The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 15, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1
1 ri i v ir A Fh f Us THIRTIETH YEAR She BEST RAIN IN A YEAR Almost an Inch of Rain Friday Night With a Strong Wind Last Friday nights rain was the heaviest recorded in McCook for practically a year The reg ister indicated 91 of an inch There -was a strong -wind with th rain and trees and sign boards suffered some on that account The precipitation of the even ing before tota1 od 31 of an inch This makes the last four rains figure 47 51 31 and 91 or a total of 220 inches The mess and cook tent of coil- They pany Ms camp went down in the land Mr storm of last Friday evening and both were somewhat damaged Contractor Rosebush reports a amateurs in the state having met with but few defeats this season Important Meeting The W C T TT will hold a meeting in the3brotherhood room in the Methodist church on next Friday afternoon August 18th at 3 oclock All persons interested in the coming state W C T U convention of September 26 29 Avill please be present O E S Kensington The O E S Kensington will be held on Wednesday afternoci August 23rd at the home of Mrs W D Dungan The hostesses will be Mrs Dungan and Mrs C L Fahnestock Restore and protect your com- i t i 11 piexion that sun ana wma nave injured by applications of Mc Connells Cold Cream Be sure the cream is pure and right in every way Nowadays Cold Cream may mean preparations of various compositions Some are good others should be avoid ed Buy McCONNELLS COLD CREAM and you have something just Tgiht Splendid for sunburn windburn and tan and all rough and irritated conditions of the skin It is also a true skin food Price 35e If Yoii Have houses to rent list them with Whit taker Gray They have several applications on file now for hous es Phone black 2S3 Office in Tem ple block The Trans Continental Mr and Mrs M E Freeland and Miss Edna Freeland of this city and Mr and Mrs J N Freeland of Brockton returned home Friday ivom their automo bile trip through the west They spent two weeks visiting a broth er and three sisters at Imperial Neb and a train of five automo biles carrying a party of Freeland relatives made the trip from that place They went first to Denver Colo which city was made head quarters while visits were made to Colorado Springs Manitou and various other places of interest traveled about 2000 miles Freeland came home with increased pride in his ma chine Mr Freeland was enthus iastic over the good roads About loss of perhaps 200 in the storm twenty miles out of Nebraska of Friday night He had just put City they struck the a large amount of cement woik nental highway which is marked all the from Omaha to Den on bridges on the road between way McCook and the Willow and the ver It is a dirt road from Oma heavv rain of Fridav night ear- ha to Ft Morgan but from that Tied out the frames and much of city to Denver a great deal of the materials permanent road is being built a seven per cent grade lias been f y y v 3 y Vjy Tuesday Evening Edition TYTTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTK I Co Commissioners Proceedings I McCook Nebraska August 3 1911 The Board of County Com missioners met pursuant to ad journment Present F S Lof ton Edward Sughroue and W N Eogers county commissioners Chas Skalla county clerk Ab sent Chas D Ritchie county attorney The ffij lowing claims were aud ited and allowed and the county Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 1910 in payment thereof as follows Perry Bee Co coal E R Moon 20 50 S G Bastian Son mdse C Tjarks error on for mer bill Jacob Frank house rent June and Julv Mrs Weintz 20 Dr C L Fahnestock prof services Mrs Jeffers G 00 in r t ini ii - - - v ii i riiiw mii i ii l i Entertained at Whist -established and the lulls are r Ttpo r - i it f i nni vnk 1 services Mrs Jerrers lower and when the machines Monarch Typewriter Co reached the proper altitude they negotiated without difficulty It was a great trip and the party re turned feeling fine and glad t 1 j 1 m w applied to State Engineer D D jget iiome lt Avr la Record Price for aid for the construction I ews of bridge to be 300 feet long oveii the Republican river the estimat jCK ed cost to be 9000 Lincoln Journal Beatrice Too Many The Ueatrice Business boiiese boys proved too many for the lo cal aiririviration last Thursdav jf ternoon and when the score was revealed McCook had the small end of the score of 20 to 4 The Beatrice bows are among the best 3 v V V V V V V ICE CREAM SOCIAL An ice cream social will be held on the lawn of Mrs Mary Mullens residence corner of 1st street east and E street on Wednesday eve nine August 16th under auspices of the ladies of the Catholic guild All are cor dially invited jjjAjjjljjjjjjjjjjjjj Youll lie delighted with Mc Connells new handkerchief ex tracts Theyre the choicest the world affords exrmisite floral 1 odors of refined character for re fined people Hon James Wilson secretary of Agriculture will address the farmers of Nebraska on Recip rocity at the state fair Septem i Tvnnuritop nnrl nrrirlirll 1 00 Mrs Albert ucunien ana Mrs b wwwi im o xwowi W P Jones entertained the lad- to conform to the grade He was M Lee care ot Mrs ies of the clubs at bridge whist very much impressed with thel viuigley 2 TirW flftornnon it the home booster spirit that is in a uiuaieton registrar JV v - Will Camp at Edison Adiutant General Phelps has The countv commissioners have nf the former Mrs Georcre aeuce m an tne western towns Paup of Harlan Iowa and Miss visited especially at Ft Morgan Sadie M Burke of Joliet Illinois were out of city guests Mrs Paup won the honors of the oc casion Dainty refreshments were served following the completion of the series of games No serious accident happened and Mr Freeland said his ear behav ed beautifully under ordinary conditions but he began to won der what was wrong when the trip was made from Monument to Palmer lake a distance of three miles The difference in altitude of the two towns is 400 feet and given leave to company B sec- Avhen the cars reached the latter ond regiment Nebraska national lon tney were merely crawling guards to make a practice march to Edison Neb and return Ned confesses that he was just a little worried for fear something ust 15 to 18 The company williAvas wrong with tne car but I learned that all have the camp near an old settlers picnic cars at Edison and show the people how the soldiers of the Nebraska national guard live in camp Lin coin Journal 9000 County Bridge The county of Red Willow is the latest to ask for a slice of the state aid for bridge building same trouble Like some people the high altitude doesnt agree with their breathing apparatuses as adjusted The next nineteen- mile run brought them 1200 feet 00 6 00 00 fees 2nd quarter 11 00 W 1 1 Smith registrar fees 2nd quarter 3 25 E J Ilaehenberger registrar fees 2nd quarter 1 00 L E Naden registrar fees 2nd quarter 1 75 Dr Z L Kay fees Howard Jones insanity ease 8 00 C A Rodgers fees Howard Jones insanity case 6 25 A J Crawmer fees Howard Jones insanity case wit ness 4 00 Nebraska Telephone Co rentals July 19 25 L G Etherton publishing notice of bids and Equal ization notice claimed at -1570 allowed at 14 85 Marion Enterprise printing Equalization notice 1 65 er clerk of district court 78 50 Monarch Typewriter Co 1 ribbon coupon book 3 50 I E Cobbey 5 sets Anno tated 1911 statutes 60 00 Hammond Stephens Co supplies county superin tendent 6305 Hammond Stephens Co supplies county superin tendent 24 00 Hammond Stephens Co supplies county superin tendent 26 50 University Publishing Co supplies county superin tendent 7 50 W M Welch Mfg Co sup plies county superintend i 0 Klopp Bartlett Co 2 books county treasurer 8 24 Klopp Bartlett Co 2 doz 1911 road laws 3 50 Klopp Bartlett Co mar- i riage record uo nidge ZZ VI Klopp Bartlett Co auto mobile registration record 4 00 KI0l p Bartlett Co rul g loose leaf record KlMe Journal Co 1911 as essors supplies ioiks nd justic dockets ber 5 Owiner to the fact thatQuitn fmivn r c i this is a subject of moment in the vvalt fixt i c s treasurer affairs of the nation and will be office nnn n4 litt lnnlinrr lppuflp Ci j t y You will profit by and enjoy the travel talk by Mrs Welles in the Methodist church next Thurs day evening Pipe the new felt lids Arent they just too cuteously cute and humorously hued for anything trirls V Hear Mrs Welles in her travel talk in the Methodist church on Thursday evening of this week Flavoring extracts and spices for your preserves and pickling L W MiCONNELL Druggist W C T U meeting Friday August 18th 3 oclock Methodist church brotherhood room Kodaks and kodak supplies L W McCONNELL Druggist 3 00 168 50 j iv b hij ioohw ouue journal lo eiaim in the coming campaign a great files blanks and supplies 71 4S juuiui iug may ue expccLcu KCd Willow Countv Arimil o tural society 1911 countv s 337 50 fair appropriation 318 15 On motion the board adjourn ed to meet August 4th 1911 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska August 4 1911 The Board of County Com missioners met pursuant to ad journment Present F S Lof ton Edward Sughroue and W N Rogers county commissioners Chas Skalla county clerk Ah- ed to meet August 5 1911 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska August 5 1911 The Board of County Com missioners met pursuant to ad journment Present F S Lof ton Edward Sughroue and W N Rogers county commissioners Chas Skalla county clerk Ab sent Chas D Ritchie county attorney The board continued the exam ination of the accounts of C Na den county treasurer and after a careiul examination iind tne following to be a true and cor rect statement of all monies re ceived and disbursed by him as jueh treasurer from Januarv 1 1911 to July 30 1911 both inclu sive and the amount on hand in the several funds at the close of business on June 30th 1911 On hand Januarv 1st 1911 53552 45 Total collections in the G months 91200 83 Total collections 144753 28 Total disbursements 84185 73 Balance on hand in all I funds on June 30th 1911 60567 55 I Itemized statement was publish ed by the treasurer in official I paper on July 13 1911 The following claims were aud ited and allowed and the count clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 1911 as follows A J Mark wad ing 19 50 A J Markwad sharpening road scraper 3 50 II P Waite Co hardware and supplies 64 94 McCook Hardware Co sup plies and hardware 10 95 McCook Electric Co light July 4 18 Lee Arnett 1 Little West ern grader road district 13 130 00 McCookCement Stone Co cement wall steps walk and vases court hous grounds 286 5 J II Wade hauling iron bars 3 00 II P Sutton care of adding machines 2 years 56 00 Elizabeth Bettcher salary Co superintendent July 100 00 L M Higgms salary sher iff July 100 00 L M Iliggins mileage post ing primary notices 6- 50 Li M Iliggins telephone tolls June and July 2 15 E Benjamin salary deputy sheriff July 30 00 E Benjamin mileage post ing primary notices 2 00 E Benjamin boarding pris oners claimed at 700 allowed at 2 00 M Mathes janitor work July 40 00 C L DeGroff Co mdse Peter Balius Mrs Jeffers Mrs Ilenkel claimed at 2609 allowed at 24 64 Bullard Lumber Co coal Mrs Jeffers George W Dillon MeBrien John Pfeif Mrs Weintz Scott 55 25 C R Woodworth mdse Chris Hoffman 5 55 J A Wilcox Son mdse Mrs Weintz 7 15 State Bank Indianola house rent Mrs Vander voort 3 months 12 00 Red Willow Co Gazette le gal blanks S 00 State Journal Co Farm registration book and cer tificates 20 00 Klopp Bartlett Co sup plies Co superintendent 17 40 Klopp Bartlett Co sup plies county clerkmv 3 00 University Publishing to supplies Co superintend ent KhaS D Ritdlie Cnnty at W M Welch Mfg Co sup- mi plies county superintend Ljki Muuru commenced the ex amination of the accounts and books of C Naden county treas urer and continued the same throughout the day On motion the board adjourned net C A Rodgers attendance district court and mak ing trial docket Srtbntie McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA TUESDAY EVENING AUGUST 15 1911 7 50 17 69 2 25 Continued on page 4 j Buried Here This Morning A telegram Saturday last from Kansas City Mo announced the death of Earl Kelly brother of Hugh Kelly of our city Hugh took train 14 the same night for Kansas City and returned here Monday night on train 15 with the remains lor burial here Earl Kelly was born in Norton Kansas January 11th 1SS1 His parents located in McCook when he was one year old and he liv ed here until he was grown at tending public school during his boyhood days He died in Kan sas City Mo August 12th 1911 of typhoid fever from this division of Brief services were conducted this morning at 11 oclock at the home of Hugh Kelly by Rev R T Bayne of the Congregation al church burial in Longview cemetery following Earl Kelly spent his boyhood days in McCook but for years has lived in the west Typhoir fever is the given cause of death and his illness was not known to relatives here It seems that Earl had been notified of his mothers inten tion to visit in McCook and was on his way here when he became ill It is said that he spent a day or two in the hospital in Kan sas City and feeling some better had left the hospital But a re lapse returned him to the hospit al and he soon became delirious and remained so until the end His mother Mrs George C Paup of Harlan Iowa who hap pened to be here on a visit at the time of the sons death and the remaining brother of the family Hugh Kelly of our city have the sympathy of many oldtime friend in this sorrow - - Vandalism Last Sunday some party or pa ties trespassed on the farm of William Lewis adjoining the city and accomnlished considerahl damage and wanton destruction of property Practically all of the screening and window glass on the farm house and large chicken house were destroyed The house was entered and things scattered ibout and damaged Indeed much devilment and wanton de struction done on all sides Another Milestone Passed Such was the case with Mrs L E Lewis last Saturday and upon that evening a goodly company of her friends assembled at the Methodist parsonage and surpris ed her Simple refreshments were served to all and Mrs Lewis was remembered with a handsome cut glass dish by her church friends W B Whittaker made the br presentation talk to which Mrs Lewis made feeling and appropri ate reply Eagles Versus Moose The members of the Moose and Eagles lodges of McCook will try eonclusicns on the base ball dia mond Wednesday of next week Charlie Graves announces that will be a parade just befor I lie massacre commences forming on upper Main avenue Beware the Moose On the Back Track Benj F Young and Thos Gar rett of Washington Pa cycling to Denver were in the city this morning They were returning home The C AY Kelley residence on north Main avenue is being con siderably enlarged and modern ized Paper hanging and- light car penter work Wall paper clean ed L Cairn McCook Neb Phone red 124 Vocal and instrumental solos at the Methodist church on next Thursday evening Magners groceries meet fully the pure food law requirements Everything in drugs nell Freshest fruits McCi ifiocl iTlCO -- rffi83 itit Befli 5 WJXSr NUMBER 23 A TRAVEL TALK Mrs Welles WiL Deliver One in the Methodist Church Next Thursday evening in the Methodist church Mrs Matie G Welles will deliver a talk on her recent travels in the Old World Mrs Welles has during her ab sence of six months visited three continents and on many islands She has been in the land of the Pharaohs in the valley of the Nile has viewed the pyramids and the sphinx Has seen the Holy Land making the trip from Joppa to Jerusalem to The pall bearers were selected hem Jericho beyond the Jordan amonjr the enginemen and the Dead Sea Made the camping trip from Jerusalem to Galilee ner journey extended into the land of the unspeakable Turk the land of the Star and the Crescent saw Constantinople and the Bosphorus Went thru historic Greece Sunny Italv and rugged Scotland were in her itin erary With a visit to Oberam mergau to witness the famous Passion PlaA From these world- famous scenes she will speak It will be worth while The church should be filled on that occasion The proceeds will go to assist m defraying the expenses of the coming W C T U state con vention in McCook September fb to 29 and this cause should inspire a large attendance Ad mission 15 cents for adults chil dren under 15 3 ears 10 cents Sinking More Points The city is already moving to ward increasing the supply of water at the pumping station A six inch pipe line is being laid and onueeled with the present wilj h um which the supply is di rectly pumped from this six inch pine line Mui e points are to be put down and siphoned to the system These points are expeet i to mate s jjr iner ase the sup ply but in ease they do not the pipe lii e can be irilized for con necting with a regular well Three points now be complet ed and perhaps two more later on this new line If this idea proves satisfactory other lines can be similarly attached to oth er wells on the sysVm Old Settlers Picnic The Old Settlers Association of Red Willow countv will hold its ninth annual picnic September 14 1911 at Brookside farm one mile north of the Red Willow depot Watch for program later W S FITCH Pres MRS KATE THOMAS See Building Beet Dump The Great Western Sugar Beet Co is building its sugar beet damp at this place The dump i located just east of the wagon viaduct and is now well under way The structure will cost when completed about 2000 The McCook Bloomers and the South McCook Bloomers played a neck and neck game of base ball Sunday last with the South Mc Cook Bloomers a nose ahead at the finish 13 to 12 Classified Advertisements LOST A seven eighth carat diamond stud between Commer cial hotel and the base ball park Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to this office or to The Barnett Lumber Co office LOST A small gold pin Find er will be suitably rewarded upon leaving same at the McCook Na tional Bank FOR RENT 320 acres five miles northwest of McCook 200 acres in pasture For particulars see Jake Zimmer McCook Neb FOR RENT My residence Folding bed wardrobe and few other useful articles for sale Delia Jordan Phone red 173 LOST Brooch set with tnysts Return to Mrs Thos an Ill 2nd st rewards IS