The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 25, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 6 and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
9 and October 23
Gosper county January 30 and
-September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember IS
Hitchcock county May 1 and No
vember 27
Red Willow county February 6
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
Observe the date after your name
on The Tribune Notch it Up
100 Reward 100
The readers of ihis paper vill be
pleaded te learn that there is at last
-one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cur- in all its stages
tmd that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
Tvork The proprietors have so much
faith n its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any Buffalo
cast that it fails to cure Send for
list of testimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Kidney Diseases Are Curable
Mil j HWJ I l
Information of Priceless Value to
Every McCook Citizen
How to act in an emergency is
knowledge of inestimable worth
and this is particularly true of
thfe diseases and ills of the hu
man body If you suffer with
backache urinary disorders or
any form of kidney trouble the
advice contained in the following
statement will add a valuable as
set to your store of knowledge
What could be more convincing
proof of the efficiency of Doans
Kidnev Pills than the statements
of nearby residents who have
been permanently cured
Lewis W LaBove Main Street
Oberlin Kan says For many
years I was employed on the rail
road and this work finally told oi
my kidneys causing a severe at
tack of kidney complaint When
Doans Kidney Pills were brought
to my attention I began their use
The contents of six boxes correct
ed my trouble I am pleased to
endorse this remedy in return for
all that it has done for me
Statement given April 8 W7
The Cure Lasted
On May 31 1910 Mr LaBv2
said I have had no trouble
from my kidneys since I used
Doans kidm y Pills three y ars
igo Yo may continue to pub
lish all 1 previously said in praise
of l is lenudy
For sale by all dealers Price
30 cents Foster Milburn Co
Xew York sole agents
for the United States
Remember the name Doans
and take no other
Honest Medicines Versus Fakes
President Tafts recent message
suggesting an amendment to the Pure
Food and Drugs law in its relation
under certain conditions The right i to prepared medicines does not re
medicine must be taken before the
disease has progressed too far Mr
Perry A Pitman Dale Tex says
I was down in bed for four months
vn a rt
il IT
fer to such standard medicines as
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
and Foley Kidney Pills both of whic
with kidney and bladder trouble and are true medicines carefully Corn
wall stones One bottle of Foleys I pounded of ingredients whose med-
RiTgr Ureim4ienandiCtoal -U T- T
medical profession itself as the best
known remedial agents for the dis
Sprains require careful treatment
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlains eases they are intended to counter
Liniment freely It will remove the act For over three decades Foleys
soreness and quickly restore the parti Honey and Tar Compound has been
to a healthv condition For sale by
-all dealers a standard remedy for coughs colds
and affections of the throat chest
and for children and for
lunSs grown
Never leave heme on a journey j
-without a bottle of Chamberlains persons and it retains today its pre
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea eminence above all other preparations
dy It 5 almost certain to ba need- of its kind Foley Kidney puis are
ed and cannot be obtained when on
- f
equally effective and meritorious For
board the cars or steamships For
sale by all dealers sale by A McMillen
tmv s
m rtijJ -
1 1 i
iu rig
H R3 8
i J Mi
The Carpenter Telephones
Ill send a man right up
It will only take a day or two Ill telephone and
get the stuff as soon as I get the measurements
Carpenters get most of their orders over the telephone
If a storm window is wanted the roof leaks or other
hurried repairs are needed a long distance telephone
call will bring quick and satisfactory results
No up-to-date carpenter can afford to be without lo
cal and long distance Bell Telephone service
CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager
Lumber and Coal
Phone No i
It is Just One Dollar the Year
J R MeCarl was in Stratton
Saturday on business
Misses lluggles of Indianola
were city visitors Friday
J R Stansberry went up to
Denver Thursday night on bus
iness matters
Mrs II B Wales of Palisade
was in town last Friday even
ing on business
Judge Orr is absent in Utah
looking after his real estate in
terests in that state
Fred Pade was quite ill last
week Friday night but is much
better at this printing
Mrs 11 B Southard and the
boy ltussell returned home Sat
urday from a short visit with
relatives at Arapahoe
Iligh School Inspector Gregory
was at McCook Thursday last in
the line of duty for the states
educational department
L A Paris returned on Friday
night from taking in the aviation
meet and visiting a day or two
in eastern part of the state
Ernest Shurtleff of the Perry
neighborhood departed last Thurs
day for Auburn Nebraska load
ing his goods at Perry station
Miss Gertrude Morrissey de
parted on No 10 Saturday eve
ning for Galesburg Illinois on
a visit to Miss Adaline Koller
Eail Shepherd of East McCook
recency visited his sister Mrs C
J T iylor at Gosper Furnas eoun
ty riding there and back on
Janus E Ryan of Indianola
candidate for county judge on
the Republican ticket was in the
city Friday in the interests of
his candidacy
J 11 Corrick the able and pro
gressive editor of the Culbertson
Banner spent Saturday evening
in the city between trains on im
portant business
Crip Milligan is using
crutches for a few days until that
sprained ankle received in the
Cambridge game last Wednesday
put him on the relief
Mr and Mrs A Barnett and
Frank and Mrs J R MeCarl left
vesterdav for TTot Snrinrrs S D
to be absent a few weeks on an J
outing in that delightful resort
in the Black Hills
Rev Win Patton O M 1 of
St Patricks and P Walsh of
the McCook National Bank de- jj
parted bundav on Ao 1 ror the I
Yellowstone park on a vacation jj
ot a few weeks
Mrs Ebersoles of Superior Ne
braska were guests of Mrs Carl
Bates last Friday The ladies
were on their way home from a
visit to the mountains continuing
their journey the same night
R C Dratli of llerndon Kan
sas spent closing days of last
week in the city guest of his
brother-in-law Fred L Schwab
The Dratli children accompanied
him and will remain some longer
with the Schwab family
Mr and Mrs Art Joinery of
wwm 7
Wauneta were in the city j B dam o Arapal
day evening on their way to v is the guest of her parents Re-
Benkelman cn a visit to her and Mrs L E Lewis over Sun-
atives He is manager of the day going from here to the camp
lumber yard at Wauneta They meeting at Uolbrook for a short
expect also to visit in Colorado encampment
and Kansas while away on rs Paul Melchert returned to
tion her home at St Ann north of
Mr and Mrs Jake Swails and McCook Tuesday morning
Mi and Mrs John Swails spent ing been here to attend the fu-
a few days at McCook the first neral of her father Aug Wend-
of Hie week They visited the hind Arapahoe Pioneer
Andrew Bortner ranch of 2200 Chas Skalla went down to
aeres sixteen miles northeast of coin Sunday night on 10 to at-
UcUoolv Mr and Mrs Jolm tend a meeting of executive com
Swails spent a day with Prof and mittee of Republican Progressive
Mrs C W Taylor Geneva League and the Republican State
imh convention Monday and Tuesday
Mrs Neal Beeler came down jr iinci rs V B Whittaker
from Mi Cook last Friday morn- arrived home last Thursday from
ing and was accompanied home their absence of a few weeks in
that evening by her mother Mrs Wyoming and other points in the
-I E Axtell and niece Miss northwest W B says that is a
Margaret Axtell who will visit countrv llowinjr with milk and
with her in McCook for some honov for Hie few
time Braver City Tribune R0v Wm Patton O M I of
Mrs J G Seliobel and Mrs O
ir xj uuiuuti uiu ii v- St j airicK s vosnnndprl in thr
hopes to he able to secure a new
location for ball grounds out on
West B street soon and are fig
uring for the B M grand
stand in the transaction The
proposed ground would be more
desirable in several respects ac
cessibility and better soil for the
diamond especially
few of the bargains in the different departments Investigate these prices you may
wish you had you may be glad you did
s2iiX5i H ivy 1 TW BAmilt iS
M Knipple gave a card party toast Our Holy Father
Thursday afternoon at the Pope at the installation
bel home to a party of lady Bishop Tihen in Lincoln last
friends Bridge whist was the week From what McCook has
game played and Mrs Longeman heard from Father Patton it is
was honor winner Refreshments sale to add that he gave an elo
concluded the afternoons social qucnt and worthwhile response
diversion too
I Mn I I iiitnll U WTniin n J s - V -v 1 n TTT K
Jia iiuiu x v cine was me Mrs U M Jiailev ot Wvmore
nose ss rL tiie Friday atternoon Snent Saturday in the city look-
game of the bridge whist clubs ing after some business matters
Mrs O M Knipple won the lion- and visiting old time friends She f
ors or xne arternoon ana sue reported that their case against
presented tne prize to tne winner the College of the Sacred Heart
of the consolation to Mrs J of Denver had been reversed and
D xoung of Atchison Kansas
a guest of the occasion
The base ball management
1 1 it TnnrTWTnrTTnrwinHnnrTMrraMwwTTwn iibih ii iiiiTnMrniTiTiiTiiiiTTMrr iimimi
Saturday July 22 to Monday July 3 1
case is a suit for damages and is
the result of the death of their
son who was before his death a
Summer Good
l fiauHwuiwiw
at m Jihawan jjjmjuHB
Our special sales are always well
attended because we do just as we ad
1500 Dresses for 950 650 Dresses for 400
1250 Dresses for 800 500 Dresses for 375
900 Dresses for 609 450 Dresses for 300
850 Dresses for 500 350 Dresses for 250
750 Dresses for 475 300 Dresses for 240
Childrens Midsummer wash dresses
of poplins lawns and ginghams low neck and short
sleeves middy blouses etc at reduced prices
300 Dress s for 2 40 225 Dresses for 180
275 2 20 200 160
Mens C
othing Departmen
150 Dresses for 120
100 80
20 per cent discount
on all suits except blue
serge These are only a
July Special Rates
Yellowstone Park tours a delightful vacation at Hot Springs in the
Black Hills at the ranches dn the Sheridan Big Horn district the
new Owl Creek Hot Springs resort at Thermopolis Holms person
ally conducted camping tours through Yellowstone Park via Cody
choice of 200 iresorts and camping places in Colorado beautiful Estes
Park Colorado circuit tour of Scenic Colorado and Yellowstone
Park Special excursion rates to California Portland and Seattle
Homeseekers excursions twice a month through the whole West
An elaborate scheme of low rate eastern excursion tours ihas been plac
ed before the traveling public It comprises 30 day tourist rates 60
day limit tours and new diverse route tours of the East Something
never offered before
Every day rates to Michigan Wisconsin Canadian Xew England
New York and New Jersey resorts
It is impossible to enumerate the list but agents should be supplied
at an early date with special leaflets describing this extensive ar
rangement of low rate Eastern tours
Special rates will also be available for great conventions to be held
in Eastern cities
Write or call and let me help you plan your tour
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNSVice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Rank
jiji j1 S - vwuu
rummucu mat inure was a peti
tion for a rehearing on part of
defendants in the supreme court
The decision of the lower court
was against the Baileys This
nlaces tho case nrettv much as
irao of ln rmtstnTf itri1 I10
ofMcCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capitall50000 Surplus 25000
VIFranklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkin9 Vernice Franklin
suiaeni m tne oacrea neari
tti - vr ir ril il if it ifir iiritf mifr httfi i