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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1911)
BFr r in V THIRTIETH YEAR PERSONAL MENTION Matt Colling of Indianola was a Saturday idsitor in the city II W Keyes of Indianola was in tOA n Friday transacting legal business I R Darnell of Benkelman came doAvn on 10 Sunday on bus iness in the city Mr and Mrs Neal Quick spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs A C Wiehe Will Israel of the Benkelman Chronicle News was a city visit or today on business Mrs C F lleber arrived home end of week from her visit in Chicago St Paul Minn and oth er points east R J Branscom arrived from Utah Saturday morning on 2 and may decide to remain here until next spring 0 N Rector arrived home on from an absence of some weeks at his farm over on the Platte near Overton Frank Calkins is here from from Santa Ana California the guest of his father John Calkins of Valley Grange precinct Postmaster C W Meeker of Im perial went east on 10 Saturday evening coming down on the branch the same afternoon Dr and Mrs Ira Clark of Del ta Colorado arrived in the city end of week and are giusls of her parents Mr and Mrs It K Stan gland Snapper Kennedy the Ce dar Bluffs Kansas banker and real estate man came in from the west on 10 Sunday evening on his way home from a visit out west with a party from that town Mr and Mrs William Lwis de parted this morning for Omaha from wliich point after a short visit they will go on to old home at Villisca Iowa on a visit of some length Geo W Sigwing of Wray Col orado came down to McCook las Fridav on matters of business returning home on Sunday even ing George may decide to return to Red Willow county to live J R Richards of Cedar City Utah who has been visiting oth er relatives in Falls City and oth er Nebraska points returned on 13 Friday morning to be the guest of his niece Mrs J Harry Wade Roy King started FridajrT on his return to Iowa driving his own car The Lloyd car was driven by a young man in the em ploy of Mr King in Iowa Mr Lloyd being called to California by the illness of liis father W E Bower of Edgewater Col orado who has been visiting rela tives in Iowa and Wisconsin for several weeks arrived in the city this morning on train No 9 and will be here a few days visiting friends and on business matters D L Bower and W G Bower together with their wives came down from near Wray Colorado Sunday evening on No 10 and are briefly visiting relatives here Dwight and wife are on the way to visit her parents Mr and Mrs George Plumleigh of Judsonia School Supplies We have a large assortment of pencil and drawing tablets com position and note books slates pencils pencil boxes erasers pens penholder ink etc Special prices in quantity to school districts A McMUDLEN Druggist Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huberts exclusive agent in Mc Cook for the unexcelled Barring ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound It is the proved quality of Mag ners groceries that accounts for their increasing popularity with the buying public Every patron is a satisfied patron If you feel you want to be shown in matter of quality go to the McCook Flour and Feed Store Magner s groceries meet fully the pure food law requirements For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner Try a Tribune want ad and watch results OBITUARY A telegram received this morn 1 ing by E J Overing Jr from Boulder Colo from Cal Kenady announces the death of his father W P Kenrdy formerly of this city who has hem in the hospital there for seme two montlis The body will arrive in this city in the morning and will be buried at two oclock from the Baptist church to he conducted by the old soldiers Mr Kenady was an eld soldier and serwd his country nobly in that great conflict of 61 64 He was a splendid citizen and a generous husband and fath er lie leaves two daughters Mrs A B Sellers of California Mrs C A Wilson of Pennsylvania and a son Cal Kenady of co to mourn his death He was about 67 years old lcL Cloud Commercial Advertiser Sept 27 TO BUILD AND PRESERVE BEAUTY We have a large stock of face creams toilet specialties cosme tics and other preparations requii ed to remove skin blemishes or to preserve the beauty and purity of the complexion Jf there is some particular ar ticle you want we have it if it is to be had in this locality If you are not certain as to what you need you have here your choice of a rare assortment of beauty goods and preparations L wMeCONNELL Druggist Buried Baby Sunday Victor the year old baby hoy of Mr and Mrs Julius Houn died on Saturday morning The remains were laid away in Riv erview cemetery Sunday after noon services being conducted bj the new German Congregational pastor at the home The parents have sympathy of many friends Insignificant Fire The department responded to an alarm Friday morning at the residence of Hugh Kelly on north 2nd street east It Avas in the coal house and Avas soon soon disposed of Aith small loss or damage Into Old Quarters The old Bee Hive building is in the hands of the paper hanger and painter receiving a needed overhauling and renovation and Avill be occupied by the Colson notion store in a short time The Main Store On Main Street If it is the freshest and best in groceries fruits Aegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey Avheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hub ers only v Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Try him for an order For service durability and econ omy use Lincoln Climatic Paint Sold only by A McMTLLEN Druggist Monday Evening Edition COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS McCook Nebr September 26 191 1 The Board of County Com misioncrs met pursuant to ad journment Present F S Lof ton Edward Sughroue and W N lingers i commissioners has L Rik hie county attorney and Chfis fc Killa county clerk The minutes of the meeting held September 12th were read and on motion approved A motion was made by Rogers seconded by Sugliroue that the county clerk be instructed to ad vertise for 4 consecutive weeks for sealed bids for grading on the through county road on Con tracts No 6 7 16 and 17 accord ing to the specifications drawn by the county surveyor Bids to be called for on same terms as in first advertisement for bids in June 1911 These bids are to be opened by the county board on October 24th 1911 at 2 oclock p m and must be filed by 12 oclock at noon of said day The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids Motion carried unanimously The claim of Frank Cain of 200 for livery hire was on mo tion disallowed The following claims were aud ited and allowed and the county clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the respective funds levy of 1911 in payment thereof as follows County General fund N J Uerling mdse Mrs Vandervoort and Mrs Quigley 2120 Ileal Easterday car of coal for court house 216 25 W B Whittakr R R fare and expenses Dubarko wise 2 76 M Mathes leveling court house lawn 3 00 Ohas D Ritchie office ex panses 5 00 C Naden freight ed 8 93 Dick Ilolcomb hauling sand and bridge mater ial 7 5 F B Marts hauling sand and bridge material 29 00 Jolm Teter hauling sand and bridge material 9 00 George Teter hauling sand and bridge material 11 30 Elmer Pilcher hauling sand and bridge material 3 36 W E Finch hauling sand and bridge material 6 00 Joseph Ogorzolka Jr haul ing sand and bridge ma terial t 36 93 County Bridge fund Clarence Bales bridge McCOOK FEDERAL BUILDING Supervising Architect Asks for Information as to Re quirements Postmaster Cone is in receipt of blanks from the office of the supervising architect in Washing ton D C seeking for adAance and preliminary information con cerning McCook s proposed feder al building It will be recalled that the pro posed building has been author ized by congress at a cost of 85 09000 It is expected that the in formality of making the appro priation Avill be attended to dur ing the approaching regular term of congress As the matter of appropriation is only a regular step in the pro gress of such Avork after the building has been authorized the supervising architects office is taking up hoav the work of plann ing for the building and it is ex pected that within a feAv months work 18 55 J C Green bridge work 35 27 William Hyatt bridge work 25 20 Elzie Hyatt bridge work 45 67 J II Huntwork bridge work 9 35 Peter Fossen bridge work 1 50 E S Pearson bridge work 12 85 Perry Kinnison bridge work 15 35 James Burke bridge work 9 5 M A Jusseli bridge work 4 00 Bert Moore bridge work 4 00 Chester McCafterty bridge work 9 35 August Zellze bridge work 2 50 Lloyd Finch bridg eAvork 11 77 W 0 Finch bridge work 17 43 T J McCord bridge work 2 61 Wm Buffington bridge work 5 97 Lewis llarte bridge work 4 50 Chas G Kerst bridge work 20 00 Reuben Finch bridge work 11 22 II N Rosebush bridge work per contract 1500 00 Commissioner District No 1 Bert Shields road work Valley Grange 11 40 Otto Ilesterworth road work Valley Grange 10 00 Henry Ilesterworth road work Valley Grange 5 00 Albert Ebert road work Valley Grange 26 00 G C Hawkins road work Gerver 10 50 W E Dike road work Gerver 4 50 Bert Goodenberger road work Gerver 4 50 Commissioner District No 2 A J Meeham road work Alliance 7 50 P II Callan road work Alliance 7 00 J J Ryan road work Alliance 5 50 Lloyd Peters road work Alliance 8 50 Lloyd Peters road work Alliance 10 35 Fred Barruth road work Alliance 4 50 Samuel Rayer road work Alliance 4 50 Frank Teter road work Alliance 7 30 Ben Ohlson road work Alliance 9 00 K K Thomas road work Alliance 6 00 Reuben Finch road Avork Alliance 11 60 Dick Ilolcomb road work Alliance 6 00 O S Vandoren road work Alliance 4 30 Road District No 2 Alliance precinct Jinias K McDowell road work 46 55 plans and specifications Avill be prepared bv the government and submitted to the treasury depart- i ment for approval The prori d buildng will b1 ViL to accommodate three de partments of the governments work namely the post office th judeiary tind the department of animal industry a de part in nt groA ving also in and ajII rrve qnaituis in the new building ecmmnsurat with th work and other requirements At thi3 time the government is i peeially making inquiries cov ring th1 requirements for the pctstoffic in the matter of all fa cilities covering all the depart ironts of business including pos tal city and rural deliA ery money order registration and the usual business of the post cifice proper Disides the second story will be given over largely to th fed eral court and to the department of inimal industry Work on the n av building Avill doubtless be inaugurated early next summer TO TRIBUNE SUBSCRIBERS Notices are being mailed to all delinquent subscribers and a prompt payment is requested from all If you are unable to pay promptly kindly write or call and explain Subscriptions will be settled for at the rate of 100 per year up to Janu ary 1st 1912 when the price will be advanced to 150 After that date the price will be 150 All back subscrip tions up to that time will be at the rate of 100 per year All -subscriptions paid in advance predous to January 1st 1912 Avill be- at the rate of 100 per year Remember subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in adr vance and this requirement will be more strictly enforced in future especially in the case of subscribers living outside of Red Willow county THE PUBLISHER 1 McOOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA MONDAY EVVENING OCTOBER 2 1911 Mrs Alice King daughter of AFr jind Mrs John Show was born at New Hartford Iowa on July 2uth is it Uieti at ner home near Red Willow Septem ber 2C 1911 Age 34 years and 2 montlis She spent almost all her life in this part of Nebraska coming with her parents from Iowa when but seven years old She was married to Ben King August 31 1898 who with three chilren survive her She became a member of the Baptist church of McCook in 189S The funeral services were held in the Baptist church at 2 oclock Thursday afternoon conducted by her pastor D L McBride The large attendance and generous profusion of flowers at her fun eral obsequies attested the high esteem in which she was held by the large circle of her acquaint ances Mr King desires liis gratitude expressed to the many who so kindly sympathized with and as- sisted him in his affliction W P Kenady Dies M John Premer road work 22 50 Mose King road Avork 10 50 Henry McKean road Avork 10 50 George RaAVson road work 10 50 Road District No 6 Perry pre cinct Henry Corcoran road work 10 50 James Doyle Jr road work 7 50 George Traphagan road work 2 50 Road District No 7 WilloAV Grove precinct W T Clark road work 23 75 Roy Green road Avork 6 12 Charles Mapes road Avork 3 00 J C Green road work 24 00 Elzie nyatt road Avork 18 75 Road District No 10 East Valley precinct Chas G Kerst road Avork 21 25 F A Ilodgkin road Avork 11 25 Talbert McCord road Avork 12 0C LeAis narte road work 2 25 Guy Ritchie road Avork 2 25 Frank Ernst road Avork 13 50 W O Finch road Avork 14 2o Reuben Finch road Avork 9 00 W E Finch road Avork 4 50 Lloyd Finch road AArork 1 50 Road District No 17 Gerver precinct C G Wiihelm road work 17 50 C F HaAvkins road Avork 6 00 Gottlieb Unger road Avork 3 37 L Olmstead road Avork 4 50 John Messinger road Avork 6 00 O Olmstead road work 3 00 Frank Sehamel road Avork 3 00 Warren L Cooper road Avork 4 50 1 W C Cooper road Avork 3 50 J C M Lofton read work 3 00 j Ben IlaAvkins road Avork 3 00 C T Loper road Avork 1 00 D W Baile road Avork 50 J F Messinger road Avork 2 50 Henry Martin road Avork 1 50 la cob Unger road Avork 1 50 Don Thompson road Avork 50 Road District No 20 Lebanon precinct Frank Helt road Avork 10 00 Ralph Helt road work 75 Milo Horton road Avork 6 00 Harry Larson road AAork 3- 00 l Charles Gay road Avork 3 00 Frank McCashland road work 6 00 Aaron Mays road Avork 1 50 On motion the board adjourned sine die F S LOFTON Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk The next regular meeting of eountv hoard avi11 be held on Oc tober 3 1911 Reception for Supt Davis Beaver City Neb Sept 29 The many friends and pupils of the Beaver City schools gave a reception last night for Prof W T Davis and Avife aaIio leave at once for their neAv home at Mc Cook Mr Davis having been bctd superintendent of schools at that place Mrs Davis will make a short visit in Lincoln and other points before going to their neAAr home Supt Davis arrived here on 13 Friday and is into the Avork of our superintendency in earnest Postponed Until Oct 11th The O E S Kensington ilias hem postponed until Wednesday October 11th Avhen the kensing ton will be held at the home of Mrs F A Munden Ladies of O E S AA ill kindly note this postponement and the date of the next Meeting Shakespeare Club Begins TomorroAv afternoon the ladies cf th Shakespeare club AAill be gin their fall and winter reading Mrs Sylvester Cordeal AAill be hostess Their opening session Avill be a study of four great por traits by Van Dyck Reynolds Hals and Gainsborough Western New York Apples A car load of apples with a limited amount of pears and quinces has been shipped and Avill reach here soon Phbrie or ders to r d 198 MRS J n BURNS Fresh fruits at Magner s MeConnell fills prescriptions Everything in drugs McCon j nell All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the Mc Cook Flour and Feed Store NUMBER 37 A Case of Suggestion The patriots avIio have been running a dyeing and clean ing establishment on Main avenut folloAved the suggestion of the title of the establishment the Dart and skipped the city on Saturday night leaving several unpaid claims and the clothes of a number of patrons in the aban doned building W F Wlnpple is the name used by the hero aaIkj headed the establishment Mc Cook seems to be getting her share of four flushers these tight times and none go hence Avithout bites Marshal Fitch Avent to Oxford last night and returned today AAith the proprietor or proprietors and an effort is being made to day to have some of the finan cial delinquencies made good First of the Winter The initial game of the bridge Avhist club AA as played on Friday afternoon Mrs James Hatfield being the hostess at the affair Mrs Frank Real assisted Mrs Hatfield at the serving of refreshments an apprc priate autumnal center piece be ing a dceoratieA detail There Avere a number of invited guests P E O to Entertain Chapter X of the P E O so ciety AAill receive from S to 10 p m Monday evening next Octo ber Oth at the home of Mr and Mrs J G Schobel S12 East 1st street in honor of the teachers of the McCook public schools Th husbands of the P E O la dies AAill also be guests of the oc casion Can Pay at the Store Parties oAving the Updike Co may pay their bills at Jones Cos confectionery and news stand on loAver Main avenue Phone 13 or 169 S S GARVEY Manager Sold to Henry Pate October 1st R M Osborn dis posed of his livery business at the old Commercial livery barn t Henry Pate Aho on that date as sumed charge of the business Our Rainy Season We have been having seAeral days of small rains and mist Avith a rainfall up to the time of our printing today of in the neigh borhood of an inch If You Have houses to rent list them with Whittaker Gray They haA e several applications on file noAV for houses Phone black 2S3 Of fice in Temple block Water Tax Due Water tax for third quarter of 1911 is due and payable at the office of the Avater commissioner in the basement of the city li brary The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Car hart Iluber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Kindly Return Same Will the party Avho borroAAed The Tribunes county atlas kind ly return the same to the office We have need of it right noAV For drugs go to MeConnell tlu druggist MeConnell for drugs Freshest fruits at Magner s The McCook Tribune 100 a year Classified Advertisements FOR SALE OR TRADE 15 aere ranch joining McCook NeAv small house 16x32 barn Fenc ed and cross fenced Well Avith fine Avater Price is right Terms 25 4ts GEO PENNEY FOR SALE A driving horse harness and buggy Inquire of O N Rector phone red 349 FOR SALE Medium size Hot Blast stove good as neAA Inquire at 602 5th street eeast FOR SALE Tavo childrens iron beds and two base burners 1 hard and 1 soft coal feeders Mrs C W Taylor p i 1 f if