The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4

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fi I
k - YTJiTiiTTT T
Seethe whole west under one roof
ir ii
Something doInK all the time
It is a show that will interest you
Big -Machinery Exhibit with everything
In action Traction Plowing demonstra
Fine entertainments music and special
ties Moving pictures and illustrated
Displays from every state in the west
showing Irrigation Dry Farming Fruit
Growing Alfalfa Raising and all kinds of
Farm Work
Oil the dust storms
Mrs JaeobLongnecker and hei
daughter spent Sunday and Mon
day at William Kaudels
Mrs Ben King was quite sick
first of the week but is all right
Mr and Mrs Longnecker Mrs
J E Wilson and Mrs Paul Smith
visited Mrs Waddell on Wednes
Mr Dow of Palasios Texas
was visiting friends here on Fri-
Mrs Jacob Longnecker and
Mrs Lewis were business visitors
at McCook Thursday
Sore throats seem to prevail
Mr Elmer was on a business
trip Wednesday
Those who knew Dr A D
Finch will regret to learn of the
death of his wife recently at
Bethany Neb
Information of Priceless Value to
Every McCook Citizen
How to act in an emergency is
Icnowledge of inestimable worth
and this is particularly true of
the diseases and ills of the hu
man body If you suffer with
backache urinary disorders or
anv form of kidney trouble the
advice contained in the following
statement will add a valuable as
set to your store of knowledge
What could be more convincing
proof of the efficiency of Doans
Kidney Pills than the statements
of nearby residents who have
been permanently cured
Lewis W LaBove Main Street
Oberlin Kan says For many
years I was employed on the rail
-d this work finally told oi
my kidneys causing a severe at
tack of kidney complaint When
Dunns Kidney Pills were brought
U my stt riion I began their use
The conti rU of six boxes correct
ed my tiok I am pleased to
udors this remedy in return for
all that ir hi done forme
di April 8 19
Thrt Cur Lasted
On Ma il 1910 Mr LaP -v
said i 1 a- e hrd no trouble
from my kidneys since I ied
Doans Kidn y Pills three yars
ago You may continue to pub-
hsh all I previously said in praise
oi -Ms lemedy
For sale by all dealers Price
50 cents Foster Milburn Co
Buffalo Xew York sole agents
for the United States
Remember the name Doans
and take no other
The Seal Ring
The seal ring is known to be the
oldest style of ring It dates back to
the days of the Old Testament and
products of the glyptic art as gem en
graving was called were known in
the most remote times In Exodus
xxviii 17 20 mention is made of the
following stones upon which the
names of the twelve children of Israel
were engraved The sardius the topaz
the carbuncle the emerald the sap
phire the diamond the ligure the
agate the amethyst beryl onyx and
jasper In verse 2 of the same chap
ter we find mention of the engraving
of signets upon the hardest stones It
is believed that the Egyptians instruct
ed the Israelites in the art of stone
engraving The Egyptians used the
lapidarys wheel and emery powder
and knew the use of the diamond in
engraving other hard stones Among
the Assyrian and Babylonian ruins
were found fine specimens of signets
on gems many of them set in rings
Oddities of the Printing Shop
Here is a row of capital letter- and
figures of ordinary size and shape jum
as you will find tlitin in the diil
ssssxxxx zzzzr s
They are such as are made up of two
parts of similar form Look cirefully
at these and you will percolv that lu
upper halves of the character m a
very little smaller than the lowi r
halves so little that at a un re giam t
you would declare them to be f qi
size Now turn this page up ile do i
and without any careful looking
will see that the difference in size H
very much exaggerated that tin
top half of the letter is very miiHi
smaller than the other half It will lie
seen by this that there is a tendency
in the eye to enlarge the upper part
of any object upon which it loul
Thus two circles of nm riual size miht
be drawn and so placed that they
would appear exactly alike New York
Saved Mimsc
Uncle Mose a plantation nero va
being asked about his religious null
Is a preacher sah he said
Do you mean asked the nston
ished questioner that you p crli
Mose felt himself getting into
No ah he said Ah touches
that subject very light Success Mag
Brine boil at 223 decrees F and at
this degree fine salt is formed At Km
degrees F Iomoon salt results aim
fishery or large grained at 110 degrees
F The salt crystallizes on the surface
of the brine in the pans iloats a little
and then sink- to the bottom leaving
it free from fresh crystals
Pressed For Time
Judge Knott Why did you rob this
man in broad daylight Prisoner I
couldnt help it your honor I had an
engagement every night that week
Vc never hesitate to guarantee Every man should keep a fair sized
Lilv Patent flour At the Me- cemetery in which to bury the faults
Cook Flour and Feed Store of bis Mends Beecher
J3TSSE f T -4
-1 5li fi H J If
- lTTWUrf T
1 want my house rW
White Leaded
OAY that to your pointer and he will
know you want a quality job- The
most durable paint in the world and the
one kind worth considering is old
fashioned paint made of pure linseed oil
turpentine and
Pure Wliite Lead
They should be mixed on the job by the
painter after he has examined the surface to be
covered Paint made of pure white lead never
cracks or scales off but holds to the wood until
it is actually worn away
Send for our Free Painting Helps
containinKColorschcmcsmiscellancouspaintin direc
tions and names of Blue List Painters in our com
munity who use our white lead Ask for Helps No B
TO PAINTERS If you use our white lead send us
your name for our Painters Blue List Write for
Circular No B It cives particulars
1 I mmmULJmt
722 Chestnut Street St Louis Mo
For Sale by All Dealers
hr jj
sflr iUL y JilLLM
m 2r7T
ITU nii i mi i ir ir iihi niiiii iih hi I Mil M
- -
2J I
LOOK TO THE BABYS TEETH Awed by th Servant
The amusing mistake once made by
They Must Be Cared for to Give tho two Abyssinian delegates of the
Little One Health and Ineror Meneleli to luvmce is narrated
and you say Its only his baby teeth
he will soon shed them Do you
know that when he is six years old a
permanent jaw tooth or six year
molar as they are called will come
ost of the Improvements Have Been
Brought About Within the
Last Century
In some of the ruins of Egypt are
engravings representing a man lying
ri his hink whilo another standing
profession today yet most of the
provement has beon brought about
In tho last ono hundred years
The causes of this rapid develop-
ment have been many the rapid
growth of knowledgo in other lines
or work tho formation of dental col
leges tho invention and manufacture
of useful instruments and the
tific study of the mouth and its
There is ono other thing which has1
brought about this marvelous growth
which is perhaps more important than
all the other causes combined andj
that is the professional spirit
It used to be the thing if a dentist
maae an improvement to hide it fromj
his brother dentist so that hemlght
reap the benefit alone Many a se-
cret or invention has died with the
dentist originating it In time this
profession began to progress by leaps
and bounds Nowadays If a dentist
discovers anything new that Is good
he carries it to his society and ex 1
plains it to every one so that all may
pet the benefit He goes to the con-
vention with one new idea and brings
back a hundredand both he and the
public are benefited
Copyright Western Newspaper Union
Although there is never any scare-
tty of candidates listen closely and
you can always hear that public offi j
ials are underpaid Atchison Kan
Temptation doesnt have to mate
the feait so very alluring to get sorqei
of us to nibble at it
mi ih tZMmvt iiiij lii lUi j mMiVliMtMiMggw rewa
by the Paris Gaulois Awed by the
splendor of his gold lace uniform and
If you were to put one good apple the solemnity of his imposing man
into a basket of bad ones what would uer they mistook the usher at the
happen to that apple It would decay door of the foreign ministers office
of course Yet you parents are al- for M de Selves himself As they
lowing something far more precious were brought into the anteroom the
and of a life value to your child to de- usher was standing with his hands on
cay because of neglect the door handle ready to announce
What do I mean Just this you are them But at the sight of his silver
allowing that child who does not know chain his medals his sword hit gold
what he is doing to neglect his teeth topped cane and his three cornered
hat the Abyssinians could not be ex
pected to know they were in the pres
ence of a mere servant So bowing
low repeatedly they approached him
slowly and with great respect until
in just back of his baby teeth It is they were within reach of his coattails
often mistaken for a baby tooth and
consequently it Is neglected He
never sheds that tooth and it is the
most important one in his mouth
If it comes Into a dirty uncared
for mouth where every other tooth is
decayed doesnt it stand to reason it
will decaj also Oh well you say
Its just one tooth pull it out Why
not say Oh well its just one eye
take It out he can see with the
Another reason for caring for baby
teeth is to give the child comfort
With ordinary care a child need never
have a toothache nor the haunting
fear of the dentist From the time a
child is three years old a dentist
should examine its teeth every four
months Then at the first sign of a
cavity he may fill it without the slight
est annoyance to the child and with
very little expense to the parent If
however you let the tooth decay until
it aches and then have it pulled he
fore its time you can expect a crowd
ed uneven row of second teeth for
the reason that when the first tooth
Is pulled It retards the normal devel
opment of the jaw and there is not
room enough for the other teeth
Of course it goes without saying
that cleanliness Is the one most essen
tial thing necessary From the mo
ment a child can be taught to spit
things from the mouth it should have
its teeth bru hed with a toothbrush
and a good tooth powder or paste be
foro going to bed Why at night
you ask Because at any other time
the teeth will soon be in use again
while if done just before retiring they
remain clean ten hours or more I
iright add that this is the best rule
for grown up children
After a child has all his perma
nent teeth which with the exception
of wisdom teeth he should have at
about twelve or thirteen years of
age then comes tho big fight to keep
them and with just a little precaution
they can he kept an entire lifetime
It is not necessary to visit the dentist
so often now for examination I
should cay in ordinary cases twice a
year would be suTicient to protect
them This is the more economical
plan by far and a dentists bills
should be looked upon as an invest
ment for we all realize that an ounce
of prevention is worth many pounds
of cure Anna Mae Roberts
Copyright Western Newspaper Union
which one on either side they seized
in their hands and kissed The usher
did not know what to do but the ap
pearance of the minister relieved the
Bathing In Gold
A Parisian journalist who had spec
ulated in railway shares won 200000
francs as the result of a lucky ven
ture Drawing it in gold he proceed
ed to a hotel emptied the bags of
gold In the bed and went to sleep lit
erally in the sands of Pactolus The
man was so crazed by his good for
tune that he found indescribable pleas
ure in reveling In a golden bath
Paganini the violinist when he re
ceived the proceeds of his concerts he
insisted upon being paid in gold used
to wash his hands in sovereigns
A French novelist Soulie wrote a
book called The Memoirs of the Dev
il It was successful The publish
ers paid him for the first volume 10
000 in gold The author carried the
gold to his bedroom poured it into a
foot bath and enjoyed for half an hour
the excitement of moving his feet to
and fro in a bath of gold coins smok
ing meanwhile the biggest of Ha
Old Leather Bottles
Leather bottles or blackjacks were
common in Europe two centuries ago
The bottles were often made of one
skin doubled up and closely stitched
together leaving an aperture for the
neck The thick piece between was
inserted for he slip It was meant to
be slung at the back a leather thong
passed through two loops placed on
either side of the neck and it was
ficiently flat at tho base to stand when
put down The stopper was made of
A Hair Trigger Constitution
Some one has said that animals have
a hair trigger constitution says Orison
Swett ilarden in Success Magazine
They go off on the slightest provoca
tion because they act from impulse
They do not know how to control
themselves The animal instinct dom
Self control is the first condition of
all achievement It is said that the
first sign of insanity is the loss of self
control When a person is no longer
the master of his own acts he is not
only in danger but any degree of
over him pounding out a tooth with achievement is impossible to him
Every thought tends to result in an
a rock This is primitive dentistry
tmI it minht sPATn to bn sovero act so that thought always leads The
yet no doubt it brought a measure
cf relief otherwise such extreme
measures would not have been re
sorted to
In China It is said when a man
goes to the native dentist for relief
from the toothache it is the usual
procedure for tho dentist to insert
Lis finger in tho patients mouth and
on removing it show him a worm
which he says he has wit drawn from
tho tooth and which was causing the
ache Thi3 procedure so we are told
usually stops the ache
These primitive methods are a far
cry from the scientific attitude of tho
mental attitude at any moment is the
pattern which the life processes
weave The lives of many of us are
grotesque crazy quilts
Lung Capacity of Corset Wearers
The lung capacity of the average
woman who does not wear corsets is
about 2S00 cubic centimeters or 171
cubic inches of one who is in the hab
it of wearing corsets only 2200 cubic
centimeters or cubic inches so
that the capacity of the normal and
unrestricted lungs is about 273 per
cent more than that of those which
1 have been compressed by the corset
i Scientific American
A Technical Mind
What in the name of common sense
are you arresting me for asked the
motorist who had accidentally violated
a regulation
I aint arrestin you in the name of
common sense replied the rustic
sheriff Im arrestin you in the
name of the law Washington Star
Self fidu ated
But dont you think yon could learn
to love me he inquired of the beau
tiful heiress
Fa always said I was hard to
learn she replied tantalizingly
But I am not a book he protested
Oh I can read you all right she
answered Pittsburg Dispatch
Longevity I should say longevity
did run In the family said Mrs
Spriggins Why John was six foot
two Bill was six foot four and George
had more longevity than any man I
ever see He was six foot seven if he
was a foot Exchange
Kindly words sympathizing atten
tions watchfulness against wounding
mens sesitiveness these cost very lit
tle but they are priceless in their
From tho Fountain
ITel I Maude always uses a fountain
pen Belle Her letters are rather
gushing arent they Philadelphia
j t
The riodel
Black Velvet Button Boots
Brown Velvet Button Boots
School Shoes a Specialty
Phone 18 NewjMorris BIdg
Will Handle More Cars
It was announced at Union Pa-
wood horn or old leather A god cific headquarters that the rup
deal of care was required in the prep
aration of the leather which had to be
oiled and worked with hammers to
make it supple and then washed with
a lye so that all the impurity was en
tiiely removed leaving the leather
clean and dry Xo moisture or air had
any efle t on it Blackjacks were in
fact flagons made in various sizes
They were sometimes pitched inside
tthv service offered by
Pacific which in the
The Tribune is now being de-
ture which may cause the Burling vered to city patrons and the
ton and Rock Island to lose out
on through California coast Pull
man business Avill greatly
publisher would be pleased to
have all patrons who fail to re
ceive their papers to report fail-
the Union ures to the Tribune office Dont
past have forget however to give your
been handled by the Burlington street number in doing so And
and the Rock Island in case you move to new street
It Ls pointed out that the Hock j number kindly report promptly
Island can reach the California j this fact So that no delay may
coast via the El Paso gateway I be experienced in the prompt and
i -
and that it may merely change
the routing of Rock Island sleep
ing car service Lincoln Journal
All grades of Oxford flour and
sack guaranteed at the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
regular delivery of your papers
When it is wall paper dont
fail to see McConnells display
before deciding
Freshest fruits at Itfagners
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar
Following the Beli
The Bell Telephone has been the pioneer in farm
ing communities the rural mail delivrey th aeutomo
bile and other modern conveniences following the
blozed trail
If you are not a Bell subscriber you should join the
great army of farmers who have learned that they
cannot adequately carry ot their business without loc
cal and long distance Bell Telephone service
mi iin
CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager
1 y