12 Chas Skalla for County Clerk Chas Skalla is asking tlie vot ers of Red Willow county for a third term and as he frankly stated before the Republican county convention at Indianola Puly 19 a LAST term for county clerk A number of men in the history of Red Willow county have been selected for third terms It has been the custom in the county clerks office Hetherington and Roper each had four terms Green and Wilcox had three terms each If any man in the history of the county lias earned a third term by hard painstaking conscientious work by accommo dating and efficient service it is Chas Skalla the present county clerk Elected for the first time four years ago by the slender major itv of three votes against the pro tests and opposition of a majority of the business men who knew the Qualifications required of a county clerk and despite the fact that his election was contested and he had to expend over three hundred dollars to defend his ti tle to the office he took charge of the county clerks office on January 9th 190S and to put it in a few words he has made jrood He agreeably surprised not his friends who knew his integrity and business qualifications but his most bitter opponents the men who fought him the hardest He is supported for re election todiv bv the biff majority of the busin ss men throughout the coun t and especially of McCook who doekr him to b thJ best county cl rk Red Willow county ever had It was not easy for Skalla to accomplish this and enlist this support ILe is not what is com monly termed a mixer who can make votes by a handshake and a pleasant smile Nor did he run after these men and ask for their support He gained the good will and loyal support of these business men and the farmers as well by hard steady work by at tending to business by giving every one a square deal by treat ing his opponents as well as his supporters not knowing any dis tinction between friend and ene my as far as the work of the of fice was concerned Seven oclock in the morning has found Chas Skalla at his desk in the office the first week of his first term and he has kept it up ever since not for a short time before election but for very near 4 long years and over 300 mornings in each year And very near as many are the evenings on which he worked until late in the night over the countys rec ords Immediately upon taking charge of the office he discovered that no system has ever been follow ed by any county clerk in cneck ing the claims filed against the county and of the warrants is suedthat would provide for an absolute check over all transac tions At once he prepared a form for a claim record and had a new book made for this pur pose Men who travel all oyer this state and who have examin ed this record say that it is not excelled anywhere in the state and only a few counties keep sim ilar records He instituted a sys emt of numbering all claims of whatsoever nature filed against the county commencing on the first day of liis first term and by the way the number on Oc tober 2nd 1911 including all road work claims was 6957 Af ter numbering each claim in this manner he entered the same on the new claim record alphabetic ally giving number date of fil ing name of claimant what claimed for and amount claimed so that today any one can call at tire clerks office and within a few minutes learn how many claims and the amounts of each that have been filed by any one individual in these four years Af ter each meeting of the county board Skalla takes all the claims allowed by the board and checks over the claim record and enters the date allowed the amount the claim was allowed at the fund it was allowed on and the number of the warrant issued on the par ticular fund After the warrants are either mailed out or called for by individuals he again checks over the claim record and enters the date delivered or mail ed out and the name of the party delivered to No such or similar record wa ever kept in this county by any county clerk In fact the commissioner record anc the stubs of the warrant book be sides the claims were the only records kept before This claim record has saved an immense lot of time for the county board and individuals who were looking up claims because they can locate a claim in a few seeconds and fol low its whole history Keeping up this claim record easily takes one person two months time in a year if all work would be done at one time but it is certainly a good investment of time He followed up this claim rec ord with a S3rstem of mailing out warrants and checks for war rants As soon as possible after each meeting of the board he sorts out the warrants issued at that meeting To parties living in McCook or vicinity he mails a postal card printed for that purpose as a notice To all oth ers who dont get to the county seat regular he mails the check or warrant He takes all these warrants to the county treasurer and for those which are on a fund that has money on hand he gets a check For those that have to be registered as many of the road district warrants he lias the treasurer register them and then he mails out the registered war rant Only a few weeks ago the county board allowed a lot of small claims on the bridge fund This fund ds way overdrawn and the warrants have to be register ed One bank at McCook takes all bridge fund wan ants at par just for the 7 per cent interest which they draw Skalla found that he had thirty warrants on the bridge fund on hand amount ing to 29215 mostly belonging to people dn the east end of the ccunty and he knew that most of them nedd the money He had the treasurer register the 30 warrants then took the warrants tc bank and sold them at par They would not write 30 Jralts without getting pay for the drafts Instead of doing this he had the bank deposit the mon ey in his name and called for a check book no wrote 30 cheeks and mailed them out and every one of the 30 claimants got their money in full Where ever was the county officer who did this for his constituents This work of mailing out checks and war rants takes a lot of extra time but it is a great accommodation to the parties interested who be fore had to make a trip to Mc Cook or send for the warrants with a neighbor or write for them Sometimes warrants stayed in the office for years before their owners called at McCook for them The only exception to this rule of mailing out warrants are those held up by the treasur er on account of delinquent per sonal taxes and these cases are very rare He has been criticiz ed by some for the expense this mailing out warrants incurs but he thinks that fair minded peo ple will consider the 2000 to JriSUUU postage it requires a year as well spent The most important task Skallc undertook was the Account Ledger the keeping of another new record Many were the ques tions asked him as to the costs per year for certain items such as paupers county supplies of fice expenses bridges elections and others No way was there of telling these and give correct an swers unless one took the com missioner record for a full year read all the claims allowed and picked out all claims that refer red to the particular subject one was interested in and after mak ing lists of them added them and looked up all these claims to see if he was right It took a man several days to do this on pauper Dins ana wnen ne was through he did not know how many he had missed Skalla soon knew that this was no system at all and that some record ought to be kept tliat would provide for a better check ing of the costs of different items and departments He prepared a form for a record and had a new book made at a cost of 3600 He then sorted out all the claims beginning not with 1908 his first year but going back nine years further to 1899 the year that the county records were mov ed into the present court house He gathered all the claims of whatsoever nature for the one year and added them Then he took the commissioner record for that year and checked all the claims with it and added the commisioner record and the fig ures had to balance to the cent before he went further He again checked all claims with the stubs of warrant books and again they had to total the same figure Af amount that was allowed by the board each year -he commenced posting the claims on this accounl ledger He divided all claims in 90 different items and depart ments and provided separate pag es for each on the ledger We cant now enumerate all 90 sepa rate items but give the following few Assessors salaries board ing prisoners and juries salaries of each office office expenses o each office printing and supplies for each office court house ex penses repairing salary and mile age for each commissioner court costs witness fees jurors fees road damages election expenses light telephone water fuel for court house insanity cases pau per account county records road petition expenses road work for each commissioner and for each road district and many more He posted each claim on its proper page on this account ledg er entering number of warrant and date allowed so anyone can within a few seconds locate any one particular claim the name of claimant for what article or what service and the amount Many claims had to be divided into two or more separate items and posted on that many pages After all of the claims for the one year were posted lie added each one of th 90 pages and totaled them to show the total amount paid out by the county for each item for that year - ter filing than they ever were by any one in this or other coun ties No man ever called at the office or wrote to Mr Skalla for information without getting a detailed answer if it was possible to get the information desired in Ms office About two years ago he spent 2 to 3 months reading all the gov emment patents for the land in this county and thus got the cor rect acreage of each piece of land within the county on the assessment records Most of the land along the north and west line of each township falls short and it will be assessed for less acres hereafter He also secured from the rail road company a list of the acreage they have in each section where the road runs through and deducted this from the number of acres in the different quarters which makes considerable difference to over 100 people in their taxes but being only just and reasonable Wlien he first entered the of fice he spent several weeks checi ing all papers and records relat ing to road petitions and placed them m proper files and soon was better posted on all road matters as well as county his tory than any one else in the county In purchasing supplies for the county he always tried to be ec onomical getting the best for the least money and not any more Then he made a recapitulation supplies than were actually need- in the back part of the same ledg ed er carrying all 90 totals to this Mr Skalla has never made page and totaling it and it had much noise over the reforms he tn inanfti Tn n ppnt with tin or- iiihuuitvu in nis wiiiuu m iginal figure as shown allowed h the claims Then he commenced all over again with the claims for the next year It took all the way from 3 to 6 weeks hard work to thus check and post the claims was unjusuy cruicizeu oy uiiuiv who would have approved of his work had they known of it It is true that he kept two assist ants one besides the deputy in the office and that this is one of one vear and he only could more than in most of the stir work at it when the regular worl rounding counties It is also true of the office permitted it as he that this is one less than was never neglected his other work kept the last year of his for this He has now compleed cessor ana not any more man 1908 or 10 full years and is working on 1909 thus being with in three years of the completion of the record up to date was kept in the clerks office for long years In tact the com missioner record will show for the last 13 years where the Mr Skalla is only too glad to ty board allowed at the show this account ledger to any voter or taxpayer that wants to see it Any one who ever looked at it is convinced that it is the most valuable county record ever made ind that it is important tliat the work be finished and then kept up Of course it will be easy to keep up this record after its completion by posting the claims allowed after every meeting of the board For instance any one can call at the county clerks office and within a few minutes find out who assessed any precinct for the last 13 years and the amount he received each year or who serv ed on the election board of each precinct each year for 13 years If he cares to trace the pauper bills he can tell how much each individual received from the county in that time A few doz en other items could be mention ed dn this connection In addition to these records Skalla has provided a warrant book in which he entered all warrants issued by liis office since January 1908 and posts them after every board meeting keeping each fund separate and any one can tell at a glance how much was issued on each fund each year or for the current year After each settlement of the county board with the treasurer which is every 6 months all the warrants redeemed in the six months are turned over to the clerk and Skalla checks them with this warrant book entering the date redeemed after each war irant lie can this way tell what warrants are still unredeemed at any time He provided for a sys tem of filing away the claims and warrants that enables liim to lay his hand on any one of them witliin a minute if he knows the number he is looking for and his claim record account ledger and warrant book give him either the claim number or the warrant number of any claim witliin a second No better system of auditing claims and checking expenses was ever kept by any county of this state It is simply complete and absolutely accurate In all the other work connect ed with liis office Skalla was just as efficient and prompt All branches of the work were kept up and some say it is a pleasure to look up records in the clerks office The recording is attend ed to properly and efficiently and papers are returned to then ter thus securing the correct owners as soon if not sooner af in of each year to the clerk Mr Green as well as Mr Wilcox one deputy and one assistant pro viding the fees of the office would permit it and if either of these gentlemen did not have the assistant it meant that the fees of the office did not bring the money as they will say themselves The assistants were only kept when the fees collected by the office permitted it which meant when there was work to do For instance if the clerk collected 281800 in a year and a neighboring county which kept only one assistant m the cleric s office collected 2120 it meant that Red Willow county had 728 more work to do than the other county Such was the case in 1910 as well as other years The fees collected represent the amount of work done besides the extra work before mentioned for Avhich the county paid noth ing The impression has been con veyed by people who know bet ter that Mr Skalla receives a salary of 280000 The fact is that the combined salary of the office force is that amount pro viding the fees bring it The sal ary of the clerk is fixed by the laws of the state The county board cant raise him or lower him a cent and Mr Skalla never touched a cent of this countys money that did not lawfully be long to him ne has made enemies political ly as he does not allow any one to think for him but has a strong mind of his own and speaks right out in meeting He is a thorough progressive being one of the pioneer insurgents in this corner of the state and he I says that he does not have to hold office that bad as to be a mummy He would rather have j his say about public matters and do what his conscience tells him is right than to hold public of fice But his activity in public matters never interfered with his conduct of the county clerks of fice We defy any county in this state to show us a county clerks office better kept and more efficiently conducted than Red Willow county The vot ers of this county regardless of party affiliation will only honor themselves by re electing Chas Skalla for a third and final term for the important office of coun ty clerk and make sure that they will be served as efficiently in the next two years as they have been in the preceeding four Munsing Underwear 1 OO Per Cent Right JilMf Kg -v i iKgftnttri ward it Skalla s defeat which now seems to be an impossibility would mean that it is no induce ment for any public servant to devote his full time and energy to the work of the people and to do things absolutely on the square as he has done So well was his efficiency rec ognized that while he had bitter fights for liis first and second nominations no Republican en tered the primary contest against him this year and he secured un animous nomination of liis party for a third term being the only man who ever received a nomin ation for a third term in tliis county without a fight for long years Vote for Chas Skalla and good clean efficient county gov ernment REPUBLICAN COUNTY CEN TRAL COMjHTTEE Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Huber handles the Carhart gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes - HllUt Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber o Phone 5 r N on Irritating and Always Perfect Fitting All Prices From 400 A GALUSHA SON The Home of the Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes years If merit counts for anytliing and is entitled to any reward tliis is certainly the time to re A NEW RURAL ROUTE After Several Years Effort te Route is Granted The postoffice department has finally allowed the rural route long since prayed for from Mc Cook via Red Willow to Box El der and return This route will fill the requirements and prayers of large number of patrons who have for several years desired to be supplied with mail from the county seat with its best of mail facilities Several inspections have been made of this proposed route and The Tribune congrat ulates the patrons upon the final success of the effort It is thought the route will be ready for operation about the first of November The McCook Tribune 100 a year Heating Plumbing MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr BULLARD LUMBER Co Li SELLS THE BEST into and i on PHONE NO 1 seHirfM ajargy rxtTTZZS Bga i1 w 1 s ill R i m i 1 E