuesday on 13
and left for home again on 16
Wednesday morning taking with
him Arthur Chelf the man whose
conduct here the past few days
has been a source of some con-
4000 OOcern to the authorities
It appears that Chelf was some
time sinco sandbagged and has
never recovered from the in
jury and doubtless his strange
conduct and unaccountable be
havior here may be traced to
that source
The deputy states he will be
placed in a hospital in St Joe
upon liis arrival there for an op
eration to relieve the brain pres
sure caused by the injury he re
ceived on the head It is thought
this will restore him to himself
and faniilv
Before you reach the Limit
of physical endurance and while
your condition is still curable take
Foley Kidney Pills Their quick ac
tion and positive results will delight
you For bacakche nervousness
rheumatism and all kidney bladder
Tribune one year J d tSSwTUtel
Do You Know
you can make
more clear money
from your cow and a
good separator than you can
by investing the same
amount in any other way
Let us explain to you how
we can sell you a good sep
arator on such terms that
you can pay for it without
hurting you
v m