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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1911)
J rCf i p If f THIRTIETH YEAR INTERESTING TRAVEL TALK Resume of a Six Months Trip Through the Old worm Mrs Matie G Welles instruct ed and interested keenly an ap preciative audience in the Metho dist church last Thursday even ing Her talk covered her visit toEgypt The Holy Land Italy Greece Switzerland Paris Lon don Scotland and other coun tries and a host of historic and absorbing places concluding with a brief reference to the Passion Play as witnessed by her at Ob irammergau Mrs Welles proved that she is a good observer and can tell in a clear and concise manner many things she sees Her talk was vastly entertaining The only regret is that the fair sized aud ience present was not at least double the number In addition Mrs W B Mills played a splendid piano selection and Mrs C W Britt delighted nil with two vocal selections The talk was given by Mrs Welles without remuneration to assist the ladies of the W C T U in financing the coming state W C T U convention Septem ber 2Gth to 29th Baptist Association The Baptist Republican Valley Association meets with the rege church today Wednesday Thursday August 22 23 and 24 This evening Rev Jerry or Jjin joln and Dr Mills of Omaha will give short addresses Wednes day afternoon and night will be on Missions by several field Avork Thursday will occur the B Y P U session when papers will read by different members of the dissociation The closing number Thursday evening will be an ad dress by Dr Garrison of Grand Tsland college Everybody is cor dially invited to attend Brilliant Electrical Storm Perhaps the most brilliant elec trical storm of the season visited MeCook early Friday morning A slight rainfall accompanied the fluid exhibition A terrific bolt struck the earth about the cor ner of 1st east and I street but did no damage beyond calling the neighborhood to prayers The rainfall west and north west of us was much heavier Are Grateful To the many dear friends vriiosc sympathetic hearts and kindly helpful hands stretched out to us in the great sorrow that came to us in the death and buria of our dear son and brother Paul Clinton Beach we extend our most heartfelt thanks Mr and Mrs II Beach and fam ily Mr and Mrs B C Bar ger The Record Figures The standing of the Republican Valley League MeCook 15 9 Cambridge -22 12 Alma 32 16 Arapahoe 24 12 Beaver City 20 10 Orleans 16 7 Alma Record 6 10 16 12 10 9 590 540 500 500 500 437 The Main Store On Main Street If it is the freshest and best in groceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Ilubers A town that never has anything to do in a public way is on the way to the cemetery Any citi zen who will do nothing for his town is helping to dig the grave A man who curses the town fur nishes the coffin The man who is so selfish as to have no time from liis business to give to city affairs is making the shroud The man who will not advertise is driving the hearse The man who is always pulling back from any public enterprise throws bouquets on the grave The man who is so stingy as to be howling hard times preaches the funeral sings the doxology and thus the town lies buried from all sorrow and care Crawford Courier It is the proved quality of Mag ners groceries that accounts for their increasing popularity with the buying public Every patron is a satisfied patron Friends of Postmaster McCool in Red Willow county will deeply sympathize with him in the death of this sister of whom it may be said she went about doing good Maywood Couple Married Miles S Gates and Miss Beth Newell both of Maywood Ne braska were married in the Con gregational parsonage of our city Saturday afternoon August 19th Rev R T Bayne officiating The young people were accompanior by Miss Esther Gates and C A Rowin driving over from May wood Suits for Divorce Three suits for divorce have been recently filed in the district court Mamie M White vs Wil liam II White Mary Brumgart vs Henry Brumgart George Con nelly vs Viola Connelly Base Ball Season Closed Manager N J Campbell in forms us that the base ball season is closed for MeCook team so far as his management is concerned Chas Kelley and three others from MeCook aroused a little ex citement on Monday and Tuesday morning while attempting to cap ture a supposed horse thief who emptied his suit case took an 800 mare from the Kelley farm and bridle and saddle and start ed south toward Cedar Bluffs Men were watching for him to pass when the men in autos came through here A phone call went to Oberlin to tell them that the fellow had returned witli the horse sometime in the early SfcSUlsLuS sJeg Cedar Bluffs Booster S B Patmon of near Iloxie Kansas rode a bicycle through town about a week ago headed for MeCook Monday lie return ed and camped here all night lie had been up to see hif sick brother at Holyoke The train and stage from MeCook on help ed him but from MeCook to noxie he rode the bicycle both ways which is over a hundred mile ride Cedar Bluffs Boost er Thirteen tons of mail for the St Francis branch was accumu lated in the express room at Ox ford and 200 pouches at Edison at one time during the washouts on the south side of the county Arapahoe Mirror Symphony Lawn Initial Sta tionery Just what you have been looking for MeCONNELL Druggist Magners groceries meet fully the pure food law requirements Freshest fruits at Magners Tuesday Evening Edition MTTTYTTTYTYTTTYTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTrTTTTYTYTTTTYTM I Needless Waste Of Seed Wheat I HAAAAXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJUkXAAAAAJUtAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJLAK Colorado Springs August 21 Farmers of the United States needlessly threw away 8896000 bushels of winter wheat this year not to mention an enormous loss in other farm products simply because they failed to prepare against drouth by taking steps to keep moisture in the soil This is the declaration of Secretary J T Burns of the International Dry Farming Congress who is now preparing to conduct the sixth congress which meets in this city next October Mr Burns had just read the report of the United States De partment of Agriculture for Aug ust showing that loss under the ivi1 crop iieiore mm lay a sheaf of wheat raised by J M Bradshaw of Peyton Colo who has just threshed an average of 20 bushels per acre from 100 acres patches in which ran as high as 57 bushels On the Brad shaw land only four inches of moisture fell from the time this wheat was planted September 2 WTYVYYYYYYYVYVYYY to the day it was cut July 15 and there is not a live stream in 25 miles This land was summer tilled that is carefully cultivated and the weeds kept down the summer before it was planted This is one of the tenets of scien tific dry farming as taught by the congress It is applicable to every part of the land says Mr Bums The average of all wheat in the U S according to the gov ernment is only 145 bushels and the quality is 92 as against 926 last year So there is nothing wrong with the 1911 wheat but lack of moisture Every farmer in the land could have done as Mr Bradshaw did with his little four inches of rainfall had he been intelligent enough to study dry farming methods and willing to do the necessary work declares Mr Burns Some day they will pre pare to meet drouth as they do other adverse phenomena of na ture and overcome it too Is sued by the International Dry- Farming Congress Press Bureau YYVTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTYTJ The Burlington Crop Report A MOST LIBERAL RESPONSE Good Roads Committee Receiving Such Treatment From the Citizens Messrs Pennell McConnell and Galusha have been soliciting wori and money from the people of MeCook for good road purposes and have received a most encour aging response Most persons ap proached have donated work or money The amount thus raised will go a long way in placing the roads east and west of the city in good condition This matter of good roads is receiving merited attention and encouragement from the people of the city and from farmers and others in this vicinity Work is progressing on the roads under the direction of P Walsh and A G Bump with re sults already noticeable and worth while Robbed the Drunk Man An intoxicated painter was rob bed by some unknown man last Saturday but no track was seeur ed of the thief The painter had just come in from doing som work at Sanborn and had a watch and some money on his per n B Fortney and J D Grant were fined by Police Judge Gray Saturday for fighting The amount each contributed to the public exchequer was 755 Broke Out of Ditch As a result of the rain Sunday the irrigation ditch broke out of its banks in the C W Kneeland neighborhood and gave them a liberal irrigation in that vicinity We are showing the newest styles in womens suits coats and skirts Colors brown blue and black mixed Coats with notch shape mannish collars C L DeGROFF CO McConnell fills prescriptions McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA TUESDAY EVENING AUGUST 22 1911 DEATH OF BELOVED SISTER Postmaster McCool of Indianola Mourns Passing of a Sister The Indianola Iowa Herald of August 17th contains an account of the death of Mrs T T An derson of that ciyt who is sister of Postmaster AY A McCool of Indianola this county Mrs An decson died on August 11th af ter an illness of more than a year most of the time being confined to bed Eliza Agnes McCool was the eldest daughter of William and Lydia McCool and was born on the farm home of her parents near LeClaire Iowa Scott coun ty October 19th 1849 Receiving a liberal education she devoted much of early life to teaching serving in that capacity in the schools of Davenport Iowa and Omaha Later became a city missionary serving in Omaha In dianopolis and Topeka Kansas meeting her future husband T T Anderson of Indianola Iowa while in the latter city and be coming his wife in Seward Ne braska June 12 1895 Mr An derson was for many years edi tor of the Indianola Io Herald and the wife was his greatest sup port with her energy and cultuiv in the editorial success of that pa per for years Affiliating with the Methodist church after her marriage she passed triumphantly to her re ward in that faith mourned and beloved bv all BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB An average yield of 75 per cen last week 70 Lincoln division 79 of a full crop is the estimate of last week 78 Wymore division vesterdavs Burlington crop re- j 70 last week 72 MeCook divisio 1 65 last k 65- Soil ondtios port on probable corn yields on the three eastern divisions of the road in Nebraska On the Me Cook division 65 per cent is giv en as a conservative estimate based on present indications A three quarters yield on the three eastern divisions is believed to be assured the heat and rains of the last week having been suffi cient to mature the crop rapidly Agents averages for the various divisions are Omaha division 77 ni vuij guuu iii utci tin kjvuin Platte country according to the report save on the Concordia branch and east of Wymore Plowing for winter grains indi cates that there will be a large acreage seeded The average tern perature is shown as 72 -degrees which is six degrees above the corresponding week of last year The maximum temperature was 103 degrees at Lincoln Lin coln Journal VETERANS AT CAMBRIDGE Ex Governor Shallenberger and Others to Make Addresses son While intoxicated he lay A Card of Appreciation down along the road just east of We are very grateful to all the the eating house and was relieved friends for sympathy and assist of his Avatch and money He was anee in our recent bereavement placed in jail to sober up and sorrow the death of our son i and brother Earl Kelly and es Fined for Fierhtiner ipecially do Ave remember the Cambridge Neb Aug 20 Special The nineteenth an nual southwest Nebraska Grand Army of the Republic reunion will be held here August 21 to 26 inclusive Extensive preparation are being completed for the great est reunion the old veterans have ever had The following noted men have been secured to deliver addresses on this occasion Ex Governor Shallenberger on Tuesday Hon John Everson of Alma and Judge Jesse L Root Wednesday Judge Dungan of Hastings and Hon I L Albert of Columbus Thursday Hon II W McFadden of Hol brook and W II Thompson of Omaha Friday also Congressman Norris and United States Senator Brown will appear Two games of base ball will be played each day in which the teams from Beatrice Alma Or leans Stockville and Cambridge wili participate Beatrice pbr Monday Tuesday and Wednesda Omaha Bee members of the O E S Mrs George C Paup Mr and Mrs nugh Kelly Denver Visitors Sunday About a score of MeCook boys visited in Denver Sunday to see the sights Among the attrac tions was a great motor cycle race in which such time as this was made Ten ins in 8 min utes and two fifth seconds five miles in three minutes and 27 seconds All the latest creations in neck wear for men you will find here C L DeGROFF CO Visit McConnell s Wall Paper Room The Republican nominees met in MeCook Saturday afternoon and organized for the county campaign by selecting John F Cor deal of MeCook as chairman of the county central committee W A Reynolds of Indianola secretary-treasurer J E Ludwick of MeCook assistant secretary The Republican county central committee was constituted as fol lows Alliance Samuel Premer Bart ley Beaver G B Morgan Dan bury Bondville Frank Weaver In dianola Box Elder Will Sexson Me Cook Coleman C W Nelson Cul bertson Danbury Driftwood J H Wade Me Cook East Valley D F Smith Bartley Fritseh C K Critehfield In dianola Gerver Don L Thompson Me Cook Grant Abe Peters MeCook Indianola W A Reynolds In dianola Lebanon Missouri Ridge Elmer E Er vin Indianola North Valley Ed Davis Bart ley Perry C H Harman MeCook Red Willow Frank Moore In dianola Tyrone John Lemasters Bart ley Valley Grange Ed Davis Bartley Willow Grove 1st precinct 1st ward J G Schobel 2nd pre cinct 1st ward W A Middleton ist rpeemcr znci ward E S Hoaa ell 2nd precinct 2nd ward J II Stephens The committeemen for Danburv and Lebanon precincts will be named by W J Stilgebouer the nominee for county commissioner on the Republican ticket At the completion of the busi ness of the session County Chair man Cordeal made an ontimistie raddress to the committeemen and nominees present forecasting suc cess for the ticket entire if ac ive efforts are made as proposed by the committee The temporary organization was formed by G B Morgan as chair man and Charles Skalla as sec retary The committee expects to at an early date open an aggressive campaign for the county ticket which is regarded as one of the strongest and best put in the field in years Nebraska Derby Red Willow county will be wel represented in the Nebraska Der by at Lincoln on September 5th This is one and one sixteenth miles running race for a purse of 300 W II Short of MeCook has entered Canipas Nappa and Solitary IT W P Plourd of In dianola Buena Gotham Volt rjiny Ben Strome Bet er Than Half Inch MeCook and vicinity received a little over a half inch of rain Sunday afternoon or to be ex act 58 It fell in a short time and was proceeded by a severe dust storm and accompanied by considerable wind The small wooden bridge in East MeCook was taken out by the water You never saw such a pleasing assortment of models and colors they are the sort that catch the dressy young mans eye and ap peal to the conservative as Avell Fit Form Clothes noAv on displa C L DeGROFF CO It Avill pay you to be particu lar about the drugs you buy You Avill make sure of the best every time by going to McConnell drug gist If you feel you want to shoAn in matter of quality be go NUMBER 25 ORGANIZED THE COMMITTEE LYNN HOYT Awn wmss tt wa Candidates Meet Fill the Central Committee and Elect Officers HELLRLEGEL MARRIED MeCook Young Blan Takes Kear ney Girl for Bride At the home of Rev J E Darby in the southeastern part x me city uynn B Hoyt and Miss Lena HeUriegel Avere mar ried Wednesday afternoon at two oclock EdAvard Strain Avas best man and Miss Stella Wenzell was bridesmaid The Avedding was performed in the presence of a feAv intimate friends The groom is a resident of Me Cook and is Avell knoAvn here having been one of the star ath letes of the Normal school He is a graduate of the Normal having received his diploma last year The bride has resided in Kear ney several years and until re cently her parents A ere here but they are uoav making their home m San Luis Valley She is also a graduate of the State Normal school here Mr Hoyt arrived in Kearnev trom MeCook Wednesday morn ing Wednesday afternoon at four oclock lie left with his bride ior uconto Avhere they Avill make their home Mr Hoyt lias been elected principal of the Oeonto schools for tlu coming year Dur ing the past feAv years he has been a contractor and builder of MeCook near Avhich place his father resides on a ranch but de cided to enter the teaching pro fession Kearney Hub Automobiles and Pleasure In 1909 the value of the auto mobiles manufactured in the Unit ed btates had risen from 4500 000 in 1S99 to 165000000 The value of locomotives produced in the same year Avas 27000000 Out of the total of 127289 ma chines produced in 1909 only 3 1SS Avere business vehicles This gives an idea of the Avidespread love of pleasure The nation in vested 138000000 more in pleas ure machines than in locomotives in 1909 Former MeCook Boy G L Littel former county su perintendent of Hitchcock coun ty and for the last year a stu dent at the state university will be principal of Lincoln academy during the coming school year Mr Littel s assumption of the headship of the academy Avas an nounced yesterday by L M Ob erkotter former principal and part oAvner of the institution He is to assume his duties at once The neAV principal has had years experience in Nebraska schools He Avould have taken a bachelors degree at the university at the next mid Avinter commencement had he continued his studies In addition to accepting the prin cipalship Mr Littel becomes a part OA ner of the academy He succeeds E A Balch former head master of Nebraska Military Ac ademy Avho Avas elected princi pal of the academy last spring but Aiio resigned to become head master of the history department of Kalamazoo college State Journal Relieve your headache the safe Avay take MeConnells headache capsules Non habit forming and free from heart depressing drugs A remedy you can depend upon 25 cents Miss Isora Rolfe entertained a large company of young girl friends last Friday afternoon at a laAvn party Kodaks and kodak supplies L W MeCONNELL Druggist Be a good roads Booster Everything in drugs McCon nell Classified Advertisements FOR RENT My residence Folding bed wardrobe and few other useful articles for sale Delia Jordan Phone red 173 FOR RENT The Ebert place to the MeCook Flour and Feed 10 room house steam heat bath Store i Good barn granary and chicken i house on premises Inquire of McConnell for drugs D C Marsh