AV rsj f h i r BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No 6 1130 P M 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 13 945 A M 12 G35 A M 14 920 P M 10 505 P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 l220 P M 3 1142 P M o arr S30 p m 13 930 A M 15 1230 A M g 625 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 17G arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to my point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska ADDITIONAL RAILROAD Fireman II AY Perkins was off sick Sunday Auditor Lawritson was at headquarters Saturday W V Carroll made a social visit to Cambridge last Sunday Fireman O jL MeClureis having considerable trouble with the hand he recently severely in jured Thomas ONeill boiler in spector from Lincoln is in the city today Engine 2S0 was in the yard this morning being broken in af ter an overhauiig Frank McClure is a clerk in the general foremans office be cinninc on Monday Engineer George VanOsdal lias the Hastings Red Cloud local run now and makes his head quarters at Hastings Frti Ebert of the blacksmith force was in Sutton Saturday Sunday And had a lively time The company maintained its record of getting No 1 into Den ver on time notwitlistanding the flood troubles Seventeen minutes were mad up on train 1 one trip last week between McCook and Ilaigler Billie Monks was driving Fred Clark of Master Me chanic Culbertsons office went down to Havelock Saturday eve nhiK on No 10 on a short visit Engineer A Monks took a fruit special east Thursday ex pectini to bring west the presi dents special but the washout spoiled the plan Engineer Robert Koeble went up to Denver today to see En gineer Hugh Brown who is in a hospital in that city in which he was recently operated upon The Orleans St Francis line has been operating between Beav er City and St Francis practical ly ever since the washouts near the Orleans end of the branch The third washout trouble on the Kansas Citvr line occurred early Sunday morning Monday 13 did not reach McCook until 3 p m coming by way of Hast ings No 15 this morning was the first train to come west over the valley line the last wash out No 13 came over the val ley line this morning also about three hours late A large amount of work re mains to be done on the Kansas branches even after the branch es are open to traffic Especial ly so at Orleans where the com pany is frequently bothered by high water and the mill dam at that place It will be necessary io change the road bed at this place The Burlington St Francis branch which went out of com mission Wednesday night is not yet repaired Half a mile of the track is out on this line and the road had delayed its repair until the more urgent repairs on the Denver Kansas City route were complete The work must now be further delayed and the line will not lie open until next week Lincoln Journal The Burlington operating de partment faced a disordered time card Saturday morning as a re sult of the unprecedented down pours between Oxford and Arap ahoe Beginning early on Friday evening rain fell steadily from Lincoln to Sutton with maximum fall of from nine to twelve inch es between Oxford and Arapahoe and six to eight inches near Su perior Every through train to and from Denver was tied up for from eight to twelve hours by the situation on the main line near Oxford Two thousand feet of track were swept away between Cambridge and Holbrook and other minor troubles dotted the line from McCook to Hastings and from Oxford to Superior Lincoln Journal vapwm DAMAGED ROUND HOUSE Three Stalls of One Section In volved in the Accident Last Thursday afternoon while ornrino 1M0 an R 4 was enter ing a stall of the McCook round house the engine cab came in contact with the column support ing the roof tearing the support loose bringing down two of the large roof girders and allowing the roof over stalls 17 18 19 to sag into that section of the round house Fortunately nostler Kelso was able to escape from the cab be fore the roof dropped and he es caped injury The damage to the engine is small The damage to the round house will amount to several hundred dollars A force of men was at once put to work to remove the debris and the damage will be re paired at once The accident resulted from the rail on one side sinking slightly under the heavy engine just af ter the engine cleared the door this caused the cab to veer a lit tle to the east and catch the roof support The accident occurred where a ditch had recently been excavated for some new piping OFFICIAL PARTY HERE Burlington Men Went East Af ter Trip to Cheyenne President Darius Miller Vice President Byram Chief Engineer Calvert and General Manager Holdrege of the Burlington made up a party of officials who pass ed through Lincoln en route east on Saturday afternoon by special train They arrived from Chey enne at 415 p m and left for the east at 5 oclock after an automobile ride about the city According to Vice President Byram the trip to Cheyenne was made for the purpose of accom panying J N Hill son of J J Ilill and vice president of the Northern Pacific Mr Hill was going west according to Mr By ram and desired to look over the Cheyenne line in company with the Burlington officials Mr By ram Avas specific in his statement that no other significance attach ed to the official trip It is sup posed the Cheyenne line was ehos en for the trip for inspection pur poses The party Avent through Lin coln on Thursday night traveling in three special ears They arriv ed in the evening and left at an early hour Friday morning The return trip from Cheyenne Avas direct to Lincoln and thence to Pacific Junction la Avhere the cars were attached to a regular train foi Chicago Crops on the Cheyenne line and on the main line from Hold rege to Lincoln have been great ly benefited by the recent rains aceoi ding to Mr Byram but farther Avest and south they are in bad shape The official party lacked detailed neAvs of the floods about Oxford as did also the Lincoln offices of the Bur lington Lincoln Journal Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been mad ein the county clerks office since our last re port Mary E and Rose E Ham ilton to Standard Land Co wd ncY4 n1 se1 8- 4 30 7 7000 00 James AT McClung Admr to Andrew Lord Admr Deed Pt 22 in 39 Indian- ola 300 00 James W McClung Aonr to McArthur Lord Admr Deed Pt 23 in 39 Indian ola 345 00 Fire Loss on Big System The fire loss on the various branches of the Rock Island sys tem averages more than 600 a day and most of it could be pre vented Avith little effort and ex pense according to a statement published in the current issue of the Rock Island Employes maga zine The rumor that the dam at Curtis had gone out on Sunday night proved untrue It is stat ed hoAveArer that the Avater Avas running over the breast of the dam to the depth of several feet Section men Avere sent to Cam bridge from here in anticipation of trouble at that point Engineer and Mrs L E Han ford and her sister Miss Cather ine Shopp arrived from Platts mouth Sunday night the sister to visit the Hanfords a Avhile in McCook BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Max Hare is back from a great visit of two months in Chicago arriving last night Joseph Teeters returned bun day from a visit of a few days in Lincoln his home for years Marshal L A Fitch is taking a short vacation looking after lna political prospects to resume work after the primary Miss Lila Lamb was a passen ger on 10 Saturday evening for lloldrege to briefly visit her friend Miss Millie Johnson Mr and Mrs C D Ritchie ar rived home this morning on No 9 from their vacation trip in Eastern Nebraska and in Iowa PERRY Lots of hail accompanied the rain of Sunday evening Some of it Avas of uncommon size pi n inhmilniiMit lake south oi here on the irrigation ditch is destined to become a popuiai bathing and picnicking resort Or can easily be made such Entries for state fair races on Sept 4 to 8 Avill close Monday August 14 and are as folloAVS Trotting 225 218 215 and 210 Pacing 230 220 217 2 10 and free-for-all Each for a o0 purse with five per cent en try On this date also closes the 1 1 16 mile Nebraska Derby for 300 and the 10 mile relay run ning race 2 miles each day for 125000 These with the 8 early closing races four of which are for 1000 each and nine running races easily constitute the best card ever offered in Nebraska The neAV grand stand to seat 6 400 people Avill be completed and patrons -will have a nice comfort able seat from Avhieh to enjoy the races aeroplane flights Libratis Military Band and Grand Opera Concert company vaudeville and fireworks Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good writfes H M Youngpeters editor of the Sun Lake View Ohio The first few doses of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising re lief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfect ly good health For sale by all dealers More people men and women are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble than ever before and each year more of them turn for quick re lief and permanent benefit to Fol eys Kidney Remdey which has prov eu itself to be one of the most ef fective remedies for kidney and blad der ailments that medical science has devised A McMlilen Buy it now Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is overr This remedy has no superior For sale by all dealers quality and price courtesy and promptness in delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Lily Patent Flour when once use none other Avill satisfy you LAST OF THE YAQUIS Passing of a Once Famous Tribe of Mexican Indians All the Avcrld has heard of the fa mous Yaqui Indians of the state of Sonora Mexico They are for the most part dwellers in the hills crudely arm ed with primitive weapons but ter rific fighters who have more than once decisively beaten the soldiers of Mexico Peaceable when undisturbed fully alive to the richness of their mines and the value of their fertile Aalieys they sought only to defend that Avhieh was theirs from the grasping hands of those who desired their mines and their lands Like most aborigines however they were doomed from the first What was at the time of Cortes a tribe of 5000 strong able to defy the warriors of Montezuma has dwindled until there are now not more than 500 souls in the valley of the Yaqui river and in the mountain gorges which wall in the source of this stream The bulk of the Yaquis have been wiped out in sanguinary wars or taken prisoners and shot and those for whom no excuse for death could be found have been deported to the fever strick en vales of Yucatan The Yaquis as a race are no more but their passing has been made complete only during the past few years Wide World Mag azine Ho Found It I started out on the theory that the world had an opening for me and I went to find it Did you find it Oh yes Im in a hole Legislation Mrs Knicker Did you hold a short session with your husband Mrs Bocker Yes I merely had him pass an appropriation bill New York Times The McCook Tribune It is 100 A Few Thoughts on Money Money otherwise known as tin dough cush gelt rocks etc The corpuscles of national circula tion which indicate the strength of our constitution It is often called a curse Some swear by it others swear for it and still others swear at it It often causes a species of mental derangement or delirium called money mania Many are willing to be thus Inoculated It is the feature of social distinction It is the measure of Intelligence those who have it are wise those who haAe it not are foolish Possession of it entitles one to the use of a money gram Though a medium of exchange it has no connection with souls or astral bodies It is the religion of today often called moneytheism Preachers pray for it laymen lay for it It is the be all and the end all Chil dren cry for it women sigh for it men die for it and all lie for It Smart Set Wrecked by a Knife Blade A ship was once wrecked on the Irish coast The captain was a care ful one Nor had the weather been of so severe a kind as to explain the wide distance which the vessel had swerved from her proper course The ship went down but so much interest attached to the disaster that a diving bell was sunk Among other portions of the vessel that were examined was the compass that was swung on the deck and inside the compass box was detected a bit of steel which appeared to be the small point of a pocket knife blade It was learned that the day before the wreck a sailor who had been set cleaning the compass had used his pocket knife in the proc ess and had unceremoniously broken off the point and left it remaining In the box That bit of knife blade ex erted its Influence on the compass and to a degree that deflected the needle from Its proper bent and vitiated it as an Index of the ships direction That bit of knife blade wrecked the vessel Scotch Students Many a man who never had any schooling gets an education and often a surprisingly good one A traveler in Scotland once met a farmer whose ground rent was about 20 a year and who wrote poetry in Gaelic tha t was of a high order This same traveler met a youth in Scotiand who rode from home on horseback to the seaport and then across Scotland to Aberdeen where he sold his horse to enter the university It is related of another Scotchman that he was overheard repeating a line of Tennyson whereupon some one ask ed him what poet he liked best Homer he replied Whose translation do you read I rarely read a translation he said wiping the fish scales from his apron 1 like best to read Homer in the original Greek Minneapolis Trib une All About a Cruiser What sort of a boat is this in quired the inquisitive man at the docks A cruiser replied a smart lad And where is she going A cruise sir What makes it go Its screw sir Who are on board Its crew sir It looks pretty smart We have to keep it clean or rub bish and dust would accrue sir Oh youre too smart Where do you come from From Crewe sir London Tit Bits Manhattan Scallop A delicious breakfast or luncheon dish is Manhattan scallop Shred suf ficient cold cooked fish to measure a good half pint It must be free from skin and bone Add to it one cupful of fine stale breadcrumbs a good sea soning of salt and pepper two well beaten eggs mixed with a half cupful of stewed tomatoes Turn all into a buttered dish sprinkle the top with buttered breadcrumbs dot with bits of butter and brown in a hot oven Sub urbanite Sizes of the Planets An ingenious way of comparing the sizes of planets with the sun is sug gested by a French scientific writer Let the earth he says be represented by a twenty franc piece then Venus is 15 francs Mars 2 Mercury 7 Uranus 2S0 Neptune 320 Saturn 1S40 Ju piter GS00 and the sun G7SO00O A Time For Blindness There is sometimes a greater charity in seeming not to see our neighbors trouble than in trying to relieve it Let me alone is the prayer of many a tortured heart when the curious the officious and the tactless force the door of its place of desolation albeit they bring wine and oil Looked Like a Big Dose The man in bed had never been sick before The doctor wishing to ascer tain his temperature pointed the ther mometer at him and commanded Open your mouth Jim Wait a minute doc objected the patient I dont blieve I can swaller that Judge Questions and Answers The time elapsing between a ques tion and an answer is almost as impor tant as the answer itself It may be wisely long or short but the longer it Is the wiser must be the answer Let nothing shocking to eyes or ears approach those doors that close upon your child Juvenal Huiskamps Calendar Shoes Using KVldWHIElL ii aBdMim i ism These shoes represent the newest and best In footwear Instead of buying 5 and S6 shoes get Calendar Shoes at 300 and 1350 They are stylish com fortable serviceable They are built to give 150 worth of wear for every 5100 you spend Every pair has a calendar attached The Idea is to mark the day you start to wear Calendar Shoes when they are worn out you will find that you have had more wear than you aver had from any shoes you ever bought VIERSEN OSBORN McCook Fresh fruits at Magners Terms of District Court 1911 Chase county April 24 and Novem ber 13 Dundy County March 6 and No vember 20 Frontier county March 20 and Oc tober 2 Furnas county February 20 May and October 23 Gosper county January CO and September 25 Hayes county March 13 and Sep tember 18 Hitchcock county May 1 and No vember 27 Red Willow county February 6 May 15 and October 9 Robert C Orr district judge Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds means lost time and lost pay to many a working man M Bal ent 1214 Little Penna St Streator ID was so bad from kidney and bladder trouble that he could not work but ihe says I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got entirely Avell and was soon able to go back to work and am feel ing Avell and healthier than before- Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac tion quick in results a good friend to the working man or woman who suffers from kidney ills A Mc Millen Many a Suffering Woman drags iherself painfully through her daily tasks suffering from backache nervousness loss of appetite and poor sleep not knowing Qier ills are due to kidney and bladder troubles Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from pain and misery and a prompt return to health and strength No woman who so suffers can afford to overlook Foley Kidney Pills A Mc Millen A specialty of typewriter supplies at The Tribune Shop Papers of all weights sizes and qualities Ribbons for every machine carbon papers manuscript covers etc All kept in stock BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood i utcn leanser a Clean Sink Because no dirt grease or grime can withstand its wonderful action The ihick scum which often gath ers on ihe sides and bottom of the sink and defies soap cleaning dis appears like magic when Old Dutch Cleanser is used Many other uses andU Directions on Large Sifter canlO j Hay Fever Asthma and Summer CoCfi must be relieved quickly and Foleys Honey and Tar Compound will do It E M Stewart 1034 Wolfram St- Chicago writes I have been great Jy troubled during the hot summer monhs with hay fever and find tisx by using Foleys Honey pud Tar Compound I get great relief Many others avIio suffer wilL Se Ii u beitfic by Mr ex perieno A McMillen Cuts and bruises may be healed in about one third the time required 5r the usual treatment by applying Chamberlains Liniment It is aci antiseptic and causes such injuries to heal without maturation This liniment also relieves soreness of tee muscles and rheumatic pains Foe sale by all dealers The McCook Tribune It is LC the year in advance PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESSSD1RECT0RY ROLAND R REED M D and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 163 residents 217 Office Rooms 5 6 TempJc building McCook Neb DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Mc Connells drug store Phones G fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Waltf building McCook DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Mo Cook Neb R H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store Vo Cook Neb C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and t McCook Water Works Co Office in Postoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCook Nebraska L C STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted Fine re pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods o quality Main avenue McCook Nebraslr JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBasemect Postoffice building A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 305 2nd st East Phone black 252 Your combingi made into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WRKS Machine Work Biacksmithing Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 210 1st st W -- Phone red 450 g s 3 6