The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3
IL r b t - f BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No 6 1130 PM 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 13 945 A M 12 C35 A M 14 920 P M 10 505 P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arr 830 p m 13 930 AM 15 1230 A M 3 bzo A jm Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to my point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska BURLINGTON TO ENTER CITY Proposes to Get Tourist Cars toj Los Angeles Despite Break Lcs Angeles Cal Oct 6 The Burlington proposes to get its tourist cars through to Los Ange les for the rest of the colonist season notwithstanding its break with the Salt Lake road over the division of rates Beginning today the Burlingtoi arranged with the Santa Fe to bring its tourist colonist sleep irs from Denver by way of La Junta and Albuquerque This will divert considerable colonist business from the Salt Lake gate way tto the Albuquerque gateway taking it away from the Denver and Rio Grande out of Denver It will also increase competi tion for the colonist traffic as the Salt Lake lines for through cars from St Louis and Chicago and intermediate erriory Fireman F E Mitchell was in Sanborn Sunday between trains returning on No 14 Mrs J R Weidenhamer re turned close of last week fro in her visit in Galesburg Illinois Conductor and Mrs II II Miller left on No 10 on Friday night for Waterloo Iowa on a visit Mrs II A Rouch went up to Denver Friday on No 9 on a visit which will include her daughter at Rollinsville Colorado on the Moffat line Brakemen C O Rector R G Talbot G MeKern A Elders W A Jeffries have all been laid off on account of reduction of force in the train sen ice The materials far the big new 350 foot ice house are now on the way A car has already been set out here for use in stor ing ithe cement shipped for the liouse Frank Humphries departed end 01 week on a scouting expedition to cover parts of Northern Colo rado Wyoming and Oregon look ing for a prospective place to lo cate Engineer Ben Bowen broughl the Eountz special in from Den ver and Engineer J R Freder ickson took it on to Holdrege They made regular 60 miles an hour during the entire run The depot at Long Island Kansas was destroyed by fire Sunday Spontaneous combus tion lignite was doubtless the cause Box cars have been sent down for temporary use a car for the depot and a car for freight house purposes Edwin Yan Camp wife and cliild arrived Friday afternoon on 10 from Denver and are lo cated in the J W Wimer resi dence he and Mr Wimer having traded properties Mr Van Camp formerly lived here LTe is em ployed in the telegraph office here now as an operator 1ST Climatic Mixed Paint Now is an opportune time tor ft outside painting We have the Lincoln Climatic Paint made for this climate Changes in ature expand or contract all mat ter and almost every substance expands at a different rate thus a paint made for a certain cli mate lias a great advantage over other paints A McMILLEN Druggist RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Engineer and Mrs J G Inglis are home from Canada LTe registered in for work Sunday Master Mechanic II E Cul bertson was in Lincoln Saturday helpinf complete plans for the change to be made October 21st in the running of enginemen on the McCook division Under the neAV arrangement as to enginemen that is the cut ting off of McCook division men at Hastings Engineers Sharkey Hawkswortli Conners and West land will be moved from Lincoln to either McCook or Denver October 21st an order will go into effect making Hastings the end of the passenger runs in stead of Lincoln as has been the case for some time Tliis order will bring six engine crews from Lincoln to be divided between McCook and Denver NO REASON FOR DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation or in every case where we fail we will supply the medicine free Rexall Orderlies are a gentle ef fective dependable and safe bowel regulator strengthener and tonic They aim to reestablish natures func tions in a quiet easy way They do not cause inconvenience griping or nausea They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be talcen by any one at any time They thoroughly tone up the C LT Jacobs was a Culbertson passenger on No 13 Wednesday E N Dutton left on No 10 Sat urday evening for a short visit in Iowa on business Mr and Mrs R A Watkins of Montevideo Minn are here on a visit to his father G AY Wait kins P L Wolff went to supreme court on No 10 Thursday night returning home on 3 the next night C K Dutcher of Indianola the Democratic nominee for county clerk was among the Saturday visitors in the county seat Mrs G II Watkins who has been absent part of the summer seeking relief from hay fever ar rived home end of week re he W1 folOW kjs P Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children old folks and delicate persons We cannot tco highly recommend them Mr and Mrs G B NettJeton will depart tomorrow for their home in Colorado City after a visit with relatives here of a few weeks W E Bowers of Edgewater Colorado who has been renewing friendships here left for Wray Colorado Friday on No 13 and will go on to his home later to do the right thing to the roads a business visitor at this place a and streets lew clays last week In the county court of xveud ENt THE ELECTRIC Presents the latest and best MOTION PICTURES Including Western Dramas with reckless riding Modern comedy dram as Funny Farces Interestiug Scenes and all the best Fea ture Pictures Go Tonight Always a Good Show ADMISSION 5c and 10c Good Music by Jones Jones Ed Ervin arrived home Tues- -in from u N b Willow county Nebraska In the has een visi hj d lt matter of the estate of Robert B Mrg n M n wnson ueceuseu iaftk nf Knin Vnrtano fw To all persons interested in said estate You are hereby notified that the administrator of said es state has filed liis petition for the distribution of moneys paid him by the Chicago Burlington Quiney Railroad Company for the death of said deceased Said petitioner alleges that said mon ey is not liable for the debts of said estate and prays that the same may be paid to the heir at law of said estate freed from all claims of said creditors You are hereby notified to appear at nry office in the court house on the 24th day of October 1911 to show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be grant ed It is further ordered that notice of pendency of said peti tion be given by publisliing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune for four consecutive weeks Dated this 25th day of Septem ber 1911 Seal J C MOORE County Judge First publication Sep 25 4ts v0wlV I- Ilarve raised one was a water melon that weighed 36 pounds He raised about 700 melons The band will giv ea concert in connection with a play in the naer future Cassius Dodge of Wilsonvillc was a visitor at this place Tues day Rev Anderson departed for Kansas City Tuesday night Sheriff Iliggins D W Colson and L A Fitch candidates of McCook were over Wednesday on behalf of the offices they are working for 0 B Woods was a business vis itor at Lebanon Wednesday Burnett Dolph and wife arriv ed Tuesday night from Colorado for a visit with home folks Orin Powell had the misforfune to get Ids arm broken while play ing at school Thursday Miss Bettcher the county su perintendent visited our schools Thursday E R Briggs the hotel and res taurant keeper of Oberlin Kan sas committed suicide Tuesdav iast Harlow Keyes of Indianola was over on legal business Saturday Albert Dolph arrived home on Friday night from Denver where he has been in the hospital for the past month W F Heaton shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City Satur day night Mrs LT V Lord returned on Saturday from her visit at Omah McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 210 1st st W -- Phone red 450 Your combings made into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 The McCook Tribune 100 a j ear ttrii WHERE SHOULD OUR HQMESEEKERS 60 We Are Interested in the An swer to This Question Every year thousands leave this etate to seek new homes They go into the north the south the east and the west and become a valuable asset to whatever section they re move to Others come to us to take their places and help us to build up this community But what of those who leave The natural line of travel is to the west but through active col onization work the far south and Can- ili L Magee came up from ada have taken hundreds of families Aurora Sunday to spend a few from this section who naturally would davs with the cliildren and is a uave gone in other directions They guest in the Kimmell home have sained much by this but the A R Scott arrived from lef who have fgne J e been lest as an asset to us If they go west n ton Mass tins No 9 morning on they are vhere they wiU still send to on lus way to Denver stopping tbJs sectjn and buy and use 0ur prod over here briefly en route home s nets and they will ship what they Mr and Mrs J G Schobel and produce to us In this way we will Marjorie went down to Minden j still have an interest in them In the on No 10 Saturday evening to case of tnose who have moved across spend Sunday with the Cope- lhe borler lines they aTe lost to u3 linr mauer wiiai our pusiuuii muy ue on reciprocity The west has wonderful opportuni ties and if our people will study them those who leave will find that they can do better there than in any other direction The Omaha Land Show was started to give information along these lines and every western state will take part in it this month The dates are Oct 16 to 28 and it will be held in the Coliseum This building has been rebuilt this season Guy Hughes went up to nd with four bitr annexes will care bertson Friday on 13 to put lor the biggest exhibit of the re the finishing touches on the heat- J sources of the country that has ever ing plant by Jennings Hughes been brought together outside of an Co in the Culbertson school international exposition building Dr and Mrs A J Clark and children departed on Thursday Clark will be visited Mrs Ray mond Poole From Lincoln the Clarks go to Portland Oregon Sion DANBURY Parker Ashton shinned three The Coliseum is famous through its association with the fall festivities of the transmississippl nHv Tn H Prosirlont Tuft ffirmpr UUUV last tor Umden on a hiuef visit President Roosevelt scores of gov to hr sister Mrs Pedley From ernors of states as well as number thrre tliir -journey leads to less senators congressmen and thou- coln where another sister of Mrs sands of others who are active in the affairs of the country have sworn al legiance to the King of Quivera Now the big building will house a big show which is for the purpose of building up the new west and at the same time helping the old west It will be the means of showing the re sources of the new of keeping those who are planning for new homes in j to all sufferers from any form of con- cars of hogs to Kansas Ciity on touch with their friends in old homes stipation and its attendant evils Tuesday night and also through their educational Three sizes 10c 25c and 50c Re- The hox social at the hall Sat- features and through the big machin member you can obtain Rexall urday night given bv the Chris- erv an1 implement exhibit it will be edies in this mmunity only at our tian Endeavors was well attend- the means of developing new methods store The Rexall Store L W ed I of agricultural work in this section Those who should attend this land pennon Ai i ai t v can Connell Air and Mrs Ray Youncr were i i MlllVt UU 11111 UUl 1UI LllCUIJCJ CD NUUl nday visitors at the C W the west has to offer as at Omaha The road makers are taking ac- li ogers home they can see the wnoie west under tive advantage of the wet season i Milt Eihert of Beaver City was one roof and can save both money and time by a trip there T ere will be something doins every minute dur ing the two weeks of the land show THREE THOUSAND FARMS GIVEN AWAY Large Body of Indian Land to Be Dis tributed This Month Uncle Sam will give away a half million acres of land that has been a part of the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Indian agencies during the month ol October and soon this historic coun try will be divided up into ICO acre farms Already excursions are being organized in many places by persona who wish to register for the drawing which begins on Oct 24 The regis tration will last from Oct 2 to 21 and persons can file their names at Dal las Gregory Rapid City or Chamber lain S D but the registration must be in person At the South Dakota opening in 1004 there were 106000 fil ings and in 1908 the number who hoped to win in the government lot tery numbered 114000 This year It is likely that the number will be larger as the opening is larger than either of those before and is the last large one to be held in that section Those who attend the opening will pass through the Omaha gateway and will have an opportunity of attending the big Omaha Land Show which will be held from Oct 16 to 28 at the fa mous Coliseum This show will not only be an interesting sight but will be a valuable one to all who are interested in any land propo sition Stopoer privileges at Omaha are included in homeseekers tickets Silos Save The silo is as much of a necessity on a dairy farm as is a cream sep arator and it will soon be a familial sight on other farms All that is lack ing now is an acquaintance with the benefits which will come from its use to get farmers everywhere to put them in The silo manufacturers rpr SPECIAL and EXTENSIVE Showing- of COATS AND SUITS Thursday October 12 FJffLS lPJW W On Thursday and for one day only we will have at our store a New York Salesman with one of the largest and most complete lines of coats and suits shown in this territory Dry Goods 222 Main Ave 1 WB19 imi Jl wM if wm Everything new in Plaid Back and Reversible Coats Late novelties in Nobby Suits Handsome Velour and Vel vet Coats and Suits as well as all the latest things in Plush es and Caraculs will be included in this important and inter esting showing Dont fail to call and see this Grand Display One Day Only Thursday Oct 12 H C i CLAPP Millinery Phone 56 Ladies Furnishings McCook Nebraska DANBURY i Mrs II V Lord left Saturday Clyde Metcalf shipped a car evening for Omaha to visit rela of hogs to Kansas City Saturday tives and tflke AkarBen night Ray Sims and Ben Moss will be Fireman Loenard wrenched sent to the Philippine Islands in arm aly at Benkelman Fri- a few I Mrs Pearl CummLigs and chil ay in operating the water crane dren of Lebanon were over-Sun- and was disabled for work Fire day visitors at the E E Hayes man McLaughlin was sent up on home No 3 to relieve him fcyrvMr1SriiilvifftluiTJKfTstslVf itftttyYvTrvriTniyvrTiiiiiiiiwiftg V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS VJFranklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin 168 Days On Time A strong factor in the making of a commonwealth is reliable mail service It will interest Western people to know something about the regularity of Burlington trains between Chicago and the west CHICAGO OMAHA FAST MAIL No 7 The original fast mail train west of Chicago The last date in 1911 this train reached the Missouri riv er late was March 16th six minutes late Since that date to and including August 31st the latest date given for comparison a pen- iod comprising one hundred and sixty eight consecutive days this- train has arrived ON TIME and has been operated 82992 miles more thani three times the distance around the world CHICAGO - OMAHA FAST MAIL NO 15 An exclusive mail and ex press train scheduled at forty five miles per hour arrived at sourii River thirty one days in August ON TIME This train has arrived ON TIME every day from May 15th to August 31st inclusive a period of one hundred and nine consecutive days that what is needed is a campaign ol CHICAGO NEBRASKA LIMITED NO 5 Arrived at Missouri River ON education and they are puttinc one TIME during August twenty eight days out of thirty one total nuni er minutes late twonty five average loss eight tenths of a minute on this fall At the Omaha Land Ehow they will put on a fine exhibit of EXPRESS No 3 Arrived at the silos showing all of the best makes souri River ON TIME during August twenty mime days out of thir end showing where there are advan j ty one total number of minutes late twenty five average loss eight tages in the different materials and tenths of a minute per day different styles of construction used Such precision in operating fast trains is possible only with ample pow- now as over those built before the present methods of preparing and storing silage had been perfected The land show will be held in the Omaha Coliseum from Oct 16 to 28 and there will be no extra charge foi the machinery and silo exhibit all he ing open to visitors for the 25 cents admission fee er perfect mechanism a perfect roadbed and a highly developed organ ization i i anj L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska SfeSSKadsiitW LiN W 1 if i i t M I I I i u li n i