The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 01, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 3

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East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 PM
16 500 A M
2 5o0 A
13 145 A JM
12 635 A M
14 920 P M
10 5 5 Jr M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arr 830 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
my point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Work of scrapping freight
cars goes merrily on here
The company is preparing to
build an ice house at Wymore
f A -washout at Alma delayed
No 15 Sunday for about six
Mrs Jerry Mahoney of Oma
ha is visiting in the city guest
of her brothers the Ilegenberger
Chief Dispatcher F C Run
nels and daughter arrived home
Monday morning on No 9 from
their visit down east
Miss Josie Stewart of the su
perintendents office went down
to Hastings Saturday evening on
No 10 on a short visit
H M Graver night truck
packer mashed a foot severely
Saturday morning early when a
heavy piece of material fell onto
Mrs I T Hill and Mrs Wil
liam Deere who have been doing
some sightseeing in the west re
turned home Saturday afternoon
on train 10
Agent L Lawritson brought
the family down from Trenton
Friday and the family went on
east to Ivenesaw on Xo 10 the
same day on a visit
Trainmaster and Mrs Will
Pate of Sterling Colorado came
down Saturday on a visit He
returned to Sterling on Sunday
night Mrs Pate remaining longer
the guest of her mother Mrs Mul
i Ten street cars were in a
freight train last Friday billed
to Los Angeles California Each
car was completely covered They
were of a large pattern requir
ing a large car to contain one of
them In several instances an
additional car was required
Engineer Hugh Brown went
up to Denver Saturday morning
on No 9 to secure relief for a
stomach trouble that has bother
ed him more or less severely for
some time ne expects to under
go an operation for its relief at
this time Mrs Brown accom
panied him Many friends hope
ardently that he may be prompt
ly and greatly relieved
A full battalion of regular
United States artillerymen passed
through Lincoln yesterday Sun
day afternoon in a specif train
via the Burlington The troops
were being moved from Colum
bus O to San Francisco The
special train contained two bag
gage cars carrying the full equip
ment of the battalion and three
sleepers The train only stopped
in Lincoln ten minutes allowing
time to change engines and crews
Lincoln Journal
E J Kates mechanical engi
nere of the physical valuation
department of the state railway
commission In looking up the
history of 15372 freight cars I
have ofund the average life of a
freight car to be 192 years The
history of a less number of pas
senger ears shows their average
life to be thirty three years Rail
road locomotives have been found
to last twenty five years It has
required a vast amount of work
and figures to arrive at these
conclusions but this is a part of
this departments work Lincoln
George Phillips whose home
is in Hastings was injured while
working between two cars on the
Hastings mixed train yesterday
forenoon The train had just pull
ed into the station and he had
stepped in between the cars to
uncouple the air hose The sud
den slackening of the train took
him unawares and his hand was
caught between the bumpers Twd
fingers were badly crushed and
it was necessary to amputate one
of jthem at the second joint His
-wrist was also crushed but for
tunately the bone was spared
Red Cloud Argus
Fireman A D Troyer is nurs
ing a sore eye
Mrs W L Egbert went east
on 10 Monday
Some changes being made
in the store house platforms
Paul E Benjamin visited
dear relatives in Oxford Sunday
Engineer I L Rodstrom is
holding the No 13 run at pres
J R YanHorn went in to
Omaha last night to consult a
Mr and Mrs John Hunt vis
ited Frank on the ranch near
Stratton over Sunday
Engineer and Mrs H A
Frey left Saturday for Red Cloud
on a visit to relatives
Several coal cars have been
remodeled for use as regular box
cirs at this point recently
Engineer Fred Alves had the
soldier special out of McCook on
Sunday night for the west
The old iron building is be
ing moved into a new position
just west of the store house
Mrs Hugh Brown visited in
Curtis part of last week guest
of Postmaster and Mrs Lange
Engineer J
lieved Engineer
while the latter
L Roberts re
Jacob Matz
was absent at
The depot platform train
board is undergoing repairs and
will shortly emerge from the shop
repainted and otherwise improved
O M MeClure met with an
accident on Friday in which he
badly smaehed the ends of two
fingers on one hand
Fireman A A Grigsby who
has been visiting in Des Moines
Iowa for the past thirty days
arrived home on last Saturday
A R Scott came down from
Denver on Monday morning and
srjent a few days in the city on
electric light company business
A ear of fruit passed through
here the other day Avas consign
ed to Hamburg Germany The
car was shipped from California
A special of five cars of
soldiers passed thru McCook on
Sunday night They were des
tined from Omaha to San Fran
Miss Mabel daughter of J
M Smith has departed for Cher
ry county after a visit here She
wiit via Alliance where she will
visit an aunt
Fruit specials are coming
now The first through Sunday
night Three have passed this
week so far and some twenty in
all are expected
Engineer Jacob Matz has
taken a short layoff and Avill take
in Ringling Brothers great shows
at Hastings this week Mrs
Matz accompanied him
Charlie Britt and Charlie Em
erson are doing some skirmishing
around these warm August days
figuring out the best location for
the companys big new ice house
No 14 was sent around by
Hastings Sunday night on ac
count of the wash out near Alma
Xn 15 also backed up and came
in via Hastings for the same reas
Engineer C E Rostratter is
on the relief with a setback He
made two full runs and upon
reaching Red Cloud on the third
attempt had to be relieved and
returned to McCook on the
cushioner seats He had been
off duty for over six months but
was apparently fit as a fiddle up
on returning to work last week
McCook Citizens Cannot Doubt It
Doans Kidney Pills were used
they cured
The story was told to McCook res
Time has strengthened the evidence
Has proven the cure permanent
The testimony is home tesiimony
The proof convincing
It can be investigated by McCook
Mrs A M Wilson 204 E Second
St McCook Neb says My back
bothered me for years and there was
a dull ache across my kidneys and
loins Thfe pain in my back became
worse when I exerted myself and
often- I had headaches and dizzy
spells I could not stoop and there
were many other disagreeable symp
toms of kddney complaint present On
a friends advice I finally procured
Doans Kidney Pills and I soon found
them to be just what I needed This
remedy strengthened my back and
kidneys and before long effected a
complete cure Statement given
June 2G 1907
Re Endorsement
On June 21 1910 Mrs Wilson said
I am pleased to Verify the state
ment I gave for publication an 1907
recommending Deans Kidney Pills
This remedy is beneficial for Iddney
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Miibuni Co Buffalo
New York sole ageents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
The McCook Tribune 5100 a year
ng3tBjxsq MJJ3a3triaMxaiiii inijaJi ugggj
Mayor McAdams was in Cul
bertson Monday afternoon on bus
in ess
Mr and Mrs E P Huber went
up to Denver Saturday night on
a short visit
D C Baker candidate for
sheriff on the Republican ticket
is in the city today
Mr and Mrs G II AVatkins
arrived home Sunday morning
from their vacation in the west
E S Waite was called over
into Iowa Monday morning by
news of the illness of his father
P A Pennell of the First Na
tional bank returned last night
from his vacation of a few weeks
Miss Elizabeth liettcher went
in to Lincoln Monday night on
10 being called in consultation bj
the states educational depart
Mr and Mrs Neal Quick came
up from Indianola Saturday eve
ning and were guests of her
parents Mr and Mrs A C
Wiehe over Sunday
Dr and Mrs J W Dorwart of
Seattle Washington were guests
of Mr and Mrs D Y Dorwart
end of week The gentlemen are
Mrs J M Somerville arrived
home Monday morning from her
visit back in West Virginia to
see her ailing mother whom she
reports much better
Misses Flossie and Bernice
Ridenor who have been with
Mrs John Hunt for some time
departed on 13 Saturday for
their home in Stratton
Mrs George A Neve departed
this morning for Merna Nebras
ka to be absent some time Dur
ing her absence her practice will
be taken care of by her father
G W Connelly
Mr and Mrs Martin Morris
departed on last Thursday night
for Humboldt Nebraska where
he will go to work at his trade
He has resigned as city letter car
rier at this place
Miss Iva Gatewood of McCook
a former Marion teacher and
Will F DeMay formerly of this
place are to be married in Mc
Cook Wednesday August 16
Marion Enterprise
Mr and Mrs Sylvester Cor
deal had a wire close of last
week announcing the visit of the
stork to Mr and Mrs James
Whiteford at Topeka Kansas
and that mother and son are do
ing well
Mr and Mrs G Fred Randel
departed Friday for the west
After a short visit in Stratton
with friends they left Monday for
Colorado to be absent a few
weeks Their two daughters ac
companied them
Mr and Mrs Amos O Rogers
departed overland in a covered
spring wagon Saturday for the
Upper Willow county on a fish
ing outing They are thoroughly
equipped for camping out and
will doubtless have a fine time
Miss Edith Waite was in Ord
part of last week visiting a
Doane college lady friend She
rrivcd home on 3 Friday night
being accompanied by Miss Lou
ise Mote of Plainview Nebras
ka who will be her guest for a
short time
Mrs M F Sears of Peoria Il
linois and nephew II S Down
ing of Wilkinsburg Penna ar
rived from the west on 10 Fri
day evening and made a short
stop in the city guests of Mr
and Mrs A R Mehaffey who
formerly lived in Wilkinsburg
100 Reward 100
The readers of his paper will be
pleaPd tc learn that there is at last
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith m its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address P J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
An auto from Grand Island
up on the Platte went thru Mc
Cook early in the week for Den
ver Thats going some for the
Omaha Denver Trans Continental
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Nation Is In
Grip of
I Baseballitis
awakened from
its state of senii
torpor and is
again the sub
ject of national
convcr sation
generally claim
ing precedence
over all other
subjects In the
large cities the
small boy is dar
ing civic law
via police by playing one old cat
in the streets In the smaller com
munities where vacant lots offer un
obstructed opportunities the future
greats are batting up flies and oth
erwise preparing for their share ia
the coining seasons national pastime
Even the weather itself barring in
termittent snowstorms breathes base
While the doings of corner lot local
college and minor league teams are
of interest to hundreds of thousands
of fans in all sections of the country
it remains a fact that the possibilities
of the year in the two major leagues
American and National engross the
attention of all hence the training
stunts of sixteen teams occupy space
in newspapers in every state and be-
V- Jv Sp v
aerRotT f a
r cubs lSSef
y - sv li - Z3wSww TS25W xTTy
Photo by American Press Association
come a mutter of national digestion
Will the Athletics repeat and cap
ture another American league flag and
worlds series or will E yah Ilughey
Jennings and his Tigers come back
and let urn the flag to Detroit Will
the Cub of Chicago though losers in
the worlds contest take another Na
tion league penmmt or will the New
York Gimts fulfill long delayed pre
dictions and carry it to Manhattan Is
It is an oft told title that the recruit
who breaks all the fences during the
training trip games usually strikes out
or otherwise disgraces himself on his
major debut and then dolefully returns
to the busli leagues But there are
exceptions and some of the youngsters
have continued their fence breaking
clip in the fastest company for exam
ple Ty Cobb So a manager watches
the man who slams doubles and triples
with hope of a find as well as appr
hension of a failure
Captain Manager Chance of the Na
tional league champion Cubs thinks he
has a comer in Vic Saier a first base
man obtained from the Lansing club of
the Southern Michigan league Chance
may become a bench manager if he
develops a good understudy and Saier
is highl touted Not only does he
field his position well but he batted
Manager McGraw has a fence break
er in Manush who played third base
for the New Orleans team of the South
ern league last year He is recom
mended in both fielding and batting
and has broken up many games in
Texas during the training trip1
Jennings always on the lookout for
re enforcements for the dreaded Ti
gers has found workable material in
Kirk an infielder from Scranton in
the New York State league Jennings
infield has botherad him for several
seasons and he anticipates relief in
Kirk who has shown well in the
Paint Your House
IF you want it to last longer
and be worth more paint it
with Bradley Vrooman
Pure Paint
Its full measure full
value absolutely pure
complying with all require
ments of all State Paint
Made of pure Carbonate
of Lead pure Oxide of Zinc
and pure Linseed Oil
A long wearing economical
paint guaranteed to be su
perior to any other mixed
paint Cannot be dupli
cated by hand mixing
Stanskrry Lumber Co
Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 6 and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
9 and October 23
Gosper county January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember 18
Hitchcock county May 1 and No
vember 27
Red Willow county February 6
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
We have a very complete line
of perfumes including specials
from Palmer Colgate Hndnut
Iloubigant and Piver as well rfs
their best toilet waters
A relMILLEN Druggist
No Trespassing
allowed on the old Stone place
on Driftwood Trespassers wil
he prosecuted recording to law
n Mcdonald
Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay
Kidney trouble and the ills it
breeds means lost time and lost pay
to many a working man M Bal
ent 1214 Little Penna St Streator
I1L was so bad from kidney and
bladder trouble that he could not
work but 3ie says I took Foley
Kidney Fills for only a short time
and got entirely well and was soon
able to go back to work and am feel
ing welL and healthier than before
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac
tion quick in results a good friend
to the working man or woman who
suffers from kidney ills A Mc
Many a Suffering Woman
drags herself painfully through her
daily tasks suffering from backache
nervousness loss of appetite and
poor sleep not knowing ther ills are
due to kidney and bladder troubles
Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief
from pain and misery and a prompt
return to health and strength No
woman who so suffers can afford to
overlook Foley Kidney Pills A Mc
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote you prices Satisfaction
For job printing of every kind The
Tribune office is well equipped
Meets all legitimate prices Guaran
tees satisfactory work Let us fig
ure with you before you let your
work Phone us if you cant come
to the office We will call and quote
you prices
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
CURES and Purifies th Blood
Linsolsi Sanitarium
Sulpho Saf ine Springs
Locatod on our own premises and vmA
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Lira
Moderate Ckirgci Addicu
DR 0 W EVERETT Hgr Lincoln iUV
Hay Fever Asthma and Summer Cold
must be relieved quickly and Foleys
Honey and Tar Compound will do it
E M Stewart 1034 Wolfram St-
Chicago writes I have been great
ly troubled during the hot summer
momhs with hay fever and find that
by using Foleys Honey nd Tar
Compound I get great relief Many
others who suffer similar1 will be
j la tc beitcfit by Mr tcT is ex
perienc A McMillen
Cuts and bruises may be healed in
about one third the time required j
the usual treatment by applying
Chamberlains Liniment It is at
antiseptic and causes such injuries
to heal without maturation This
liniment also relieves soreness of tfce
muscles and rheumatic pains For
sale by all dealers
The McCook Tribune It is 1W
the yea in advance
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 residence
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Tempfej
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Ka
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Watf
building McCook
Phone 378
Room 4 Postoffice building Mc
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic tempie
McCook Neb
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store Ko
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and cf
McCook Water Works Co Office is
Postoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCoofc
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Pine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods o Quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasement
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2nd st East Phone
black 252
Your combings
made into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Phone red i59