The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 10, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
Not being able to make a personal
canvass of the county I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer and
whether elected or defeated I ab
solutely promise not to be ruled by
clique or ring I invite am investiga
tion of my record in the past from
the official records of the county
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of county treasurer on
the Republican ticket subject to the
Primary Election August lath 1911
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination of sheriff on
the Republican ticket subject to the
decision of the primary election on
August 15 1911
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for sheriff on the Republican
ticket subject to the primary electiot
August 15 1911
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of clerk of the district
court on the Democratic ticket sub
ject to the Primary Election August
loth 1911 7 G
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for county judge on
the Republican ticket subject to
the primary election of August
15th 13 5
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of coun
ty judge on the Democratic tick
et subject to the primaries on
August 15th
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of Coun
ty Judge on the Republican tick
et at the coming primary election
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for county judge on
the Republican ticket subjeect to
the decision of the primary elec
tion of August 15th
To the voters of Red Willow
county Having iihd for office
of sheriff will say to those who
are not acquainted with me that
1 Lave Jived m tins county since
ISSo Always voted the Repub
lican ticket and worked for can
didates I considered worthy of
my support Have never held a
county office but agree if nomi
nated and elected to attend the
duties of the office to the best
of my ability
I hereby announce myself asa
candidate for the office of coun
ty treasurer of Red Willow coun
ty subject to the Democratic pri
maries on August 15 1911
Indianola Nebraska
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of sheriff
on the Democratic ticket subject
to the decision at the primary
election August 15th
To the Republican Party
Regarding my candidacy for
County Judge on the Republican
ticket T hereby promise if elect
ed not to ask for a fourth term
My many friends in various
parts of the county who are ac
quainted with the important du
ties of this office feel that such
an office should be held by an at
torney so that all eases coming
before said court can be decided
without delay
I shall give the office and the
people the benefit of my training
in a law school and my nine
years experience as an attorney
in all matters connected with the
duties of the office
I wish to thank my friends for
their -many acts of kindness in
this campaign and shall appre
ciate their support at the
We are now approaching rap
idly the date when we must give
final consideration to the import
ant matter of for whom shall
we as Republicans vote for judge
of the Fourteenth judicial dis
trict at the primary election on
August 15th next
We must not overlook the ef
fect our action may have upon
the future interests of the people
of this district whom The Trib
une takes to be deeply interested
in matters progressive
We have hi C E Eldred of
our city a progressive Republi
can of the genuine blown in the
bottle sort And this suggests
that it is just as important to
have progressive courts to con
strue the laws as it is to have
progressive legislators and con
When our progressive fellow
townsman Hon G TV Norris was
reelected last fall to congress C
E Eldred was foremost among
his ardent supporters Cambridge
precinct in Furnas county which
is the home of the opponent of
Mr Eldred for the judicial nom
ination returned a majority vote
against Congressman Norris al
though that precinct has normal
ly a large Republican majority
At the primary election of next
April Congressman Norris will
be a candidate for the nomina
tion for United States senator
and it is but the part of wisdom
and discretion for the friends of
Congressman Norris to see to it
that the one who is nominated
and elected- to the office of dis
trict judge is absolutely friendly
to the interests of our progres
sive congressman
Mr Eldred has not onty dem
onstrated that he is friendly but
his enthusiastic support of Mr
Norris last fall places him in line
with the prominent progressive
Republicans of the district And
the nomination of Mr Eldred
would clearly be an endorsement
of the actions of Congressman
But in addition to these con
siderations we have in Mr Eld
red a man who not only posses
ses a natural judicial tempera
ment but whose knowledge of
the needs of our people gained
through his long and successfu
practice here as well as in the
several offices he has held to
gether with his high persona
character and clean and conscien
tious methods of life peculiarly
and particularly equip him fo
the important office he seeks
Vote for C E Eldred for
judge for the Fourteenth district
August 15th
Political Advertising
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of sher
iff on the Republican ticket sub
ject to the decision at the pri
mary election August loth
Political Advertising
Francis G namer is a candi
date for the Republican nomina j
tion for supreme judge There
are three supreme judges to nom
inate and elect Mr Hamer
seeks to be one of the three Re
publican candidates He is the
only Republican candidate in the
western part of the state He
has resided at Kearney thirty
nine years and has lived in the
state forty one years ne has
never held any office except the
office of district judge which of
fice he held from 1883 to 1892
Mr Ilamer was born in Ohio
February 20 1843 The Ilamer
family moved from Ohio to Car
roll county Indiana in Septem
ber 1852 Mr Ilamer was born
and raised on a farm lie attend
ed school in Ohio Indiana and
Illinois ne studied law and was
admitted to the bar at Indianap
For many years Mr Hamer has
been one of the leading lawyers
of the state He has tried eases
in many counties He has also
tried cases in Illinois Iowa Wy
oming and Colorado He has al
so appeared and argued eases in
the United States circuit and dis
trict courts and also in the Unit
ed States supreme court While
he has tried many civil and crim
inal cases he tried and won the
Irrigation case which gave irri
gation to Nebraska and he claim
that as his greatest case
Fire Loss on Big System
The fire loss- on the various
branches of the Roek Island sys
tem averages more than 600 a
day and most of it could be pre
vented with little effort and ex
pense according to a statement
published in the current issue of
the Rock Island Employes maga
Political Advertising
large circle of friends He was
elected by a large majority as a
member of the senate from this
district and he pursued such a
straightforward course during the
session always being for a square
deal that he has the distinction
of being one of the fairest and
most upright members of that
body He hails from the great
Republican Valley in the south
western part of the state that is
enuuea to recognition on me
ticket and if elected we feel safe
in stating that he will give every
one that has business with the
Board of Railway Commission a
square deal and that is what is
demanded rather than a man
who is fanatical on either side
Bloomington Advocate
State Senator J B McGrew of
Bloomington will be a candidate
before the August primary for
the office of state railway com
missioner Mr McGrew lias an
excellent record as senator and
will no doubt receive the nomina
tion Franklin News
J B McGrew went down to
Lincolu last week and filed as a
Republican candidate for the of
fice of state railway commission
er Mack made a rattling good
record in the state senate last
winter and has the stuff in him
to make a good commissioner
but before Ave 11 vote for him hes
got to promise us a better train
service here at Riverton River
ton Dem Review
The following resolution was
unanimously passed bv the Repub
he an convention of Franklin
We take pride in the clean
record of Hon James B MeCrew
as state senator in tiv rent leg
islature His fallow ciicns of
Franklin county bsUi w that his
record should commend Lim as
an able honest and industrious
public servant to higher official
honors at the hands oE the peo
ple of he state of N jhraska and
hereby idorse his candidacy for
Slate Railway Commission er
We are pleased to note that
Senator J B McGrew of Bloom
ington has filed as z candidate
for he republican nomination
for strte railway commissioner
ftnTiotnYi rrj iOTtr mnln nn omrl
Political Advertising
Some Endorsements for James B McGrew
Republican Candidate for State Rail
way Commissioner
It gives the Advocate great upper branch of the late legisla
pleasure to speak a few words of ture always found advocating tlu
commendation for our fellow measures that were to the inter
townsman J B McGrew who is est of the masses and if nominat
the Republican candidate for rail- ed and elected railway commis
way commissioner lie has been sioner may be trusted to continue
a resident of this state for about that policy Hildreth Telescope
twenty five years and nearly all
of this time has been engaged in Senator J B McGrew and wife
the banking business in this n lunud to their home here Tues-
county where by his honorable- da morning after staying in Lin
and conservative manner of con- coin during the legislative session
ducting business lie has won a The Senator was kept busy
ing hands with his many friends
when he came down to the of
fice for his mornings mail The
Senators record at the legislature
is above criticism for of all top
ics he works for the people of
the state and not for any clique
or party Heres our good right
hand Mae Franklin county is
proud of you Franklin County
Dem Tribune
Mr J B McGrew has filed as
a candidate for railway commis
sioner on the Republican ticket
This is for the place now filled
by John W Furse Mac is all
right from a Republican point of
view and would fill the place as
well as any Republican Bloom
ington Dem Tribune
The following endorsement was
contained in the resolutions
adopted by the republican county
convention of Webster county
We further hereby endorse
the record of our senator from
the 26th senatorial district the
lion J B McGrew of Bloom
ington Nebraska
J B McGrew has filed with
the secretary of state as a Re
publican candidate for the nom
ination of railway commissioner
Mr McGrew has the qualifica
tions for making a tip top officer
and his past acts while m the sen
ate are a guarantee that if elect
ed he will deal with public mat
ters on the square deal plan
Bloomington Advocate
Our friend Senator J B Mc
Grew of this district has filed
as a candidate for railway com
missioner No one can deny Mr
McGrew s ability in matters of
the kind that would come before
him should he be elected most of
the questions that come up be
fore that body for judgment be
ing problems of a business com
plexion and in the settlement of
which his long years of practical
experience in the business world
will come m ighty handy His
heart will be in the right place
too that is for fairness and jus
tice Mr McGrew won this rep
utation when in the banking busi
ness and as far as we know never
took a mean or unfair advantage
of anybody in all the various deal
ings he had withni en This is
saying a good deal because too
able record as a member of theloften you hear Jt said tliat so
and so pinched him when he
caught some one in trouble The
testimony is the other way how
ever as regards Mr McGrew
Mae always treated me right i
what you hear about him We
believe the same verdict will be
returned after he has served his
time in the office of railway com
missioner He was all right
will be the common opinion youl
hear when his term is ended and
the of fie eturned over to a suc
cessor Franklin Sentinel
We feel it incumbent upon us
to congratulate Senator McGrew
upon his splendid legislative re
cord He has proven himself
true at every turn to his constit
uency Not a partisan act has
been his Mac has been demo
cratic and progressive in his
voting We have failed to find
For job printing of every kind The
Tribune office is well equipped
Meets all legitimate prices Guaran
tees satisfactory work Let us fig
ure with you before you let your
work Phone us if you cant come
to the office We will call and quote
you prices
The Tribune 100 the year
A 3000 suit for
JwumunuCTaujaH UBjaLxaHnwjwxLiaagagi
him at any time lined up behind
any corporation He made a
I faithful servant and no man can
decry his fidelity to his
uents J rerrcn Uemj Review
The River ton Review last week
published a well merited compli
ment to Senator McGrew upon
his stand upon all questions in
the late legislature Senator Mc
Grew has at all times recorded
his vote in favor of the greatest
good to the greatest number and
sometimes has left his party in
order to accomplish his aim He
returns home with a full knowl
edge that he has faitlifully rep
resented his district and that he
has the respect and confidence of
his constiuentts The remarks of
the Rivreton paper will be found
on the third page of this paper
Bloomington Advocate
Magner sells better groceries than
the just as good kind Try him for
an order
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Cl PBS and Purifies the Blood
Hart S chaff ner
suits except blue serges at 30
- 2100
- 1400
- 1260
- 1050
- 840
During this sale we will sell all
low shoes at same reduction
AM our straw hats except pana
masn are on sale at half price
Cut Prices on Coal
During the months of July and August on lots of
three tons or more we will make following prices
Canon Lump 800 per ton
Maitland Lump 750 per ton
Maitland Nut 700 per ton
Maitland Pea 650 per ton
Lignite Lump 650 per ton
Iowa Lump 650 per ton
Pennsylvania Nut 1250 per ton
Pennsylvania Stove 1250 per ton
Pennsylvania Furnace 1200per ton
Colorado Nut 12oo per ton
These prices areioo less than last winter and will save
you some money by putting in your winter coal now
Billiard Lumber Co
Telephone No 1
s 1