The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    Tfte McSoofc THuite
first of last week
McConnell for drugs
F M K1MMELL Editor
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
I Secretary Wilson at State Fair I
Washington August 5 Spe
cial That the administration
will do what it can to aid Sen
ator Brown in his campaign for
re election was indicated today bj
an announcement from the white
house The announcement was to
the effect that Senator Brown
had invited Secretary Wilson to
attend the state fair in Lincoln
September 5 and that later he
had annealed to the president to
4 urge the secretary to accept the
and the secretarys acceptance is
announced today with the state
ment that he will deliver a
speech on reciprocity This an
nouncement puts the administra
tion behind the Brown campaign
because Senator Brown supported
the administration on reciprocity
and Bepresentative Norris oppos
ed it The charge is made to
night by friends of Norris that
Aside from all other considera
tions this practice of injecting
politics into state and county
fairs is wrong These are gath
erings for all the people for in
struction entertainment and com
mercial profit Politics of every
sort should be barred The prac
tice of the past has been repre
hensible along this line and its
continuance bodes no good be
the performers presidents cabi
net officers or whomsoever
2 I 5
Mr Mullen of Oxford came up
miadle of last week and moved
his daughter Mrs Olive Browns
household goods home
Mrs S C King was quite sick
Candidate for Nomination on the
Democratic Ticket for Judge of the
Supreme Court for twenty four
years a practicing lawyer at Omaha
invites the consideration of demo
crats when they attend the Prim
aries next Tuesday
this is only the beginning of the
activity of the administration in
behalf of Brown and against Nor
ris lie says he lias been expect
ing this opposition not only be
cause of his refusal to support
reciprocity but also because of
his long standing enmity for the
president and his ardent support
of the candidacy of Senator La
Follette for the presidency
Secretary Wilsons address will
be made for the benefit of the
farmers of the state and he will
endeavor to show that reciprocity
will not injure them
Ntfrris is understood to object
to the appearance of Secretary
Wilson in Nebraska for the pur
pose of making such a speech on
the ground that reciprocity is a
campaign issue in his contest witli
Brown and that it is to the farm
ers that he looks for his support
in the primaries Lincoln Jour
Political Advertisements
A L Cochran of Bartley is a
candidate for nomination for the
office of county treasurer on the
Republican ticket It will be re
membered that Mr Cochran was
appointed in June 1907 to fill
the unexpired term in this office
of Ben G Gossard The condi
tion of this office at this time
will be remembered by many tax
payers During his incumbency
Mr Cochran collected taxes to
the amount of over 100000 be
sides adjusting grievances ex
tending from York state to Cal
ifornia That he turned over to
his successor the office in per
feet condition with a splendid
Miss Dorothy Roberts of Brown1 set of books and everything in
villo is visitinir her sister Mrs
Ernest Lytle
A W Campbell attended the
pienic at Spring Creek on last
Carl Rediek returned from Om
aha last Wednesday
The wind blew Jim Modiolis
elucken house away Tuesday eve
ning of last week
D C Shaw and G A Shields
lielped J A Modrell rebuild his
chicken house last Thursday
Mr and Mrs D B Doyle left
Thursday morning for Laird Col
to visit her son Robt Larington
A fine rain visited this vicinity
Friday evening
R F D No 1
Mrs W N Rogers entertained
the Ladies Aid society of the
Methodist church last Thursday
and it was liberally don
John Hammell sold off his
youti cauic last Satui iiy and
ri bonie profit to him
The vain on the rom i Sunday
evening amounted to 103 l
M Iv jundys ard 20 inches nt
Arp s
Big surprise party at Rudolf
Podolskis last Monday It was
Mr Podolskis birthday
Fred Reiners came home last
Wednesday from Syracuse His
grandfather Mr Haas accompan
ied him
Mr and Mrs Paul Fisher who
have been staying with Mr Kisk
er for the past three weeks de
parted on Sunday morning for
Ash Creek and Marion played
ball last Friday Marion won by
a score of 7 to 5
Fine rain on Ash Creek Sun
day night
Julius Hinz sold a valuable
horse last week for which he re
ceived a neat sum
shin shane Mr Cochran is the
logical candidate and is entitled
to office You will make no
mistake in casting your vote for
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of sher
iff on the Republican ticket sub
ject to the decision at the pri
mary election August 15th
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of sheriff
on the Democratic ticket subject
to the decision at the primary
election August 15th
Charley Allen Roscoe Korns
Lewis Elmer and Louis Longneck
er and their families went
ing Wednesday and had a picnic
dinner in the woods
Cecil McMillen with two
friends from McCook camped
near Red Willow creek in John
Longneckers woods for a few
days outing
Mr Giese is preparing for a
concrete dam on the old Buck
place now owned by him for ir
rigation purposes rhe mud diji
pul ui to begin work on the
went out Thursday night
Four generations of visitors din
id st Louis Longneckers Sunday
Mrs Clark her daaghter Mrs
Calv u whos vi daughter fvs
Guttridge and little son were vis
it ing at the home of her parents
in jiidiauola
Pciopje are so eager for fruit
that some are picking green wild
plums -while I In woo s are full -
grape jraieurs and it is fortu
nate that grapes are plentiful
Observe the date after your name
on The Tribune Notch it Up
So Loose tbs Animal Can Almost Turn
Somersaults In It
The pelt of an adult badger is ex
tremely thick and difficult for a biting
adversary to penetrate -writes a trap
per in Fur News and so loosely does
the skin cover tho body that the ani
mal is able to turn alrcost around in
its hide
Should a dog acquire a hold on the
throat the badger turns himself so thqt
the dogs grip is on the back of the
badgers neck without having loosened
his first hold Then the badger se
cures a viselike grip upon some vul
nerable portion of his enemy and
while his Jong tusks penetrate to the
limit tie digs and scratches with his
front feet that are furnished with
claws almost as formidable and deadly
as might be expected from an anteater
of the dark continent
He who has removed the pelt of a
badger and is at all observing does not
wonder at this animal being sharp bit
ten and that he is able to hang with
bulldog tenacity wben the formation
and adjustment of its jaws are noted
Neither is it so much of a mystery how
he manages to bore through the soil
so rapidly that half a dozen men with
shovels cannot overtake him for he is
a mass of cords and muscles particu
larly in the neck chest and shoulders
very similar in physical construction to
the ground mole
The badger toes inward sharply when
traveling and always on the walk
twisting about here and there very
much like the movement of a skhnk
while if it be in winter he makes a
business of hunting buried dormant
He is a fur bearer of rather coarse
quality and there Is a great range of
value in the pelts taken depending
upon the length of the coat A badger
is chiefly valuable when it has a long
coat so that tho guard hairs can be
plucked and usefl to make shaving
It Loomed Up Large In Napoleons
Treatment of Children
Napoleon had a singular rage for
pulling childrens ears sometimes so
hard as to make the poor children cry
Caroline was very vexed when she
saw her little Achille the victim of his
uncles caresses and more than once
her sons tears made her weep too
One day the First Consul pulling the
ears of the little fellow hurt him and
he cried out To teach him not to cry
his uncle pulled his ear again harder
Achille having freed himself came
back to him in a fury and raising his
little fist shouted
You are a villain a wicked wicked
To prove the contrary Napoleon
should have embraced his nephew and
tuitously inflicted by some show of af
fection But tenderness was not in
his charaeter Corsicans scarcely know
what it means and though Napoleon
used to say I am less of a Corsican
than one thinks he was really more
so than any one or he himself thought
Instead of quieting his nephew he be
came angry and gave him a violent
slap on the face The- child ran weep
ing to his Uncle Lucien who was pres
ent while Mme Murat was so upset
that she was taken ill from the ef
fort says Lucien who relates this
episode she made to control her feel
ings which such violence to her child
outraged As for the First Consul he
left the room shrugging his shoulders
and slamming the door and saying that
Caroline had always been an affected
creature and acted like all parents who
spoiled their children Turquans
Sisters of Napoleon
Old Time Smallpox Cure
To cure smallpox was apparently
very simple matter re the good old
times John of Gaddcsdcn court doc
tor to Edward II has recorded that
he got rid of the disease by the simple
expedient of wrapping his patients in
red cloth
Let scarlet red be taken he says
and let him who is suffering small
pox be entirely wrapped in it or in
some other red cloth I did this when
the son of the illustrious king of Eng
land suffered from smallpox I took
care that all about his bed should be
red and that cure succeeded very
well London Chronicle
Would Do Just as Well
A well known clergyman who is
very stout was having unusual diffi
culty one morning in lacing his shoes
My dear you ought to have a
valet remarkod his wife sympathet
A valet echoed the clergyman
Well my dear if I had a valley
where I now have a mountain It would
answer Ladles Home Journal
Shifting the Burden
I note that you employ a great
many quotations from the poets in
your speeches
Yes replied the orator Just now
in my district it is desirable to say as
little as possible for which you can be
held personally responsible Wash
ington Star
A Better Way
I never throw away old junk for
that would make me feel wasteful
What do you do with it
I give it away and feel charitable
Washington Herald
Paying His Lawyer
Lawyer annoyed Better take your
jase somewhere else You are too
hin skinned for me Client Hardly
pay to skin me eh Boston Tran
if Canada Had Been Ceded to ua
But for the wisdom of George Wash
ington and Benjamin Franklin Eng
land would have ceded Canada to us at
the close of the Revolutionary war
Washington and Franklin knew that
if Canada had been ceded to the colo
nies France from which Canada had
been wrested some twenty years ear
lier would have demanded that coun
try as indemnity for the expense she
was put to in the war for our inde
pendence With the French flag re
stored in Canada it would have been
a matter of a very short time when we
would have been at war with France
and to save us from defeat there is
nothing more certain than that we
would have appealed to England The
aid would have come and come swift
and irresistible and the chances are
we Avould have returned to- our alle
giance to the crown of England for it
was years between the treaty of peace
and the formation of the Union plenty
of time to get into a quarrel with
France over some dispute as to bound
ary or fishing Washington Post
Why Gold Is a Precious Metal
Fure or fine gold will stand any test
it may be put to in comparison with
other metals It can be rolled or ham
mered extending it in any direction
until it becomes transparent It can
also be drawn into a thread as fine as
human hair It melts at about 2000
degrees F and though it may be kept
in a molten state for an indefinite
time it loses none of its weight even
should the heat be increased The col
or is unaffected by air water or heat
and will stand any test of oxidation
No simple acid will dissolve or attack
pure gold In conjunction with silver
gold is the first metal with which man
became acquainted and is the most
valuable by reason of the vast number
of uses to which it is put It is found
in almost every country in a metallic
state and nearly always in crystals
The old Egyptian symbol for gold sig
nified divinity and perfection The
chemical term used today is aurum
New York Press
Pottery Work In China
The Chinese are pioneers in the art
of pottery the rapidity with which
they construct pots being marvelous
One man will mold two ten inch pots
in three minutes The potters wheel
is the essential part of the equipment
The workmans left hand is gently
thrust into the center of the clay
while his right hand is slightly press
ing on the outside to keep the whole
together but it is from the inside that
most of the shaping is done Mean
while the wheel is made to turn
more quickly Then by keeping both
hands opposite each other i e one
inside and one outside together mov
ing slowly up from the wheel pressure
by both hands is exerted and the
shipelos mass of clay assumes the
shape of a pot with astonishing- rapid
ity A thin piece of wood is used to
flatten the ttm and usually the same
piece is used to measure the pot to see
if it is the correct size
Saucers and Finger Bowls
Drinking from the saucer was not a
social solecism seventy five years ago
In fact sets of old china may still be
found intact that include dainty tab
loids upon which the cup was to rest
while the contents taken from the
saucer were imbibed and from the at
tending noise apparently almost in
haled by the drinker One spoon was
regarded as sufficient for all courses
of food as well as drink and the over
worked knife did duty both for cutting
and carrying As for finger bowls did
not the late Senator Tom Benton con
fide to his diary that his first experi
ence with them was at a dinner given
by President Van Buren The presi
dent said he dipped his fingers dain
tily in the bowl and dried them upon
his napkin but I rolled up my sleeves
and took a good old fashioned wash
Boston Transcript
The Wise Judge
The Complainant You see judge I
was a little too happy as you might
say when I went home and me wife
was ironin We had had a word or
two in the mornin an so I steps up
prepared to make peace I said Lets
forget th quarrel we were both
wrong when what does she do but
shove the hot iron against me head
The Judge Trying to smooth it over
of course You cant blame her for
that Go home both of you
Shark Soup
In Ceylon there is a considerable
trade in the oil of the white shark
The fins of the animal are very rich
in gelatin and are used largely by the
Chinese for making soup of which
they declare that the turtle soup so
prized by epicures in this country is
but a distant and feeble imitation
Well Patched
Johnnys mamma had put several
patches on his trousers and when the
little fellow tried the trousers on he
said gravely Mamma if you had
made the patches a little bigger Id
have had new pants
Hard Luck
She Because I cannot marry you do
not be disheartened You must face
the world bravely He It Isnt a ques
tion of the world Ive got to face my
Secret Sorrows
Believe me every heart has its se
cret sorrows which the world knows
not and oftentimes wo call a man
cold when he is only sad Longfellow
Kindness is catching and if you go
around with a thoroughly developed
case your neighbor will be sure to get
Many McCook People Deprived of
Needful Sleep by Kidney Troubles
There is little peace or rest for
the kidney sufferer Night brings
no respite from the days misery
the same old backache is ever pres
ent the sharp twinges when turning
or twisting the annoying urinary
troubles the headaches and nervous
ness and all tend to prevent rest or
sleep You arise more tired than
when you went to bed To get well
you must get to the cause the kid
neys Sick kidneys cannot get well
alone Use Doans Kidney Pills the
remedy that is so strongly endorsed
by your Mends and neighbors in
McCook Could you desire more con
vincing proof of merit
Mrs Thomas Croughan 421 B
Ave McCook Nebr says A mem
ber of our family suffered from
backache caused by disordered kid
neys He also had headaches and
got up in the morning feeling all
tired out Doans Kidney Pills were
finally used and they brought splen
did results I have observed the
good work that Doans Kidney Pills
have done in many cases of kidney
trouble and therefore do not hesitate
to recommend them
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole ageents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
100 Reward 100
The readers of ihis paper will be
pleaed to learn that there is at last
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Subscribe for The Tribune
Do not allow your kidney and
bladder trouble to develop beyond tho
reach of medicine Take Foley Kid
ney Pills They give quick results
and stop irregularities with surpris
ing promptness A McMillen
Foley Kidney Pills will check the
progress of your kidney and bladder
trouble and heal by removing the
cause A McMillen
An ordinary case of diarrhoea can
as a rule be cured by a single dose
of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Dianrhoea Remedy This remedy has
no superior for bowel complaints Fo
sale by all dealers
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber o
Phone 5
Smith bought some pigs from
his neighbor Jones The price
came to 642 Smith paid
Jones in cash but as usual
neither had the proper change
and Smith said Just mate it
even money Smith lost 8
cents Jones bought some pigs
from his neighbor Johnson The
price came to 642 Jones ha
nis money in the bank ana
gave Johnson a check for the
exact amount Jones did not
lose a cent This is only one
of the advantages of a check
ing account Come in and tet
us explain further
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
A well known Des Moines woman
after suffering miserably for two day
from bowel complaint was cured by
one dose of Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy For
sale by all dealers
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 271
Most for your money
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location ntacr -
streetin P Which birlniog llVUUK
Osborn Kummer Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
juji 4 j j JJ j j j j j j
Fire and Wind I
I Insurance
Written In First Class
t t
J J X J J J J J J J J J X t I
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 6S
residence red 456
i f
t it