The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 01, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    Tfte Mccook THfruite
Largest ICircuiated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
Will Aspire for Senatorship
i Congressman Norris made the
definite statement yesterday to
he Washington correspondent of
aJie State Journal that he -will be
i candidate for the Republican
nomination for United States
ator to succeed Senator Brown
The action of the Republicans
Df Red Willow county in pre
senting his name to the considera
tion of their party throughout
Tin ctno rrpnprnllv
t till DLUIV J V - j
ed as implying that Congressman
V Morris had iully decided to make
sAlie race for the seat m the high-
er body And yet when there
-camp no definite statement from
MWashington friends of both Nor
r Vis and Brown had felt that dos-
f sibly there would yet be no con-
iftest between these two
The announcement means that
V there will be a spirited campaign J
i i i
wt veorasKa s staie ouuk giuum
li tee law becomes operative today
m the 66 4 state banks of the
It will be worth while to de
termine just how genuinely pro
gressive Nebraska is The April
election will amount to a show
down with the Canadian
frocitv and presidential prefer
ence well to the front And a
lively U S senatorial incident to
The entry of Congressman Nor
ris against Senator Brown will
I reveal the leanings of the Repub
lican ranks on the questions of
Taft and of reciproeitj Here the
contest will rise above the level
of a personal squabble for office
Well conducted as it no doubt
will be this contest will be a
dignified discussion of the presi
dents record and of the recipro
city measure for which he is pe
culiarly responsible Lincoln
Congressman George W Xorris
has openly announced that he
will be a candidate for the sen
ate in Nebraska and that he will
campaign the state advocating
the principles fought for by La
Follette and the other insurgents
The people of Nebraska will now
be ennbled to line up without ref
erence to lhe ridiculous conven
tion declaration made last Tues
day under direction of the office
holding element The Capital ex
pects to take an active part in
this contest and there will be
much interesting reading before
next April Frank Harrisons
Lincoln Capital
The dignified earnest campaigi
being waged by C E Eldred of
our city is entirely in keeping
with the character of the man
His is an earnest nature one dis
posed to get down into the heart
of tilings Not satisfied or con
tent with surface indications but
seeking the hidden facts and
truths of life This characteristic
marks him a lawyer with traits
unmistakable and pre eminent of
a just and honorable judge Those
liwho know him in social and
mire the fineness of his charact
er and to repose great confidence
in the high quality of his legal
attainments So it is no surprise
to The Tribune to hear and read
the many favorable expressions
from people and press of the
Fourteenth Judicial district of
his candidacy And to know per
sonally by many years observa
tion that Mr Eldred is deserving
in every particular is an added
satisfaction The people of the
Fourteenth district are most deep
ly interested in who shall be their
next judge They will make no
mistake in nominating C E Eld
red of McCook as the Republican
candidate for that important of
fice at the primary election of
August 15th 1911 Vote for him
work for him Tell your neigh-
Dors and friends of his worth as
for the Republcian nomination
for senator the candidacy of the
congressman being aligned with
the candidacy of La Follette for
the Republican nomination and
disapproval of the Canadian reci
procity treaty and the candidacy
of Senator Brown being aligned
with the candidacy of President
Taft for renomination and the ap
proval of his record including
Canadian reciprocity
Congressman Norris expects to
make a more formal statement
shortly after his return home up
on the adjournment of congress
according to the Washington cor
The decision leaves the field
somewhat more clear with refer
ence to the congressional nomina
tion There are already four
candidates and it is expected tlia
there will be a few more Grand
Island Independent
The eleventh parliament of
Canada passed out of existence
Saturday and upon the political
complexion of a new one to be
elected September 21 will depend
the fate of the reciprocity agree
ment between the United States
and Canada
Silas Dooley Jr formerly of
this place but lately of Kansas
was drowned Sunday last
Percy When I was eating my
dinner today the butter ran
Harold Thats nothing I was
up town last night and saw a
cake walk
The postoffice at Norcatur
Kan was robbed Tuesday night
Rev and Mrs II W W Allen
are the proud parents of a baby
boy born Tuesday July 25
Frank Logan arrived home on
Wednesday after a few days ab
sence at Benedict Neb
David C Boyer came home on
Wednesday after a three days
visit with relatives in Colorado
Sheriff L M Iliggins of Mc
Cook was over on business Mon
day last
Prof Morris went up the line
on the passenger Thursday
The Christian Endeavor held a
party at the Otto Puelz home on
Friday night A fine time was
Fred Dow of Indianola was a
visitor at the J E Noe home on
Wednesday He expects to go to
Texas Monday
Dale Cass is suffering from a
sore thumb on account of sawing
the end of it off with a saw
Perry Cathcart of McCook was
over Tuesday visiting with niri
C Naden and family of Mc
Cook visited at the parental
Dolph home last week
Albert Volbracht of Healy
Kansas came in Tuesday to work
for C S Messner
Mr and Mrs E M Woods vis
ited friends at Lebanon Tuesday
red btevens of Indianola was
oyer Saturday doing some shop
The band boys their wives and
best girls stepped into Prof Mor
ris house Saturday night and
gave him a big surprise it being
his birthday Each and everyone
of them enjoyed themselves im
mensely wishing Mr Morris
many more happy birthdays
Jas E Ryan of Indianola was
oyer Friday getting acquainted
witli the voters of this precinct
He is running for county judge
on the Republican ticket
The McCook oil man filled the
oil tanks in this burg Thursday
Prof Morris has been on the
sick list
The sheriff of Norton Kansas
was over in this portion of the
country on business Saturday
H L Ruby arrived home on
Saturday after an indefinite bus
iness trip in Iowa and eastern Ne
We were visited by a wind and
dirt storm with a little rain on
Saturday afternoon
A good rain and four inches of
a man and ability for the judge- hail was reported up at Cedar
jip f umiis liansas Saturday
fl 1
Political Advertisements
A L Cochran of Bartley is a
candidate for nomination for the
office of county treasurer on the
Republican ticket It will be re
membered that Mr Cochran was
appointed in June 1907 to fill
the unexpired term in this office
of Ben Gr Gossard The condi
tion of this office at this time
will be remembered by many tax
payers During his incumbency
Mr Cochran collected taxes to
the amount of over 100000 be
sides adjusting grievances ex
tending from York state to Cal
ifornia That lie turned over to
his successor the office in per
fect condition with a splendid
set of books and everything in
ship shape Mr Cochran is the
logical candidate and is entitled
to office You will make no
mistake in casting your vote for
I hereby announce mvself a
candidate for the office of sher
iff on the Republican ticket sub
ject to the decision at the pri
mary election August 15th
We are reliably informed that
Furnas county will have a candi
date for the nomination of dist
rict judge of the 14th judicial
district in the person of E B
Perry of Cambridge and it goes
without saying that Mr Perry
will have strong support in this
end of the district His active
law practice extends to every
county in the district and he is
recognized as the leading attor
ney in this pait of the state He
is a man of honor and has al
ways been an anti corporation at
torney and the News gladly en
dorses him for district judge be
lieving him to be an ideal mar
for the place Mid especially fitted
for the bench Sti atton News
Hon 1
B Perry of Cambridge
is the Enterprises choice of can
dictates for district judge Mr
Perry hardly needs any introduc
tion to any one in this district
He has been in active practice as
attorney in the district for many
years and his honesty fairness
and legal ability is acknowledged
by every one all over the district
No better choice could be made
The Enterprise not only gladly
endorses the candidacy of E B
Perry of Cambridge for district
judge but feel it a duty to pre
sent to the voters of this judicial
district a man that has been tried
for many years both in his pro
fession and as a citizen and not
found lacking in any of the es
sentials that go to make up true
manhood Mr Perry is one of
tne ablest Lawyers in western Ne
braska and coupled with this a
reputation for integrity and up
rightness A clean man in his
profession and that is what the
14th judicial district of Nebraska
wants Curtis Enterprise
School House Partially Wrecked
and Heavy Loss to Crops
Culbertson Neb July 0
Special Telegram A severe
wind and hailstorm struck this
town this afternoon destroying
property to the extent of 5000
The cupola and roof of the new
school were blown off damaging
it about 2500 Window lights
were broken all over town Late
fruit here is an entire loss Hun
ters nursery was damaged 2-
000 Rain to the extent of 13
inch fell in twenty minutes Hail
fell to the depth of about three-
quarters of an inch The hail belt
is three miles square with Cul
bertson about the center Omaha
Peter Miesen of our city was the
contractor for the school building
damaged He places the damage
at 1000 As no cyclone or hail
insurance had been written on
the building the loss falls heav
ily upon the contractor who will
have to make good the damage
It will likely be discovered that
bonds Aoted for water works pur
poses are not available for other
purposes than that for which they
were voted
Observe that 1030 oclock is
the time for holding services in
the German Evan Lutheran
church instead of 1000 as for
merly announced
Do not allow your kidney and
bladder trouble to develop beyond the
reach of medicine Take Foley Kid
ney Pills They give quick results
and stop irregularities with surpris
ing promptness A McMillen
ril ys y
ys Tl i r
Subscribe for The Tribune
Political Advertising
The name of County Judge J
C Moore will appear on the bal
lot at the coming primaries as a
candidate for re election on the
Republican ticket
Mr Moore was born in Ohio
was raised on a farm receiving
his education in the public school
and at Wylie Academy and Mer
cer College in Illinois Came
j erland to Red Willow county Ne
braska in the early history of the
county taking up a homestead in
Tyrone precinct which was his
home until removing with his
family to McCook to take the of
fice of county judge Was a first
grade teacher in this county for
several years Applied himself to
the study of law being justice of
the peace in his home precinct
Recent laws have added con
siderably to the work of county
judges and also increased some
what the pay of the office nence
iz is not strange that lour men
are opposing Judge Moore for tin
place However the office has
no salary being wholly a fee of
Mr Moores friends are urging
his nomination on the ground of
his past success his experience in
the office his unquestioned hon
esty his ability to perform the
important duties of the office
Also it is claimed that county
judges like district judges usu
ally are allowed somewhat longer
terms than other county officers
Those who know Judge Moore
know that if given another two
years in this office he will con
tinue to give it his entire time
and attention and discharge its
duties in a conscientious and fear
less manner
Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach
I suffered intensely after eating
and no medicine or treatment I tried
seemed to do any good writfes H
M Youngpeters editor of the Sun
Lake View Ohio The first few
doses of Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets gave me surprising re
lief and the second bottle seemed to
give me a new stomach and perfect
ly good health For sale by all
More people men and women are
suffering from kidney and bladder
trouble than ever before and each
year more of them turn for quick re
lief and permanent benefit to Fol
eys Kidney Remdey which has prov
en itself to be one of the most ef
fective remedies for kidney and blad
der ailments that medical science
has devised A McMlilen
A well known Des Moines woman
after suffering miserably for two day
from bowel complaint was cured by
one dose of Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy For
sale by all dealers
Lily Patent Flour when once use
none other will satisfy you
The McCook Tribune want ads 5c
line Most people read them
Wma aWM riBil
IMMIiiMiiiiMl iiirTT IMWltl ilrr CbTiT ByfTi X tTL
P iPlfJ P
iw tr van use m
iff i jfm m
M VIM 1 Ski
IfcWiA M 7j nji
ii in fan m
BJP iffl jaj ift Mygyjs qSB
m rriiwi
m Lei via uuicn uesnscr Co IH
tH Iialf Your house clcaninn In HH
J hall the time with hall the gQ
WM labor it will clczn nirtlc tR
ih paimca wans woodwork HaH
lM l ii k3I i
H iactcvcrylhing about the house Wm
jH barn or dairy It will quick- jB
H ly Danish all dirt and grczsc jH
Hj which soap soap powders and H
H flltipr rpjncfr Ivill nnl tfrrf B
jH and make everything spick jH
M and span in no time jH
H Avoid caustics and adds IHj
H l It IE
KLrTTrntMYyyyYt Vi H
11111111 m ilBMMWIWPJWfffM a
Mr and Mrs J S Modrell vis
well Wolfe last Thursday after
Mrs Olive Brown visited the
home folks at Oxfard last week
Dorsey Shepherd was in this
vicinity last Thursday looking for
Mrs G A Shields and mother
Mrs Martha Johnson visited Mrs
J C Ball last Friday afternoon
Choke cherry harvest is now in
D B Doyle and F G Lytle
each sold a bunch of cattle to D
C Marsh last Friday
Mrs Waddell and young folks
are helping Mrs Taylor with her
Louis Longneeker and family
and Lweis Elmer and wife went
from Sunday school to Will My
ers for dinner
The heavy rain last Saturday
caused Dry creek to go on a ram
page washing away a good deal
of fencing
Wlil Randel was on the sick
list the first of the week
Louis Longneeker and Lewis
Elmer helped thresh at Mr Cal
vins on Friday
Mr Finch has been to Lincoln
lately and reports that crops are
fine in that section
R F D No 1
Twin boys were born to Mr
and Mrs Henry Ebert last week
Thursday While both were fine
large babies but one survived
Mrs Court formerly Miss Anna
nesterworth is here from Den
ver visiting her parents Mx and
Mrs Henry Hesterworth
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been mad ein the county
clerks office since our last re
United States to John L
Sollers patent s1 nw
Vi n swV
Jacob H Wicks et ux to
Marion Powell et al deed
10 in o Marion 3i0 00
Foley Kidney Pills will check the
progress of your kidney and bladder
trouble and heal by removing the
cause A McMillen
An ordinary case of diarrhoea can
as a rule be cured by a single dose
of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy This remedy has
no superior for bowel complaints Fo
sale by all dealers
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182
McCook Nehr
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
aft kjj - -
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Smith bought some pigs from
his neighbor Jones The price
came to G42 Smith paid
Jones in cash but as usual
neither had the proper change
and Smith said Just make it
even money Smith lost 8
cents Jones bought some pigs
from his neighbor Johnson The
nrice came to 642 Jones ha
ms money in the bank ana
gave Johnson a check for the
exact amount Jones did not
lose a cent This is only one
of the advantages of a check
ing account Come in and let
us explain further
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
Teacher of
Piano and Organ
910 First Street West McCook Ne
to do Paper Hanging Light Car
penter Work and Inside Painting
Leave orders with C C Brown
at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St
West McCook Neb
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 2G2
Real Easterday
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n tt acri rXnCrxnlr
street in P Whleh bulrtiog lvOOK
Osborn Kwmner Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of LeGrofPs
Phone No 13
Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
xo 4j
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456
I i