The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2
HIRSH WICKWI RE Spells Suit Satisfaction 1 sszcszU ea Hirsh Wickwire Clothes are positively the finest clothes made ready to wear They represent the highest type of tailoring material and satisfaction They are 2500 and up Be sure and see the new English Models From 10 to 25 we have the Clothcraft All Wool Clothes That we have the right goods is conceded by all who have seen our Hirsh Wick wire Clothes and Clothcraft Clothes ADLERS GLOVES FIT FOR EVERYBODY CLASSY CRAVATS C L DeGroff Co HELPFUL HINTS ON HAIR HEALTH Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally Caused by Carelessness Dandruff is a contagious disease caused by a microbe which also pro duces baldness Never use a comb or brush belonging to some one else Xo matter how cleanly the owner may be these articles may be infect ed with microbes which will infect j your scalp It is far easier to catch hair microbes than it is to get rid of them and a single stroke of an in fected comb or brush may well lead to baldness Never try on any body elses hat Many a hat band is a resting place for microbes If you happen to be troubled with dandruff itching scalp falling hair or baldness we have a remedy which we believe will completely re lieve these troubles We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with J the understanding that it will cost j you nothing for the trial if it does not produce the results we claimThis remedy is called Rexall 93 Hair Tonic We honestly believe it to be the most scientific remedy for scalp and hair troubles and we know of nothing else that equals it for tiveness because of the iresults it has produced in thousands of cases Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is devised to banish dandruff restore natural jolor when- its loss has been brougln about by disease and make the hair naturally silky soft and glossy It does this because it stimulates the hair follicles destroys the germ mat ter and brings about a free healthy circulation of blood which nourishes the hair roots causing them to tighten and grow new hair We want everybody who has any trouble with hair or scalp to know that we think Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is the best hair toncc and restorative in existence and nc ona should scoff at cr doubt this statement until they have put our claims to a fair test with the understanding that they pay us nothing for the remedy if it does not give fulL and complete satisfaction in every particular Two sizes 50 cents and 100 Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies iw McCook only at our store The Rexall Store L W McConnell Upholds Nebraskans Plea Lincoln Oct 6 Special In declaring the workingmens com pensation act constitutional the Washington state supreme court recently upheld in detail a brief submitted to that tribunal by George A Lee a former Univer sity of Nebraska man whose pa rental home is at Huniboldt The Washington law is one of the first framed along the lines which it covers and is similar to one which it is believed Avail be submitted to the next Nebraska legislature by the commission ap pointed for the purpose of draft ing such a measure J W Copeland of Dayton Ohio purchased a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy for has boy who had a cold and before the bottle was all used the boys cold was gone Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctors bill For sale by all dealers MICHELIN I a 3emdW c2T g Anti Skids g took fat rPf on hating hardened Steel JLS Leathertread Anti Skid J I tough flexible gr i Studs do prevent gS V ant non IS I V skidding gWNspuncturing 1 IN STOGK BY C R LIVINGSTON 1 m 9 gfcCirotc filkp By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Ne braska as second class matter Pub lished semi weekly To the Voters of Red Willow County I take tliis means of expressing my sincere thanks for the help of so many friends in the recent primary -election in which I re ceived the nomination for coun ty judge on the Republican tick et I -was and alwajs will he espec ially grateful for the- majority given me by my friends in four teen different precincts If elect ed again I surely will strive to merit the good will and confi dence shown me by the good peo ple of this county Sincerely J C MOORE The voters of Red Willow coun ty will not be unmindful of E B Perry of Cambridge Republican nominee for judge of the Four teenth district at the polls in No vember Mr Perry offers splendid qualifications and fine manhood for the high and honorable posi tion he seeks These two facts alone will assure him of substan tial vote in this county j Efficient service is the highest recommendation one can offer in seeking an election to office be it public or private Chas Skalla can claim all the benefits to be derived from that endorsement In many respects his conduct of the office of county clerk has not been equaled in the history of the counts It stands as a monument to his faithful tireless and intel ligent work and is his claim for your vote A residence of many years in McCook has brought E F Dick Osborn to the favorable acquaint ance of a wide circle of friends He is now before the voters of Red Willow county asking their support for the office of sheriff having received the Republican nomination at the recent primary election Dick has served as dep uty sheriff and in other similar official positions consequently is not seeking an office for which he is not qualified or in wliich he as inexperienced Un tlie con trarv it is conceded that he is ne culiarly fitted by nature and qual alaed by experience to give goou account of himself in the office he seeks lie is a young man of excellent character and of good ability He is altogether deserv ing of your vote The name of Stilgebouer has stood in Red Willow county for over quarter century for lidgh character and for the best citi zenship Among the Republican nominees this fall is a man who honorably wears the name we re fer to William J Stilgebouer the Republican nominee for county commissioner Most of his life has been spent in this county in the Beaver valley near Dan bury lie- is a man of careful and pru dent habits In business he is economical and conservative Ilis personal character is of the ster ling sort you can dpndee upon and tie to IEis lonff residence here acquaints him of the needs of one ot Nebraskas most pro gressive western counties His trainincr assures the county of a careful and economical commis sioner should he be the choice of the people of this county for that important office Remember Wil Ham J Stilgebouer when you vote in November The honest and conscientious manner in wliich J C Moore has served the people of Red Willow county in the office of county judge naturally appeals to the thoughtful and conservative vot er and citizen and particularly so in his probate work a depart ment of the office work growing in importance T here is no hesi tancy no matter how important and Aaluable the trust or estate in submitting the matter to Coun ty Judge Moores care A man and officer of the strictest integ rity of unquestionable fairness and of motives only for the high est good he has in past years strongly appealed to a large and solid and faithful following at the polls A life long Republican a resident of Red Willow county since its very infancy an upright citizen fearless and constant for the right he is entirely deserv ing the support of his party and of all others who stand for the best things in our national life JA vote for J C Moore will not bo amiss or in vain Statement of Water Works July 1 to October 1 Earnings Water supplied consum ers 336930 Meter rentals I 6450 Coal on hand 5500 Taps 1000 Expenses Dray age on epal Freight on coal Freight on coal Freight on coal Reading meters Freight on coal Freight on meters Coal Coal Hauling coal Salaries for July at plant Repair stand pipe Meter repairs - Salary commissioner Supplies Coal Hauling coal Reading meters Hauling coal Freight Salaries for August Lubricating oil Insurance 3 months Freight Coal Salaries for September Phone rent 3 months Lights Balance 349880 2550 14006 13977 13800 3750 16398 109 24745 3960 4695 16000 300 5550 1640 289 3514 1410 1000 200 190 23333 1792 400 165 16363 18833 1275 1370 192614 157266 349880 JAMES McADAMS Mayor L C Stoll City Clerk No Limit The Christian Endeavorers of the state will notice a new feat ure in connection with their great convention to be held in the coin Auditorium Oct 26 to 29 j 1911 No limit is placed upon the number of delegates from any church Some societies will send ihir entire membersliip This was found to be necessary on j count of the international scope of the program and a general protest went up in regard to the representation being limited Be sides this entertainment is to be j uirnished on the Harvard plan i i e lodging and breakfast free The program is complete with specialists in every line of Young Peoples work and as it is par ticularly a young peoples conven tion a large representation is as sured 2500 to 3000 delegates are expeeted Any desired information in re gard to the convention can be ob tained by writing Mr Ray G Fletcher 361 Fraternity BldgJ Lincoln Neb Makes Clean Kitchens You can make your kiichen fairly shine wilh cleanliness with less labor and in less time than it takes to clean it with soap soap powder or other cleansers if you use Old Dutch Cleanser Every speck ol dirt is quickly and easily removed from floors wood work taps metal work windows painted walls cooking and dairy utensils even the kitchen stove is cleaned and brightened by this won derful little boon to housewives - Absolutely free from all harmful chemicals Many other uses and Full Directions on large Siftez i il IU 2anj BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIED CURES and Purifies the Blood i OUTLOOK ENGOURACING Western Fruit Growers Have Very Successful Season Not since the Inauguration of the era of systematic and scientific devel opment of western resources has hor ticulture presented such encouraging prospects as during the present sea son in the vast empire that lies be yond the Missouri valley From every fruit growing section come re ports of record breaking yields either in quality or quantity The unprece dented conditions that exist give as surance that one of the finest displays of fruits ever assembled will be shown in Omaha when the doors are opened on the anrnjil land show on Oct 10 continuing until the 28th W O Paisley general manager of the Omaha Land Show recently re turned from a tour of several western states in the interest of the big land products exhibit to be held in the Coliseum from Oct 1G to 28 and found fine condition of crops throughout all the states he visited SOME SAMPLE BOXES OFAPPLES AT OMAHA LAND SHOW This insures some remarkably attrac tive exhibits for the forthcoming land show In most of the fruit growing dis tricts the crop is not only larger but the quality is extraordinary fine The growers havp adopted improved sys tems of grading and packing so that they are enabled to receive maximum return for their products The ex hibits at the Omaha Land Show v ill include practically every grain and fruit that is grown in the west as well as the minerals and oils that are taken from the earth and it will be truly a Western Land Products Exhibit Extraordinary Feature Machinery hail will be something extraordinary in connection with the land show proper In former years the machinery department was one of the features of the corn exposition in Omaha and it was greatly missed it the last land show The manage ment therefore hastened to restore this feature and in addition make it the most complete of anything ever seen here Machinery of all kinds will be shown from small hand tools to the big tractor In addition there will be practical demonstrations with tractors Since there is to be a vast display of fruit Machinery hall will be well stocked with fruit cultivating implements The interior scene of the big Coli seum when the doors are thrown open to the throngs on Oct 16 will be one of dazzling magnitude Many thou sands of electric lights will be em ployed and the spectacle will be grand One of the spectacular features will he the panoramic reproduction show ing the Conquering of the West from the glacial period down to the present timp This is the best pro duction of is kind since that of Crea tion at the St Louis Worlds fair NOVEL FEATURE IN UNO SHOW DISPLAY Instead of taking a ride on a merry-go-round visitors to the Omaha Land Show can take their joy rides on a gang plow behind a gas tractor A big machinery exhibit will be a feat ure of the land show and in connec tion with this department there will be demonstrations of plowing by pow er A twenty-five-acre field conven iently located so as to be easily reached from the Coliseum has been secured for the purpose There actual plowing work with the big plows will be shown Such field exhibits have been features of Canadian expositions for years but nothing as extensive as this has been put on in the United States before The Hart Parr com pany of Charles City la the Gas Tractor company of Minneapolis the International Harvester company of America and Fairbanks Morse Co of Omaha will show gas tractors the Rumely company of LaPdrte Ind will show their oil burning engine and the Aultman Taylor Thresher company of Mansfield O will plow with a steam tractor Gang plows from the John Deere company and the Parlin Oren dorff Plow company will be used In the field tests and besides these there will be fine exhibits by the J I Case Plow company and by the Oliver Chilled Plow works of South Bend Ind Not to be outdone by the tractor people the Hackney Manufacturing company of St PauL will show how plowing can be done with their auto plow where the plow and tractor Is combined In addition to the plow ing demonstration showing how big tracts of land can be put into fine con dition for seeding in a sjiort time there will also be an exhibit of corn shredding with field demonstration of the work The land shofr will be held from Oct 16 to 28 and the plowing exhibits will he given on Tuesday and Thursday of each vrsek THEYRE ALL ALIKE Ask any man past fifty years of age and he will tell you of some time in his life when lie was sailing high Things were coming his way There are few exceptions -Why is he poor now Well there are va rious Teasons One thing is sure It is not because he placed his money in a sound foank and checked it out only when safe investments were se cured There are more ways to lose money than- to make it If you are making any money no matter how small- the amount start the saving habit by open ing a bank account The First National Bank of McCook Neb Sick headache is caused by a dis ordered stomach Take Chamberlains Tablets and correct that and head aches will disappear For sale by all dealers Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 271 Most for your money THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give ua a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location mtacrv r lnCeflr streetin P Vfnlsh bn Wiog l H vUUft Osborn Burton DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone No 13 Fire and Wind I Insurance Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN L White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 V J m h 1 fhl