The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Ben week
Company M of McCook Will En
camp for Ten Days
For ten days beginning with
coming Wednesday 1300 mem
bers of the Nebraska national
guard will be in camp at Cinder
Siding on the Burlington a few
miles south of Omaha The camp
will be named in honor of Ne
braskas deceased cliief executive
John II Mickey Regular army
rules will prevail The forenoons
to drills the afternoons and eve
nings to touches of real army life
Brigadier General Storeh of Ful
lerton will have command with
Adjutant General Phelps of Om
aha as assistant There will be
encamped 27 companies of infan
try and one company each of
signal corps men engineers and
artillery Of the companies in
Southwestern Nebraska there are
three Company M First regi
ment McCook Company E Sec
ond regiment Holdrege Com
pany B Second Regiment Beav
er City
On Thursday October 5 the
boys of the entire encampment
will indulge in a practice
march through the streets of
Omaha which will incidentally
be one of the events of
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
Frank II Coleman et ux to
Fernando D Kennedy wd
18-19-20 in 8 Willow
Grove 1000 00
Herman Bohling to Allan Mc
Lean mil ne4 se1
31-3-3 8000 00
Samuel G Small et al to
William Loch am se 35-
3 28 2000 00
Jacob Wesch to Margaret
Wesch wd eio 1 0
Charles Butler single to 1
A Bennett wd seVi
- 4500 00
Charles Butler single to 1
A Bennett wd Y sw4
25-3-26 2000 00
Gerd llofhenke to First Na
tional bank am swi 14
o29 1000 0
Jacob Wesch to Margaret
Wesch bill of sale all live
stock machinery and per
sonal property
Frank Koseba et ux to F
O Ilolden wd ne
9-3-2 t
William R Pennington et ux
to Allen E Pennington
wd sMi 18 in 3 Lebanon
1 00
1 00
Regina Maisel et cons to
Mike Grocker wd n1 se
V 10-1-30 iooo 00
School Supplies
We have a large assortment of
pencil and drawing tablets com
position and note books slates
pencils pencil boxes erasers
pens penholder ink etc
Special prices in quantity to
school districts
A McMLLLEN Druggist
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Mc
Cook for the unexceUed Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c -per pound
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
If you feel you want to be
shown in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
Magner s groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Wants for rent for sale etc
5c a line in The Tribune
Tne McCook Tribune 100 a year
McConnell fills prescriptions
The game Thursday afternoon
between the Married and Single
Men while not a brilliant finan
cial success was a fine exhibition
of the national game Below is
given lineup and summary
Married Men Piekard 3rd
Harmon 1st Burney 2nd Grav
es rf Wells p Rhodes ss Sick
ler cf Erwin c Stokes If
Errors 3 hits 2 struck out
by Wells 7
Single Men Reynolds p Ken
nedy 1st Green c Leonard cf
Milligan If Sutton 2b Ham
mell 3rd Huber rf Galusha ss
Errors 2 hits 2 struck out bj
Revnolds 8
Married 00001000 01
Single 1 0 0 0 0 01 1 3
A Galusha satisfactorily filled
the precarious position of His
Possibly a hundred people at
tended this benefit game for the
new ball park
Monday Evening Edition
The game will be repeated on
Thursday of this week as some For the early fall the shops are
of the players believe the result showing most attractive designs
can be changed Thus the com that are made up in soft
ing game will be even more hot
I ly contested than Avas the first
Surmised Mrs Wimer
A company of lady friends of
Mrs J W Wimer surprised
her at the Wimer heme Friday
The bovs of Company M of our evening last over a score of la-
city are looking forward to this dies participating in the happy
event with more than common in j social event The invading lad
terest They will embark herejies were well supplied with pro
for the encampment on No 2 on visions for a nice spread of re
Wednesday morning September freshments which entered into
27th I the plans ot the occasion As a
memento of the affair the ladies
presented Mrs Wimer with a
handsome watch chain
That Crippled Comb
is not only unsightly but also an
annoyance as it breaks the hair
and fails to do perfect work
Nearly every home contains such
cripples that are tolerated thru
oversight Why not replace them
with new ones it will be a satis
faction to use It will be a pleas
ire to select new ones from ar
assortment so complete as ours
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Open the Season
The Thursday Night whist club
had its initial game on Thursday
night Mr and Mrs G L Burney
being host and hostess A seven
oclock dinner was a feature of
appealing particulars
For Delegates Only
The meals to be served in the
Methodist church this week dur
ing the W C T U convention
are onlv intended for delegates
not for the general public
l Omaha Denver Auto Route I
Mesrss Maynard and Reed
final checkers of the Omaha-Denver
Trans Continental Route
spent part of Friday and Satur
day in the city going over the
route in McCook and vicinity and
attending to other matters con
nected with closing up the matter
of securing final data for the
route in this neighborhood and se
cuning materials for McCooks
writeup in the official guide
shortly to come from the press of
the Iowa Publihing Co tlies offi
cial guide printers
From here the gentlemen pro
ceeded westward in the same line
of work which they will carry or
into Denver
The question now quite upper
The Ladies Home Journal
lines silk voile and shot taffeta
They are becoming models which
m i It was papered as a comedy-
The Mam Store un main asreei ciramn was The Punkin Husk
Seed Wheat For Sale
Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
Tribune 100 per year
The poets melancholy days aire
coming the saddest of the year
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy At Hub
er s only
When it is drugs or anytlring
in the drug line go to McConnell
Magner sells better- groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
G II Thomas returned to his
home in Harvard today after
several days visit with relatives
Forservice durability and econ
omy use Lincoln Climatic Paint
Sold only by
A McMILLEN Druggist
- mnl
most in the thought of those ad
vancing the Omaha Denver Trans
Continental Route is that of
feeders Several points along
the line are promoting this idea
in an especial manner Promi
nent among them is Minden
which is on the Trans-Continental
Route in a special sense on ac
count of the residence in that
town of state officers of the
They are moving to secure con
nection with Santa Fe Trail
route from Great Bend Kansas
amd in pronioting this proposition
have been holding meetings and
doing active work to bring this
to pass which seems to be more
than an early possibility
hang in graceful folds quite in
keeping with the long lines of th
present modes On the soft satint
and messalines this effect is of
ten obtained by facing the hem
inside with matching broadcloth
or some material comparatively
heavy in weight
The illustration shows one of
the most popular models for ear
ly fall wear which has developed
in a soft shot taffeta in green
and copper color It is made with
a fichu which is typical of many
of the nW imported models
which with few exceptions show
a drapery of some sort on the
waist For the most part the
fichu shown on the model were
J attractively embroidered in green
silk floss Tho some of the very
nwest models were embroidered
in the new East Indian or Coro
nation colors the woman of quiet
taste would prefer embroidery of
a soft tone
The Svcnt Will Be Signalised
Week at Bxwer Oiiy
The McCook high sthec
Sri b nit t
Notices are being mailed to all delinquent subscribers and
a prompt payment is -requested from all If you are unable to
pay promptly kindly write or call and explain Subscriptions
will be settled for at the rate of 100 per year- up to
ary 1st 1912 when the price will be radvancecT tovl50
After that date the price will be 150 All back-
up to that time will be at the rate of 100 per year AIL
subscriptions paid in advance previous to January lsL9l2
will be at the rate of 100 per year -
Remember subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in ad
vance and this requirement will be more strictly enforced in
future especially in the case of subscribers living outside of
Sed Willow county jaL
J S Stansberry is visiting his
father over in Iowa
C II Meeker returned to Wy
more last Thursday night on 14
J A Bruce returned end of
week from St Joseph Mo j
where he has been at work
Mr and Mrs S D Bolles Jr
went up to Denver Friday on
No 9
Miss Irene Cathcart is home
from her visit to a brother in Col
Mrs F E Hamilton and son
spent Saturday visiting Culbert
son relatives
Mrs George Whitaker went np
to Otis Colorado on 13 Satur
day to visit relatives briefly
Miss Mary Powers of the high
school corps spent over Sunday
with the homef oiks in Trenton
k C E Eldred had business of
the law in Lincoln Thursday re
turning home on No 1 Friday
Dr D F Smith Republican
Mr and Mrs Peter Miesen and
daughter Miss Mamie returned
home Thursday evening on train
No 5
1 J Starbuck left on No 1
Friday for his homo in Salt Lake
City after renewing old friend
ships here
William Moors departed Sat
urday night for the west on a
H C Craig- of Holdrege Has
Purchased from Dr Comings
Close of last week the deal wa
closed whereby H C Craig of
Holdrege becomes the new lessee
of The Commercial Hotel Dr A
F Comings retiring to leave the
Mr Craig the new lessee is
am experienced mam brother of
the lessee of the Hampton at
Holdrege and expects to bo in
the- city early this week and to
prepare at once to take over the
hotel and get matters in shape
for his management of that well-
j known hostelry
It is Mr Graig s purpose to as
soon as possible reopen the din
ing room of the Commercial and
to conduct that department reg
ularly in addition to the room
ing facilities
Dr Comings and his aged
mominee for county coroner was er expect to be able to get away
in town between trains Friday end of week for Seattle Wash
G G Eisenhart the genial Cul ington where their future home
bertson banker had business in broil he The Tribune wishes the
the city Friday coming down in j departing and the incoming sue
liis car cess
Marriage Licenses
Orville R Evans 27 Margaret
C Walker 18 both of Thorn
biiric Xeb
Ray R Lyon 24 1iublo Col
Agnes Elbert 23 McCook Neb
Elliott Hyde 26 Lvdia Klein
18 both of McCook
Arthur C Helm 21 Annetta
tunics are straight at the lower trip to cover California and other Bennett 19 both of Red Willow
edge with a variety of slashes
and openings The tunic and
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
AYhiUalcer Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 2S3 Of
fice in Temple block
i I
ff o Lo J U Vy vlvlllIiW j
And we invife you to call and nsp ct our superior
and complete osortment of DRY GOODS MIL
SKIRTS and WAISTS while in our citv
i J j
Mrs Armour Tuesday Night i SUFFICIENTLY DECAYED
The address by Mrs Armour oi
Georgia will be given in the Meth Was
odist church Tuesday night Sep
tember 26th S
the Production of
Punkin Husker
FH0NE 56
states west John - A Mennell 33 Stella
U G Etherton the deputy oil Mathes 25 both of McCook
inspector came up on No 5 on Chester A Rowin 21 Esther
Thursday evening on business of
his position
Clark Hedges was up from In
Golden Gates 18 both of May
wood Neb
Lloyd C Anderson 24 Wilson-
diamola Friday to meet some j wile Neb Elsie Elizabeth
friends who arrived on train 10
from Colorado
Owen Crispen of Superior and
Mrs J H Keever of Omaha a
brother and sister of Mrs D C
Marsh are here visiting
ma Meyer 21 Cambridge Neb
Edgar E Sommers 22 Graf
ton Neb Jemima Richards 20
Culbertson Neb
Jtfenry XL Kisker 23 McCook
Magdalena Caroline Sophia Haast
Ora Hatcher of Red Willow was 26 Svracuse Neb
up Saturday completing some ar
rangements for a game of base
bull at the fair mid week
C C Harless went up to Wray
Colorado Saturday to look after
matters on the school section he
has leased in that neighborhood
Mr Randolph of Ord Nebras
ka who was a guest of his sister
Mrs II P Waite end of week
departed on 2 Saturday morning
for home
Harry Cox spent Saturday- Sun
day in Trenton visiting Merlyn
-who is doing eleetricw iring in
that place since the new electric
flighting system was installed
j A R Scott came down from
I I Denver Friday evening on 10U
he again took train 10 for Bos
ton where he will attend a big
foot electrical convention
ball twim will onen the season TT TT TTnmnlirins lm Iippti
- v v --
Jt it is tlie tresnesr anu uesc m erj Dut The Sutherland Stock this year at Jit aver Lity on next connected with the mechanical de
groceries fruits vegetables etc q0 Umvittingly made the crude Saturday The boys are doing partment of The Tribune for
you seek look no further than imeoHc production an uproarious some active practice work this some months departed on Friday
Huber s farce and as such it quite threw weok and expect to go- against night for Peru where he will
some or tne not too generous ana rnose Dig weaver jvj icuuwa complete a course or music ana
ience into near hysteria the near with enthusiasm enough to pull follow his trade at odd times
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for nnnroacl to tra edv attained nut n vietorv
sale Updike Grain Co Ihone
Tim wo ti mnn
J v 1 J - J AQ
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs
of the vear
Mrs Howe of Ainsworth
is braska who has beenthe guest
maxes or crises An the four acts scheduled with North Platte high of iher sister Mrs LfrP7Sutt6n
jwhen one shuddered for the school on Thanksgiving day at during the past monflideparts
sical well being of the cast but North Platte fon tomorrow for
I 1 - n
no harm oeiell them or us ana
i we are all reasonably ihappy
Can Pay at the Store
Mis Rufus Carlton and son Le may pav
again llully gee Parties owing the Updike o
with Mrs al Quick
peetmg to visit her- sisterMrs
I T 1 -I 1 A J -A
Doyu in umana en - i
Mrs Earl Notley is here from
land ot Sacramento California Cos confectionery and newsjler piirents Mr arid ilrs AjT
arrived in the city on 10 stand on lower Main avenue Wilson of BbXEIder who re-
aay arternoon ana wan oe rue Ilione jj or ity
guest of her sister Mrs Dora S S GARVEY Manager
Stewart and other relatives for
aU extended visit Subscribe for The i ribune
their bills at Jones Allianefi Nebraska ona vision
Wieheintlr4role c n
of Oueen
cent ly returned tp their plaee
from Sulphur springs Arkansas
where they have been living for
sumy unit-
Mr and Mrs g M Matsbn en
joyed the- prochiction of Queen
Esther by local talent in Indian
ola t Friday eyiming They re
port an excellent rendition -of
that beautiful- saer
- Jfos T- WiEndlev will leave
tomorrow Morning for Illinois
M U ausantilnnt nmnnti Rlir
-- -- K i
icsruirf at jiaj
V v
gatleringA X
- v- -
Card of Appreciation
We desire to express our sin
cere gratitude to all the friends
who manifested kind and neigh
borly sympathy in so many help
ful Avays during the sickness and
the passing away of our beloved
mother May all who in any
way helped ns in our time of
need find such kind friends- to
help when their need comes-
- Mr and Mrs B L Webbei
Mrs W A Anderson
Had Fine Time
C R Livingston Miss Ona
Dwyer and Mr and Mrs Jackson
ivlln llJIVn VlOnn nn rrvirTnroiTri niiir
visiting his parents and sisters j Sunday evening They made 800
This here until Saturday evening when miles during their absence with-
out an incident to marr They er
qamped at Thompsons canyon at
the- entrance to Estes park
A Bridge Whist Party
Mrs Tieroy Kleven was a clev
et hostess to a large company of
ladyfriends Saturday afternoon
at a bridge whist party Mrs
Jb iionas and Mrs A B Wood
assisted Mrs Kleven in serving
tlie dainty refreshments of the
afternoon r -
-- ihhci i hub isjumuj pnms
The Only Union Made 1
overalls in the city are thV CaV sj
hart Huber is the exclusive Tigent 4
Also jackets and caps The phone i
is 97 4 M
Kindly Return Same
Will the party who borrowed
The Tribunes county atlas kind-
ly return the same to tlie bfficel
We have nel of it right now
Tribune one yearJ
Classified Advertiseffleni
- LjL3LiD
red cantata FOR SALE OR TRADElfel i
nee Miss acre randi joining MctMfe
- small hpuse 16x32 bA feKirJ r
ed arid cross fencea fWlli 5
mil yjwfran Mattoon and Charles- FOR S ATVR fj it U
tvi iJT 1 7
Mm be present at il re- Blast sto1T1Cr
union Qr ne sisters
v -- v- utuuiuf xrUllLileil
25 4ts
TiflWm MM
iy uuviu tolLXVl XHmVi tlfl
-FOR SAEE To childrens
iron beds arifec6ae hurners
tlliardvajfiSM coal feeders