k tS94Z27r7 - FRIDAY TW Afternoon And Night EPT KIT CARSONS BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST AND TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION 1 1 t AUSift d AMU Thousands of people ape doing fills work profitably For fall particulars of very liberal cash commissions extra cash prizes free samples etc address Desk 90 SCRIBNERS IVIAGAZIIVE 155 Fifttli Ave IVJew York City A special offer open to those who write at once Jljii iuftLiSSSifV TENTH TRANS CONTINENTAL TOUR THE LARGEST WILD WEST SHOW ON EARTH Coming Direct on their Own Special Trains of Double Length Rail road Cars From theBiggest Ranch in the World Menagerie of Trained Wild Animals 25 DOUBLE LENGTH CARS 25 5oo PEOPLE 500 3oo HORSES 300 5 BIG BANDS OF MUSIC 5 PRINCE BOTLGTNES TROUP OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS The Most Daring Horsemen in the Worjd BANDS OF SIOUX CHEYENNE AND COMANCHE INDIANS Fresh from the Camp fire and Council making the first acquaintance with pale face civilization The Grand Ethnological Performance concludes with the Superb Spectacular Dramatic Historical Fantasy 46 The Battle of Wounded Knee introducing a vast and motley horde of Indians Scouts Trappers and Soldiers that actually took active part in the last brave stand and hopeless struggle the noble redskin made for his freedom and rights TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE Afternoon at Eening at 8 Doors Open One Hour Earlier WATER PROOF CANVAS CANNOT LEAK GRAND GOLD GLITTERING FREE STREET PARADE TWO MILES LONG at 11 a m daily on the main thoroughfares BIG FREE EXHIBITIONS on Show Grounds immediately after the Parade BRING IN YOUR BAD HORSES AND MULES Our Cowboys will Ride them FREE OF CHARGE 2500 will be paid to any person bringing in a horse or mule they cannot ride Terms of District Court 1911 Chase county April 24 and Novem ber 13 Dundy County March 6 and No vember 20 Frontier county March 20 and tober 2 Furnas county February 20 May Q and October 23 Gosper county January 30 and September 25 Hayes county March 13 and Sep tember 18 Hitchcock county May 1 and No vember 27 Red Willow county February ti May 15 and October S Robert C Orr district judge More people men and women are suffering from kidne3 and bladder trouble than ever before and each year more of them turn for quick re lief and permanent benefit to Fol oys Kidney Remdey which has prov ei itself to be one of the most ef fective remedies for kidney and blad der ailments that medical science has devised A McMlilen Foley Kidney Pills will check the progress of your kidney and bladder trouble and heal by removing the cause A McMillen Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds means lost time and lost pay to many a working man M Bal ent 1214 Little Penna St Streator III was so bad from kidney and bladder trouble that he could not work but he says I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got entirely well and was soon able to go back to work and am feel ing well and healthier than before Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac tion quick in results a good friend to the working man or woman who suffers from kidney ills A Mc Millen Engraved Cards Orders for engraved cards will re ceVe prompt and satisfactory atten tion at The Tribune office Cards and invitations also printed tasteful ly Call and see samples and we will quote ou prices Satisfaction guarantor d I A pleasant aiaci easy way to J Ufalre Sme Home Should Be Built on Best Drained end Most Sightly PIacG on the Farm Some General Rules or Building By L W Chase Department of Agricultural Engineering University of Nebraska S THE SUMMER opens up and we visit our friends it is not an uncommon sight to see lying on the table or in the desk the pencil plans for a new home This s not only true in town and with the newly married people but ft is also true of the people in the country Not only is the man who has been liv ing on rented farms until he now pos sesses a farm of his own planning for a new home but the farmer who has been compelled to strive hard and save carefully until now he has the farm paid for is doing likewise Building a new home is not as sim ple as buying a new horse If the new horse does not prove a good bargain it can generally be sold for as much as was paid and the purchaser be ahead his experience If the new home is built and is not properly ar ranged it cannot be sold at anywhere near the original cost neither can it be torn town and be remodelled with- i out nearly as much expense as to build anpw Planning a new home is not a task oi a minute and neither I should it he left entirely to the car j penter It is quite true that the car penter has seen many houses and has good ideas but he too often plans a house which is easily constructed in stead of one which is well and con veniently arranged The new home should be planned for the convenience of the immediate occupants of course but it should also he permanently planned That is it should be planned for the future So in planning home there are some general rules which are common to all families and in addition the home should be arranged to take advantage of all thai natuio has to offer in the wav of comfort and con enience The smell of a hog yard no doubt feems good to the man who has it filled with S hogs but when he goes into the house to eat he wishes the wind would blow the other waj The wind blows in certain directions a large part of the year so place the house in a direction from the yards and barns fucIi that the least num ber of winds of the year blow across the yard and then to the house In all parts of Nebraska the winter winds are from the northwest so do not place the house under any circum 1 stanres southeast of the yards The summer breezes in the eastern part of Nebraska arc from the southeast and in the central and western part they are from the south so avoid placing the hoiiFe north and north west of the yards This leaves the following directions fiom the yards to set the house Southwest and west north fast and on Ft The lotso should be on the most sightly place pn the Jann It should ilso be on the best drained place jWhen the early settlers located their homes in Nebiaska they assumed that ihere would never be any fuel but what they gathered along the creeks or any water obtainable except on low ground They did not know the pos sibilities ot water from wells and they am no Know tnat trees would grow and m3e windbreaks so they built their tiny homes down by the creek out of the way of winter winds where water was sure and fuel handy But who is there now who does not have a feeling of sympathy for the farmers wife who lives the summer through down behind the hill with no view except across the yards to a clay bank with this same bank cutting off all ihe cooling summer breezes Not only is the housewife in such a home shut off from looking out over the country or seeing the neighbors pass but sho is also shut off from looking out over the fields and seeing her boys or hus band working in meadows or passing FARM BUILDING AT CIIILON NEBRASKA throdh the corn rows The men can vidit with the neigh bors across the ience and often te work of thn iarmer takes him to the neighbors but rhe mother and wif j has no other chance of enjoying a moments rc st from her labors but that which is afforded by her gazing from the windows and watching the men passing through the fields or the neighbors passing to town It is unhcalthful even in this coun try of ours which is known for its healthful climate to live down in tie hollows and along the creeks All waste from the hills washes down to the bottoms to decay the air is damn and the ground more or less shaded so that the rays of the sun cannot have their full effect on the germs which are floating around Some will object that the winds olow so cold in the winter up on the hills Quite true they do but we can build artificial windbreaks to ward them off in a degree and we can build our houses worm and besides it does not take much more fuel to keep the house warm on a hill tan in a hollow We must remember that we have means of warming our houses but we do not have means other than those afforded by nature to keep them cool Let there he as much natural drain age sbcut the house as possible when this is not sufficient provide it artificially by grading Some desire the house situated close to the highway This is not esscrtinl providing a good view can be h 1 of the highway and yet have the houso hack some distance Often a more extended view can be had by ha ni tb house fa ther away An nv T and well kept drive leadu fion tie highway to the house ahvays h 3 a good lirst impression of the place I I I rUBll IV IIII llH lll I WHIM I II I f Z i v v A MODEL SILO For many years the Nebraska Ex periment station at Lincoln has used silage for feeding both their dairy and their beef herds of cattle At the present time they are feeding sixty head of steers experimentally using silage in comparison with other feeds Four silos sire in use upon the farm at Lincoln and another silo will prob ably he erected next year since the capacity o the four silos is not suf ficient to furnish Bilage for summer feeding A silo has also been purchased for the Experiment station at North Platte Neb where silage will be used in feeding beef cattle and in maintain ing a breeding herd It is expected that experiments will be undertaken there to determine the difference in economy of beef production with and without silage for the man who is lo cated in the central and western por tion of the state J eSBBaBSBSSsaaa Rep ipar eating Rifle M -- id LLbMUIv cartridge Shoots 22 short 22 long and 22 long rifle cartridges without adjustment Solid Breech Hammerless Safe Built by the same expert gunsmiths as the Remington UMC big game rifles If you want to shoot your best shoot Lesmok 22s Their accuracy enabled Arthur Hubalek to break the Worlds Record in 1 00 consecutive shots scoring 2484 out of a possible 2500 Remington r UMC fan perfect shooting combination Reminjjlon Arms Union TTetallic Cartridge Co 299 Broadway New York City iii mrrrN - va J W lrVlJl niimiiwmiiiiiiiiiunii i mi y - Saving Human Life In a grave emergency Bell Telephone Service is indis pensable In ease of hurried need by stepping to your telephone you can instantly call your local drug gist or summon a physician Should you be unable to obtain local aid the long distance lines of the Bell System enable you to reach nearly everyone nearly everywhere at any time KmJ u -- WtiLWiiVK Mm r L33 I m 5x THE NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO CHAS W KELLEY UlcCook Manager 8fwrJTMrTiry f1Tr il jl TfTrawirtfanra jf 5- V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr DIRECTORS VFranklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin dfeAbdiiWrf4Vttt R E SFPT4Tro819ll M NJ B3Br lhnT MLUUi JE C W THE STATES BEST PRODUCTS TWO AEROPLANES IN DAILY FLIGHTS LSBERATi MILITARY BAND AND GRAND OPERA COMPANY OF 61 PEOPLE GREAT RACES PATTERSON SHOWS FIREWORKS NIGHT RACES VAUDEVILLE The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 1 iii n lAttnM jilt lihrinA h a rheTribune If is Just One Dollar the Year wssWWNBBalSMSBSWWalBSiti l V