The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 25, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 3

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East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
13 94o A JU
12 G35 A M
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 ii 4J Jr jVI
5 arr S30 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
0 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
Hty point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Nine firemen were cut off
the extra list last Friday
James Booth visited Orleans
relatives first of last week
Con Krieger is having his
home remolded and improved
Engineer J G Inglis of train
14 took a layoff for one trip on
Mrs C 31 Kent and the chil
dren -went up to Denver Friday
on a visit
Miss Ida Schlect is visiting
her sister Mrs John Ilust over
near Marion
Mr and Mrs J G Sehobel
and Miss Mar jorie spent Sunday
with her parents in Minden
Mrs S D Turner of Orleans
camte up to McCook end of week
and has been the guest of her pa
rents Mr and Mrs Sam Spencer
Joe Hawley night operator
at Republican City is taking a
short vacation in Kansas City
and L M Knapp is subbing for
L B Simmons station agent
at Edison for the company is in
the race for county clerk of
He was born and raised in
that county
Engineer M R Gates was at
headquarters Saturday on his
was home to Republican City
from a short visit in Denver and
the mountains
Conductor and Mrs George
Martin spent last week in Hast
ings and Lincoln seeing the avi
ation event the installation of
rather Tihen etc
- -Fireman Ben Crawley went
up to Wellfleet end of week to
get his mother who is in poor
health and to take her to Den
ver for treatment
Brakeman Sawyer and his
mother left Saturday night for
DeSota Kansas to see his sister
who was reported very sick
Curtis item in Faber
Engineer Roy French load
ed his household goods Saturday
for shipment to Orleans out of
which he is now running on the
Orleans St Francis branch
The Burlington is building
six new switch engines in its sys
tem shops One thousand new
gondola cars of 100000 pounds
capacity have been ordered for
delivery in August
A wild engine invaded the
In orth western Missouri Pacific sta
tion at Lincoln last Friday caus
ing a loss of 4000 The hostler
fell out of the cab and the en
gine didnt wait for him
Machine Shop Foreman C
A Adams left on Saturday for
Reading Penna on a visit to
his parents He will go via St
Louis Philadelphia Washington
D C and will be gone for three
Conductor E L Albro has
been wearing good clothes and
brass buttons for several days
being in charge of a passenger
train during the sickness of Con
duetor Washburn Curtis item
in Faber
Engineer Gus Reising has de
cided that he has lived long
enough without an automobile
and will probably be the owner
of a car inside of a week He
made a trip east Wednesday to
look several cars over Curtis it
em in Faber
One of the Greeks employed
by the Burlington on section
work at Palisade had the mis
fortune last week to get his hand
caught in the hand car receiv
ing a painful wound in which it
was necessary to take four stitch
The material for the new B
M depot at Alma was shipped
the 12th and upon its arrival
work will be started at once The
Alma depot will be a credit to a
town much larger than Alma
The ground was surveyed Wed
nesday and dirt will be commenc
ed to move today Alma Jour
nal J
Engineer Jess Ray is visiting
in Herndon Kas for a few days
Mrs L E Hanford arrived
home on 14 Thursday from Den
John Brening is back in the
service on his old job in the back
The Big Swede of the
wheel press is off on a short va
Engineer Rostra tter went
out Monday on the 15 16 run to
Red Cloud
The turn table is disposed to
balk at times awaiting some or
dered repairs
Engineer J R Frederickson
now has the extra passenger run
out of McCook
H S Gore has returned to
Denver to work out of that point
in the R 4 service
No 1 was late Monday an
hour and thirty minutes upon her
arrival at McCook
T D Morrisey is holding the
yard engine in the absence of En
gineer Charles Starr
Engine 176G received some
lower flues this week work on
her driving brasses etc
Mrs n M Tyler was up
from Orleans yesterday looking
after some business matters
Robert Burns arrived home
on Friday from his business trip
to Chicago for the company
No 1061 over the new drop
had her wheels replaced Monday
and goes off the drop today
Fred Lenhart is away on
visiting in Denver Love
land and other Colorado points
Engineer C E Rostratter
after an illness of seven months
Monday registered in for service
Some new flues are bqing
given the 1074 this week Also
fire box repairs and driving brass
Engineer O G Coppon re
turned on Monday from Chicago
where he had been on business
for ten days past
Engineer Charlie Starr left
this morning for the old home in
Lockridgo Iowa on a visit which
wril consume about a months
It is hoped to soon develop
unci enlarge the aerial tramway
Machinist Pete O Council
who has been swinging around in
the south for some time Galves
ton Memphis etc has returned
to work in the shop
John Krieger brother and
sister arrived home on Sunday
night from a visit in Lincoln
stopping at Sutioii and Hasting1
on the return journey home
Engineer and Mrs C E Ben
edict spent Saturday and Sunday
in the city guests of relatives
leaving for New York state Sun
day night on a visit of a few
J W Chase is figuring and
planning to do some relocating of
machineiy in the back shop soon
Some additional machines are ex
pected from Ilavelock for the lo
cal plant
The entire steam system at
the shops is being more or less
repiped and modernized When
this work is finished they will
have a much improved and more
efficient system here
The use of pea coal in the
heating and power plant This
machine takes the waste water
and exhaust steam from the en
gines removes all the impurities
grease etc and passes the clean
ed steam and water on to the
boilers for steam and heating pur
To Do Some Ballasting
Wymore Neb July 20 The
Burlington sent out tbe first
work trains on this division foi
the year Tuesday Ballast was
hauled to Reynolds and work
will proceed from there west It
is said that crushed rock ballast
will be covered by burnt clay b
last from Table Rock
The Burlington repair track
force is now working nine hours
a day six days a week For sev
eral months past they had been
workinir eierht hours a day five
days a week The round house
force is still working under their
old schedule
Coal Economy Campaign
The Burlington ha inaugurat
ed a coal economy campaign in
earnest They expect to save 1
000000 during the next year in
coal They now spend 8000
000 yearly in fuel This next to
wages is the largest single ex
pense item they have
W M Lowell master mechanic
at St Joseph Mo and chairman
of the fuel committee addressed
enginemen trainmen dispatchers
and all others interested in coal
economy at McCook dviision head
quarters Monday afternoon in
Diamonds hall
lie showed the necessity for
economy in all departments How
that in repairing freight cars
last year they saved 500000 in
an expenditure of 3500000 for
that purpose hitherto
lie showed how in one instance
on a certain division they had
learned at one point to save 500
tons of coal daily simply in the
item of more scientific and econ
omical firing up of engines
He hoped for greater economy
in the operation of coal chutes
in firing up engines in reducing
number of slow orders in elim
inating unncesesary stopping of
trains etc
He hoped for the substitution
of team work cooperation in the
place of departmental work
He made a thoroughly business
like plea to the railroad men for
cooperation in this great and
earnest campaign for economy
which he urged was absolutely
necessary on the part of em
ployes in order that the best fi
nancial results should be obtain
He gave several individual in
stances to show whaj could be se
cured in Wie matt of small econ
omies in the fh el line alone
August first the new system
will go into effect It is propos
ed to carefully determine the
amount of coal which should be
used on certain run under stated
conditions of all kinds and then j
establish for that ran a standard
amount of coal to be used Mr
Lowell stated that fair and thor
ough measures would be carried
in effect to determine thes estand
svstpin in fhn linnL cnrm nnrl vimnI ards and thought that with tlm
- v u o - -
nnn rn
house to facilitate the work of I hearty cooperation of employes
in all branches of the service the
sum of a million dollars could be
saved next year in coal econom
The Tribune has no misgivings
in the matter of the company se
curing the prompt and intelligent
cooperation and support of the
Thursday night one mile west o
Parks this county sustaining se
vere bruises about his head and
body but suffering no serious in
jury although he will carry
sears of the accident for the re
mainder of his life It was neces
sary for the surgeon to stitch
about forty five cuts
Sullivan is a college student
who had been on a vacation to
Denver where he had run out of
money and being too proud to
write to his family in Missouri
for funds concluded to beat his
way by riding the rods under one
of the coaches of the fast pas
senger When nearing Parks
and while the train was running
sixty miles an hour he lost hold
ion his perilous position and fell
out from the tram being hurled
with frightful force along the
right- of way embankment He
was unconscious for possibly two
hours and upon regaining his
senses he managed to straggle to
the home of a farmer living a
few rods from where he had fal
len where he was given attention
and a physician was summoned
avIio gave him relief No bones
were broken A friend from Mon
roe arrived at Parks Saturday
and accompanied the injured
tourist to his home in Missou
ri where his relatives are said
to be well to do Omaha Bee
McConnell for drugs
The McCook Tribune 100 a year CURES and Purifies the Blood
A Narrow Escape
Tuesday July 18th in the eve
ning Mrs John Messinger was
returning home from a visit with
her sister Mrs Ben Hawkins
when the horse she was driving
became frightened at Alex Ellis
thresher engine The horse be
came unmanageable and she at
tempted to jump out of the bug
gy but was caught with both feet Robert
aud used like a rasr whinninff I that I
u aa w I
around on tne msiae oi tne wneei eu
She was alone and the men who
were with the engine hurried to
help her but she had disentangl
ed herself
Considering the manner in
which she was caught in that
1000 One black yearling colt
weighs about 700 Kindley let
owner know if found Mrs Ed
Garfield 4 miles north and
miles west of Cedar Bluffs Kan
sas lS 2ts
a gentle family
Phone black 334
A phaeton and
driving horse
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Do Your Paint
ing Now
There is nothing better
for the outside of the house
than Bradley Vrooman
Pure Paint
Full measure Composed
of pure Carbonate of Lead
pure Oxide of zinc and pure
Linseed Oil thoroughly
mixed and ground produc
ing a thick weighty paint
that has no equal
Takes less to do the job than
any other paint See us
about it
Stanskrry Lumber Co
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpha Saline Springs
Located on our own premises aad vol
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed In the treatment of
Stomach Kidney and Uvw
Moderate Chirges Addscu
DR 0 W EVERETT Affr Lincoln ffe
In the County Court of Red
Willow County State of Nebras
ka In the matter of the estate
of Robert B Wilson deceased
state of Nebraska Red Willow
I J C Moore county judge of
said county hereby notify all per
sons having claims and demands
against the estate of said
B Wilson deceased
have set and appoint-
the following days for
the reception examination and
adjustment of said claims and de
mands as provided by law at the
county court room in the city of
McCook in said county to wit
On the 10th day of August 1911
wheel her feet through the wheel and the 6th day of February
find her body inside between the
buggy and wheel we cannot im
agine a more wonderful miracle
than her escape with her life af
ter being whipped around that
axle like a sunflower or a rag
She was bruised considerably in
ternally and received a few
scratches and skin bruises but no
bones were broken and no joints
Real Estate Pilings
The following real estate filings
have been mad ein the county
clerks office sinoe our last re
Martin Nilsson et ux to W
T Auld half interest in
sei nw3t sw s1
nw34 sw1 ne1 sw1 sw
swy4 seVt ne 28-1-28
s ne1 n1 seat s s
V2 29 ey2 neVL 32 nw
ne4 seVi ne1 seVt
nVa swVi 33 mvy4 34 all
above in 1 28 40000 00
Martin Nilsson Marion Neb
to W T Auld Lincoln
Neb bill of sale to V2
interest in elevator and al
falfa mill at Marion Ne
braska 10000 00
James IT Duvall et ux ts
William Skillieorn wd to
seVL 21-3-29 1 00
Morgan E Ilartman to Myr
fle Ilartman wd eV se
y4 23-2-30 1 00
Received on Account Pah
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
It is 100
WANTED Plain sewing wash
ing and mending 303 West 2nd
street 13 3
ESTRAYED One buckskin
employes in this vitally important colt 3 years old weighs about
and sensible matter of economy
in fuel
Mr Lowell has this special
matter of fuel economy fully at
his command and his approach
to men in all departments is so
wise and intelligent and fair that
they can hardly tail to see the
fairness and justice of this move
ment of the company which must
ultimately reach all departments
and eventually amount in a to
tal of economies of millions and
without damage to service but
rather it is hoped in improved
service even
Fell From Train No 6
Benkelman Neb July 23 Spe
cial Charles Sullivan aged 25
years ot Monroe Mo tell trom
local heating -plant has resulted in under passenger train No 6 on
satisfactory service and a marked
saving They have been using
mine run hitherto The monthly
saving will reach 500
The white lad brigade has
been removed from the Y
track south of the round house
and now occupy trackage north
of the coal chute There are
about 18 of these on the division
now more than usual
A feed water machine has
been shipped here from Havelock
and is being installed in the local
1912 All persons sO interested
will appear at said time and
place and duly present their said
claims and demands in the man
ner required by law or show
cause for not so doing and in
case any of said claims shall not
be presented by the 5th day of
February 1912 the same shall be
forever barred It is further oi
dered that this notice shall be
given by publishing a copy of
this order for four weeks in the
McCook Tribune a newspaper
printed in said county
Given under my hand and the
seal of said court this 10th day
of July 1911
County Judge
Ritchie Wolff Attorneys
First publication July 11 Sts
Notice of hearing on petition
for distribution of residue of es
State of Nebraska Red Willow
county ss To all persons inter
ested in the estate of Mary J
Baldwin deceased
Notice is hereby given that V
Franklin administrator of said
estate has filed his petition in
said court the object and prayer
of which are that a decree of dis
tribution may be made of the res
idue of said estate now in his
possession to the parties entitled
by law to receive the same
You are hereby notified that
said petition will be heard by the
County Judge at the County
Court room in the City of Mc
Cook in said county at nine
oclock a m on the 7th day of
August 1911
It is ordered that a copy of
this notice be published for three
successive weeks in The McCook
Tribune a newspaper printed and
published in said county
Given under my hand and the
seal of said court this 20th day
of Julv 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication July 20 6ts
Legal Notice
In the County Court of Red Willow
County Nebraska To all persons in
terested in tbe estate of Juliet B
Hume deceased
Notice is hereby given that Rob
ert W Hume administrator has
ed a final account and report of his
administration and a petition for fin
al settlement and discharge as such
and for the distribution and assign
ment of said estate to the persons
entitled thereto as required by law
It is ordered that the same be
heard before said court at the coun
ty court room at MoCook in said
county on the 26th day of July 1911
at one oclock p m
Witness my hand and the seal of
said court this 5th day of July 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication July 6 3 wks
Those Who Take Foley Kidney Pills
for their kidney and bladder ailments
and for annoying urinary irregularitie
are always grateful both for the
quick and permanent relief they af
ford and for their tonic and strength
ening effect as well Try Foley Kid
ney Pills A McMillen
McMillen prescription druggist
fin SbBBbIP
These shoes represent -the best effort
of the shoemakers art There -is notic
ing better on the market at any price
for quality style and comfort
For service they lead all others In
stead of selling for 500 and S600 like
other fine shoes Calendar Shoes sell foi
300 350 and 400 Every pair oj
these shoes has a calendar attached sc
you can mark the date of purchase and
see lor yourself how much better anc
longer they wear than any shoe yoq
ever had on your feet
Right in your busiest season when
you have the least time to spare yoc
are most likely to take diarrhoea and
lose several days time unless yoc
have Chamberlains Colic Cholera
aand Diarrhoea Rejnedy at hand and
take a dose on the first appearance
of the disease For sale by all deal
Hay Fever and Summer Colds
must be relieved quickly and Foleys
Honey and Tar Compound will do it
E M Stewart 1034 Wolfram St Chi
cagowrites I have been greats
troubled during the hot summer
months with hay fever and find that
by using Foleys Honey and Tar
Compound I get great relief Many
others -who suffer similarly will ho
glad to benefit by Mr Stewarts
perience A McMillen
The McCook Tribune
the yea in advance
Phone 378
Room- 4 Postoffice
Cook Neb
It is 100
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 residence
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Ma
Conn ells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms
building McCook
3 and 5 Waltf
building Mo-
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
McCook Neb
Dentist J
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store Mo
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and off
McCook Water Works Co Office 1e
Fostoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCoofc
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted
pairing McCook Neb
Fine re-
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods oi quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasemect
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2nd st East Phone
black 252
Tour combings
made Into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Pbone red 450