The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1
I v r ft I i 7 artftmnramwiM THIRTIETH YEAR 03 1 3 3 G3 A l3 I3 IV QUEEN QUALITY A nice assortment including the Latest Style in Tan THE HA REM Vierseo Osboro Corner Store 201 Main Father of Mrs C E Pope Farragut post of the G A R conducted the funeral services of V T Alowbrav at the Grace M only Rebekahs Sixtieth Year The sixtieth anniversary of the organization of Rebekah lodge was celebrated on Tuesday of this week by the local lodge The i f tiio T O O F were invited to participate with the Rebekailis in a fine supper Homestead for Sale For quick sale 640 acre Km- kaid homestead house barn well located only 12 miles from Her- roads rins is a suay 600 cash Address box 1U3 North Platte Neb 28 Get our rates on farm loans DORWABT BARGEE FOR RENT Furnished room modern house Inquire 319 1st W Phone red 281 W21tf WANTED Pupils on piano and or gan beginners preferred Terms 50c per lesson Susie McBride phone black 464 HECKMAN BARBAZETTE Two Well Known Young People Happily Wedded The marriage of Miss Deborah Catherine Ilecknian daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo C Ilecknian to II Virgil Barbazettc was cele brated at 11 a in Wednesday September 20th at the home of the brides parents 89 Elberon Ave Cleveland Ohio Only the members of the two families wit nessed the ceremony at which Rev Dr Moulin Dean of Trinity Cathedral officiated The home was prettilv but simply decorated The living room the scene of the wedding was trimmed entirely in green and white southern smilax palms and ferns were used as a back ground in a large bay window where they were married beneath a bower of smilax covered with brides roses and white carna tions with streamers of white ribbon The pretty young bride who was given in marriage by her father wore a simple gown of white crepe de chine trimmed with fillet lace over white satin j She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the val iley The groom wore the eon lventional black They were un- attended The bridal party ap proached the altar to strains of Lohengrins Wedding March shey Lmcon couuu -- point brother Mass Virginia and Mr George Ilecknian violin iltco0h Master Forrest the little broth er of the bride was ring bearer carrying the ring buried in the heart of a rose After the ceremony the wedding dinner was served in the dining room where the color scheme was the same as that carried out in the other part of the house Fes ootns of smilax hung from the chandelier to the corners of the table fastened by large bows of white ribbon roses and carna tions The couple left during the af ternoon for their wedding jour ney to Niagara Falls They will be at home after November 1st Council Doings The mayor and city council met in regular session Monday even ing in the new quarters under the public library Present May or McAdams Councilmen Brown Woods and Middle ton and City Clerk Stoll Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved Dr Hare gave the report of the board of health Chief of police was instructed to arrest any par ities who negectecl to clean up premises after notice had been given Councilman Middleton offered the following resolution which was adopted Be it Resolved by the coun cil of the City of MeCook that the Mayor be empowered to a committee of two or more for the purpose of inspecting city water plants at various places with the object of ascertaining the proper improvements neces jsary for the water works plant I nt TU7Cnok and cost of same Be t i I it further resolved that the ex- That tendency to stoop which fm sueh inspections be you have noticed in your child- frQm thj water fund ren is very apt to be increaseu M appainted Councilman during the school year The ten- Knddleton 0n this committee The dencv should be overcome at once Theres more than personal ap pearance to be thought of Too round shoulders lessens breathing capacity and retard development Have your child wear REXALL SHOULDER BRACES The kind we sell No discom fort but will quickly overcome the stooping tendency keep the shoulders back and give plenty of room for lung expansion Price 1 L W McCONNELL Druggist FOR SALE A first class pian with Cecilian piano player at a hiiTwnn nn terms Inauire of this office for particulars 9 28tf meeting adjourned until call ot the Mayor Ladies Wool Suits 1000 Our 1000 all wool satin lined jacket suits are said to be just as good as others 1500 suits Do us the favor and yourself the justice to examine them Others up to 1800 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Rub your silver ware with our Silver Cream and it will look like new No grit does not scratch Most satisfactory in every way McCONNELL Druggist The Research club will meet next Monday October 2nd with Mrs Willetts The study will be Dantes Divine Comedy The hostess will lead the meeting Try Dr Swans Kidney Pills for all kidney trouble A MeMILLEN Druggist Thursday Evening Edition THE W C Over The preliminary program of the convention opened with a meeting of general officers Mon day evening The executive committee occu pied the morning and afternoon sessions of Tuesday commencing with a devotional led by Mrs Heald Roll call minutes of gen eral officers meeting and mid year executive committee intro duction of uew members general busir rs matters and noontide pra closed the mornings In the afternoon the wc v us ual devotional was followed by completing unfinished business taking up constitutional and or ganization matters and final ad journment for the evening ses sion Tuesday morning in the First Baptist church conferences were held by the Loyal Temperanee Unicn Young Peonies Branch w va JLJL l AJV 11 -- -------- 1 i l istruction The workers in charge firul with her assistants T U CONVENTION Two Hundred Delegates and Officers Representing Forty Counties Are In Attendance ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL EVER HELD Address by Mrs Mary Armour of Georgia an Interesting Feature of the Meeting List of Officers Elected Notes of the Session Tomorrows Program Ends Convention l A 7 E church at 2 30 p m yesterday piayKi oy pie ricie s sister ana md for Scientific Temperanee In Interment took place at Wyuka Mr Mowbray formerly lived at 3111 0 street and died at the home of his son J R Mowbray at San Antonio Tex He is sur vived bv four daughters and two sons Mrs C E Pope of Denver Colo -Mrs J R Sircoloumb of Sheridan Wyo Mrs S W Lee and Mrs A 1 Hadley of Flor ence Col T R Mowbray of San Antonio Tex and W B Mow bray of Ogden Utah The rela tives present were Mr and Mrs J R Sircoloumb Mr and Mrs C E Pope J R Mowbray and W B Mowbray Mondays Lin coln Journal Wool Sweaters 50c Childrens wool sweaters in sizea in MeCook 95 rl 24 for 50c Made of wool With good strong 4 hole pearl buttons too Others at 65c 8oc 100 and 125 Full line for hoys and girls men and women See us first The Thompson D G Co Utmost value for cash of this important and interesting i section were Mrs Harriet Vance i V1S1 Mrs Lela G Dvar and Miss Josie Sullivan A very interesting feature of the early part of the Tuesday eve ning session was the reception tendered in the First Methodist church to the general officers of the convention to the delegates and the MeCook public school teacher corps Many attended this function and informally of fered their greetings At the close of this portion of the program and a short devo tional led by Rev L E Lewis of the First Methodist church the chief speaker of the convention Mrs Mary Harris Armour of Georgia was introduced This change from the regular program was made necessary because Mrs Armour had to make some dates in Kansas and Missouri at once and she left for those states im mediately after her address on No 14 Mrs Armours Address Mrs Armour devoted herself to a defense of prohibition and to a scathing denouncement of the liquor traffic of the land Mrs Armour is a Georgia lady bred and born and with the warm and ardent characteristics of the women of the south land Shr is evidently not Llven to nice little parlor talks and she went at the topic in hand like a southern cyclone She may be called with considerable proprier ty Carrie Nation minus the hatch et and makes no bones about a disposition to use the hatchet under certain given provocation Ilers was a passionate appeal of is desperately a live woman whose heart perately in earnest She had the enthusiastic support of most of her audience Over 1000 Pledged After the address the matter ot taking pledges for the state work was takenup and conducted bv Mrs Ileald state president she very evenings program the greetings and responses Tn lio nhsATiee ot Mayor Adams Congressman G W Mor ris delivered the greeting for the city in whiclv he paid a glowing tribute to the invaluable worth of public opinion as inspired and dirpRtpf bv the earnest and de voted women of- the W C T U Greetihgrin earnest mood were given hy Rev L E Lewis for the churches Mrs J C Moore for the local union There was no response for the city schools on account of the absence of the su perintendent from the city una voidably A brief but heartfelt response to greetings was made by Rev Alice Ruth Palmer of Grant which brought to a close an eve nings program full of inspiration and enthusiasm Wednesdays Sessions Wednesday mornings session opened with almost 200 delegates present Following the devotion al led by Mrs Nesbitt of Pawnee City was the seating of the con vention by counties About 40 counties were found to be repre sented Committees were then appoint ed and renorts of several enmnit toes were heard executive and constitution committees especial- By a unanimous standing vote nV 4- yjL uimi vein ion a resolution was adopted protesting with all igainst Secretary Wilson ouLiuy us Honorary cnairman or vice president of the Brewers congress to be held in Cliicago next month also against Secre tary Knox serving in some simi lar capacity in a foreign gather ing Mrs Dr Johns and Mrs E M Correll of Omaha were ap pointed to present this matter to President Taft when he appear in Omaha and Mrs Ileald Mrs Jay Mrs Pomerene and Miss Jackson were named for a similai purpose when the president is in Lincoln In the Memorial Hour a score or more who have gone on be fore were remembered Mrs M Smith of Aurora was McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAYJEVENING SEPTEIYffiER 28 1911 M in charge of this service An interesting feature was the presentation of flags and penants to Star county and union win ners For six points of excel lence but two qualified Clay county and Polk unions They re eeived flags For five points of excellence the list was quite long Auburn Pawnee City Beaver City Beatrice Clay Center Lin coln Central Champion Exeter Fairfield Fremont Fairbury Gib bon Guide Rock Harvard Mar ion Ord Pleasant Hill Pawnee Red Cloud Sutton Stromsburg Shelby University Place to the latter pennants being awarded The report of the treasurer indi cated that department to be in prosperous condition 1M nnnmitonii naiimtjfl nvdl1 400000 pages of temperance liter ature distributed during past yoar During the morning session the ladies of the local committee Avere introduced to the conven tion and received with warmth Mrs J C Moore Mrs J G In glis Mrs II A Roueh Mrs S E Callen Routine business consumed the rest of the morning department gleanings etc and after adjourn mont tkore was ioint meeting of quickly pledged 103800 for that general officers and county pr work and oU tor xne iuovuuiv iaeni3 lftMil union to assist them in de- The Evening Session ea- a nil i i - -v - run c r f i iiiai fraying the expenses oi me auuress ui i taininff the state convention For dent Mrs Frances B Heald ot the state work Mcuook nledired 50 union usceoia ana hk xuai onuio about forty county presidents oo fJreetinffS cunied the center ot Vie stage The work of securing pledges and were the i absorbing attraction over the audience was in ot the evening guiuieuiiB iP mood for the rest of the j presidents message was complete and replete with recommenua tions It was adopted by the con infirm without dissent The snap shots indicated the wide range of the temperance work undertaken and the splendid re- suits- attained along all lines Some of these fine reports elicit ed ereat enthusiasm The opening item of the even ing service was the Loyal Tem perance Legion Exercises by the Continued on page Those Army Worms i Considerable interest has been j shown in this city and vicinity by the presence of what have been called army worms One of the MeCook public school chil dren took personal interest enough in the matter to write the university people about them and the following reply was received The University of Nebraska Lincoln Sept 20 1911 Miss Lena C Falliek MeCook Neb raska My Dear Miss Falliek Your very interesting letter in which you give an account of a green worm or caterpillar that is destroying things in MeCook has been received I like the way you describe it and the manner in which you tell me about its habits Without seeing specimens of this caterpillar I was able to tell that you were writing about the young of the Beet or Russian thistle Web worm which has been very common in some parts of middle and southwestern Nebras ka during the past summer This insect likes weeds better than grass Sometimes it has eaten all the weeds and then attacks al falfa and clover as well as garden plants These caterpillars will soon dig into the ground and they will change to little brown things which we call chrysalids and will live over winter in that form Next spring they will come out as light colored motlis I do not think that they will do any damage next year because there are a number of kinds of other insects that kill the cater pillars Some of these are called parasites These parasites live in side of the caterpillars and chry salids and when the parasites are full grown the caterpillars are dead Birds also like to eat these worms and help to destroy them Yours Aery trulv LAWRENCE BRUNER DEATH OF MRS BEN KING Passed Away Tuesday Evening Buried This Afternoon The news of the death of Mrs Ben King Tuesday evening will be received with sadness by man friends Her sickness was short Funeral services are being held this afternoon in the First Bap tist church Rev D L McBride officiating after which the body Avill be interred in Riverview cem etery Mrs King was a daughter of John Snow who lives a few miles northeast of MeCook and the family divide with the stricken husband and family the genuine and tender sympathy of a large circle of friends Alice Show was born July 26 1877 at New Hartford Iowa Game to Nebraska in 1884 settled at the old home near MeCook where sh resided until her mar riage to Ben King August 31 1898 In 189G she joined the Bap tist church at MeCook Four chil dren were born to this union one having passed on before some years ago She was a bright cheerful and obedient daughter a kind affec tionate and dutiful wife and mother Prints and Muslin 5c Yard Simpsons prints the best nrints made 5c yd A respect able yari wide unbleached muslin 5c A good bleached muslin 60 Hope bleached muslin 10c yard Peperell 9 quarter bleached sheet ing 28c yd Shelf oil cloth 5c yd Amcskeag apron check gingham G1 yd Large comfort size batts 75c Be industrious thats the earning end Be economical thats the spending end Both are important and equally so We solicit your trade The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value for cash only Rooms for Rent Suitable for office or living rooms Inquire at McMILLENS DRUG STORE Observe the date name on The Tribune UD Everything nell after your Notch it in drugs McConnell for drugs 100 The Tribune one year NUMBER 36 A NUT TO CRACK What are you going to do when you are too old to work Better provide for the future while you have time Its not how large or how small are your earnings but what portion of your earnings that you save that is of consequence When you START to save your money and put it in this bank your fortune is half made The other half is per sistency We want the small deposi tor and welcome his or her account because its the small depositor that grows to be the large one Start a bank account NOW with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cash M DIKECTORS Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science The subject for next Sundav morning will be Unreality Christian Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Harry M Mitchell pas tor Congregational There will be no preaching services next Sun day on account of absence of the pastor German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock and evening at 730 O R Riehert pastor Baptist Bible school 10 a m Christian Endeavor at 715 Ser mons at 11 a m and 8 p m Subject of the evening sermon A Sane View of the Temper ance question D L McBrdie pastor Episcopal Sunday October h Jtr Sunday school at 10 a m Holy Communion and sermon at 11 a m Pro hymn 491 Introit psalm 119 part 16 Hymn after sermon 439 Com hymn 225 Rec hymn 521 8 p m Pro 489 Be fore sermon 509 Rec 490 DIVINE SCIENCE Health class Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 a m Sunday school class Sun day mornings at 11 oclock New Thought books and magazines for sale Come and talk it over it may be that which you have been socking for You are cordially invited to these meetings 123 D st Adv Childrens Fleeced Unions 25c Dont make the mistake of parting with your money for any underwear until you have seen the offerings on our counters 4 grades of childrens and misses union suits 6 grades of ladies 6 grades of mens Also separate shirts and drawers in regular and extra sizes up to size oO bee us first The Thompson D G Co Utmost value McConnell fills prescriptions For pure spices try McMillens Drujr Store All the fresh fruits of the se son at Magners Cameras and photo supplies C R WOODWORTH Druggist MeMillen s relieve the cold Cold Remedy will cough and cure your The Modern Woodmen will give a class instruction October 6th to a class or aDout ten ueyu Ratcliff of Benkelman is expect ed Nyals effervescing liver salts taken before breakfast will sweet en the breath and correct disor dersr of the stomach caused by in digestion Price 25c C R WOODWORTH Druggist I i I i i i H CI I i H jr I 1