The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    Tfte Mcooft Tr tune
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
I Progressives Count on Nebraska
l I I L 1 I I A A A A A A A A A L A k k k k k k k k k k k k kM
Washington Sept 23 Spec
ial Governor Aldrich Repre
sentative George Norris and half
a dozen other Nebraskans prom
inently identified with the jaation
al republican progressive league
will participate in a conference
in Chicago October 16 called for
the purpose of devising ways and
means for bringing about the
nomination of Senator La Fol
lette for the presidency An
nouncement to this effect was
made today by W L Ilauser the
manager of progressive headquar
ters in this city La Follettes
managers are particularly anx
ious to make a good showing in
the primaries next April They
figure that if they can capture
delegates to the national conven
tion instructed for La Follette un
along At the present time the
campaign is being sustained by
private subscription from a small
group of the senators friends
As the campaign progresses the
financial burden is becoming
heavier and those invited to the
Chicago conference probably will
be asked to work out a plan
which will put the campaign on a
sound financial basis
The progressive managers here
make no secret of the fact that
they are counting on Governor
Aldrich and Representative Nor
ris to deprive President Taft of
a single Nebraska delegate to the
national convention Mr Ilauser
today informed the Journal cor
respondent that he is receiving
most encouraging reports from
Nebraska and that he is so con
fident of victory there that he is
der the presidential preference merely depending upon the
their campaign will be material- eraor and Mr Norris to hold the
ly aided The necessity of cap- ground already gained
turing these delegates in An invitation has been extend-
ka and in the other four states ed broadcast to progressives to
which have presidential prefer- meet in Chicago to consider the
once is one of the reasons which present situation and to plan for
prompted the Chicago conference the fuutre At this conference
Another reason is to be found th prsidential bcom of Senator
in tli necessity for fixing iipon Robert II La Follette is expect-
som definite financial plan to ed to b formally launched Lir
carry the La Follette campaign coin Journal
I The Railroads Cannot Agree I
Tho Burlington and Rock Island i Pedro lines
railroads have awakened to the
fact tliat the Ogden and Salt
Lake gateway ot the west is not
only closed to them but they
have awakened to the fact that
this gateway has been locked and
the key thrown away As the
Already the Rock Island has
submitted to the inevitable and
has given notice that all of its
coast business will be routed via
El Paso The Burlington people
are not saying a word other than
to remark that the matter has
situation now stands by reason not been finally disposed of
of a ruling of the Interstate Com
merce commission neither road
can sell through western tickets
to points west of Denver and
give continuous passage
None of the Union Pacific Mil
waukee or Northwestern officials
here will claim responsibility for
the new order of tilings which is
admitted to be the shrewdest
move made on the railroad check
er board in many a year They
throw the responsibility upon the
Interstate Commerce commission
contending that it was a move
that tliis tribunal made upon its
own volition All concede that
the Northwestern and Milwaukee
have become the beneficiaries as
they are enabled to run their
through cars to the coast cm the
trains of the Union Pacific the
Southern Pacific and the San
The origin of the order of the
Ilarriman lines closing the Ogden
and Salt Lake gateway to the
Burlington and Rock Island came
about in this way
About one and one half years
ago the Interstate Commerce Com
mission ordered the Southern Pa
cific the Western Pacific and the
San Pedro lines to reduce their
fares from Ogden and Salt Lake
City to San Francisco and Los
Angeles to 2358 and 25 respec
tively The rate of 2358 is bas
ed en 3 cents per mile while the
rate to Los Angeles is somewhat
liigher the commission predicating
the 25 rate on the fact that the
country traversed by the San
Pedro line was sparsely settled
and entitled to somewhat higher
rates than those allowed to the
Southern Pacific When the
I wgmBai
Look for this Sign on Leading Garages
You cannot know what a good tire is
until yoa try a michelm properly inflated
Us3ZfimEEg3L A ekj82it I
Western Pacific opened its line
from Ogden to San Francisco it
was obliged to meet the rate es
tablished by the commission for
the Southern Pacific
The through fares from the Mis
souri river to California were not
affected by the order of the com
mission and remained as hereto
fore 50 for first and 10 for
second class and 90 for a nine
months round trip ticket
The through fares have always
been divided on percentages de
rived from the local fares of the
lines to and from Ogden and Salt
Lake City That is to say the IT
ion Pacific fare from Omaha to
Ogden and Salt Lake City is
2940 and the Southern Pacific
fare from the two Utah towns to
San Francisco prior to the reduc
tion made by the commission 30
Therefore the through fare was
divided practically on a basis of
50 and 50 per cent
When the reduced fare ordered
by the commission took effect the
Burlington and Rock Island insisl
ed on dividing on the basis of the
new rates taking advantage so to
speak of the lines west of Ogden
and Salt Lake City to increase
their own proportions This
would not in any wise benefit the
public but would add from 3
to 4 per ticket to their revenue
on every passenger routed to the
coast Omaha Bee
100 Reward 100
The readers of this paper will be
pleaed to learn that there is at last
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
structive qualities and the perman
ent relief and comfort it gives them
A McMillen
Running up and down stairs sweep
ing and bending over making beds
will not make a woman healthy or
beautiful She must get out of doors
walk a mile or two every day and
take Chamberlains Tablets to im
prove her digestion and regulate her
bowels For sale by all deaers
Grease and scum disappear like
magic No kind of dirt escapes
it It is hygienic and cleans the
unseen dirt leaving your pails
pans and dairy utensils sweet
clean and sanitary Safest be
cause it contains no caustic alkali
or acid Will not iniure the hands
Old Dutch Cleanser is the best all
round cleanser known You can
find lots of things for it to do about
ihe farm Try it next time you
clean harness metal etc see how
it helps to work quicker and easier
Many Uses
and full
on Large
Sifter Can
Wonderful Palace That Was Built by
Czarina Anne of Russia
The use of ice for architectural pur
poses is an art that has been carried
to a high state of perfection in north
ern countries and some almost incred
ible feats have been accomplished in
this curious branch of industry
Probably the most remarkable build
ing constructed wholly of ice was the
palace built on the Neva by Czarina
Anne of Russia in 1739 The first at
tempt to construct this building was
unsuccessful as the slabs of ice were
too thin and the building collapsed in
the first thaw Subsequently large
blocks of ice were cut and squared
with great care and laid on one an
other by skillful masons who cement
ed the joints with water which imme
diately froze The building when com
pleted was fifty six feet long seven
teen and a half broad and twenty one
high It was of but one story The
facade contained a door surmounted
by an ornamental pediment and six
windows the frames and panes of
which were all of ice An elaborate
balustrade adorned with statues ran
along the top of the facade and an
other balustrade surrounded the build
ing at the level of the ground The side
entrances to the inclosure were flanked
with pillars supporting urns the lat
ter containing orange trees whose
branches leaves and flowers were all
of ice Hollow pyramids of ice on each
side of the building contained lights
by night The grounds were further
adorned with a life size figure of an
elephant with his mahout on his back
A stream of water was thrown from
the elephants trunk by day and a
flame of naphtha by night
A tent of ice contained a hot bath
in which persons actually bathed
There were also several cannons and
mortars of ice which were loaded with
bullets of ice and iron and discharged
The interior of the building was com
pletely furnished with tables chairs
statues looking glasses a clock a com
plete tea service etc all made of ice
requires a constitutional treatment I and nainted to imitate the real objects
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- A bedchamber contained a state bed
nally acting directly unon the hlco i ith curtains n dressing table with a
and mucous surfaces of the system mirror- P0 bedclothes slippers and
tu nightcaps all made of ice There
thereby destroying the foundation of
were ice candles burning naphtha scd
the disease and the
giving patient
most wondsrfll of an ico fireplace
strength by building up the containing burning ice logs i e blocks
tion and assisting nature in doing its of ice smeared with naphtha and then
work The proprietors have so much kindled Scientific American
faith m its curative powers that they When Surgery Was Cruelty
offer One Hundred Dollars for any The extreme elumsiness and cruelty
case that it fails to cure Send for with which operations were performed
list of elstimonials Address F J even subsequent to the hfteenth ceu
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
the operators Thus Fabricius of Aqua
pedents 1537 1G19 the eminent pro
fessor at Padua and preceptor of the
immortal Harvey describes what he
Foleys Kidney Remedy Liquid considered an improved and easy op-
Is a great medicine of proven value eration in the following terms If it
for both acute and chronic kidney be a movable tumor 1 cut it away with
and bladder ailments It is l redhot knife that sears as it cuts but
muj iwuiuiueuueu 10 eiueny people lf it be adhered to the chest I cut with-
iui iia wuuueriui ionic anu recon-
out bleeding or pain with a wooden
or horn knife soaked in aqua fortis
with which having cut the skin 1
dig out the rest with my fingers When
the surgeons of Edinburgh were incor
porated it was required as a prereq
uisite that they should be able to read
and write to know the anatomie na
ture and complexion of everie mem
ber of humanis body and likeways to
know all vaynes of the same that he
may make flewbothemie in due time
Buying a Dog
Buying a dog is not so easy as it
looks there is so much faking A
good Irish terrier for instance should
have a stiff wiry coat a pronounced
red color a long narrow head small
eyes and ears which hang down The
ears of a bull terrier an Aberdeen
terrier or a Yorkshire terrier should
stick up But be careful that the wily
dealer has not produced this effect
with cardboard A bulldog should
have a shovel shaped mouth with the
under jaw protruding upward and a
wide chest There are one or two
things to look out for in buying a dog
Some dealers try to palm off an old
dog as a young one by scraping his
yellow teeth which show signs of age
and painting his gray muzzle Bright
eyes are often produced by a smear
of vaseline and a cold nose produced
by Stockholm tar But you can detect
the presence of these aids by smell-
In the county court of Red
Willow county Nebraska In the
matter of the estate of Robert B
Wilson deceased
To all persons interested in said
estate You are hereby notified
that the administrator of said es
state has filed Ids petition for
the distribution of moneys paid
him by the Chicago Burlington
Quincy Railroad Company for
the death of said deceased Said
petitioner alleges that said mon
ey is not liable for the debts of
said estate and prays that the
same may be paid to fthe heir at
law of said estate freed from all
claims of said creditors You are
hereby notified to appear at my
office in the court house on the
24th day of October 1911 to
show cause why the prayer of
said petition should not be grant
ed It is further ordered that
notice of pendency of said peti
tion be given by publishing a
copy of tliis order in the McCook
Tribune for four consecutive
Dated this 25th day of
Mrs Edith Burns Buck Pianist
Pupil of Wm IT Sherwood of
Chicago Available for con
certs and receptions A limit
ed number of pupils accepted
Address 1012 Main avenue
McCook Neb Phone red 124
Phone Red 116
203 East Fourth street
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 residence
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main avf over Mc
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Wals
building McCook
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
tury would scarcely be credited had we McCook Neb
not authentic descriptions of them by
Phone 378
Room 4 Postoffice building
Cook Neb
Phone 190
Office over McAdams
Cook Neb
store Mc-
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and cl
McCook Water Works Co Office in
Fostoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCook
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods o quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasemect
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2nd st East Phone
black 252
Your combings
made Into switches and puff
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
iumi iaaBMnuiunMBi1PcaMBiBBaBB
Smith bought some pigs from
hi3 neighbor Jones The price
came to 642 Smith paid
Jones in cash but as usual
neither had the proper change
and Smith said Just make It
even money Smith lost 8
cents Jones bought some pigs
from his neighbor Johnson The
nrice came to 642 Jones ha
nis money in the bank ana
gave Johnson a check for the
exact amount Jones did nof
lose a cent This Is only ona
of the advantages of a check
ing account Come in and let
us explain further
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
If you knew of the Teal value of
Chamberlains Liniment for lame
back soreness of the muscles
sprains and rheumatic pains you
wouIq never wish to be without it
For sale by all dealers
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 271
Most for your money
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
We now handle the best
gradeB of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location nt acr - lnCrrlr
street in P Whleh btrldiog ICOUK
Osborn Burton
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
Fire and Wind
i Insurance 1
t Written in First Class
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Gogdsjwi fl Jianos Only covered -
i t