The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4
r L4JBV BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar WO ALUM NO LIME PHOSPHATE If you have young cnildreu you Foleys Kidney Remedy vs a Hope have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most com mon ailment To correct this you nill find Chamherlains Stomach and Liver Tahlets excellent They are easy and pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effect For sale by all dealers When you have a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as litle delay as possible Here is a druggists opinion if 3 v m MX Am less Case Hon Ark J E Freeman says I had a severe case of tidney trou and I have never been bothered since I always recommend it A McMillen Here is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experi ence viz Mrs P H Brogan of I have sold Ohamberlaiins sen Pa who says I know from ex- Cough Remedy for fifteen years perience that Chamberlains Cough says Enos Lollar of Saratoga Ind Remedy is far superior to any oth and consider it the best on the mar- er For croup there is nothing that ket For sale by all druggists I excels it For sale by all dealers Seethe whole vfesi under one roofl Sfel Something doing all the time it s a sliow hat will interest you T - Vacliinery Exhibit with t erythlng i i tion Traction Plowing demonstra tr s je entertainments music and special ty Gloving picture- and illustrated er lire Displays Irom every atate In the webt o ing Irrigation Dry Farming Fruit frnulnir Alfilfi Tlnlsinir nnil nil K inrto nt This is the time of year to freshen up Look at your buildings wouldnt a coat of paint here and there add a touch of prosperity RED SEAL Pure White Lead and linseed oil make not only a cheap paint per gallon but a very durable paint as well Add any tint wanted Have the painter examine the surface to be covered and gauge the proportions accordingly 0 Send for Our Free Painting Helps containing color schemes miscellaneous painting directions and names of Blue List Painters in your community who use our white lead Ask for Helps No B To Painters If you use ourwlutc lead bend us your name for our Painters Blue List Send for Circular No B It cives particulars NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 722 Chestnut St St Louis Mo For Sale by All Dealers J s VV vlA lWCJijH g fiU V v i it F irri Work irZXZXJQri 23 ClilTTS AD2TISSI02T TO AIZ i pSH X - - - - - i i T T THE BEST PROOF McCook Citizens Cannot Doubt It Ioan s Kidno Fills were used they cured Tne story was told to McCook res idents Time has strengthened the evidence Has proven the cure permanent The testimony is home tesimony Che proof convincing It can be investigated by McCcok sideiiis Mrr A M Wilson 204 E Sesosi t Cook Neb savs My back hothc eu me for 5 cars and there uo a -II arlic across my kklnejs loins pain in my back became won c I exerted myself and often I ha headaches and dizzy spelt 1 o Id not stoop and there were ma er dcagrecable sjnrc toms of i t fomiiairt prcccnt Cn a f rxnd 1 finally procured Doans KiJhf j I is and I soon found them to it f rat I needed Tbj remedy re tit id my back and kidneys cit L oc ong eCccted a complete t 1 t iZ atement given June 26 1007 Rs E torsement On June 21 1910 Mrs Wilson said I am pleased to verify the state ment I gave for publication an 1907 recommending Doans Kidney Pills This remedy is beneficial for kidney complaint For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Unit 3d States Remember the name Doans and take no other - James C Dahlman Mayo of Omaha Throws the Lariat Major las C Dahlman started his caeer as a ccwbcj cue is at reseii Vacr cf Omaha and las the record Sheriff of Lawcs Co Xeb hree terms Mayor of Chadron mo terms Democratic Natl Commit jea ii eic t years Major cf Oma ha cx jearc and in 1910 candidate for ccveincr of Nebraska Writing to oley Co Chicago Ie ajj I have taken Foley Pills and they lae given me a gr at deal o rtlltf 0 I che3rulj rcommen I them Yours tuly SiTneJ James C Dahlman A McMillen A Medicine Tht Ciycr Confidence Is Foleys Honey an J Tar Compound Mrs T J Adams 322 No Kansas Ave Columbus Kas writes For a number of yeacs my children have been subject to coughs and colds I used Foleys Honey and Tar Com pound and found that it cured their coughs- and colds so I keep it in the house all the time Refuse sub stitutes A McMillen Take Your Common Colds Seriously Cctntor colds severe and frequent la tle foandaticn of chronic disease co diticn of the nose and throat ai 3 may develop into bronchitis I pneumonia and consumption For Nebraska Telephone Co all roughs and colds in children and Yc never hesitate to guarantee in grown persons take Foleys Honey Lily Patent flour At the Me- and Tar Compound promptly A Mc Cook Flour and Feed Store Milien Now is the Time to Freshen Up NOTHING makes a place look more run down at the heel than the noticeable need for paint mfi Ft litC 4 JfjfC I 1 1 mi tJafL - 1 T M fJ W s A JUl i m iliiJr AitA w zj wmmn j Commissioners Proceedings Continued from page 1 Ed H4heote P livery hi to visit paupr A J Civ wm 1 mdse E l Moon A Crawmn mdse E R Moon rent Mrs Weintz September rentals Nebraska Telephcn3 Co October rentals McCook Electric Co light August and material McCook Electric Co light September and material Flitcraft Clark ice for court house 1911 City with the street of said of McCook at said point lias never heen established as a public road but has been recog nized as a public road by the public and used as such also rec ognized as a road by the owners of the land on each side of said road at a width of 66 feet said owners having filed claims for damages and received pay for such damages several years past Be it hereby resolved that we declare said road as a public road to Ik known as Road No442 at a width of 66 feet forever here after Motion carried unanimously The following claims were aud ited and allowed and the county clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the respective funds in payment thereof as follows County general fund S G Bastian Sons mdse C Tjarks 16 25 S G Bastian yens mdse C Tjax ks 11 30 S S Cass m is C Tjarks 30 10 3 oo 13 90 25 90 E G C une Co coal Mrs Vandervoort 4 25 Jacob Frank Sr hous S 3o W B Whittaker transpor tation paupers 2 89 Frank Hamilton caiv of W11 Dubarko 2 00 L M Iliggins mileage to Cambridge hospital 2 90 F Osbom moving Mrs R M Osborn livery by or der of J P 3 00 Veintz 2 00 J A Wilcox mdse Mis veintz and Mrs rcift of Dr C L Fahnestock pro fessional services Mrs Gerver 27 00 Viersen Osborn shoes Mrs Jeffers 3 00 Dr C L Fahnestock pro fessional services Mrs Taylor 16 00 C A DeLoy lilacksmithing and material 37 90 John Clouse blacksmithing and anaterial 19 25 R W McBrayor electric fixtures and labor 1 25 A J Crawmer hardware 6 25 II P Waite Co hard ware 52 90 McCcok Hardware Co hardware 5 00 Standard Bridge Co iron bars 27 85 19 25 19 25 8 36 16 00 Chas W Kelley surveying road south of Lebanon 12 00 Don L Thompson hauling sand 81 25 Alfred Carter hauling sand 64 80 Mrs E F Couse hauling sand 7 20 Perry Bee Co 300 sacks cement 135 00 Perry Bee Co lumber 167 80 E C Caine Co lumber 140 35 E C Caine 4Co lumber 97 35 Barnett Lumber Co lum ber 142 35 Lee Arnetr 2 road grad ers 269 00 State Journal Co primary election supplies 172 85 State Journal Co records for clerk and treasurer 25 50 Klopp Bartlett Co jury certificates clerk of court 15 00 Klopp Bartlett Co sup plies county clerk 15 50 Klopp Bartlett Co 200 deed record loose leaf blanks 12 50 Ilammond Stephens Co 3nTvnlie nnnntv cnnoTin tendent 3 45 Hammond Stephens Co supplies county i i rw i j 1 - seconaeci by ssugurouc tnar lenaent d ua whereas the road leading from Hammond Stephens Co the City of McCook and supplies county ed as follows tendent 9 So Commencing at a point in the W M Welch Mfg Co sup center of Road No 21S on the plies county superintend west line of the southwest ent 4 93 ter of the southeast quarter of Red Willow County section 30 township 3 range 29 zette legal blanks 12 60 in lied AVillow county which F M Kimmell commissioner point is 173 feet south of the proceedings legal notices center line of the C B Q R stationery and supplies 66 31 R right of way running thence E Benjamin boarding north 60 degrees east in prisoners September 2 00 uation of said road No 218 80 Fred Sehlagel fees State feet thence north 84 degrees 30 vs Welch Toner minutes east 500 feet thence an 1 10 north 53 degrees 30 minutes east W B Whittaker fees 84 feet thence north 20 degrees State vs Peters 3 55 ble and could not work and my case l east 205 feet to the city limits L M If iggms fees State seemed hopeless One large bottle 0f the City of McCook and vs Peters 1 50 of Foleys Kidney Remedy cured me minating thereat intersecting Geo MeClain fees State vs rteers witness C A Rodgers fees and costs 1 10 Taylor vs County 14 20 L M Iliggins fees State vs Whittaker 7 70 L M Iliggins fees Sullivan Insanity case 7 5C Chas D Ritchie salary county attorney 3rd quarter 200 00 T A Endsley salary coun ty assessor 3rd quarter 150 00 L M Iliggins salary county blui iir September 100 00 E Benjamin salary deputy sheriti September 30 0 Elizab th Betteher salary county superintendnt Septemlw 100 00 Cli is Skalla salary county elvrk September 137 50 S W Stilgebouer Sr fees member soldiers relief commission W II Smith fees -member soldiers relief commis sion f A Vilcox fers member -v 1 1 1 II 1 sii n 1 hs juiitor -1 Sep tember 1aj1iii Bettjjlier office iZ lss 3rd quart r 5 85 5 15 - G 20 40 00 2S 03 C Mode office expenses iul tiuarter 2 S4 M iliggins postage 120 F S Linton commissioner services and mileage 56 90 Edward Sughroue ccminis sioner services and mile- 55 35 W N Rogers commissioner sjrvhe and mileage 47 85 Vunly bridge fund Amos lark bridge work 62 40 Commissioner district No 1 John OiiJen road work Missouri Ridge precinct Aiolpli Weskamp road work Missouri Ridge precinct Thomas Austin road work Missouri Ridge precinct John Deveny road work Missouri Ridge precinct 11 A Wagy road work Val ley Grange precinct A B Frasr r road work Valley Grange precinct 6 00 6 00 9 00 6 75 6 00 6 00 Harvey Johnston road work Valley Grange precinct 6 AW Dureher road work Driftwood precinct 9 00 00 Commissioner district No 2 Frank Hill road work Fritseh precinct 16 25 Henry Vontz road work l ritsch precinct iMiehael Maisel road work Fritseh precinct Fred Barruth road work Fritseh precinct Joseph Powers road work Fritseh precinct Clus J Sedden road work Indianola precinct 9 75 9 50 28 50 21 00 13 25 Calvin W Sedden road work Indianola precinct 17 25 J C Sedden road work Indianola precinct 3 00 Frank Untiedt road work Indianola precinct 3 00 S M Ilarte road -work Indianola precinct 8 25 Commissioner district No 3 Charles Mapes road work Willow Grove precinct 13 59 Road District No 7 Willow Grove precinct Alfred Carter road work 35 00 Road district No 14 Valley Grange precinct Robert Johnston road work 10 00 Gliarles Nothnagel road work 12 00 County Inheritance tax fund -Alfred Carter road work per contract 82 00 On motion the county treasur er was instructed to refund to Geo W Jones the sum of 725 being the amount of 1910 real es tate taxes paid under protest for the reason that lot 20 block 62 had a building moved off wliich was not deducted and on lot 22 block 53 a building was assessed before it was completed On motion the board adjourn ed to meet October 24th 1911 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk NOW OPEN Best Place in City FOR REGULAR DINNERS home at Lincoln at present weiv fined iroOO each and costs which was 3000 altogether Miss Dora Giv nway is staying with Mrs Jacob Wesch There was a surprise party at Chas Bisnetts last Saturday FOR SHORT ORDERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 104 Main Ave Phone 128 GRANT School opened in district 51 on Monday October 2nd with Miss Dora Greemvay of Danbury as teacher Chas A Wesch and John Car field drove a bunch of cattle to Cedar Bluffs Kansas for George Miner Saturday J II Wesch is staying at J W BurtLess at present Miss Emma Pade is making her Notice to Stallion Ownerj The 1911 Stallion Registration Law requires all malespure bred cross bred grade or jack to be examined by a state inspector An inspector will be at the Commercial hotel in McCook 1020 n m to 505 p m on Oc tober 19 and at the best hotel in Indianola S00 to 9 5S a m on October 19 for the purpose of inspecting all stallions and jacks in vicinity or respective towns Ang Wcseli Md iamily werenamed Horses in the vicinity of Iraer Kan visitors Saturday ancl peny Banksville should be Jacob Wesch and sons have brought to McCook for inspection commenced sowing wheat John A Hoffman called on Jacob Wesch last Sunday The C R Lee sale was not so well attended as expected The inspection will cost 500 for each animal and will begin at 9 a m each day Copies of the laAv may be had from W R Mel lor Secretary Nebraska Stallion Summer Payne and Bob Abbott Registration Board Lincoln Neb were arrested tor beatmjr George Sehreiber last Mondav TJiev A Big Surprise Last Wednesday night the farm home of William Hiersekorn of Lebanon precinct was tlte scene of a big surprise party in honor of their daughter Miss Mia tie who has been up from Lin PED WILLOW e n u a llome visit About Mrs Jacob Longnecker and her l1 schoolmates and pupils daughters left on Wednesday for r lUlss u1Tle were ena i their home near Coin the surprise Thev filled the 0 v Will Randel is fortunate in lisir uuuse anl as a ln storm came 5i nv fif nrwi UP during the evening thev etabks and to eat at his table i made a nillt of Tll I - - - Qt nnivirt iinll rt C1 1 III Jl one voud not know of the t lllv - luuwu iui eai drouth Avhioh cut down so manvi es and a11 enjoyed a warm and gardens He has so many water melons that he has no place to store- them Mrs J E Wilson and her little niece Blossom Longnecker spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs L J and Mrs John Burtless Louis Longnecker drove to Cur tis Wednesday taking lus sister in law and nieces to meet the train on the high line The school children are enjoy ing water melons to their satisfac tion which Mrs Taylor permits them to take from her patch Horace Taylor has his cellar dug ready for cemeting and a pump put in near by Try a Tribune want ad watch results and After exposure and when jou feel a cold coming on take Foleys Hon ey and Tar Compound It checks and relieve Use no substitute The genuine in a yellow package always A McMillen liberal hospitality in the Hierse korn home State of Ohio City of Toledo Lu cas iCounty ss Prank J Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of P J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Do lars ifor each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot foe cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence this 6th day of December A D 1886 Seal A W GLEASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con- I stipation iiipymwiwm iwiM Following the Bell The Bell Telephone has been the pioneer in farm ing communities the rural mail delivrey th aeutomo bile and other modern conveniences following the blozedtrail If you are not a Bell subscriber you should join the great army of farmers who have learned that they cannot adequately carry or their business without loc cal and long distance Bell Telephone service THE NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager t y V i r iin i