The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 01, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1

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out No runs
McCook Morris
field Barbazette
field Milligan hit
Revnolds hit to
t McCook 8 Arapahoe 4 5
The game of ball Friday af
ternoon between the locals and
the Arapahoe Braves was a
conclusive victory for the home
aggregation Score S to 4 Mc
Cook made six of her -winning
scores in one inning
First Inning
Arapahoe Cook out Reynolds
to Morris Beltzer struck out
Tanner walked and stole second
DisbroAV out on grounder to
Morris No runs
McCook Norman out on fly
to HalloAvay Ilopkins out Toll to
Disbrow Morris struck out No
Second Inning
Arapahoe Carroll walked and
went to second on Morris error
and stole third llalloway walked
and stole 2nd C arroll going out
Green to Carhill out
on fir 1o Norman Tolen out on
fly to Ilopkins No runs
McCook Barbazette out on
fly to left field Milligan hit for
two bases Reynolds hit to cen
ter field and Milligan was caught
out at the plate Harmon went to
first on an infield hit Reynolds
taking third Carhill out on foul
fly to Toler No runs
Third Inning
Arapahoe Toll hit to right
field Cook hit to left field Toll
going to third Beltzer struck
out Tanner hit to center field
scoring Toll Disbrow out on fly
to Reynolds Carroll out Norman
to Morris One run
McCook Norman out on fly
to Debenham Ilopkins out fold
fly to Toler Morris hit by pitch
er and stole second and was out
Toll to Tanner No runs
Fourth Inning
Arapahoe llalloway out Nor
man to Morris Dcbenham out
Reynolds to Morris Toler out
Norman to Morris No runs
McCook Barbazette out Toll
to Disbrow Milligan out on fly
to Toler Reynolds out on fly to
Debenhan No runs
Fifth Inning
Arapahoe Toll struck out
Cook went to first on Normans
error Beltzer hit to Carhill and
Cook and Beltzer were both out
on double play Carhill to Barba
zette to Morris No runs
McCook Harmon out on fly
to Beltzer Green went to first
Debenhams error and stole
second and third Carhill sacrific
ed scoring Green Norman hit
to center field Ilopkins out
Toll to Disbrow One run
Sixth Inning
Arapahoe Tanner out Barba
zette to Morris Disbrow out Rey
nolds to Morris Carroll walked
and stole second llalloway struck
hit to center
hit to center
to left field
center field
scoring Morris Barbazette and
Milligan Harmon hit to left field
scoring Reynolds Green went to
first on Tanners error Carhill
For Sale in Hayes County
250 to 300 tons of choice mid
land hay growing or in stack
privilege of feeding on place Al
so privilege of autumn and win
ter range No other stock for
past year running water Ad
dress R B Sheridan McCook
For Sale or Trade
My lot 70x150 on West B st
cheap for cash or will trade for
cows and heifers
- 13 4t Haigler Nebr
The Ladies Aid
The members of the Ladies
Aid Society of the Methodist
church will meet with Mrs W N
Rogers next Thursday afternoon
at Shadeland ranch
Initiated Five Members
Eureka Chapter O E S init
iated five new members last Fri
day evening Refreshments were
afterwards served at Wood
When it is spices or flavoring
extracts remember you get only
the pure at McConnells
hit to left field scoring Har
mon Norman out Toler to Dis
brow Ilopkins hit to center field
scoring Green Morris hit for
four bases but was called out for
failing to touch first base Six
Seventh Inning
Arapahoe Debenham went to
first on Carhills error Toler
out on fly to Ilopkins Toll took
first on Barbazette s error Cook
hit to right field scoring Deben
ham and Toll Beltzer out Car
hill to Morris Cook scoring Tan
ner out Barbazette to Morris
Three runs
McCook Barbazette out on a
foul fly to Toll Milligan out on
foul fly to Carroll Reynolds out
Toll to Disbrow No runs
Eighth Inning
Aroptdioe Disbrow fc R
Hoicte to tfJorrfc avoir walked
man j o runs
McCook Harmon out Toll t
Disbrow Green went to first on
Tanners error Carhill hit to cen
ter Green taking third Norman
sacrificed scoring Green Hop
kins out Toll to Disbrow One
Ninth Inning
Arapahoe Tolen out Norman
to Morris Toll out on fly to Bar
bazette Cook hit to center field
Beltzer hit to left field Cook go
ing to third Tanner out Barba
zette to Morris No runs
Score by Innings
Arapahoe 00100030 04
McCook 00001601 S
Earned runs McCook 4
hoe 0 three base hit Reynolds
two base hit Milligan base on
balls off Reynolds 5 hit
pitcher Green Morns struck lington crop report issued yester
out by Reynolds 5 by Toll ldiy afternoon The corn is now
double play Carhill to Barbazette silking and tasscling and rain is
to Morris time of game 135 needed to bring a good yield
umpires Bellamy and Ellison jWitli good rains in the next few
Cook If 5
Beltzer 2b 5
Tanner ss 4
Disbrow 11 4
Carroll c 1
llalloway cf 3
Debenham rf 4
Toler 3b 4
Toll p 4
Milligan cf
Reynolds p
Harmon rf
Green c
Carhill 3b
34 4
McCOOK ab r
Norman ss 4 0
Hopkins If 5 0
Morris lb 3 1
Barbazette 2b 4
Genius and Goodness
I have had sometimes in mine
the gloved and white palm of the
upper class and the heavy black
hand of the lower class and have
recognized that both are but of
men After all these have passed
before me I say that humanity
has a synonym equality and that
under heaven there is but one
thing we ought to bow to genius
and the only thing before which
we ought to kneel goodness
Victor Hugo
O E S Picnic
Eureka lodge will be represent
ed at the district picnic O E S
at Oxford next Thursday Quite
a delegation will go from here
with the worthy matron Mrs
George Willetts Jr on the pro
gram for a toast
If You Have
houses to rent list them with Whit
taker Gray They have several
applications on file now for hous
es Phone black 283 Office in Tem
ple block
McConnell for drugs
Tuesday Evening Edition
Platte road and might deflect
some travel to the southern road
ine lvxo fcan in ancisco exposi
tion figure the men who arc now
interesting themselves in the pro-
edajs the corn on this division
0 mnv raise a fair vield Elsewherr
1 on the Burlington lines west of
2 the river the condition of corn
0 is more favorable than last week
Hie improvement being
0 on the Wvmore and Lincoln
2 bions
0 pers
High water and grasshop
have caused considerable
in scattered small areas
Agents acerages indicate the fol
lowing percentages based on a
full cror Omaha division 79
1 last week 96 Lincoln division
0 92 last week 90 Wymore
0 sion 80 last week 81 McCook
2 J division 79 last week 80 The
0 j hoil is said to be in fairly satis
0 factorv condition on the McCook
0 Wymore and Lincoln divisions
1 save for small areas Avhere rain
34 8 12 G
It is a satisfaction to the fans
to know that McCook accorded
Arapahoe better treatment than
they received at the hands of the
Braves on their recent visit
Saving produces a peace of
mind unknown to him who in
time of misfortune must depend
on the bounty of kis friends De
termine to save for will power is
the prmie essential Deposit reg
ularly Lay aside some portion
of each weeks or months income
Deposit extra and unexpected re
We have a fine assortment
Box Paper from 10c to 100
A McMILLEN Druggist
HIow would you like to swap
your old soft wood floor for var
nished hardwood Give me 250
to boot and Ill trade Find me
at McConnells drug store and
see my samples
Colorado Irrigated Lands near
Denver several thousand acres of
fine level land will come under
irrigation next spring Write for
full particulars M R Stewart
535 Empire Bldg Denver Colo
We never hesitate to guaran
tee Lily Patent flour At the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
McConnells Blackberry Balsarf
for diarrohea and summer com
plaint 25c
McConnell fills prescriptions
braska road
ject is a road which would cut News
Now that the Omaha Denver
transcontinental good roads move
ment is well under way boosters
for improved highways in Nebras
ka are beginning to consider the
possibility of feeders to the
main line across the state It is
known that a number of counties
west of Lincoln are planning to
improve roads north and south
of the river-to-mountains route
leading into this main artery of
travel Eventually this will give
central Nebraska a net work of
first class public roads all based
upon the transcontinental line
Lincoln men figure that similar
work can be done to excellent ad
vantage in the territory north
aasfc and soivth of Lincoln One
suggestion in for an improved
southeast from Lincoln to Falls
City and then to Kansas City
Mo At the present time Kansas
has not agitated a movement for
improving the roads of the Jay
hawker state systematically from
east to Avest A nlan is beincr
worked out for a north and south
road which will lead through cen
tral Kansas and thence from
Belleville to Lincoln The east
and west line has been neglected
however and Nebraska men fig
ure that it would be an excellent
move to get into the game early
and afford Missouri tourists a
convenient means of reaching the
Nebraska route For this reason
they think that a road from
Kansas Sity extended if possible
by Missouri men through that
road north through Wahoo and i state to Jefferson Citv anrl St
imd stole seaond Hallo way struci Fremont- This route would tapjRouft would be a first class pro-
out Debenham out fly to Nor- the line of tle ProePsed North position for Lincoln and the Ne
of autoists are ex-
through Lincoln Another pro pected to journey to the Pacific
posed road is through Syracuse I coast by automobile in 1915 and
to Nebraska City which might those south of a line
later extend into Iowa and tap
the excellent good roads system
of the southern part of that state
and west through
will gravitate
City Whether
southern Iowa
I The Burlington Crop Report
Corn on the Omaha division of has fallen Rain is needed all
the Burlington is now in a critic- over the Omaha division Sinee
t J i -- -
by al stage -according to the Bur- the last report the dry parts of
the Wymore division have been
well soaked and good rains have
fallen on the Lincoln division
Maximum precipitation during
the week Avas ten inches at Crab
Orchard DeWitt and Pilley Win
ter wheat continues to show fav
orable indications on both yield
and quality with other small
grains about as last week Oats
are poor ranging from half a
crop on the Omaha division to
total failure elsewhere Plowing
for winter wheat has extended
from the McCook division to the
Wymore and Lincoln sections
but it is generally too dry for
plowing on the Omaha division
Potatoes run from total failure
to half a crop Pasturage is very
much improved except in the
Omaha district On that division
the third crop of alfalfa will not
average more than a fourth of a
full crop Tame hay may run
half crop
Meets Next Friday
The ladies of the W C T U
will meet in the basement of the
Methodist church next Friday
Toilet Soap
carry a large line of toilet
soap from 5e a cake up
A McMILLEN Druggist
We call attention to the
nouncement elsewhere in this
per or uounty Judge U Moore
as a candidate for re election Mr
Moore was two years ago re
elected to this office by a large
maiontv We know Judge Moore
to favor one candidate above an
other wo can say that he is a
man whom the people can trust
and we believe he will receive a
large vote at the primaries two
weeks hence
Finish your own vacation pho
tos McConnell has all necessary
supplies for the work Film tanx
developing boxes trays powders
clips etc
Curfew may not ring tonight
but the whistle will sound at
Huber handles the
and caps also and
other makes
Carhartt gloves
a full line of
Kodaks and kodak supplies
Wider Tires for Heavy Loads
As the question of good roads
becomes more and more import
ant the matter of tire widths be
comes more accute One of the
greatest enemies of good roads is
the narrow tire under a heavy
load Some states attempt to cor
rect this by remitting a certain
per cent of road taxes with the
toward Kansas addition of every inch in tire
they then pro- width over two inches on the wag
k - CD
I tonnage
this is an
tion Vehicles
heavv tonnage
our dirt roads
question and
our earnest
hauling certain
should have tires
of a corresponding width
haps in no other way can
matter of ruts and holes bo
inated from the dirt road At
any rate there is doubtless
enough in this matter to engage
the thought of the city council
and their action It would work
no injustice to anyone in the
long run and would conduce
greatly to improvement in the
roads and make much easier the
maintenance of the roads
Thomas Doyle Dead
Thomas son of Mr and
James Doyle of Perry precinct
died on Sunday
oclock after an
afternoon at 44o
illness ot some
Thomas Doyle was 17 years
and 3 months old at his death
A requiem high mass was held
in St Patricks church of our
city this lorning at ten oclock
after which the remains were bur
ied in Calvary cemetery
A large concourse of friends
from city and country attended
the services attesting the high
regard in which the departed is
held and expressing the deep
sympathy of all for the bereav
ed family
Death of Mrs Z O Holcomb
A personal letter to a McCook
friend from a member of the fam
ily announces the death of Mrs
Z O Holcomb in Fort Collins
Colorado on Friday of last week
July 21st 1911 Death was the
result of a second attack of par
alysis Mrs Holcomb was for
years a resident of McCook and
many old time friends of the fam
ily here will sympathize with
them in the death of the beloved
mother Mrs Holcomb was a
member of the Degree of Honor
personally and while not wishing and her life was insured for
1000 in the order
Broke An Axle
One of C R Livingstons cars
driven by Cy Wimer chauffeur
broke an axle at the intersection
of Main avenue and B street on
Friday morning
passenger in the
There AAas a
car but no in
jury or other damage resulted
Buster Marsh and De
Kids clubs played a 6-
game on
Avith odds
Blisters to 3
Thursday night
favor of the
Rubber gloves 75c per pair
McMillens Drug Store
Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
L W Mi CONNELL Druggist Tribune 100 per year
r m
Fire Loss at Benkelman
Benkelman Neb July 30
Fire which started in Grahams
restaurant Saturday morning at
5 oclock consumed a frame row
on the west side of Chief street
in the business section
The total fire loss amounts to
35000 and the insurance will
building 1200 insurance 800
Citizens bank building and fix
tures 6500 insurance 2500
Walker Matteson fixtures 30C
D G Hines attorney 500 E
Dobbs barber 100 fully insured
C H Israel notions 600 insur
ance 200 J W Walthall Son
cover ou per cent ot this amount drugs 2000
j no insurance H
I lift PStimntorJ InsCPQ urn- Jnlin Brandner i - -
Roemmich general merchandise
2000 fully insured W H Yan
Buskirk bakery 2000 insurance
1d00 Geo W Druliner hard
ware 8000 insurance 6000 J
A McDonald meat market 2
200 insurance 1500 Leslie Gra
ham restaurant 1300 insurance
sf 800 Frank Arnold Co
building 1200 insur
ance vow Mrs j Israel on
building 1000 insurance 600
v uucjuuucii naraware and
taurant buildings 2000 no in-
surance on thme
Mr Roemmich s concrete block
store building prevented the fire
spreadinsr to the rout nf i mi
IC im AtnfAAj -71 I
-it -- UULiriMIMIf
III lf-
nlmnJinn i o nnn m nrvn yj vnuvri
umuuiac msuKiuuu wm immediately
nrenarp m
h Uwcns merchandise 2UU0 build Lincoln Journal
Very Successful Session Came to
End Last Friday
The ninth annual session of
the McCook Junior State Normal
school closed on Fridav afternoon
ot last week
The Tribune believes from all
information at hand and from ex
pressions heard
One of the most important lines ed west by a southern route or on This of course works vervlfrom intnutni i ef
wlnVli clinnlrl ho rWnlnnn1 Wni niiin fll W1rncVn Annrlo i 1 - j i ultft xnaf
w v IT imuuj muiuona utjuuo up- SHllSl iiciuim UUU lUtiS IU L1IJ5 SCSSlOn JlJlS llPPTl
il t1 i rl Til I -
on xne acuvuy or ine road maK jsix inches have become more or most Mvid substantial
ers in Heading on a move lor a loss common on heavy wagons actory yet held
nansas road ijincoin Evening draws and trucks heavv
one ot the
I he total of enrollment has
reached the 150 mark not the
argest ever but results cannot
be properly measured or weighed
by numbers Substantial work
complished is a better vanl
Per 1 and tins measure givesmost satis
the factory results
It is a pleasure to The Trihnnn
to congratulate Supt Taylor and
lib able and earnest corps of
leaeners in the record made
this session
About the Trees
It is a matter of common ob
servation that the shade and the
fruit trees of the city are dying
m unusual numbers this summer
Part of this doubtless be
may ex
plained by the uncommon laok nf
moisture this summer and last
winter But it is claimed and
Ave think AAith reason that the
lack of moisture alone does not
fully explain the unfortunate
fact Borers and other tree en
emies are doing their destructive
Avork It lias been suggested that
an expert in horticulture from
the state university might Avith
profit be secured to come to Mc
Cook and investigate the situation
This subject might engage the at
tention of the city council A ith
profit to the trees Our trees are
almost invaluable to us and some
intelligent action may Avell be
taken to preserA e and protect
them if it be possible
Has Given Surety Bond
F W Rank has given his bond
as AA ater commissioner AAith the
American Surety Co as surety oh
tained through Ritchie Wolff
that companys local attorneA s
A Lawn Party
The ladies of the B Y club
entertained their husbands at a
laAA n party last Thursday even
ing at the home of Treasurer and
Mrs Clifford Naden in a very
charming manner
Bought the Pool Hall
Messrs A L KnoAland
Harry Barbazette are the
OAA ners of the McDonald
pool hall taking possession
It has been said that approach
ing events sometimes cast their
shadoAAs before
This AA ill introduce W J
Stilgebouer to Editor NeAvman
We Serve to Please
Ic3 cream soda and sundaes
pure crushed fruit including
A McMILLEN Druggist
all the
You will find them fresh and clean
at Magners grocery