The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    Dr and
Ernest Gaiusha and L D New-
airs V
Avere visitors in town
last week
A DeMay
one dar
Mrs L D Gockley suffered an
other light stroke of paralysis on
last Thursday evening but is
considerable better at this writing
A light shower of rain fell here
Sunday night
The Mum social at the Wicks
home was Avell attended and a
general good time reported i
Rev Anderson and family vis
ited at the Rodabaugh home on
Born to Mr and Mrs John
Sines on September 22nd a son
and to Mr and Mrs A C Pew
September 2 ith a son
Milford Parker and family vis
ited at the Pew home Sunday
Friday afternoon
Dr Simons of Cedar Bluffs Avaj
in town a few times close of last
wek on professional business
last Monday
Mrs Earl Notley of Alliance
is visiting her parents Mr and
Mrs A T Wilson
Mho Mabel Sexson visit d Miss
Edith Morey Sunday btwe n ht
Win Doyle is on the siek list
The Misses Minnie Wism Jn
ni Campbsll and Rosa Pt rson
of Osborn visitd at A T Wil
sons Sunday
A suipris 1 party was giv n at
the home of Mr and Mrs G II
Harrison last Friday eveninj in
honor of Miss Burbridge All re
port a very pleasant evening
Misses Dorothy Roberts an
Pearl Campbell sang a spcal ue
Hymn at hpAvorth League on last
Sunday veiling and Miss Iva
Johnson recited a poem
The thought of the EpAvorth
Leagu1 lessons for the month of
October is Firm Foundations
Th rieet for Sunday
ls Wll Rounded Life
Coi -7 Luke 1142 T
Ca1 leader
G vp
r r Avas over in this
section buy n r cattle one day last
td a fine I ni jattlc to Go
Miner last Tuesd iv
Chas Bisnett left last Aveek for
Michigan to Avork He expects tc
iZ vlKFalmfV 4 v I r f I
It P D No 1
Frank Calkins of Santa Anna
berry put a new foundation un- Calif is here visiting relatives
dor the Laurel Dell school house and friends after making a visit
last Aveek
at several points in the state
Mrs G F Randal is slowly im
proving from her recent illness
Henry Kisker and Miss Lena
Haase of Syracuse were married
in the German Congregational
church Thursday
M Esch returned Wednesday
morning well pleased with his
trip to the San Luis valley
C A Phillips is busy moving
his goods to Richardson county
where lie will farm next year
F A Schamel and Avife are re
joicing over the arrival of a 16
pound girl born Sept 24th
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
W F Miller and family from rii stfc ni
north of Danbury were visitors j tarson patent nV seVi
at the Eifert home Sunday j uy SVy 17-4-28
D W Colson of McCook was Albyn C nipplesinde to
m town a few days last week on EIiza 0 Shields wd 8 in
business of a political nature u West McCook 1500 00
L E Southwick of Lincoln
was Joseph M Iluet et ux to
a business visitor in town last Rdivivi s irn i
v jjvnitl yuu S
1 1 swii 17-3-30
Drugs at Woochvorth
1 00
McCook Won Second Game
There was only a small crowd
E E Blake is at work again at the game Monday between the
after a few weeks lay off having McCook and Trenton A O U
been under the weather W clubs at the game on the
Burlington grounds here The
BOX ELDER locals Avon the game bv a score
-Mrs W F Satchell came down or 13 to 12
from Imperial last Saturday to
visit her sister Mrs Roy King A11 Real Estate Taxes
of IoAva Avho is Aisiting other Delinquent for 1910
atives here j should be paid on or before
Ernest Lytic has rented the tober 1st next to sa e advertis
John Mliler farm and moved to il ig fees
C NADEN Co Treas
Money to Loan on Tarms
Sev Rocil Sons at clothing
A McMillen prescrijjtiu 1 u
Pure Gold flour fi oin wint
Avheat at Magners
McMillen s Corn IL uied
if used as directed
It is 100 a vear
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magners
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
ju omptness in dehverv are mak
ing for success at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Bunsons Catarrh Cure will re-
move his family there some time tober Number of the Ladies
this Avinter Home Journal to J A Wilcox
Mrs Paul Ilunka is her- from Son and get a can of Wesson
Suthrland Nab visiting her SnoAvd rift Oil free
daughtis Mrs Henry and Miner
Seed Wheat For Sale
2 Red Turkey wIi m C
sah Updike Grain Co Phonv
Tu Avill find them fresh
clean at Magners grocery
- SSk
jem i OiTrr
rfPfL 4F
VbJi J
I If I
- thidayArt
k nn ITRYf
riuuxL nivc lulo
RrfiS T
Supplies for Avater color artists
including papers paints brush
es transfer and copy sheets All
our material and supplies are of
the- best
Pfv27 to OCT 7 191
Birth ot Aeronautics
It was on Aug 1 17G7 that the
Scotchman Black of Edinburgh filled
a little bag with hydrogen gas and
watched it rise to the ceiling of his
room and it was right then and there
that the science of aeronautics was
born Cavendish had only a little
while before proved that hydrogen gas
was about eleven times lighter than
common air and it occurred to Black
that such being the case a light bag
inflated with it would ascend The
experiment in his room in Edinburgh
showed that his surmise was correct
It was not long after Black made
his demonstration that Montgolfier
sent a silken balloon up into the heav
ens and watched it careening through
space and the following year 17S3
the Montgolfiers Joseph and Stephen
made a successful ascent in a bal
loon The same year Charles ascend
ed in a hydrogen balloon to the height
of 0770 feet Ballooning was a suc
cess and in an amazingly short time
it became popular in all lands New
York American
Tennysons Carelessness
Tennyson like Thackeray seems to
have been careless about bis manu
scripts Some Aveeks after leaving his
lodgings in Mornington place Ilamp
stead he wrote to Coventry Fatmore
from the Isle of Wight telling him that
he could not find a book of elegies
a long butcher ledger like book ajd
that he had some obscure remembrance
of lending it to Patmore If so he
concluded all is well if not will you
go to my old chambers and institute a
A igorous inquiry Patmore not hav
ing the book went to Mornington
Place but was assured by the landlady
that no such article had been left there
He insisted however on going to his
friends old rooms up two pair of
stairs to search and there in a small
cupboard where Tennyson had kept
bread and tea and butter he found the
A Poet Who Dreaded Fire
Thomas Gray author of the Elegy
had a weakness in the form of a nerv
ous dread of fire nis chrfmber at St
Peters college
The Funny Penguins
fW t 11 Yf w 1v1rt 1 rv cm r
A nnnnnii Annrl
Father Took Him Home
The sheriff and chief of police
-vv - lieve catarrhal deafness Iiay acquired a wooden leg feels so awl- i Vn
A ard la i0v mc0n t take n a
Me- up
g were el and coId t d vard and is so Ilkely to fall down J
visit 1 Monday amcMijIbN Druist and brek the otuer e or an arm or JUrSe m the univereit
o c h jrt1d and deliver- maybe Ins neck that wo prefer to keep Alex Strain is still gaining in
Our soda fountain will run all him Lore so be can take uis first les ealth
winter so remember ns for either sons ndcr our supervision - Xew Ed Young returned home Sat-
Reinor Weseh is helping J A hot or cold drinks Times urday from south of Marion
Hoffman put up hay this Aveek C R WOOD WORTH Dnnro kt Avhere he has been Avorking for
the past tAvo Aveeks
Bring your coupons from srminmvni uoottn it i ttP nonmitna and Mrs- Minniear are the
- WV V - V W I-
that gain the most popularity with the proud parents of a baby boy born
least attempt to do so says a writer luonaay
In the London Graphic who proceeds Otto Puelz has his silo nearly
They do not affably converse with the completed
public like parrots or make grotesqup A number of people
gramaoes like pelicans indeed they from here attended the social at
stiuhously ignore the visitors whom M prfd
they attract by their inimitably quaint ri J
carlrature of hnmnnltv Xo birds de- U in- Cxleenway IS
nart more in form from the usual bird mS on moving to Lebanon and
type and there is something about conducting the hotel at that place
C R WOOD WORTH Druggist them wlrieh irresistibly suggests an
W A Stone Avent to McCook
The railroads have made a tho sleeves very much too tight for which has been over there in the
eial reduced rate for the Omaha aim as the toaT1e lbout wt thclr repair shops for some time
Festival Tickets will iSSZSi iS SlemUly Miss Florence Middleton of Mc
I meditate three inch
Lih Patent Flour AAhen once be on sale at all stations from Ot
uscd none other Avill satisfy you tober 1st to 5th inclusive and
good for the return trip to Oc
Kodaks and kodak supplies tober 7th See the station agent
L W MeCONNELL Druggist for full particulars
overfed little boy In an overcoat with Tuesday after his Rambler ear
a jump
Cook has been Aisiting her sister
Mrs Henry Williams the last tAvo
Senator Itobert L Fiddlinpr Bob weeks
Taylor told about a man in the back- J II Wade and Avife of Drift
woods of Tennessee who applied for Avood Avere OArer Sunday Aisitors
a pension for a gunshot wound An at the E E Hayes home
examining surgeon of the medical J L Sims shipped a car of cat-
board stripped and examined him tie to Kansas City Saturday nighl
cjuuumim turnup yjiu xxiun c
not find a single blemish on your
i hide Where were you shot during
the war The old man said Weil
gentlemen I was shot In the
tute Leslies Weekly
A Real Smart Dog
Mr Brown Is that dog of yours
smart Mr Ridge Smart Well I
should think so I was going out with
Mm yesterday and I stopped and said
Towser weve forgotten something
And bothered if he didnt sit down
and scratch his head to see if he could
think what it was Stray Stories
Boswoll and Johnson
I am sometimestroubled said-
well by a disposition to stinginess
So am I replied Jobnsonbut luo
not tell it
Make your pJcatgSteS
Tirofegsiotu -2
LTarl3jr Woods accompanied them
Miss Alma Noe visited friends
in Beaver City from Friday till
Jas Ryan of Tndianola Avas ov
er Tuesday posting bills for the
fair to he held September 26 29
Rev Anderson returned home
Tuesday from conference He
Avill remain Avith us this coming
II L Goodenberger and family
departed Tuesday for their neAv
home at Scottsbluff Neb
The boy scouts made their
first encampment doAvn by the
creek Friday night
Mr and Mrs M M Young
Avere over Sunday visitors at the
C VV Tfrxcfatno Tirvmo
Ladies Black Velvet Button
Shoes Ladies Brown Velvet
Button Shoes Tan Calf But
ton Shoes Black Suede But
ton Shoes
Our line of misses and
childrens school and dress
shoes is complete
-xv j - n i
Advertised List
The follOAving letters and cards
lost book of elesies the manuscript Tuesday captured a runaway ladremajn J
m uncalled for at the post
of In Memoriam London Spectator Qamed Tibletts of Amour office
Nebraska avIio was riding a Bollig Mr Albert Carr Mr
iorse Thru the state on his way james x Ilinkel Mr II Lee
vest The father of the boy came Mr L W Moore Miss Lillian
nd the lad was turned over to a Murnhv Mr F TT - Wlsnn
j 7 y
Lamunuge ucmg on inn lugeuier wiin tue nurse wro A SphnmV rion
second floor he thought it likely ihicn they expected to ship back j TaA lor r c ni
in case of a he his exit by ths lom2 The father left for home Yoimcr VmI
misht 1 e cut off He therefore n liru h lw iv Tlmm
- L ol - avv JiHlUWin Mr 1 hoi
- 4- 4 ii t k
ipprehensii and retention of lad
dow iv rone attached Eagy Allen - Griffin Mr Joseph-
that he changed his lodgings
n wl limrsi tTT - -
thereto to descend in the event of a
lire occurring This excessive caution
led to a practual joke by his fellows
One iiidiuht a party of students
of Fiv lre The nervous pnt
flew to hi vjlov and slid down thy
rope to the around wlre he was hil
ed with shouts of lausljr The vin
dow vitn is iron anparatus is still
shown it is said f rays delicate
The McCook Semi Yeekly Trib ture was so shocked by this rough joke
Practice With Wooden Legs
Of the five cases m the accident
waid that were pronounced cured at
the same time three remained in the
hospital more than a week after the
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents other two had gone home
and Wedding Breakfast heads They had to stay said an interne
have to peg along with them for the
rest of their natural lives stay in the
vis a reAvard of 2500 for
md horse
Dainty refreshments Avere served
While Avorking Avith a horse on
unday Ralph Boyer had the mis
ortune to get his head badly cut
tile hst to get used to their wooden legs it vitli a pair of pinchers
takes some time to learn to manage
Rudolph Renneeker got a
wauiy uuu price courtesy ana - - - -- ram Saturdav statins his moth-
r Avas very ill lie left on the
hospital several days after they get veiling train and did not get
Avell to practice stumping around on ack ill time to take up his
their new legs Of course they cau jchool duties Monday
learn outside but the man who has just Ar Tth AlVnnnnlrl loft-
Mr Jack Elloitt Jliss uaroline
j Hughes Mrs Hazel Johnson
Jirs K M Kimmel Mrs E A
Whist Party Parks Mrs Mary Saline Mrs
The Barbaette home was the Truman SolW S w - Sfm
thuuderrd at his door with loud tIp 3ene Monday evening of a whh Victor A- Smith Fr Fd
-arty of dainty details given by WlPn callin for these nlonso
Miss Mary Barbazette in honor say they were advertised
f her friend Miss Lodicea LON CONR Postnui
ock ot bcottsfolutt Inve tables
f young people Avere present I
E F D No 3
Tunic and Pearl Cozad
Music by Misses Elsie Campbell J ware visitors at the Kellev home
md Leah Pennell added to the Sundav
oleasure of th eAening
Jim Bennett is Avorking for
Win Little this week
School begins next
morning in tin
Mr and Mrs T J Kennedy
of Cadar Bluffs Kansas were vis
P F D No 4
Frank Powell of Lincoln was
a visitor in Indianola a feAv days
last Aveek
Misses Edith Ida and Pearl Al-
ku nau xu iiuiuen last inescla
to attend the Avedding of Earl Al
len and Daisy Ilines
Mrs Lord and Mabel returned
Friday morning from their trip
m Oregon Idaho and nortlnvest
Mrs Pogue and daughter Mar
jorie of Evanston 111 are visit
ing Wm Dolan and family
The cantata Queen Esther Avas
piayea to tAvo large house fulls
Friday and Saturday eAenings It
Avas given under the management
of M S Calvin
Ike Starbuck a pioneer of Red
WilloAv but noAv residing in Salt
Lake City Utah Avas in tOAvn one
daj last Aveek shaking hands Avith
old time friends
Wm Dubarko a brother of
Mrs Earl Korb is quite sick Avatli
typhoid fever in the hospital at
I Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
The Tribune 100 the year I Tribune 100 per year
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote you prices Satisfaction
r I
B d
Seed Wheat For Sale
Xo 2 Red Turkey wheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
Books Books Popular copy
right books lots of them only
50c each
Wants for rent for sale etc
5c a line in The Tribune
Notice is hereby given that the
county commissioners of Red Wil
low county Nebraska Avill re
ceive sealed bids for grading on
the through county road accord
ing to the following specifica
tions drawn by the county sur
Contract No 6
Near SE corner of SAY of 11
3 2S Red Willow precinct 300
cubic yards cut from ridge just
west of Mat Colling place- and
used in road both east and Avest
of cut Cut to be 27 feet wide
120 feet lonjr and a foot
w vv
Anderson dist- p our ana road to e smooth
when completed
Contract No 7
600 cubic yards to hf tflWT i
ltors at the 0 L Thompson honi 0nesn southwest corner of
11 3 28 Hod Oorf
width of fill 20 feet on ton av
erage depth of 3 feet dirt to be
The farmers are soAving wheat italien from rad both east and
-some of it looks nice Wt of fill Road and fill to
Misses Tressie and Jennie Co 1 nc smooth when completed
Kid Avent to Indianola to the
county fair today
II J Cozad is in Colorado this
Contract No 16
First concrete culvert east of
Stillmans canyon Cut 180 feet
loner 24 feet Avido nvomo n
- w Vltl
Ed Kellev is taking in the fair of 21 feet Take this earth both
tliis Aveek Kast and Avest of cut to make
Lots of mOAing going on
Mrs Potts Avent to Colorado
last SaturdaA
smooth road Approximately 400
cubic yards
Contraet No 17
Mrs M S Jimerson went t0 l acr0SS Vocket ot
the fair today canyon just Avest of ridge re-
iwiiu iu in iu o jdu ieer tonir
17 feet lugh in center 20 fopt
wide on top slope 1 to 1
proximately 3600 cubic vards
All grading filling and cutting
Avhere road A ill run to be left
smooth and croAvned leaAnng cen
ter of road six inches higher than
the sides
Each bidder is to bid on one
or all or as many of the different
contracts as he desires but to bid
separately on each
These bids Avill be opened by
the County Board on October 24
1911 at 2 oclock p m and
must be filed on or before 12
oclock at noon central time of
the same da
The Board reserves the right
to demand sufficient bond from
any or all of the successful bid
The Avork is to begin as soon as
possible after the contracts are
let and is to be completed by Jan
uary 1st 1912 to the satisfaction
of the County Board
The Board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids
Dated at McCook this 2Gth day
of Sep amber 1911
County Clerk
First publication Sept 28 4ts
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
Still retains its high place as the
best household remedy lor all coughs
and colds either for children or for
grown persons Prevents serious re
sults from a cold Take only the
genuine Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound and refuse substitutes A
t M
r fl
t s