The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
I Pres Tafts Hastings Program I
430 p m5 October 2nd Presi
dent and his party arrive C B
Q debark at Prospect Park
4 30 p m President speaks to
citizens of western Nebraska at
Chautauqua pavilion
6 00 p m Automobile tour of
the city by president and party
and the reception committee
6 30 p m Banquet at Frater
nity hall and addresses by promi
nent Nebraskans
The presidents special train on
board of which -will be prominent
railroad officials newspaper men
and the presidents immediate
party will arrive in Hastings at
430 p in from Lincoln His
train Avail be stopped at the cross
ing on Hastings avenue Then
h -will be taken to chautauqua
park There accommodations are
western northern and southern
Nebraska and it is expected that
a tremendous crc Avd will be wait
ing to greet Presiden Taftt when
he alights from his train
Shortly after 600 p m the
president will meet approximately
three hundred representative bus
iness men of western Nebraska at
the banquet to be tendreed in his
honor and in honor of the visit
lug party at Fraternity hall
Just preceding the banquet the
entire party including the recep
tion committee appointed by May
or Miles will tour the city in
automobiles and president will
have an opportunity to vieAv on
of the growing little cities of
the west
All railroads entering Hastings
have signified their intentions to
available for fully seven thousand run special trains that will enable
people within easy reach of the all visitors in Hastings from at
presidents voice
Special trains are being run to
least one hundred and fifty mil
es distant to return to their home
Hastings from every part of by bed time
Lincolns Welcome to Pres Taft
Lincoln Sept 29 Lincoln is coin hotel Avhere he will lunch as
putting on her gawst apparel for
Hie welcome to President Taft
Monday Committees are rapid
ly working out the details
to a big reception and if
the dav is fair an immense crowd
guest of the Lincoln Commercial
Club He will then be driven by
automobile east on 0 street to
Sixteenth street and south to M
street and west to the auditori
um at Thirteenth and M streets
of Nelrraska people will see and The bir auditorium will be
hear the nations chief thrown open to the general pub-
The Lincoln Commercial club lie The presidents escort of
and other civic organizations j honor will be G A R veterans
now at work on the preliminaries and the Lincoln post issues a cor
of the reception hope to make j dial invitation to all G A It
this a welcome of the state to j men of the state to participate
th distinguished guest He will with them in this capacity
here be in the capital of the state Captain II E Yates and the
Here he Avill be greeted by the University Cadets Avill assist in
senators and representatives of keeping the streets open along
the state Here Governor Aid the line of march so that the
rich Avill extend him a Aveleome vs president may greet and be greet
the name of the state and its peo ed by the thousands of people
pie Here he Avill be greeted by who desire to see him The Uni
citizens of every county in tliCiVersity Cadet band and the Lin
state Lincolns Aveleome Avill be coin Concert band and a fife and
the states Aveleome drum corps of the G- A R Avill
President Taft Avill reach furnish the music for the parade
coin at 12 oclock noon Monday The president Avill speak about
October 2nd 1911 Received by three quarters of an hour and
a reception committee of which then be conducted back to his
Elmer J Burkett is chairman j priwate train Avhich Avill proceed
he Avill be conducted to the AvestAvard on his trip
Supreme Judges
RailAvay Commissioner
Regents of State University
Judge 14th District
County Clerk
Comity Treasurer
Clerk of District Court
County Sheriff
County Judge
County Superintendent
County Surveyor
County Coroner
Commissioner 1st District
State Superintendent J W
Crabtree lias ruled that it is ille
gal for any school district to pay
to the school district of the city
of Lincoln more that 75 cents a
week tuition for non resident pu
pils under the free high school
law If more than that is paid
it must be paid by the parents of
the non resident pupils This rul
ing follows a former ruling giv
en by E C Bishop AVthen he was
state superintendent A neAV rul
ing was asked for and Mr Crab
free after conferring with the
attorney general decided that th
opinion of Mr Bishop must stana
Lincoln Journal
D W Colson candidate for
clerk of the district court on the
Democratic ticket has been a res
ident of Red WilloAV county for
nearly tAventy years lie has
been engaged in stock raising
and farming OAvned and manag
ed the Bee Hive store in Mc
Cook for over ten years and for
the last three years has been en
gaged in general fire insurance
business over Southwestern Ne
braska HaA ing had this varied
experience ana being in close
touch with most of the people all
the time he feels qualified to con
siderately and efficiently serve
them in the capacity of district
court clerk Soliciting the sup
port of the voters of the coun
ty I pledge myself to strict econ
omy and prompt service Polit
ical advertising
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey Avheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
For special on sauer kraut by
the gallon see Magner
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Huber s
all the time
There is magic in the Avords
Advo They are the final
word in canned excellence
Huber is the prophet
Some time tliis Avinter you Avail
Avant a hot Avater bottle or foun
tain syringe Buy on now while
you tliink about it Ours are all
Dr Shepherd of Lincoln Will
Give an Illustrated Lecture
Tonight in Temple theatre un
der auspices of the State W C
T U Rev C M Shepherd D
D of Lincoln will deliver an il
lustrated lecture Dr Shepherd
is a lecturer and entertainer of
first class ability and has ac
quitted himself ably and satisfac
torily on the platform for years
His lecture for tonight will deep
ly interest and entertain and in
spire you IT IS FREE
Continued from page 1
boys and girls of the McCook Le
gion This was most interesting
and served to disclose the work
done by this department which
brings into service the young
The music literaiy program of
the evening consisted of a duet
by Miss Florence Rosebush and
Miss Minnie Viersen of our city
and a recitation of an appropri
ate character Both were well
received for their artistic excel
lence and enthusiastically ap
Thursdays Sessions
The consecration service was
conducted by Mrs Rca Brc Avn
of Surprise The reports of the
committees on resolutions and
credentials and the election of of
ficers and delegates occupied the
morning and Avas not completed
until xA into the afternoon ses
sion This business Avas folloAV
od in the later afternoon by the
local presidents march
The leading item of the after
noon Avas the address The Five
Stars by Mrs Margaret Cams
of Lincoln
The following Avere the officers
President Mrs Frances B
Ilcald Osceola
Vice president Mrs S K
Daily University Place
Corresponding Secretary Mrs
Bradbury University Place
Recording Secretarv Airs1
The girls spanked Tama
Jim good and plenty and he
deserved it
There are 4000 pledged while
Ribboners in Nebraska There
ought to be another cypher
Mrs Heald for president and
Mrs Daily for Arice president
Avere elected for the sixth time
The White Ribboners be
licAre Your Uncle Sam should re
tire from the liquor business
and there are others of similar
The vocal solo by Mrs C W
jBritt on Tuesday evening The
Bird With the Broken Pinion
Avas another of the superb ac
complishments of McCook s lead
ing soprano and delighted all
The Jjineoln members of the
convention arrived in a special
car Monday night attached to
train 3 The car avos sidetracked
here for the night the delegates
sLepiug until Tuesday morning
The list of officers and delegates
on the special car composed Mrs
L S Carey Mrs F A Harrison
Mrs M B Plumb Mrs Adelaide
Rood Mrs Dora Moler Mrs Al-
he Jackson Mrs J J Bristo
Mrs Mary Jay Mrs Nettie Hay
der Mrs M L Trcster Mrs Per
sis Bently Miss Sarah Rands
Mrs Sarah Beardsley all of Lin
coln Mrs M M Caflin Miss
Bradbury Mrs A J Wheeler
Miss Josie Sullivan all of Uni
versity Place Others from out
in the state who arrived on the
special car witli the Lincoln dele
gation Avere Mrs Annetta Nes
bitt of PaAvnee City Mrs W G
Whitmore of Valley Mrs Edith
Rothacher of Wisner Mrs J E
Van Lieu of Blair Mrs L G By
ar of Boone These Avere joined
by other delegations from Fair
mont and Hastings
Tins is the first time in the his
tory of the organization that the
state convention lias been held as
far Avest as McCook
The general officers of the or
ganization president Mrs F B
Heald of Osceola vice president
Mrs S K Daily of University
Place corresponding secretary
Mrs Mary Shepherd of Lincoln
recording secretary Mrs Helen
Shrimpton of Fremont treasurer
Mrs Laura Tacrcrart of Omaha
arrived in McCook on Monday
Double Risk
It was well kuown in Mayville thai
when Cyrus Fanning lent anything
from a hammer to a plow he expected
a good return for the favor It was a
matter of astonishment to Wilson
Green however when on inquiring of
Mr Fanning how much it would cost
to rent his long ladder for an after
noon Cyrus replied promptly One
dollar fifty
Now look here Cy remonstrated
his neighbor you know Ive got to
borrow it for mine isnt long enough
to reach where Im obliged to climb to
search out that chimney leak for the
Widow Sears Cant you make it loss
Xo I cant and Mr Fanning shook
his small head and closed his obstinate
Why cant you demanded Wilson
Because theres a weak place in it
two thirds the way up snapped Mr
Fanning Itll bear my weight all
right but youre a good thutty pounds
heavier If it gave way under you
twould cost me a dollar to get it mend
ed Considering the resk I call a dol
lar n a half cheap Youths Com
A Famous Welsh Fortress
Carnarvon castle is the most splen
did specimen of medieval military
architecture surviving in Britain not
excepting Alnwick Art and beauty
were combined with strength by Do
Elfreton the architect who had been
commanded to coustruct a palace
within an impregnable fortress
Whether the mean little passage cham
ber in the Kagle tower was the birth
place of the infant jrintv whom Ed
ward I made the medium of such a
grim practical joke upon the YTcNh
seenj doubTnl bur the fain tor
may still be true Every famous sol
dier who helped to make history in
this corner of Britain has played some
part Avithin or without the walls of
Carnarvon castle It has been starv
ed into surrender but never captured
by force of arms and can therefore
claim to be considered a virgin for
tress Westminster Gazette
Gloves and Kingc
Gloves hae always been connected
with rojalty When the tomb of Kiim
John avis opened a century ago it Avas
discovered that his hands were gloved
In France the gloves worn by the king
at the coronation Avere consecrated by
the officiating bishop and at English
coronations a glove Is thrown down as
challenge to any one to dispute the
Dwcr Boone I ro val title- When George II was
mC at x crowned an unknown Jacobite came
lllMIUll l 111T I illiiiiU l VJIU
Department gleanings Ave re con
turned and before the
adjournment they had
sentation of the Union Signal
afternoon Xo foik handed to his majesty a pair
the pre- embrod -d with the ducal arms be-
Tonight Avill he the illustrated
address by Dr Shepherd
The sessions Avill conclude to
morroAV both morning and after
noon sessions being programed
forward and lifted the glove on behalf
of the absent Stuart and at the coro
nation of Edward VII the Duke of
ise anor connectel with Hie
dukeV in1 ritance is held by the son
ice of presenting the monarch with a
right hand glove on the day of the
coronation -T Ps London Weekly
The Doctors Fee
There came a letup in the rush of pa
tients and the doctor opened two small
envelopes lying on his desk
Its all right he said I wasnt
sure Without offending I couldnt
open the envelopes In the presence of
the persons who gave them to me
They contain the fees left by two
Englishmen who called clce on each
others heels English etiquette is
rather embarrassing for a physician
who is used to patients who hand
over their money with the denomina
tion right on top American fashion
In England it would be considered an
insult to give a physician his fee un
wrapped You cant insult an Ameri
can physician that way but neAvcom
ers credit him Avlth an excess of sen
sibility and give him a good many un
easy moments wondering if he hasnt
been underpaid New York Sun
Penn Very Much a Londoner
William Penn the founder of Penn
sylvania was born on Tower Hill on
Oct 14 1G44 was christened in All
Hallows church became a student
of Lincolns Inn and then joining the
Quakers he abandoned the law and
preached along Avith George Fox in a
meeting house off Lombard street He
once occupied a house In Norfolk
street Strand chosen on account of its
closeness to the river which facilitat
ed escape from duns and he was im
prisoned both at Newgate and in the
Fleet So Penn was after all very
much a Londoner London Standard
Street Through a Church
One of the best known instances of
churches with streets through them is
that of St John the Baptists church
in Bristol England The church is sit-
imJ nf rtflif rvtr thn fn town v
neighboring houses and streets Is a re
markable sight as one surveys it from
the roadway below
Mommsens Peculiarity
On his eightieth birthday Theodor
Mommsen the historian received a
visit from a great delegation of stu
dents who marched out to his home
but he could not be induced to leave
his work to greet them They see me
every day at the university he said
Why do they want to disturb me
That fellow Is a positive joke
Relative of yonr Avifes or holding
a better job than you Detroit Free
Faith and hope themselyes shalldle
while deathless charity remains
The W 0 T U Convention
It is hardly probable that the
citizens of McCook in any con
siderable numbers haAre escaped
the inspiration and impulse of tin
State W C T U con ention hoav
in session in our city in Avhich
200 delegates zealous and earn
est White Ribboners from all
over Nebraska have been and are
prayerfully planning for the ad
vancement of temperance and pu
ity or as their emblazoned ban
ner puts it For God and Home
and Native Land
The convention being held in
the extreme soutlnvestem part of
the state it was hardly to be ex
pected that the convention at
tendance or interest or enthusi
asm could attain such proportion
as the annual state gatherings
held in the eastern part of the
state but the convention has
reached an altitude and exhibit
ed a A igor and poAver beyond the
most roseate expectations of the
most optimistic indeed it has
duite equaled any yet held under
the most favorable auspices ThisH
fact redounds to the glory of the
membership of the W C T U of
Nebraska avIio are undaunted by
distance not discouraged by un
favorable circumstances and sur
roundings and to the devotion
and labor of the local union in
attempting so large an undertak
ing and in carrying it thru to
The sessions have croAvdcd the
First Methodist church to over
fknving and the interest has been
deep as the enthusiasm has been
spontaneous and lively
Heres long life and more poAV
er to the W C T U of Nebras
A New Ice House
The company is building a neAv
ice house along the Avest end of
platform just Avest of the foot
viaduct This building aaU be
used to store ice for icing passen
ger trains It AAill be of usual
ice house construction with air
spaces between the A alls and in
sulated AA ith avooI felt The in
terior Avill be painted Avliite and
the floors Avill be of cement Avith
proper drainage etc Over head
Avill be provided space for storag
of tools etc It Avill be consid
erably larger that the present ice
box Avbieh Avill be removed and
the yard in the vicinity of the old
icing plant aviII be spaded up and
seeded and otherwise improved
in appearance
into the city on the Avon and the tow- i Bf orf yu ach the Lm
of physical endurance and while
t s oii mu above the
ering spire standing high talr
Foley Kidney Pills Their quick ac
tion and positive results will delight
you For bacakdhe nervousness
rheumatism and all kidney bladder
and urinary troubles A McMillen
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular That
such is the case with Chamberlains
oCugh Remedy has been attested by
many dealers Here lis one of them
H W Hendrickson Ohio Falls Ind
writes Chamberlains Cough remedy
is the best for coughs colds and
croup and Is my best seller For
sale by all dealers
The implicit confidence that many
people haVe in Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
founded on their experience in the
use of that remedy and their know
ledge of the many remarkable cures
of colic diarrhoea and dysentery
that it has effected For sale by all
nomyiQuart Frul
A Great Advantage to Working Men
J A Maple 125 S 7th st Steub
enville O says For years I suf
fered from weak kidneys and a se
vere bladder trouble I learned of
Foley Kidney Pills and their won
derful cures so I began taking them
and sure enough I had as good re
sults as any I heard about My liack
ache left me and to one of my busi
ness expressman that alone is a
great advantage My kidneys acted
free and normal and that saved me
a lot of misery it is now a pleasure
to work Avhere it used to be a misery
Foley Kidney Pills haAe cured me
and have my highest praise A Mc
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
Si A ft i - h tw III1ULH
Thats All
But Ave can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber o
Phone S
Heating PlumbiDg
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
and PflQl
Diiwuui auu iiuai