The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 17, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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    r -
Hot Weather
Here again Sum
mer only one half
gone Dont for
get our great cut
price sale on our
oxfords and slippers
Vicrsen Osbom
Corner Store
201 Man
1 ZZ I 77 I
Gatewood DeMay wedding
AYednebdav morning at St Pat
ricks church Mr W P DcMay
of Denver and Miss Iva Gate
wood of our city were joined in
holy wedlock Rev Wm Patton
O M I celebrating the nuptial
mass at eight oclock
Miss Matie Elbert and Dr J
A Colfer stood up with the wed
ding party
Miss Millie Elbert presided at
the pipe organ during the cere
mony two vocal solos by Mr
Francis Colfer adding to the par
The bride i thse eldets daugh
ter of Dr and Mrs A T Gate
wood a popular and accomplished
voung lady The groom is the
chief clerk to the Burlingtons
general foreman at Denver and
a starling young man well know
in McCook where he has spent
several years of his life in the
Burlington office service
They departed Wednesday for
Denver Avhere they will make
their home
The Tribune adds its heartiest
well wishes and congratulations
Wir Immer Verkauf
Fleischers German knitting
yard 25c skein Best prints 5V c
yd Best table oil cloth 15c yd
Mosquito netting 5c yd Best ap
ron ck gingham GVc Mens
stout blue overalls 44c as good
as others sell for 75c Boys dou
ble front and seat overalls 44c
Mens Stetson hats 369 Am A
2 bu seamless grain bags 22c
Peerless carpet warp 26c pound
Leather wear yd wide black taf
feta silk 89c Feather -pillows
65c Und sehr feel ondra soick
fur billigest preis The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost values for
cash only
Our Extract Vanilla
represents the true flavor of
choice Vanilla Beans Pure and
wholesome and from four to eight
times the strength of ordinary ex-
tracts Our Essence ot Lemon is
equally as good
A McMILLEN Druggist
New Dress Skirts
See us for new voile skirts Pan
ama skirts batiste skirts Also
heavier skirts of Broadcloth and
novelty mixtures 165 to K
and alterations free The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost value
A McMillen prescription drug J
All the fresh fruits of the season
at Magners
Classified Advertisements
WANTED Positions by two
lady stenographers Phone black
WANTED Pupils on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie McBride phone
black 4C4
5th st east
4 room cottage
Greet Grand Officers
McCook lodge No 135 A F
A M of our city had the dis
tinction and pleasure of greeting
Grand Master Henry Gibbons of
Kearney Grand Junior Warden
Thomas M Davis of Beaver City
and Grand Custodian Robert E
French of Kearney Tuesday afte
Jioon and night The grand eus
todian held brief schools of in
struction both afternoon and eve
ning and refreshments were serv
ed in the banquet room after the
evening session at which there
was the usual post prandial en
joyment and profit The grand
officers went up the branch on
Wednesday morning to part1
pate in the laying of the cowi
er stone of the Chase coun
ty court house in Imperial today
A number of the McCook bretk
ren will be present on this aus
picious occasion also
Tire One All Over
Chafed blistered aching feet
reflect upon the whole body To
withstand pain one uses up nerve
force and that means reduced vi
tality Through hot weather one
needs all the vitality he can have
Comfort your feet with Rexall
Foot Powder and youll be com
fortable all over This is the
way to comfort them and t K
remedy is a delightful one to use
No matter how sor the feet may
be it affords prompt relief Price
25 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Special Hosiery Offer
Our 35c quality of La hose is
the Princess grade of the cel
ebrated Monarch brand of ho
ry If you will take the trouble t
cut this notice out and bring it
to us not later than Saturday
August 26th you will get 4 prs
of Princess for 100 Only
4 pairs to one customer The
Thompson D G Co Utmc
on Teplitz
for One Week Only
from August 18th
One third off
A McMILLEN Druggist
Game Called Off
For unavoidable reasons the
game of base ball announced for
this afternoon has been called off
We want our neighbors and
friends to accept out thanks and
gratitude for their marked sym
pathy and kindness toward us on
the occasion of the tragic death
of our son and brother
Prepare to Irrigate The pii
vate pumping plant is the most
satisfactory Our experience in
this special line enables us to
give you the best possible service
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
FOR RENT Storage room Everything thats seasonable in
Inquire of Barbazette Know- fruits and vegetables at Hubers all
land the time
The City Council
The city council was in regular
session Monday evening with the
mayor and all councilmen pres
ent in addition to Clerk Stoll
Minutes of two previous ses
sions were read and approved
Report of water commissioner
was read and filed
Following hills were approved
and ordered paid
A B Currie Co 35 14
Polk Bros 21 20
C A Fisher 10 00
J W Rhodes 4 25
J A Wilcox Son 2 89
Nick Snyder 11 00
Nebraska Telephone Co 17 80
T C liegeman 40 00
D II Donnellv 2 40
F W Rank 16 40
C F Ileher 1 40
F M Kimmell 28 70
William Ilust 9 40
E L Hawkins 14 10
j Ed Fitzgerald 38
I John Eclcstedt 53
L A Fitch 65 00
McCook Electric Co 9 27
E II Driggs 9 40
Adjourned to meet on August
As the new primary law pres
cribes that the work of canvass
ing the ballots shall not be taken
up until ten oclock on Friday
morning following the election it
is not possible at this printing
Thursday afternoon to give the
j official vote of the county hence
we are confined to the unofficial
returns phoned in or brought in
by carriers
The following figures are unof
ficial As practically no state cai
didate returns were given from
these figures only include the dis
trict judge and the several coun
ty officers voted for
For District Judge
Eldred fiT
Perry 226
Star 6S
For Countv Treasurer
Wood 397
Gray 267
Cochran 228
For County Judge
Moore 383
Silver 383
Ryan 132
The figures as they are now
in give the above as a tie But
the figures do not include the
vote of Missouri Ridge precinct
The vote of this precinct foi
county judge is reported unoffic
ially as being 5 for Moore 1 f
Silver and 1 for Ryan If these
figures prove to be correct the
nomination goes to Moore by a
plurality of four votes
For County Sheriff
Osborn 375
Woods 292
Murrav 97
Baker 74
Dewey 52
street number in doing so And
in case you move to new street
number kindly report promptly
Thursday Evening Edition
The Canvassing of the Primary Election
Vote will Begin Tomorrow
For County Treasurer
Hadley 237
Puelz 217
For County Judge
Golfer 292
Sheppard 150
For County Sheriff
Fitch 261
lliggins 249
For County Commissioner
Randel 119
Esch 57
For the other offices ther
ny of the precincts of the county were no contests
Chas Skalla was nominated for
county clerk on the Republican
ticket and Charles K Dutcher
on the Democratic ticket
For clerk of the district court
Elmer Kay Is the Republican
nominee and D W Colson the
Mr C E Eldred is Defeated
The nomination of Mr E B
Perry of Cambridge for district
K of P Day Sept 4th
Monday September 4th Labor
This year they will
x5l 7 x W Qr lw H10 v- k
During the summer of 1869
survejors were in the field in
Southwestern Nebraska running
guide lines and meridians as a
basis for the work that was to be
done later W E Daugherty wai
in charge of a party that on the
21st day of August of that year
had an encounter at some point
which has not been definitely lo
cated with a band of Sioux In
dians After a battle that lasted
from early morning until night
the whites made their escape in
the darkness without the loss of
a man In a letter dated at
North Platte August 24th 1869
addressed to A L Brown chief
clerk in the office of the survey
or general of Nebraska Daugh
erty described the adventure as
On the 21st about 6 oclock
in the morning a small partv of
Indians made a dash into camp j
and shot one of our horses and
succeeded in running off the bal-
ance 5 head but wc succeeded
I in retaking the stock and wound
liii two Indians We then com
pared notes and concluded as
there Avere evident signs of a
larjre oouv oi iiuiians in the vi
For county superintendent Miss -
t t t M t t
Elizabeth Bettcher is the Repub L i 4i river
nearest place on the and
ing it We hitched up and when
we had proceeded about two
iti line t irnin tni1liTili cnvimin1 Vntm ii vf GunIov
v v ouuvnv omjvuuu xi l wuuuu
to ci 1 4 i i rt
omu 11U1Mutnuuma j ftbout j Indians w10 Mind
r county coroner I seemed to come from the south
William J Stilgebouer Knmvi them to be hostil and
v W knowi
county commissioner without oj
judge on the Republican ticket is fe d
conceded by large majority over n J rf
Air C E Eldred of our city r i
Observe the date after your name
on The Tribune Notch it up
tion guaranteed or money back Besides this the brethren will pondent Ab
after i weeks actual wear The have the usual affair in their A firin r
The Knights of Columbus j one
v oj
Thompson D G Co exclusive lodge room in the evening
Utmost value
Public School Patrons
actions to be stationing sentinels
in squads at different points
I sounding as though the main
-T i r 1 -1 i
AAtir to nnrrnnw nt riu nr v wns sranoiUH ir
- I tw - w Lm -- -
t 1 f
a noint
OI tile largest 01 OatllOllC n i ii 00lnnl0 n hmt Irin i nrlc snntliw Psf nf us
al orders held their national con- tion fm entance to the grades in a ravine About dark we com-
vention in Detroit last week Ajof th cCook public cshools menced digging with more en-
vigorous denunciation of divorce win bp hed Friay August 25 ergy to make them believe we in-
wluch he characterized as le lt 0 nnh iw ii oirri tftifiorl n stnv lmt nt lmlf
ii i A nr e - wiv v 0i ow v r V
all Christians to join in fighting
political corruption marked the
sermon of the Rev F J Van Ant
werp of Detroit one of the prin
cipal features of the opening ses
Get our rates on Farm Loans
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Save 100 per cent of your corn
crop by using a Deering Cor
Binder Let us have your order
There is magic In the wortto
Advo They are the final word
in canned excellence And Huber is
the prophet
The best brands of canned fruits
and vegetables a Magners
Every thing in drugs
building Give this your past nine oclock Ave left out lit-
tion please
mugs soap lather urashes etc
Is the man who is contin
ually saving his money
And he puts it in a strong
bank for safe keeping un
til he finds a place where
he can put it to work in
some sound investment
Every dollar that he adds
to his surplus makes him
that much the happier
Why Because he is on the
road to prosperity and he
knows that in his declining
years he will not suffer
but will have enough mon
ey to care for all his needs
Start A Bank Account To
Day With
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F Lehx V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loujjhran P F McKenna
lican nominee and Miss Annie Mc I
fc more arms and amimmition German Evan Lutheran East
Do well the Democratic
Having no opposition in party
or in the Democratic party Chas
W Kelley is the only nominee
for county surveyor
The same is true of Dr David
as we were short of both and one 6th St Services every Sunday
of our guns having exploded and morning at 1000 oclock O R
wounded the man who was hold
Richert pastor
Christian Science The subject
morning is
Baptist Now that the union
ing that it would be useless services on Sundav evenings are
to try to keep out of their way closed Ave will resume both morn-
we concluded to stop and make ing and evening services Bible
the best fight we could We un- school at 10 C E at 7 15
hitched the stock and let them Services at the Pickens school
go When the Indians saw this house at 3 p m D L McBride
the whole force made for the minister
ent bv we
ithout any Methodist There are only
i t i 4 1 - - I- n4 I n
errect except possuny a norse wree muru nct hs uum um cm
While they were catching our nual conference
stock we wer edigging rifle pits The West Nebraska conference
and throwing up entrenchments ot the M E church will be lielu
- r -VT t f -
as good as we could during the at Lexington Neb beginning on
time we had which was short September 13 1911 Bishop War-
As soon as thev irot the stock ren will preside
Tim TriVmTiP is now heimr de Dnv will lx tlu nth annual mnimii n r1 Vw1lif the fourth quarterly
livered to city patrons and the bration of K of P Day in Mc- lls in mrVim stvie an dnv For- wice will be held in McCook Sep-
Th arranged for Let every one do his
Prgrrtm tunatelv of serious- father -
us was
puDiisner would be nleased to
that h tQ est to Imve aR repopts for the
have all patrons who fail to re- conference ready by that
announce that the proceedings wos siihtiy wounded in the fore- year
ceive their papers to report fail Wm jc bigger and better than iKKi jy n glancing shot and mvtime
ures to the Tribune office Dont anything yet attempted by th brother was disabled for dutv by The union services closed with
forget however to give your Pytnians ot UcUooic ami mat the oxpiosion of a cartridge in h iasc ounuay g me reguiui
means mucn tor me louge nere face which blinded him so he swwtBa um u ciu muimug au
has pulled off some pretty fast J could not see for nearly the evening next Sunday There will
ovonts ivli nl o Ar ir iooKii on i ue a welcome to an inencis and
II 1111
v - 1IT IllDILIfllll k11kllll
have a 0f their horses and know that m strangers and all members are
this fact So that no delay may d parade a base ball shot tweivt Indians three ofiurgd to e Present to help the
be expenenced in the prompt and 1etweJn the arried Men 0cgyo work of God in our midst
regular aenveiy ui yum papCi3 - -
in the evening there will be a they not venturing to take them
American Beauty Corsets street entertainment on a scale awav until dark Although their
The climax of grace comfort aiK along ijnes new an original uilets rained around us all dav
and style All the desirable snip and more too Everything of this iike hail not a man flinched nor1
vw pxow UUL cnaracier win oe iree fi0 i think one te t the least des
out dark they Willow creek making a verv
ind seemed by their onT mareiu
tie fort by crawling on our bod
ies about a mile and we thought
extremely dangerous as the moon
Mens Stetson Hats 339 shoni antl it AVas almost as light
The acknowledged unequalled as W aud we expected to crawl
hat of the world You can get ilPon the Indians every moment
them on credit in other stores But Ave did not and as soon as
for 450 or get them from us e d left a ridge of land be
for 369 spot cash The tween us and the Indians we ske
son D G Co Utmost value daddled the best we could and
rived safely at the river the next
difficulty day I lost the entire outfit not
Any shaving you
may have will vanish if excepting anything My brother
nell shaving aTd two other men are now out
supplies your
ites His eoods invariablv sivc Wlth a Partv of cavalry helping
satisfaction to rescue a part of ouroutfit
Safety razors strops
TlllS flgllt IS SUppOSed tO have
taken place in southern Chase or
Ono AHnnto and Motor wasliors northern Dundy county but as
save the women work and clothes has been sai lt is not known ex
Get one now at aetly where it occurred We have
McCOOK HARDWARE CO f1 account of this same battle
from the Indians point of view
W C T U meeting Friday in a report made by Lieutenant
August 18th 3 oclock Methodist of the Fifth United States
church brotherhood room cavalry of the substance of a
stafonent mfldp bv n snnniv
surveying party After detailing
the incidents of this affair the
report continues
The next morning the Indians
marched northeasterly recrossed
the Republican and camned on
For long while they hunted
on this creek following it up and
crossing over the head of Stink
ing Water While there a party
joined them coming from the In
While hunting here a party of
white men were reported Som
discussion appears to have now
ensued Whistler said We Wont
fight them We are foolish Let
us make peace Some men went
out toward the white men waving
white flags The white men fir
ed and killed an Indian horse
The men came back to camp and
all even the women and children
went out after the white men
They surrounded them and
held them some shots being ex
changed until night Two Brule
Sioux were killed and several
horses No white men killed
During the night the white
men went off The Indians knew
they were creeping out but only
wanted their rations and tobacco
and allowed them to go It had
been decided the day before to
do so
Ferris Corset Waists
The Comfort line Sizes for
all ages from 4 years to 40 years
50c 75c 100 The Thompson D
G Co Utmost value
McConnell fills flracarirnjH flie killing of the Bnck IDiCanndl fordrnffs