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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1911)
i - f I t - THIRTIETH YEAR k Wanted 500 Men Women and Children to come and buy our First Class Slippers and Oxfords now on sale Mens 63 30 and 34 00 for 175 and up Womens 6300 CI Z and and 5350 for P1UV Up Think of It Viersen Osborn The Corner Store AUTOISTS BUSY RTYING TO COMPLY WITH LAW Good Muslin 5c Yard Best wide sheeting 28c Peer less carpet warp 26c lb Meritas table oil cloth 15c vd Fleischers German Knitting yarn 25c for 65c childs parasols 10c Leath erwear yard wide black taffeta silk 89e yard Childs gingham dresses 29c to 89c childs romp ers 25e to 50c large Smyrna rugs 125 ad so on through the long list of spot cash bargains Thompson D br Uo one price plain figures cash only A few drops of Germazone put in the drinking water for chick ens keeps them in a healthy con dition 50c per bottle For sale by WOODWORTH Druggist Eureka auxiliary O E S held a Kensington at the home of Mrs Ellison Wednesday after noon Mesdames Ellison and Mc Clure entertaining When it is stationery be sure to try the Symphony Lawn McCONNELD Druggist i Want to Know When the trans continental road mapping party now tour ing toward Denver returns from that city next week the Lincoln Commercial club may tender the travelers a reception at which the river-to-mountain road pro ject will be thoroughly discussed When the party went through Lincoln enroute west but little opportunity was offered for a good roads rally Now it is de sirefd that the tourists stop and tell the Lincoln people something of what they -found on the pro posed highway and that they out line what they think is needed for the further improvement of the road If reports that come to Lin coln from towns along the route idicate the real sentiment of the road boosters they are very en thusiastic over the possibilities of the South Platte road Lincoln Evening News Arapahoe at McCook Dodgers are up announcing the J game for Friday afternoon on the local B M grounds between the Braves and our own est nihe Arapahoes require no intro duction here They usually give a good account of themselves anc will make our bovs iro fast I enough to make the game worth Problem of Lighting Numbers Is while Take a couple hours off Most Perplexing J tomorrow afternoon and see the game The McArdle vehicle law nowi in offset 1ms mm nrovision which Mens seems to be neglected by motor ists in general although one man who was un and down Farnam Straw Hats Half Price That gets you our 35c hats for ItSc the 50c ones for 25c 65c ones for 33c 100 ones for 50c street Tuesday night carried the 200 ones for 100 Getting law out to the letter On both them for nothing you would hard the front and back of his machine K expect yet we meet you half were illuminated numbers which way ai tnat proposition The blazed like lamps and were seen Thompson D G Co a block away The number was clearance 14776 and was visible to the liceman on the street both going Hirsutone and coming and the otnor The antisentic bail and from one hour after sunset till one hour before sunrise shall be lighted as to be plainly vis ible at a distance of 100 feet Many motor owners have so arranged the lights on the back of their cars that the number is made visible by the beam which is east across it but a special light seems necessary to make the number on the front show up The matter of lighting is not the onlv difficulty in the new DeGroff s Are Victors The ball game Tuesday evening between the DeGrofi s and De livery Boys resulted in victory for the DeGroff s The score was 7 to 4 10 Cent Lawns Now 5c For the purpose of clearance to get room for new fall goods Tho Thompson D G Co Utmost value lb skem Mosquito netting oc yd No Trespassiner mens good overalls 44e to 99c allowed on tho old Stone place boys double front and scat ov on Driftwood Trespassers will eralls 44c good feather pillows f JC prosecuted iccording to law r Mcdonald Frank W Rank as water com missioner enters a new field He is strongly recommended and en dorsed and his many friends and The well wishers expect him to give a good account of himself in that difficult capacity A kodak helps you to observe and think fills the hours with pleasure sights and experiences We have the Eastman cameras at the lowest possible prices L W McCONNELL Druggist Any one can afford a ham mock at the reduced prices we are now offering them at Come and see WOODWORTH Druggist Use Nyals liniment for sprains cuts or wounds It has excep tional penetrating properties 25c Cameras films and photo sup- and 50e per bottle plies WOODWORTH Druggist C R WOODWORTH Druggist We have T Jr JtIc00E Thursday Evening Edition Minden to Denver Three automobile loads of Min den people drove into McCook on Wednesday forenoon on their way to Denver over the Omaha Denver Trans Continental Route In the party were Mr and Mrs J H Clearman Mona L Clearman Rom C Clearman Dr and Mrs II Ilapeman Miss Ruth Russell Charles Russell Arthur Jensen Mrs Andrew Jensen Mrs G E Parisoe and R J Cal lagan of Sheridan 111 The party took on supplies made necessary replacements and repairs here ate dinner visited relatives and friends in the city they are old time friends of Mr and Mrs J G Schobel and Mr V Clearman in the Citizens Na tional bank is related to several in the party and in the after noon departed for the west ex pecting to cover 75 miles before putting up for the night G E Parisoe of Minden is the stale secretary of the good roads organization which is back of the Omaha Denver Trans Continental Route Rom C Clearman of Minden is the vice president of the Kear ney county good roads organiza tion The party aimed to make Iloly oke by Wednesday night Mr and Mrs J G School en tertained the party at luncheon during their brief stay here Already the automobile tourist is becoming a more familiar sight in McCook With the develop ment of the Omaha Denver Trans Continental Route hey will be of daily occurrence in the tour ing season Council Meeting City council met Tuesday af bent on ternoon in City Attorney Wolffs ottice mayor and all eouncilmen being present except Woods Ap pointment of L Cv Stoll as eir li r 1 1 dressin cleric was connrmeu Annual ers immediately began to wonder rhmdrnff Ireen tlm ojilr propnation ordinance was pass- if they were delinquent The law wif i nnriitinn ctimnlnto ed F W Rank was appointed i states the matter specifically jle rrowth of the hair and iink mitei commissioner and appoint- The i j t i i Pripplment iinc confirmed Per state Said number and letters shall l snfr ami was be in white on a black ground 50c per bottle For saleat i treasurers request the remain- or water oonus were WOODWORTII S DRUG STORE ing Will Close July 31st Having decided to go into The Tribune office and assist in the work of publishing the paper 1 will with the end of this month discontinue my Avork in photog raphy and close my studio E SCIIELL KIMMELL All Summer Dresses Half Price Voiles Foulards All Over m u m iij iix u broi1 j t t h two T The placing of metal numbers on i imest or them now onlv 338 the front of the car uses up a Thi M immediate noticeable amount of radiator lltntiou The Thompson D G rt - v rt ti rm ii iiiiii iiiiiiifiiit iii Ill been tried to get around that dif- ficulty Some men are hanging the numbers below the radiator but that is not convenient Paint ing them upon the radiator is also unsatisfactory because they do not show plainly and the paint comes off Omaha Bee Co bent on clearance lorwarded to him returnable on demand Decring Corn Binders get the short corn and fodder the best Give us your order now and save all the feed it will be val uable McCOOK HARDWARE CO Perfumes a very complete line of perfumes including specials from Palmer Colgate Iludnut lloubigant and Piver as well as their best toilet waters A McMILLEN Druggist Stetson Hats 369 fic f iRfin Pinl ou stand the difference just for Ihe luxury of having it charged i he Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Wall paper remnants suitable foi any one room at the most satisfactory prices L W McCONNELL Druggist New specials every day at our soda fountain WOODWORTII Drill Everything in drugs nell fffist The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers There is magic In the words Advo They are the final word in canned excellence And Huber is the prophet Everything thats fruits and vegetables the time seasonable at Hubers in all Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Try him for an order All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Feeds of all kinds for sale McCOOK MILLING CO All the fresh at Magners fruits of the season A Probable Suit The information that a fierlrh ot public lands and buildings but drawn rom the treasury on the order of the board of regents They may have other points in mnd but this is the one that has been believed all along to bt dangerous to the law if it ever came up for trial The senate proposed to cure this defect late in the legislative session but the Phone 25 215 Main ave Mrs Edith Burns Buck pianist pupil of William II Sherwood McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JULY 27 1911 Ihe federals must have sea- led the progressives speechless It was worse than a ease of be- numbed pedal appendages In Supplies and material for wate color painting WOODWORTII Druggist Follow tho crowd to Wood worths soda fountain and get something good Can Pay at the Store Parties owing the Updike Co may pay their bills at Jones Cos ocafectionery and news stand on low er Main avenue Phone 13 or 1C9 S S GARVEY Manager The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is D7 is Money to Loan on Farms See ttozell Sons at clothing store Foleys Honey and TarjCompound effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown persons No i opiates no harmful drugs In the yellow package Refuse substitutes A McMillen Remember cleaned our corn is all extra McCOOK MILLING CO For special on sauer kraut by the gallon see Magner sssa Pade Sundav C K Slmai im JVfext MENTION is to be made on the new agvicul - y Corns was a Lincoln turai school at Curtis is appar ently well founded Even if the proposed meeting at Hastings fails to bring out plenty of men and money there are men in west era Nebraska who stand ready to test the validity of the law A suit will probably be commenced Lancaster county by Lincoln at torneys engaged by one or more western Nebraska cities The ground of the objection to the appropriation is that the money is to be expended by the board 2roiTuesday Miss Vera Fitz Gerald arrived home on No 1 today City Carrier George Stroud re sinned his city route Tuesday Mrs Barnett and Mrs McCarl were delayed until today in get ting away for Hot Springs S D H W Keyes was in town on Wednesday on business in the probate court in the Juliet B nume estate A L Cochran candidate for county treasurer on the Repub lican ticket was looking over his fences in McCook yesterday Arthur Webster and Delbert Grant came up from McCook on Tuesday and went out to the Claude Harmon ranch Wraj Ga zette Mr and Mrs II C Clapp are in Norwalk Ohio this week with triends of the bill would not al- friends resting from their work low it to be done They know in New York and on their wa that if the appropriation went westward back to the house tor amendment M c M of mdianola can it would be killed without benefit didate for sheriff on the Repub of clergy Lincoln Journal lican tieket was in th it - I the interest of his candidacv on Figsen I Wednesday A now candy cathartic pleas- Miss ZelIa 0sborn and her con- V- I- crieve stellation of Amazonians in the reiet ot constipation Coma large audience Tuesday iuuii ul Jiyfc fcumiH uxiu oiuer pleasant laxative herbs box Price 25 cents Try WOODWORTII Druggist mjr this week Miss Stoila Crattv Chicago Available for concerts her parents and receptions A limited num ber of pupils accepted Address 1012 Main avenue drew even- at the practice game between a the girls at the pump house park I George E Nelms arrived from Price Utah Tuesday evening on T- 10 and will be the guest of mi t j Talcum Powder his brother J E Nelms of our for the toilet and nursery Soft- j citv for a few days Mr Nelms ens the skin and keeps it in a is on his way to Taylorsville Un healthy condition Goor for nois on a visit to his aged par prickly heat and after bathing ents and will be accompanied or shaving You will find all the end of week bv Mr and Mrs J standard brands at our store v wims Tim nnronk jn o re- A McMILLEN Druggist Spectivelv 8S and 78 vears of - i age There are thirteen members Ladies Parasols One Third off oj the family and there hasnt Those are the fancy summer been a death in the family for parasols Not many left but over forty years some of the most desirable ones Thompson D G Co bent on aneo Special Notice The next time vou order flour R F D No 3 Crops look good on route 3 W C Cooper and family pic nicked in the city park yesterday Martha Nothnagel and Mr j or chicken feed phone 25 and it IIaun of Benkelman were married will be promptly delivered Wednesday Marshs Flour and Feed Store Miss Esther Johnston of Le 215 Main ave banon is visiting at Don sons this week Notice Miss Esther Johnston Olga Buy your flour and feed at j Nylander Laura Bennett and Marsh s Flour and Feed Store John Ike called on Miss Emma is in Colorado is visiting U S Depository With the establishment of the postal sivings bank system in McCook came the necessity for a depository bank This require ment of the government was h the Citizens Na tho language of the immortal j J l1 hnn om Clt Th Ponroso It was easy A numerous company of young ladies enjoyed the sylvan isola tion of the pumping plant park Tuesday evening uciiiK piuviuea cue requisite oomi and the postoffice department for warded the official designation and authority and the funds of tho governments postal savings J bank system here are now han dled safely by this uptodate bank ing institution McConnell fills prescriptions Drugs Go to McConnell s That promised 500000 hotel would come very handy for the greater McCook Get bicycles and supplies also base ball goods at McCOOK HARDWARE CO The Methodist Sunday children are enjoying a at W S Fitchs grove Driftwood today If you are in sage vanishing need of or cold s drujr store school picnic on the you will find an up-to-date stock rTmi ILt L11ULM111UU a cream We are prepared to supply all your wants in the drug and med icine line WOODWORTII Druggist Hurry Hurry If you want to get one of those new hand bags at McConnells Just got them in and they will not last long L W McCONNELL Druggist NUMBER 18 The Han Who Fails Is the man who spends all he is able to earn from day to day He knows he should save money or when he is too old to work he will have to rely on the charity of his neighbors and relativ es but he doesnt make a start The older one gets the harder it is to acquire the saving habit Dont delay longer but start a bank account with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C P Lehn V Pres C J OBbien Cash DIKECTOHS M Loujchran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Episcopal Sunday school at 10 Holy Communion and ser mon at S German Evan Lutheran East 6th st Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock O R Richert pastor Methodist Usual morning serv ices Union services in the eve ning Rev D L McBride of tho Baptist church preaching tho sermon Baptist Morning sermon at 11 Bible school at 10 C E at 715 No evening service on account of union meeting at M E church Services at the Hammond school house on the Driftwood at 3 p m D L McBride minister 5c postal cards 2 for 5c at WOODWORTH S We now have a few bushels good cane seed for late oAving McCOOK HARDWARE CO of If you feel tired while down town step in our store and rest a while C K WOODWORTH Druggist Does your horse cow or chick ens eat bran chops corn shorts oats wheat or barley chops If so order your next feed from Marshs Flour and Feed Store 215 Main ave Phone 25 With Linus C Stoll clerk the people of as city McCook may expect the accurate keeping of the proceedings and records and a prompt discharge of of ficial duties As a penman Lin is easily stands at the head of the list Writing paper for your vaca tion correspondence is the Sym phony Lawn It is the right styh for various purposes and the whitest cleanest stock we have ever had Different prices tints and shapes L W McCONNELL Druggist S E V IS T 5 N W For Sale sec 7 and N E sec R 29 and N E V and S E U sec 13 T5R30 Will consider any fair offer cash or part on time Address owner J T FOLEY Lewistown Montana Fresh fruits at Magners Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners Wants for rerit for sale etc 5c line in The Tribune Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only We never hesitate to guarantee Lily Patent flour At the McCook Flour and Feed Store Hubers coffee cannot Coffee from 15 cents to and Wedding Breakfast list V4iiAWJ be beat 35 cents heads the