The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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JL4 1 W
The important part of child
rens Shoes are
We have a line of Boys Miss
es and Childrens Shoes made by
S L Pierce Co who make
nothing but Boys Misses and
Childrens Shoes
Therefore they are able to give
better shoes for less- money
Come and see them We guar
antee them
Corner Store
201 Main
The Best Doctor
may have all his efforts neutral
ized by carelessness in filling his
or bv the use of
is important enough to be filled
with McConnell s pure and tun
strength drugs and to be com
pounded in the scientific manner
that you are insured by having it
filled there Let McConnell fill
your prescriptions The price
will be right
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
liave been made in the county
clerics office since our last -report
J R Van Horn et ux to
Violet Van Ilorn qcd
8 9 in 17 McCook
Violet Van Horn to Mary
Van Horn qcd 8 9 in
17 McCook
1 00
1 00
Opposite Temple Theatre
I have moved and am now lo-
red in the Lee building opposite
the Temple theatre where I hope
to greet all my old patrons and
many new ones I shall carry a
larger line of music and inaddi
tion a nice stock of stationery
candy post cars etc Give me a
call at mv new location
Butterfly Social
The ladies of the Methodist
church will entertain their hus
bands at a butterfly social next
Thursday evening serving a sev
en oclock dinner The affair is
in celebration of one of the many
-accomplishments of the ladies of
the church in the physical well
being of the church
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Me
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20e
25c and 35c per pound
The Commercial house roof is
being painted Under the new
management the house and sur
roundings have been and are be
ing materially improved in ap
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
C R -Livingston has today pur
-chased the modern and artistic
little bungalow of Dr and Mrs
Vahue on north Main avenue
Report from Lebanon country
indicates that they have plenty o
rough feed in that part of the
county this fall for their stock
If you feel you want to be
shown in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Moore Family Reunion
Happily Wedded
Miss Lois A Bosworth daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs C GBos
worth of the National hotel and
Mr Roscoe Austin of Denver
-were quietly married Sunday eve
ning at the brides home the
National hotel in the presence of
her parents and of guests of the
hotel The bride was charming
lv -gowned in a sky blue
line and the groom wore conven
tional black attire To the strains
of Mendelssohns wedding anarch
played by Miss Florence Wilson
the young couple approached the
hotel parlor where County Judge
Moore performed the ceremony
A wedding supper followed the
ceremony Congratulations were
extended the happy young people
and social hour with an im
promptu musical program conelud
ed an event of pleasant memor
ies in the Bosworth home
The Moore family has been en
joying a family reunion the past
ffm dove r4 vnrv liiinnr
Will II Moore and daughter
bel of Chicago Frank Moore of
J C Moore of Mc
Cook Mrs Lou Butter field of
Chino California Miss Florence
able gatherings for the Moo res
Caught Up at Holdrege
A special raced from Denver
Marriage Licenses
Roseoe C Austin 22 of Den
ver Colorado and Miss Lois At
Fresh fruits at Magners
Everything in drugs
MeConnell sells kodaks and ko
dak supplies
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy At Rub
ers only
The king is dead long liv
the king Let there be light j
douse the glim
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Liggett s and Fenway Choco
lates Wait for them
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Th6 Crescent Dancing club held
a regular terpsichorean session on
Friday evening with attendant
felicitous facts
Monday Evening Edition
McCook Nebraska October 3
1911 The Board of Couirry Com
missioners met pursuant to id
iournment Present P S Lof
ton Edward Sughroue and W
N Rogers i vjjty commissioners
Chas L Rilehie county attorney
and CLfiS Skilla county clerk
The minutes of the meetings
held September 26th 1911 wers
read and on motion approved
A motion was made by Rogers
seconded by Sughroue that the
county treasurer be instructed to
a iw Df 1 the same basis the 1st of each
Mr and Mrs Robert M
nf fliiiarn 1 II Mnnrn nf Hill
apportion money now on hand
in the Willow Grove precinct
ditch bond fund among all the
school districts embraced in
Ioav Grove precinct and in sec
tions 3 4 5 G 7 S 9 and 10 an
Valley Grange precinct the terri
tory that has paid said ditch
bond at the ratio as based on the
assessed valuation of each dist
rict on April 1st 1911 and all
monies to be collected on this
fund here after to be divided on
j i 11 i i 4
scho1 district in the
cagoRev and Mrs 0 T Moore territory
Nebraska I mentioned Motion earned un-
and son of Edgar
tlrus which have lost part of Moore of Newport Minn These
their strength Any prescription reunions ot the tamily are not-
Moore IIumLIj Liius mvuuy iu ut
jierrea 10 general iiinci or eacn
i 1Z - 1 1 O 1
2V muuiui was maul uv ougJi
roue as follows lie it resolved
by the Boad oi County Commis
sioners of the County of Red
Willow State of Nebraska -that
said board deems it necessary
owng to the large amount of
pauper claims to levy a tax for
the purpose
of creating a fund
iv at the voting pi
will meet with Mrs E S Waite 0f the several voting precincts of
Thursday afternoon October 13 said county where the general
at 230 There will be a short election for the year 1911 shall
wood Bosworth 21 of McCook given and published in the words
Married by the county judge on as follows
The Main Store On Main Street Notice is hereby given ot the
Tf - o i ffncimof otwI iue in mm lif o rlpctors of the Countv
ers of the County of Red
Ioav in the State of Nebraska
this 3rd day of October A D
mTTTTi nnAnn nnTTvmv
F S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County clerk
The roll call was ordered and
resulted as follows
iYea Lofton Sughroue Rog
ers 3 Nay None Motion was
declared carried
A motion was made by Sugh
roue that the county clerk be in
structed to advertise said NO
TION by publishing it in the
legal paper from now until the
election and to place said pro
position in the form as designat
ed in the foregoing resolution
upon the ballots to be used at
the general election for the year
The roll call was ordered and
resulted as follows
Yea Lofton Sughroue Rogers
3 Nay None Motion was de
clared carried
A motion was made by Rogers
seconded by Sughroue that
whereas 95 Aoters of this county
have petitioned the county board
to submit to the qualified vot
ers of the county at the general
election to be held November 7
1911 the following proposition
For or Against Bounties on
Wolves Wild Cats and Coyotes
B1 it hereby resolved that said
request be granted and the
- - i
with which to purchase land T cierK oe instructed to place
erect and furnish buildings there pon the ballots to be used at
Friday afternoon endeavoring to on suitable for a poor farm Said le general election to e neici
catch up to No 10 which train tax to be levied for the years November 7 1911 in the county
had been missed bv the party on 1912 1913 and 1914 -only and at oi -ed Willow State of
the special Harold Kountz the the rate of 1 mill on each dollar e ionowing proposition i
well known Denver banker was 0f the assessed valuation of the For bounties on wolves
racing to Chicago where a taxable property of Red Willow wildcats and coyotes j
tive is critically ill The special countv which is 2 cents on each Against bounties on wolves
passed thru McCook an hour or 10000 of actual valuation And wildcats and coyotes -
so behind No 10 which she over- shall be in addition to Motion carried unanimously j
took at Holdrege The special tl other taxes which said board A motion was made by Rogers
actually gained two hours and is authorized to levy for county seconded by Sughroue that
forty nine minutes and is said to purposes whereas a petition of 26 voters
have cost Mr Kountz at the rate Be it further resolved that an of Road District No 18 being
of about 500 a minute election be called to be held onjDanbury precinct has been pre-
th 7th dav of November A D sented to this board asking this
Annual Election 1911 Ktween the hours of 8 board to levy a special tax of
The Womans I tour mills on the taxable
Missionary oclock a m and 6 oclock p m prop-
ity of the Congregational church 0f sa fay places rty cf said road district as a
special road tax and whereas
this board has no authority to
Jevy any special taxes in excess
program which will be followed Vi holden Said election to he oiifche amount this board is auth
by the election of officers
for the purpose of submitting to
1 the qualified voters of said coun
ty a proposition to vote a spe
cial tax which proposition and
notice of said election shall be
lorized to levy for county purpos
es unless authorized to do so by
a vote of the people be it here
by resolved that the proposition
of voting a special road tax of
four mills on the taxable prop
erty of Road District No 18 for
the year 1912 be submitted to
the qualified electors of said
road district at the election to
be held November 7 1911 in
groceries fruits vegetables etc of Red Willow -in the State ot said road district and the coun
Nebraska that the order ty clerk is hereby instructed to
you seek look no further than upon
Ilubers of the Board of County place on the ballots to be used I
cin nf tii fmiTitv of Rpf Wil at the general election to be
Seed Wheat For Sale
YT O YA 1Tll tVvti
low in the State of Nebraska an held on November 7 1911 in
Road District No 18 Danbury
v election will beheld on the
xu uuu jmjjuy wnaL iui Ii
sale Updike Grain Co Phone entli day ot iNovemoer a v iw - ---- Z
169 J1931 between the hours of 8 pillow the following
oclock a m and 6 oclock p m tion
N Y Apples on Track i of said day at the voting places in if or a special road tax
the several voting precincts of of 4 mills in 1912
A car load -of New York apples
Isaid county
where the gi a ci i v
now on B M track
election for
the vear 1911 shall j or mms in vi
be holden for the purpose of vot
ing on -the following proposition
which is hereby submitted to the
qualified electors of said county
to wit
Shall the County Board of the
County of Red Willow in the
State of Nebraska levy a tax for
the years 1912 1913 and 1914 for
the purpose of creating a fund
with which to purchase land
erect and furnish buildings there
on suitable for a poor farm and
to put into operation and defray
the actual expenses of such poor
farm said tax to be levied for
the years 1912 1913 and 1914
and at the rate of one mill on
each dollar of the assessed val
uation of the taxable property of
said county which tax shall be
in addition to the taxes which
sdid County Board is authorized
to levy for county purposes
Said proposition as submitted
on the ballots to be
For a one mill tax for a
poor farm
Against a one mill tax for a
poor farm
Submitted and authorized by
thoBoard of County Commission-
if r rfo A
fa BB S n 91 H H iy In iSBB
I I 9 h I I S I 1 PsP
vJ v f 1 n 1 1 ico6j
ta - 1 jr i y -
Motion carried unanimously
A motion was made by Sugh
roue seconded by Rogers that
the county clerk be instructed to
submit to the qualified electors
of any road district of the coun
ty of Red Willow at the gener
al election to be held on Novem
ber 7 1911 the proposition For
or Against a special road tax in
1912 to be levied by the county
board on the taxable property of
the respective districts by plac
ing said proposition on the bal
lots to be used at the general
election to be held on November
7 1911 in the respective road
districts of said county that may
by petition of at least one-fourth-of
the voters of said precinct as
ibased on the votes cast at the
general election held m Novem
ber 1910 request thatjaid pro
position he submitted to the vot
ers of their district at the com
ing election and stating the num
ber of mills to be voted provid
ing said petition is filed by at
least Monday October 23rd 1911
Motion carried unanimously
A motion was made by Rogers
Continued on page 2
A Crowded House
The temperance address by
Rev Moore of Edgar in the Meth
odist church Sunday night filled
that structure to overflowing
Rev Moore simply covered the fi
nancial feature of the question
and that he did powerfully and
satisfactorily and with convincing
force many will admit His fig
ures utterly demolished the great
fallacy that the liquor traffic
pays In the presence of his
showing of figures one can stand
but appalled at the monstrous
commercial loss alone of the liq
uor business and to be filled witl
uttter wonderment that the peo
ple should encourage so destrac 1 f e
i - 1- Chief
ii vu axiu woliiu a uusmeas an ne
face of its almost unbelieveable
loss The Baptist and Congrega
tional churches of the city closed
for this union service Rev
Moore used some special features
in illustrating Iris lecture which
added to its effectiveness meas
ures weights a map and 200 sil
ver dollars thus clinching with
the eye the figures which
stunned the intellect
A Queer Case
Mrs Rose Bayless is home fron
her visit in Des Moines
Mrs B L Webber is visiting
with her sister in law at Colorad
Springs Colorado
Mr and Mrs J W Wimer ex-
Jpect to ge atway midweek to
their new home m Denver
J W Wimer who has been vis
iting and working over in Iowa
returned home close of last week
Mr and Mrs Fred W Wash
burn of Sanbom were city visit
ors Friday and Saturday last
Ernest Strayer and family of
McCook have been visiting his
parents this week Red Cloud
Mr and Mrs J N Notley left
Saturday on No 1 for Califor
nia where they sxpeet to spend
some time
Mrs A McConnell returned
home Wednesday morning from
an extended visit with her daugh
ter in McCook Trenton Regist
Miss Helen Wilson of
son took in the Friday evening
j dance of the Crescent club and
I returned home Saturday morn-
A man bv the name of Arthur jinon No if
Chelf from St Joseph Mo cre
ated some excitement last Fri
day evening by falling in a fit
before Suttons jewelry store He
was carried in the store and upor
reviving was decidedly obstreper
ous and hard to handle for a
while He afterwards became
calm enough to give his name
Mr and Mrs C W Hamilton
arrived from Rantoid Illinois-
close of last week and are the
guests of Mr and Mrs Clint Ham
ilton for a wliile
J II Duvall having sold his
farm northeast of the city will
leave with his family tomorrow
for Pacific Junction Iowa where
and residence and stated he had he has gSrclJS d a nejousf zed
Tribune washes them
no recollection of happenings
since sucec m lwir new Missouri
the previous Wednesday
when he was in St Joseph Phone me Many came to
communication was
rtC fl 11 TCI1 tf
with St Joseph people and his
statements were corroborated in
and further instructions This
morning hoAvever a telegram
from the sheriff of St Joseph or
dered his arrest which complicat
es the ease somewhat
Republican Caucus
Tine Republicans of Willow
Grove precinct are called to meet
in the court room in the county
court house in McCook on Tues
day evening October 10 1911 foi
the purpose of placing in nomina
tion two candidates for justice of
the peace and two candidates for
constable and for the transaction
of such other business as may
come before the caucus
J G Schobel
W A Middleton
E S Howell
J II Stephens
Mr and Mrs J W Wimer ex
pect to leave for Denver their
new home tomorrow
Patrick Sweeney of Golden a
brother-in-law of William Travers
is visiting in the city Avhere he
livedTmany years o
Mrs C W Taylpr is in Lincoln
visiting her husband and attend
ed the reception given the new
university professors
G A Betteher who is visiting
his daughter County Superintend
ent Betteher will leave tomorrow
evening for his home in North
Liberty Indiana
We have some good bargains in
wall paper
A McMlLLEN Druggist
Catarrh Cure it
Rexafl Mu Cutone
McMillens Cream Lotion
The best for chapped hands
face lips or roughness of the
skin 25c
A McMlLLEN Druggist
Monday C C Brown who has
long been associated with M L
Rishel in business moved into tin
Lee building where he will add to
his musical merchandise a stock
of stationery post cards and
35 good steam heated rooms
for rent by da week or month
at Commercial hotel which has
just been reopened The din
ing room is also open now in con
nection and we arc serving the
best meals in the city We invite
vou to give us a trial
esteem tnem during ineir resi
dence in and near McCook
Mr and Mrs William
part He has since been kept un K Wlfr Slur J1
1 i i i of Lincoln and her meee Mrs
1 Schuck oi Hastings came
from Lebanon on Friday evening
and were guests of Mr and Mrs
Charles Knosp over Saturday
Mrs Scljuck and Miss Matie left
Sunday evening for their respec
tive homes and Mr and Mrs
Iliersekorn drove over to the
farm the same day
Wm Kennedy and Rev A W
Dick drove to McCook Tuesday
Mr Kennedy will visit Avith his
daughter Mrs C G Bosworth
for a short time Rev Dick
went after his new auto Arnett
Wade accompanied them to bring
the machine back The machine
is an Overland and was purchas
ed from Livingston who has sold
a number of machines to parties
at this place Beaver Valley
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their hills at Jones
Cos confectionery and news
stand on lower Main avenue
Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 2S3 Of
fice in Temple block
Water Tax Due
Water tax for third quarter of
1911 is due and payable at the
office of the water commissioner
in the basement of the city li
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
Freshest fruits at Magners
McConnell for drugs
Classified Advertisements
acre ranch joining McCook New
small house 16x32 barn Fenc
ed and cross fenced Well with
fine water Price is right Terms
FOR RENT A six room cot
tage at 906 W 2nd st Inquire
at Tribune office 9tf
Rooms to rent by the week at
National hotel Winter rates
FOR SALE Harness and sin
gle buggy Inquire of O N
Rector Phone red 349