The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 01, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 4
H m ft I L b r i r CI Dry Goods Millinery Ladiis Furn OUR FINAL WVH OFF OFF Up During this one week omIv KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH HOME When the family is separated by business trips or distant visits the Bell Telephone keeps them in touch with one an other Nearly everywhere you travel you will find the Bell like an old friend there to meet you There is something cold and bloodless about a letter It carries only expressionless words The telephone reproduces your voice just as you speak for hundreds of miles m a THE NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager BULLARD LUMBER CO If Lumber and Coal BULLARD LUMBER CO Phone No i TheTribune It is Just One Dollar the Year jesss Sale You will find prices so badly cut during this our final sale on SUMMER DRESS GOODS WHITE WAISTINGS AND LINGERIE AND SILK DRESSES COATS SUITS AND SUITINGS MILLINERY that you cannot afford to miss taking advantage of these wonderful reductions during the first week in August BEGINNING SATURDAY JULY 29th AND UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT AUGUST 5th AH 50c tud 60c wash jcuds nt All 40J aul 45c All 35c white and c 1 ved MaMMHMMHNHHCIHaBmrilD ALL SUIlb AND COATS ALL DRESSES AND VISTS 39c yd 29c yd 25c yd All 25c white colored wash goods 17c yd All 15c 10c yd All ioc 124 8c yd All yc 8c 5c yd ALL SKIRTS AND PETTICOATS J OFF ALL TRIMMED MILLINERY 2 OFF Many of our new fall poods are now arriving and we must make room for them so GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE SEASONABLE GOODS AT THESE CUT PRICES 222 Alain Avenue Phone 56 j Offers a Criticism j A Nebraska railway official of fers this criticism of the news papers The newspapers and 1 mean newspapers generally play 1 up the construction of a new de- pot here and there of small build ings and other improvements of like nature and look over other expenditures of far greater im port to transportation companies and their patrons A railroad may put down one hundred miles of new steel and get a passing notice from the newspapers but if it builds a new depot at some way station at an expense less than the cost of putting down one mile of new steel the matter is given great publicity A little wreck where a few hnnrlrpi hi lars is lost in damage to property is a matter of considerable mii cern but the expenditure of many muusancis to prevent these wrecks gets no publicity The lameness of newsnanei s in tliic -- gard has always been a mysterv to me Lincoln Journal City Council Doings The city council was in session in the council chamber Saturday evening at 9 oclock The may or all eouncilmen except J R Stansberry City Clerk Stoll City Attorney F L Wolff were present After discussing ohfaimmr in Cook duction of intmwit mi nonii - wu miowiu w a l lucrative er bonds before state tiunsn i Hurt His Back George Critser of the gang icing slipped and fell hoton two cars m the local yard pain fully injuring his back in falling on the draw bar His injuries are not serious however and he will be about again in a few days it is thought Fresh fruits at Magners Buy it now Now is the time to buy a bottLe of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and DiarrhnAn nam t is almost certain to be needed before the summer is overr This remedy has no SUnBnnr Vnv cola v r n dealers ywmga T JUST PERSONAL MENTION C B Iloag of Indianola was up on business Friday Miss Frances Hughes arriv home Friday on No 13 Miss Edna Waite enjoyed the Cambridge chautauqua Saturday Walter McDonald of Wanneta is now employed in the City res taurant James White returner to bis former home in Red Cloud end ot Jast week Martin Nilsson of Marion had important business in the coun ty capital Fridav Mr and Mrs Emerson Hanson were passengers Saturday on 13 for Denver on a visit Mrs Jacob Matz arrived home first of week from a visit to her sister in Omaha L W Thompson of Geneva spent part of last week in Mc Cook visitinjr relatives C II Jacobs is over in Kan sas this week in the interest of Tiie jUcUook Milling Co ess at a whist party last Friday evening for Mrs J D Young Miss Lottie Nichols arrived home last Friday night from Iter vacation at Laurel Nebraska Miss Florence Axtell came over from Beaver City last week and is a guest of her sister Mrs Beeler Frank Moore of IndinRolff Tas a visitor 111 the rrir i hia er t ounty Judge J C Moore Saturday Mr and Mrs Rov Zint anrl children arrived horn- Fridnv on No 10 from their visit in Den ver with relatives Mrs Hurley Dye arrived in the city close of last week and is the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs S S Garvey Marion Powell of Lincoln was in the city Friday on business connected with his great interests at Marion this county Mrs William Lewis is enter- iirs lielle bteplienson came down f om Denver close of week j and a s i -d here briefly wit friends while on her Avay east i Mrs Harriet Sturgeon mother j of Mrs Jacob Matz has gone to Omaha on a visit of two weeks with her daughter in that city nice Rector who have been visit ing in Eastern Nebraska and in I own jnrived home on 9 Sunday morning Senator J F Cordeal went down to Lincoln Friday night on business before the land of fice and in the state engineering department A Strawder and familv will depart next week for their place up on the head of Willow creek near Wallace for which he re cently made a trade Dr D P Smith of Bartley brought Mrs Smith up in the automobile Friday afternoon in order to enable her to take No 10 at this place for the east Mrs John D Young and Miss Harriett departed Monday morn ing for their home in Atchison Kansas after a visit of several weeks with McCook friends Mrs A Campbell entertained a company ot lady friends Satur day evening at whist in honor of Mrs J D Young Mrs J G Stakes negotiated the honors of the evening Mrs R J Gunn and children arrived home last week from spending several weeks with the grandparents in Des Moines la where Dr and Mrs J A Gunn are now 1 iving Miss A McKnight who has been running a bakery here for a few months nast closed the same last week and went to Mc where she has secured a position Trenton loii i w isier rr1 Philip II Lambach of Bold i st ito treasurer m euroYlte I e I er Colorado and sister Mrs regard to the Massman of Grover Colorado PiKiyiif are vsiting Captain and Mrs I i x itnon and and Harry Barbazette1 L iIL Wasson on the Driftwood Mr Lambaeh settlerl in Tnrli lo mscaa card tables i0 1QW i T T xu m iui I uui WCilL West ill 1882 Naturally he is much in terested and surprised in seeing iu iuu wiiiow county such a modern and uptodate little city as McCook Some of our people got bit this week by traveling vendors in rugs It seems that the fellows sold high priced rugs for a less than cost price without asking a cent of money on the rugs but what you had to do was to pay the freight money in advance This done something iinnsiml you were promised that the mer would come soon It looks like someone got flhnflamed Red Cloud Commercial Advertiser given iTSra rALlL SEPT 4T ro8T2 I9M LINCOLN UiESTATES BEST PRODUCTS TWO AEROPLANES IN DAILY FLIGHTS LIBER ATI MILITARY BAND AND GRAND OPERA COMPANY OF 61 PEOPLE GREAT RACES - PATTERSON SHOWS MKtWORKS NIGHT RACES VAUDEVILLE In the County Court of Bed 1 Mrs James Hatfield was host- Willow County State of Nebras ka In the matter of the estate or Kobert B Wilson deceased state of Nebraska Red Willow county I J C Moore county judge of said county hereby notify all per sons having claims and demands Neali against the estate of snirl Jtooert that I od mis order tnr fmiv i McLook Tribune a newspaper printed in said county Given under my hand and the deal of said court this 10th dav of July 1911 Seal JCMOORE l n jtt 1 Miss Rose Brady and Miss Kitchie Wolff AtZZT for tati J -WT J LEGAL NOTICE r tice of hearing on petition distribution of residue of State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss To all persons inter ested in the estate of Mary J Baldwin deceased yJrjarrrmSTiiiia1 K Franklin administrator of said estate has filed his petition in said court the object and prayer of which are that a decree of dis tribution mav be niarlo nf flio too ldue of said estate now in his possession to the parties entitled by law to receive the same lou are herebv notifiprl that- smrl rtiiii I 1 i ii T r r11 1 uc jiearu UY Ilie iT T aeceaed bounty Judge at the County nave set ana Hnin t mo i e claims and demands in the man ner required by law or show cause for not so doing and in case any of said claims shall not be presented hv thn 5fii rio taininir her sister-in-law Mrs TW ejruary 1912 the same shall be rv Kyle of Stratton who arrived torcver barred It is further or in the citv end of last week I ed Ilat thls ntiee shall be r V - - Wiv - M klll 1 I I I Jl VI - - f iw luiiiin r rinvo -- f v- i iii - A1 vw iU HU1U couurv ar ninr on tiiB recaption examination ami - - aBgiufmeit of MW claims md de- Mvnt 1911 l IZf M rJvided l at the iT h ordered that a 8opy of S0 in the city of tiiu notice be published fothree n J KS f ld CUnty tMvit s censive weeks in The McCook f AugUSt 1911 priced S rldaT Tribcn newspaper and nil the 6th day of February published in said county 7 crested Given under my hand and the lull appear at said time and seal of said court this 20th day place and duly present their said of Julv 1911 uy puoiisning a onv of Seal J C MOORE County Judge Huiskaraps Calendar Shoes Notice is hereby given that V VIERSEN 0SB0RN McCook EEEBEK252IESS2ESl These shoes are equal to any 500 and 600 shoes on the market They look as well are just as stylish and wear as well cost only 300 and 4 00 for ladies and 400 for mens With every pair of these shoes you get a calendar -on which you mark the date you began to wear them when they are worn out count up the days of service you have had and you will never again buy anything but Calendar Shoes SyjggTTgTyFJUUMtW mi i i ii iii m iMheBMaapfcjjifcjjjBMj Traveling Inducements for August YELLOWSTONE PARK Ilus glorious vacation region during August is the magnet for thousands of tourists and there is no scenic tour in the world like the Park tour whether you use the hotels or the personally conducted camping tours Yon owe it to your self and family to see this wonderland TO THE EAST The thirty and sixty day excursion fares will continue in effect I hey embrace the whole eastern country Ask for special leaf let of eastern tours COLONIST BATES FAR WEST The very low 2500 one way fares to the Pacific Coast will be m effect September 15 to October 15 You should go during the earlier neriod of thoso mtoe r nmi i t i THROUGH COAST SLEEPERS The Burlington runs through standard and tourist sleepers every day to California via Denver scenic Colorado Salt Lake Uty with choice of routes beyond via Southern Pacific West ern Pacific Feather River Canyon or Salt Lake Route also complete through trains with all classes of equipment to the iwiumuai vicl Olllliljjs HOMESEEKER Fares continue first and third Tuesdays to west Write or call and let me help you plan an attractive vacation tour L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska D F HOSTETTFP Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska iMimfrri tiTirsgatai p B imM MniMrjMBIJJIJMBMM 1rnnviWtTsnrTriTi n n ihiv i itiw r mi mt nu uni ipp V Fhanklin Pres R A G H WATKiNsJVice Pres Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capitall50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS VJFranklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkius Vernice Franklin 1 H1A1H111III I ll III ll I ll 111 Hit iMfcittUhhlriHMIitdiva tt - H i i 3 J 1 I