fc ft- Vi - IJCjjngjjri BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No G 1130 P M 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 12 G35 A M 14 920 P M 10 505 P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arrive S30 p m 13 930 A M 15 1230 A M 0 625 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 17G arrives 330 P 31 No 175 departs G45 A M Sleening dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or For information time tables maps and ricivets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Engine 1959 is over the old drop for customary -work Engineer J L Roberts is vis iting a few days in Falls City Fireman F Woody is now on the Lincoln McCook run New fines fire brick c were given the 1757 this wc Steel wash troughs are Su perseding the wooden ones over the shops Engine Xo 2914 is being equipped with the super heating apparatus The mn on the repair track enjoyed a company vaca tion today Mrs Tarry M Tyler of Or leans was up on business affairs yesterday Fireman and Mrs D C Enders are spending a few days visiting in Oxford S v new machinist help ers this week while the boys are at th encampment Julius lloun is inspecting on the repair track during the ab smc of II M Finity Engine 122 is about ready for service after heavy machin ery r -pairs in the backshop Engine 1033 is about ready to go out after machinery re pairs and usual drop pit lvork Th tie cutter and splitter on wh 4s is doing valiant service on th mammoth pile of old ties Th companys bad order strirnr still keeps up to and over grows the 200 mark occasionally Erick Ebert and John renbruch of tlie repair force are with the encampment boys this week Martin Rodstrom is a guest of his brother Engineer I L Rod strom He returns to Iloldrege today Engineer and Mrs I D Pen nington and Fireman and Mrs L Cles are taking in the county fair today Frank C Bussey is visiting over in Iowa at the town of Bus sey named in nonor or some oi his ancestors An extra a fruit special went east just ahead of No 10 Tuesday evening Fruit specials are the real tiling Engineer Ilugh Brown sign ed up for work ycsterda3r and went out on liis first run since his recent illness today Extra Conductor Frank Neu bauer shipped liis household goods to McCook midweek and has gone to keeping house J G Kelso took the No 708 down to Red Cloud this week to temporarily replace the engine at that place which needs re pairs Engine 2535 is receiving ex tensive repairs this week New flues work on the pilot fire box cylinders valves brasses ets Conductor Tom McCarl has commenced the erection of a new residence on north 1st street east adjoining Conductor Wm Hagen bergers dwelling I R Wetherald of Beatrice traveling freight and passenger agent of the Burlington was in the city early in the week in the line of his special work Dave KJnowles second trick wire chief in the Omaha office was a McCook visitor first of the week going on to Culbertson on Tuesday for a visit with his folk there Engineer W W Archibald Jhas returned from liis extended visit in Chicago and has return ed to his run on the Orleans St Francis line Engineer J W Hasty returns to McCook again The Havelock shops shut down Wednesday evening for the rest of this week for economys sake Last week they worked but four days For some time they like McCook have been working nine hours for five days weekly I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrs E L Reed went town to St Joe Sunday F H Tremble and wife were Denver visitors Sunday Mrs Edith Burns Buck is at homo from her trip to Chicago C C Waite of the Alliance Tel egraph force was in town Tues day Mr and Mrs Scott Odell came up from Sulphur Springs Ark Monday Dr and Mrs IToyt of Friend are the guests of Mr and Mrs D Y Dorwart E U Gallatin of Bartley was a business visitor in the countys capital yesterday Frank St rout made the town a couple of times this week follow ing his line of work Rev L E Lewis went down to Orleans Tuesday night on some business of the cloth Miss Lodicea Babcock left Tues day morning for her home in Scottsbluff Nebraska Frank Barnctt is laid up with a badly wrenched knee received in a foot ball skirmish R D Rodgers was a passenger on Xo 13 Wednesday for the ranch in the Wray country Mrs Laura Hamilton returned Tuesday night after spending the summer in Monte Vista Colo Jay Brown went up on Tues day to make repairs on the Cul bertson telephone exchange Mrs Rose Bayless departed on 10 Tuesday night for Des Moines Iowa on a visit to her grand mother Owen Crispen left Wednesday morning for his home in Super- ior after visiting his sister Mrs D C Marsh Miss Susie McBride and friend Brnic Mount returned on Sunday evening from a visit in Frontier county Gird Ilofluiike and family de parted Wednesday for their new home near Millbank South Da kota Success be their portion G W Xorris went down to Hastings Wednesday on Xo 10 to be present at the Taft recep tion Mrs J J Iladley Mrs Xeal Quick Miss Angie Quick were up from Indianola yesterday at tending the state W C T U con vention E B Odell left on Xo 14 on Monday night for Sulphur Springs Ark to visit with his son Claude Mrs Odell who has been there some time will return Avith him S E Vandervoort of Indianola was a business visitor in the county seat Monday He reports tlit he is one of the fortunate ones this season in having a fair corn crop R S Husband was in town the Mrs E L Grain Mrs R T Moore and Miss Anna Goudy of Liberty Neb old friends of the Rev McBride family are being Equipping- With Superheaters Tlie Burlingtons motive power department is fitting all of its large freight and passenger en gines with superheaters The ex pense is said to be justified by the economy in power made pos sible Superheating is a process by which saturated steam from the boiler is run through pipes which run tlLrough the flues and is dried or heated Ileating fthe steam in the fierce white heat of the flues gives it great expan sive power makes it quicker in its action in the cjdinders and consequently transmits a greater amount of power to the drivers To fit a large engine with su perheaters involves a considerable amount of expense Larger flues must be placed in the boilers flu sheets must be changed and the superheating pipes must be added On some engines it is necessary to enlarge the cylinders Only the larger classes of negines are being thus fitted The work is be ing done on the engines when it becomes necessary for them to go to the shops or when they can b espared from the service Lin coln Journal Few if any medicines have met with the uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlains Col ic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy The remarkable sures of colic and dianrhoea which it has effected in al most every neighborhood have given it a wide reputation For sale by all dealers BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER MllllVa L f l RED TAPE IN GERMANY MADE THE GUESTS PAY Demanded Tipc For the Servants at the Court of Napoleon I I Before we left Compiegne at the conclusion of our viit at the court of Xapoleon III writes Mme do Ileser inann Lindcncrons in Harpers whi n we were taking our morning lea we wore interrupted by the rornng in of the major domo who handed us a pa per We were not unprepared for this visit as Ave had been told by one of the quests who had been here before that every one was expected to remain in their rooms until this important per sonage had made his rounds in order to ollect the pourboire I say pour boire because what one generally gives separately is lumped into one sum This paper which he handed to us al most at the point of his hallebarde proved to be a gia scritto receipt for UCO francs our poui boire We were rather a subdued party in the train The conversation mostly turned on the subject of pourboires The hussier decided the exact amount that each ought to give For instance he knows an ambassador ought to give 2000 francs For a minister of state 1000 francs suffice Unofficial people like ourselves cannot be expected to be out of pocket more than GOO francs As for the poor nobility of France first of the week with a carload they escape with 500 Some were of of apples which he disposed of in iInlo that was Planter to give on masse in one big sum tban to i i i 4 1 give bulk and returned to the eastern - m driblets others thought it more satis part or the state on iuesday eve- factorv to hand ones offerilIg pcr011 ning to go down into Oklahoma lly o tIle different sen ants but we on a similar mission A Railway Ticket a Controversy and a Delayed Train In an account of the dueby of Teck and its inhabitants by the Rev S Baring-Gould an amusing experience is thus described by the author We are wont we Englishmen to grumble at red tapism but with us it does not go beyond the government offices In Germany it is everywhere I had an instance of it between Ober Lenningen and Owen I had asked at the former place for a third class ticket to Owen and had stepped into a third class carriage On these branch lines nearly every one travels fourth I counted twelve compartments fourth nine third and three second There was no first class compartment Be fore reaching the next station in fact a mile from Ober Lenningen the in spector came round Ilah you have a fourth class ticket and are in a third class com partment The fine is G marks I explained and offered at once to pass into an inferior carriage or pay the difference That will not do You have in fringed the law and must pay Omarlc I get out at Owen and will explain matters to the station master I did so The fine is G marks said this lat ter peremptorily Put said I I demanded a third class ticket and was given one for which I had not asked This was an oversight of the clerk You should have examined your ticket The train was delayed five minutes while the matter was thrashed out on the platform the travelers craning their re la out of the windows of their respective carriages looking on and listening with lively interest At last reluctantly the station master I yielded I must pay the difference What is itV One penny all -with one voice voted the officious beadle an imposition The Stickleback Legend The sticklehaek is one of the species entertained at the Baptist parson- Ieirend tht the stickieback builds a age this week during their at tendance at the W C T U con vention nest because during the deluge it pulled the tow out of the hilge hole of the ark and if it had not been for the hedgehog who plugged up the leak with his own body Noah and his sons would have had an exciting time bal ing out their boat When Noah found out who had done the deed he ordered as a punishment that the culprit should be compelled each jear to build a nest while ether fishes would have an easy time of it Her Act Well have you heard the news asked a friend brightly My wife and I are going on the vaudeville stage A clover friend has written an act for us and we are going to put it on next week Good work old man we exclaimed enthusiastically Wh t is it a song and damv act or a society sketch Xeithe it i a monologue A monologue V I thought you and your wife were both hi the ar We are Dtt do you know mj wife Clpveaid TMn Dealer Physical Difficulty Is it anything asked a youth of a dot tor doctor after the latter had examined him No no not at all replied the med ical man Nothing serious just a little stiffness in the hack of your neck my lad But you must keep an eye on it London Telegraph Came Partly True Before marriage I used to dream of life in a fine house with sixteen serv ants Dreams never come true They do partially We live in a flat instead of a house but weve had the sixteen servants Washington Her ald A Sure Sign Bangs Are you a good weather prophet Bings Only when the baby swallows a safety pin Then I know theres to be asauall ADVICE OF HORACE FLETCHER Apostle of Careful Mastication Calls Attention to the Great Importance of Dentistry j In regard to dentistry as important i in nutrition my attention was called j to the importance of the subject by an incident that happened about six or seven years ago I was in Venice at the time and there arrived there a family from Australia among them a very beautiful young woman who was in the pink of condition with the Brit ish pink cheeks thoroughly active j thoroughly athletic I was told that only about six or eight months be fore that time she had been in a hope lessly invalid condition in Australia They had been living in a remote part where there was very little i nity to have good dentistry performed and Inasmuch as they were expecting I to leave Australia they had been put ting off for a long time the repair J work that they knew ought to be done leaving it for a better opportunity i when they came to America Mean time the young lady was in a misera ble condition of indigestion and dys tiTr children it havi jWiBS V55 r pepsia When they arrived in i jj ica and put themselves under the care of a competent dentist it was but a short time before the young lady be gan to improve and with the com pletion of the repair work and the ability that she then had to properly masticate food her health was entire ly restored and it was almost like a miracle Recently my attention has been called to the fact that there is a great movement on foot now in various parts of this country towards employ ing dentistry in the mouths cf school been found that forty per cent or perhaps more of the i school children in the public schools are not in a condition to either enjoy or to properly masticate their food The proposition has been made in i ton and perhaps elsewhere in the country to the boards of education to have regular examinations made and j repair work dsne at the cost of the government in order to zy a proper Iourdatinn for the health of the chil din I may say in the way of ex planation that I do not represent iVe of medicine or of dentistry simply the school of the study of na ture Daring the 111 teen years of my study cf the subject I have persistent- I ly put aside all of the dicta of the text books and have tried to put my- self in close communication with na ture herself and it has been a source of great gratification to notice how quickly nature has responded to that sort of inquiry Xo sooner had I be--gun to study the development of taste than I began to receive a joy of eat ing a pleasure of taste itself that I did not know existed I thought I en 1 joyed food that I v as a gourmet but l did not know what it was to really enjoy food and the interesting part of t creased enjoyment in more compli cated mixtures I found the whole in clination of appetite in the direction of the simpler foods HORACE FLETCHER Copyright Western Newspaper Union AMALGAM FILLING MUCH USED- Tendency of th Alloy to Shrink While Becoming Hard Has Been Overcome When the science and art of dent i HIRSH WICKWIRE fom rCy mm Special ft CCS V ui LJii KSfc 1 I LA AWA I I If Wednesday Oct ers Vehicle Parade i t inirrr Mm tmsm mmm ims to rf T- i I 11th Farm- Saturday Oct 14th Farmers Automobile Parade Everything is in readiness and the board of Governors have more than kept their pledge for better Parades bigger Displays in all departments a horse show a poultry show a farm pro duets exposition and a high gracl street carnival with free acts istry was in its infancy some CO years every little while A good time ago the filling in general use was gold is assured all who attend the and at that time there were very few Central Nebraska Fall Festival dentists capable of doing good work an1 the program ias been arrang in tnose aays ino nenust xiaa very l SQ tmt visitors cm take in the leW JUdU LULieULS IU WUltt WILLI UUUI most of those were fashioned by his own hand Tho majority of the opera- tions on the teeth were by men who were selftaught or who had gained their knowledge in the office of a man who was self taught Yet even in thatj day there were some who through cessity became expert with the crude Instruments One day there appeared in the city of New York some dentists lately rived from Paris who were intro l ducing a new filling material The oldl conservative dentist looked with favor upon the new material and re- fused to use i However it gradually came to be used more and more until all were forced to acknowledge its value Today there are probably more amalgam fillings inserted than all oth 1 ers combined Amalgam or as it is sometimes call- ed silver filling Is made by taking alii alloy of silver and tin and cutting into tilings and shavings These shavings are afterwards thoroughly kneaded with mercury so as toform a plastic mass which Inserted into a cavity pt a tooth becomes In time very hard The combination of these metals siakes a close union that the fluids of he mouth cannot disintegrate al j though in time the filling may show some discoloration For this reason it is commonly used in the back teeth where it cannot be seen Within the past ten years there hasj been a great Improvement in dental i illoys This has been brought about by exhaustive tests both inside thei mouth and out The difficulty thal hadi been experienced up to this time was the tendency of the filling material to shrink while it was getting hard so that there was a space between the tilling and the margin of the cavity it became a delight for the microbes J In the saliva to enter that space and then decay would start in again Modern manufacturers now produce an alloy in whfch there is no shrink- age whatever Some so combine thel metals in the alloy that there is aj jlight expansion J 2000Q of an inch vCopyrlghi Western Newspaper Union The speed boy slackens up iihfhahit hPfdns to rJd HTM whole entertainment and return to their homes the same day Remember this is a Central Ne braska entertainment and you are expected entries are free to all These big feature parades will be worth coming miles to see Good music good shows good company and a good time Common Colds Must be Taken Ser iously for unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital re sistance to more serious infection Brotect your children and yourself by the prompt use of Foleys Hon ey and Tar Compound and note its quick and1 decisive results For coughs colds crou whooping cough bronchitis and affections of the throat chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy A Mc Millen Bank of McCook -Nebraska by Charles F Edwards and Martin filed in the office of the county clerk of Eed Willow county Ne braska on May 26 1911 on which default has been made and upon which there is now due the sum of three hundred and twenty-five dollars with ten per cent interest per annum thereoni from August 10 1911 said McCook Na tional 3ank will expose for sale at public auction and selL to the highest bidder on the thirtieth day of September 1911 at the hour of one oclock P M on lot 9 in block 28 in the original town now city of McCook in said Eed Willow county Nebras ka the property mentioned in said chattel mortgage to wit One platform scale one hanging scale one new National cash reg ister one 8x10 compartment ice box purchased from C B Giver fa Go vO1 Jl1 1 rTt i t Spells Suit Satisfaction Hirsh Wickwire Clothes are positively the finest clothes made ready to wear They represent the highest type of tailoring material and satisfaction They are 2500 and up Be Sure and see the new English Models From 10 to 25we have the CIoth M IM Ill 1 IIIII1HMIII I I IMW1 craft All Wool Clothes That we have the right goods is conceded by all who have seen our Hirsh Wickwire Clothes and Clothcraft Clothes Adlers Gloves Classy Cravats Fit For Everybody tT TEiJTKXSrVaJtTZSiKriT UCQilllU 11ZJ V7ZMmiri UgJUwjlVAiLAJLIfS C L DeGroff Co CS tur with four paper cutters and all parts complete three meat bloeks one chipped beef cutter HicfinTC Ppc tfvfll ndbXliSb rebtlVdi one nickel plate piece rack all knives saws and tools six new curtains for windows nil trvs j me iiuriinion nas aililIlCU iru nnn e ni ii o tc take care ot the festival J0X one new iron ket crowds with extra equipment on t one okl 45 allon iron kettle number two and on number three iron lard onc comple piess one j his train will arrive each day ekcne m0Tv Cljrapietc one m in plenty ot time so that every not Entc v mat nlllr one can talw part in the big Pa ind llolts uul 1 oIs for sair un rad os which are scheduled as fol j1on glindt omiiei0 room tools and fixtures block n in ft im - looj ui ux new smijie Har ness used in delivery one white TTinrsrInTr Oot 19fTi TnflncfrinirV B ul ux it vas that instead of looking for in- p gle liarness one gray horse name Friday Oct 13th Lodges So- 11h J ivu ears oia weignr aoour 1 1200 pounds one bay horse about cieties and Schools ten years old weight about 950 pounds all slaughter house fix tures and tools one sausage stuf fer complete all interest in slaughter house one large clock one 24 foot counter one pole der rick 25 feet of heavy steel chain one Webber gasoline engine with belts gears and all other tools and fixtures used on May 10 1911 or since added in conduct ing the meat market in the build ing on said lot on Main Street in said city known as the Kapke building Dated at McCook Nebraska September 6 1911 The McCook National Bank By Ritchie Wolff Its attorneys First publication Sept 7 4ts NOTICE OP SUIT John M Smith Martha E Smith August Brunke Minnie Brunke Lena Scheibel and John Sclieibel husband of Lena Scheib el whose true christian name is to plaintiff unknown and The Oe cidental Building and Loan As osciation a corporation incor porated under the laws of the State of Nebraska defendants will take notice that on the 7th day of September 1911 Clara Mc Kay plaintiff herein filed her pe tition in the district court of Eed Willow county Nebraska against Notice is hereby given that by said defendants the object and virtue of a chattel mortgage ex- milyCV 0f which are to foreclose ecuted to the McCook National I certain mortgage executed by the defendants John M Smith and Martha E Smith to plaintiff up- L Yager dated May 10 1911 and on lot mimbered One in block numbered One in the First Addi tion to South McCook Red Wil low county Nebraska to secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 17th 1908 for the sum of 53465 due in monthly installments of 2227 each that there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of 52000 with interest from this date at the rate of ten per cent per annum and plaintiff prays that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due fYlou are required to answer said petition on or before Mon day the 16th day of October 1911 Dated this 7th day of Septem ber 1911 0 CLARA McEAT Plaintiff By C E Eldred her attorney I V v i f A y 1 I