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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
tf I t 4 rm fc V i K i v M 5 ir xr THIRTIETH YEAR XX That any person or persons needing or not needing Slippers or Oxfords should get in on the extremely low prices during our Sale They are going fast Viersen Osborn The Corner Store A Coming Shower To Editor Tribune To gladden the heart of a cripple will the pec pic of McCook send a post card shower on a little cripple boy who has not walked for three vears lie can read and it would he a joy to him to receive them His name is Loren Miller 101 4th street E McCook Nehr Date for shower August 16th A FRIEND Will Open September 5 Supt Taylor announces that the fall session of the McCook public schools will open on Tues day morning September 5th On account of Labor Day and Pyth ian Day the schools will not open on Monday- but on Tuesday morning following and hence there will be no interruption of the sessions of the week Half Price on Ladies Suits Also on Summer Dresses for wo men The suits are tub suits jackets and skirts Some of them now as cheap as 213 The Thompson D G Co Utmost Aal nes Stats Convention Program Mrs J G Inglis went down to Lincoln Tuesday morning to as sist in preparing the complete program for the state W C T U convention whsich will meet in McCook September 26 to 29 next Walkers Grape Juice can be used as a beverage as a food product for social purposes for delicate children for ices or punch Call and get Grape Juice Recipe Book A McMILLEN Druggist Everything in drugs nell Albums for vacation snap shots various prices and the best thing in which to keep your ko dak pictures L W McCONNELL Druggist The problem of county philan thropy is approaching such pro portions locally as to attract at tention and cause some hard thinking by the officials who have this matter to handle There is a loo marked disposition to be come chronic and hopeless the curse of charity Classified Advertisements FOR SALE A Stanhope buggy in good condition Phone black 46 WANTED Pupils on piano and or gan beginners preferred Terms 50c per lesson Susie McBride phone black 4G4 WANTED Plain sewing washing and ironing Mrs May Jeffers 106 2nd street east FOR RENT 4 room cottage 605 5th st east FOR SALE A collapsible go cart J S Miller 301 6th St E Phone black 376 FOR JJEMT Storage room Inquire of Barbazette Know land 100 The Tribune one year ENCAMPMENT ENDS TODAY -T Company M Closes Its Week of Drill and Practice Today ends the weeks encamp ment of Company M of our city The company besides being drilled daily has been in daily rifle practice on the range just north of the city under the per sonal direction of Major Penn the regular army instructor The company bands daily con certs have been somewhat inter fered with by unfavorable weath er but the concert of Tuesday evening was of exceptional merit and call to the parade ground just northwest of the city park quite a numerous and appreciat ive hearing The concert concluded with the Star Spangled Banner when with the company at attention the flag and company banner were struck Ditto may be used in des cribing the concert of last even ing Special Examinations Patrons of the McCook public schools will notice that special examinations for entrance to the various grades of the McCook schools will be given in the high school building Friday August 23 All who make special ar rangement with the office for special examinations are request ed to lake the examinations at that time as the regular work of organization will take all of the time of those in charge from that date till the opening of school Dress Skirts New voiles and Panamas from i J2r to 1000 Our line em braces batistes broadcloths mo hairs serges cloth sKirts and the heavier coming this fail Some skirts as cheap as 165 Alterations free The j Thompson D G Co Utmost val ues for cash only A McMILLEX in so strong Druggist Stetson Hats 369 This sensational price is fide and all the time Let money do its best for you Notice to Water Consumers On account of increased sup ply of water in the city wells consumers are hereby advised that they can ue water at any and all times By order of the city council JAPTES McADAMS Mayor Lincoln Climatic Paint the only paint made for certain climates A paint of higher grade and body than any ever offered in the market with its covering power increased beyond any paint Installation Members of the O E S are reminded that on Friday evening of this week will occur the lation of the remaining uninstall 1 ed officers of the chapter Good attendance desired bona your Th Thompson D G Co Utmost val ues Well and Windmills We earrv a full lino ntul e in w t drill or repair your wells at reas onable prices McCOOK HARDWARE CO Observe the date after your name on The Tribune Notch it up zo Wool Remnants all colors at per cent discount C L DeGROFF CO Two days only we will sell fifty cent stationery for 39 cts Get a box McCONNELL Druggist McConnell s Witch Hazel soap is pure keeps the skin active and healthy Best for nursery toilet or bath If the sun burns you get a bot tle of McConnell s Fragrant Lo tion and apply the dainty heal ing preparation to the inflamed parts Gives immediate relief from the smarting and if the burn is not too deep will pre vent the peeling that so disfig ures one Theres no lotion its equal for 25c U- Thursday Evening Edition GOOD ROADS THE SLOGAN Good Roads Organization Effected Tuesday Night and Work on Roads Already Begun MAYOR IS ASKED TO DATE A GOOD ROADS DAY The Movement Now On Foot Seems Destined to Give the Good Roads Proposition Early and Definite Results The McCook Commercial club was in regular session Tuesday evening disposing or tne usual routine business of the organi zation President Cordeal was in the chair and Secretary Ludwick recorded the events of the even ing Under suspended rules E H Thomas and C J OBrien were voted into the club membership Regular bills of the club were allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment for same On motion it was ordered that the funds raised to defray ex penses of the agricultural school nosition covered the entire conn REPORT TO OFFICE The Tribune is now being de livered to city patrons and the publisher would be pleased to have all patrons who fail to re ceive their papers to report fail ures to the Tribune office Dont forget howveer to give your street number in doing so And in case you move to new street number kindly report promptly this fact So that no delay may he experienced in the prompt and regular delivery of your papers It Pays to Plow and you will find the John Deere gang and sulky plows sold by the McCook IlardAvare Co are the best to buy The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Get our rates on Farm Loans DORWART BARGER Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store There is magic In the word3 Advo They are the final word In canned excellence And Huber is the prophet The best brands of canned fruits and vegetables at Magners The McCook Tribune the year in advance All the fresh fruits at Magners It is 100 of the season Pennell TV B Mills A G Bump C II LTarman D G Divine P Walsh C R Livingston L W McConnell was named by the president to have the matter of plans finance etc in charge The president F M Kimmell and C L Fahnestock were nam ed a committee to prepare con Srtbtme McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY J3VENING AUGUST 10 1911 g9W otte iSoijS LOCAL AsE PERSONAL EMDay who has been in Den and family Harry Edwards left last night for St Joseph Mo to secure work Mrs W B Whittaker return ed home on belated 15 yesterday morning Miss Celestine Ivendlen of Denver is a guest of the Misses Barbazette Miss Tillie Droll returned yes terday on 13 to the farm near Culbertson H W Keyes was a pilgrim to the countys capital yesterday on business ot the law J W Wimer departed Tuesday night for Iowa to work at his trade carpentering 1 D Long a real estate and in surance man of Haigler had bus- stitution and by laws or a iuess in the city Wednesday pie working organization plan for E B Perry of Cambridge was the association j in the city yesterday on matters A motion prevailed that the oi legal business and incidental mayor be requested to issue a politics proclamation providing for a Irs C J OBrien and son date for a Good Roads Day for J James are visiting in Indianola the citizens of McCook who will this week guests of C A Hedges campaign be placed in the regular be requested on that date to re- ancl family iui imisurv ana mat tne ex pense bills be paid in full from the club treasury in the usual method Messrs J N Gaarde M O McClure and Joseph Mokko were constituted a committee ot aud it these expense accounts Adjourned Immediately after the adjourn ment of the commercial club a good roads meeting was organiz ed with J F Cordeal as tempor ary president and J E Ludwick temporary secretary O II Ilarman made an exhibit and explanation of a scheme for financing such a movement on the zone or district plan His plan contemplated a yearly ex penditure of about 13000 for a period of five years and his pro- frain from other than necessary C A Rodgers clerk of the business activities that day and district court is down from the lend a hand for the day in per son or by substitute in working on the public highway Practically all present joinec the association and paid the nom inal membership fee of 50 cents The practical concensus of thought and opinion was that right now is the proper time to go to work on the roads while the soil is moist and conditions of osil are mot favorablse ranch for a while lookiner after official and other duties Mrs Amanda Berry who has been visiting her daughter Mrs Reeder in Kansas City arrived homo on 13 yesterday Miss Ada Ileskett is visiting with friends at Trenton this week leaving for the Hitchcock capital Monday on 13 Miss Laura MeCIain is rapher and clerk for Jennings Wednesday morning the general Hughes Co during Miss Alice comrmrtrc mot in the commercial McKenna s absence in the east club room and formulated plans E E Magee and Master Bruce - it i - i i NUMBER 22 The Han Who Fails Is the man who spends all he is able to earn from day to day He knows he should save money or when he is too old to work he will have to rely on the charity of his neighbors and relativ es but he doesnt make a start The older one gets the harder it is to acquire the saving habit Dont delay longer but start a bank account with THE Mccook national BANK P Walsh President C F V Pres C J OBrie Cash DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science The subject for next Sunday morning August 13th will be Soul German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1000 oclock O R Riehert pastor Congregational Good Citi zenship and the Church will be the subject of Rev Lewis sermon lor nnmciite work J Walsh wno nave ueen spending tne past Sunday evening in the union took charge of the work from month in California and Idaho services in this church McCook west to the county line arrived m the city on It yester Und A G Bump was placed at day rio head of- the work from C A Ready the Hayes Center Cook east lawyer is down for a few days The committee at once met helping in mixing up political in offers dope as the primary day tv i smpiiil four mill Wv nn -11 with prompt responses w - - - - V 1vw 7 personal and real property pro- 0I worij mil money and tJie com- proacnes viding the funds The plan is comprehensive and has many just and desirable feat ures but seems to be without the sanction of the present statutes and is apparently not workable under the existing legal machin ery Responding to the evident de sire of many present that a good roads organization be perfected at once J F Cordeal was elect ed president J E Ludwick sec retary and J N Gaarde treas urer of proposed permanent or ganization A general committee composed of A Galusha chairman F A mittee roads Students Want Places Indications point to a large en oilm nt in the McCook high s hool the coming year Already applications are coming in for places wheiv prospective students may iih all or a part of their expenses Supt1 - one girl who want to earn all or a part of their way whil in school Five of these are new Ntiknts from a distance in th euiinrry who have never at t ndd our schools before Any one who wishes students to work for board and room or a part of either wilt these boys v Supt Taylor confer a favor on nd girl by phoning at once On Bargain - Square -We have placed 20 dozen chil drms medium weight hose at 9 cents a pair sizes G to 91 This is a line we are discontinuing and that we sold from 12c to 18c a pair according to size Now yours for 9c a pair The Thompson D G Co Utmost values for cash onlv Be straight and have breathing room Wear Rexall Shoulder braces Price 1 is at work already on the R At Tw who tins been in Den- On1 road drag had been built ver taking treatment for rheum- atism has been much benefited and is expected home close of just before the meeting and or- this week M iHM it nnrii nlnnl fY um I eril more Miss Sadie M Burke of Joliet in w o t ti rc j ri i t in jo i uiaoi ui nun itiio x can tor county judge Mrs O S Hasty of Arapahoe and Mrs S S Hasty of Sheridan Wyo are visiting relatives in the city Grandma Ilastv of our nighboiing town is in her 90th yiir j Charles Xorthrup came in from j K insas City early in the week and was a guest in the C II Boyle home until today when board and room -1 or Denver and Salt Lake has applications from five City on business L W MeCONNELLDrunst Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Hubers all the time Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners Try a Tribune want ad and watch results Miss Viva Phelan who has b en visiting McCook friends for sveral weeks departed Monday nght for Long Beach California where she will join her mother who recently moved back to the Beach from Portland Oregon where Miss Josephine still resid es Mr and Mrs W E Crouse and daughter of Fort Smith Arkansas arrived in the city first of the week and briefly visited his brother and wife Mr and Mrs J P Crouse They left today for Colorado to make a visit his sister at New Windsor Mr Crouse is a conductor on the Fort Smith Western railroad one oc the lines running out of that city McConnell fills prescriptions Big reduction on Wash Dresses C L DeGROFF CO The embago has been entirely raised on the use of city water Huber handles the Carhart gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes 1 Get a hox of Embossed tionery for 39c L W McCONNELL Druggist Baptist Bible school at 10 a m Morning sermon at 11 C E at 7 15 No evening service oi account of union meeting at the Congregational church D L McBride pastor Some Sample Prices We sell best prints 5yc Mer itas table oil cloth 15c Peerless carpet warp 26c lb Best apron ginghams 6c Fruit of Loom muslin 10c Good unbleached muslin 5c Wide oeverai jranrs are now at work ri vr ii t a wmn iu iv uarion uaniniry Lebanon Wart ime audience at the Pickens and inajanojaj hy per auto Tues aunuui iiuuse iM oumury m iur 1 lnv in lIl interests of his noon Keguiar services will e didne Held there every p m two Avceks at 3 sheetings - 23c ueai uiss buiau is i umvi jui uii E141 n oncn - 1 on the road both east and west of e 4 ii nil11 imiows vuv 0000 men Smyrna Rugs ijil2o Fleischer s l l III II I Sllll VI - IV I 1 I scrapers drags etc ii lmiHinn OT 1 ed here for while l a n i - - iu stvt m luosuuuu neiung oc a Sri h S Sllvei mnrlji n of 1 a 11 n n t rrTi wi - -- l1 jura jieu s stout oiue overalls with drill pockets 44c Boys dou ble front and seat overalls 44ets Mens suits from 2000 down to 325 Childrens rompers 25c 39c 50e Leatherwear yard wide black silk S9e Ladies dress skirts 165 to 1000 Large line of plaids for school dresses 35c yd Ladies vici kid oxfords for 119 American A 2 bu seam less grain bags 22e each Stet son hats 369 Yes its cash that enables us to make such prices Taking every discount known to the trade and passing those ad vantages on to you We solicit your trade The Thompson D G Co Utmost values ADDITIONAL PERSONAL E E Magee departed this morning for his home in Aurora Nebraska Mrs J G Schobel went down to Minden this morning on a vis it to her parents Miss Ethel Stephens resumed work in J E Kelleys office this morning after a brief vacation Percy Purviance science t acii er in the Iiign school at Ezrek California uns a guest of S ipt Taylor last week Mrs Rose Werniment daugh ter and son of Geneva Nebras ka are guests of Supt and Mrs Taylor W A Mitchell came up from Hastings Nebraska Saturday to be with the home folks over Sun day He returned to his work Tuesday morning City Treasurer Thorgrimson is out after that occupation tax to day You will find them fresh and clean at Magners gfoceiy Subscribe for the Semi Weeklj Tribune 100 per year V II j 1 a u 1 l II