The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 25, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 2
ssfcMKfc nir NORRIS THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE STATE A large number of Mr Norris friends urged him to enter the race against Mr Burkett and the Sun is now of the opinion that Iiad he been the nominee we would have had another republi can senator How the conditions tis year compare with last year involves a comparison of the strength of Senator Brown and Mr Burkett The one disagree aWe feature is a fight in the pri maries and with advantage of his position Mr Brown would be k hard man to defeat AYhile for the above reason there might be a question as to who is the stronger man at the primaries we are of the opinion that George W Xorris is the strongest man in the state today at a general election Clay Cen ter Sun Chas Skalla county clerk of Red Willow county calls out at tention tc the fact that neither JU XI v 1 1111 All J1CH s Ul lltJl any county funds except such as are allowed by law Mr Skalla will have no opposition at the primary for a third term which indicates that the republicans of his county believe he has been an efficient clerk Cambridge Clarion The chief of the bureau of chemistry of the Department of Agriculture is loved for the en- mies he has made because of services that are to his credit ft is to be expected President taft will spare Dr Wiley but it must also be said that there are wiser men As the result of long observation and with no idea of joining forces with the patent medicine folks or anybody else it is to be recognized that there seems to be no more per sistent personal advertiser in Washingotn that Dr Harvey W credited to him that get curren cy in the newspapers are extreme to the point of silliness His trouble is like unto that of the old ladys parrot who talked too much and his weakness long ago reached the point of wearying S TVfoSSPfc 31 a mi o I readers Springfield Republican m - Tft McSoofc TWfame ESTABLISHED 1882 F M KIMMELL Editor Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays MYYYYYYY1 I To Be Split Up Says Atty Genl 3 Hancock Iich July 21 Big the value of the supreme court combinations like the standard Oil company and the tobacco trust are going to be split up into a number of separate and distinct parts without connec tion or monopoly powers This was the prediction made in an address here today by Attorney General Wickersham answering people who are saying the decis ions of the supreme court do not really mean anything Dont believe any such talk the at torney said to the crowd assem bled here for Hancocks home coming celebration Criticisms seeking to minimize decisions came largely he added from those who would like to em barrass the administration with the sort of general assault on all business which would compel every business man to turn to the other party for relief Incidentally Ir Wickersham took occasion to trace the guid ing hand of President Taft in the policy of the department of jus tice concluding his speech with the remark that no matter who should be the head of that de partment so long as William II I aft is president no other policy could be obtained M S Poulson has resigned as superintendent of the Nebraska anti saloon league to become ef fective August 1st Resignation lias been accepted by the head quarters committee The Hastings Democrat hesi tatingly admits that they occas sionally find a Republican who places the Almighty first and the Republican party second in enu merating the blessings of this land of the free but doesnt at tempt to successfully displace the Republican party as a good sec ond Honorable C E Eldred of Mc Cook Republican candidate for the nominationof district judge was a Bartley visitor last Satur day and made our headquarters a pleasant call Mr Eldred in forms us that he is meeting with flattering encouragement in his canvas of the district He has been a resident of Red Willow for over twenty years and has a host of friends over the dis trict who hope to see him success ful in the race Bartley Inter Ocean It is more than a passing pleas ure to The Tribune to note the large number of favorable com ments by the press all over this district relating to our candidate for district judge C E Eldred He is a lawyer who enjoys the fullest confidence and respect of the bar His long training as a lawyer his exceptional judicial temperament and his untarnished character afford ample guarantee that he will ably discharge the functions of judge of this district Can anyone give a logical reason why Mr Eldred who 4s so emi nently qualified and deserving of election should not be secured for our next district judge Ne braska is helping to regenerate the Republican party through the Wiley the pure food expert and efforts of such great men as Con that some of the observations gressman lion ieo W j orris Senator La Follette and others who are serving the people in various capacities and the elec tion of such men as Mr Eldred simply means another step in the elevation of our standard of pol ities and political morals to a hgiher plane than it has ever be fore occupied THEN YOULL BE A MAN If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you And make allowance for their doubting too If you can wait and not be tired by waiting Or being lied about dont deal in lies Or hpinrr hfioi rlrmt orivp wv to lintinrr i And yet dont look too good or talk too wise If you can dream and not make dreams your master If you can think and not make thoughts your aim If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two impostors just the same If you can bear to have the truth youve spoken Twisted by knaves to mak a trap for fools Or see the things you gave your life to broken And turn and build them up again with worn out tools y M i you can talic with crowds and Keep your virtue Or walk with kings nor lose the common touch If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you If all men count with you yet none too much If you can fill each unforgiving minute With sixty seconds worth of distance run Tours is the earth and everything thats in it And which is more youll be a man my son RUDYARD KDPLING T -- - - MP - VMmMmk iBllli v B - - llil Jill WmMt 1111111 MMm Jlllllilll 1ICLT J E COBBEY Republican Candidate Supreme Judge POLITICAL ADVERTISING FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sher iff on the Republican ticket sub ject to the decision at the pri mary election August loth ORVILLE B WOODS COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primaries to be held August 15th If nominated and elected I will endeavor to conduct the of fice in such a manner that none will have cause to regret having supported me A L COCHRAN The Lincoln State Journal neither had the nerve nor the grace to publish Red Willow countys Republican convention resolutions which the standpat Bee and the Democratic Star gave in full Perhaps they did not have enough asbestos in their shop on which to print them The Associated Advertising clubs of America will be in con vention in Boston August 1st to 4th The Nebraska Publicity League Avill attend this gathering going to Boston by special train which will leave Lincoln July 27 at 430 They hope to make this one of biggest publicity stunts tor Nberaska ever attempted An loyal Nebraskan who believes in Nebraska and is a booster will be welcome on that train 3 The cable reports the destruc tion by fire on Sunday of over 2000 houses in Stamboul the distinctively Turkish section of Constantinople Stamboul covers the whole area enclosed by the Theodosian walls of Constanti nople It is the Mohammedan part of the city Within its wall are the Seraglio the principal mosques the mausoleums of the sultans the baths the bazaars the public offices of the govern ment and the remains of ancient Constantinople j j Subscribe for the Trlbun j Try a results Tribune want ad and watch J R MeCarl is with the poli ticians in Lincoln today William Hillers the insurance man is at home at present That promised 500000 hotel would come very handy for the greater McCook The city council did not meet will hold a sessionn this after last evening as expected In noon we are advised E II Silvers of Perry is load ing a car at that station prepar atory to returning to Fillmore county we understand We hear a rumor that the Spring Creekers and DeGroffs had a classy foot race Sunday but particulars are lacking In 1908 the management of the state fair built an auditorium with 5000 comfortable seats in which tired sightseers might rest and enjoy several concerts each day by onne of the best bands to be secured in the United States September 4th to 8th this year the wonderful A Liberatis New York City Military band and Grand Opera Concert Company of 41 instrumentalists and 20 singers some of whom are the best Italian Grand Opera Solo ists to be found in the country will be heard in concerts at 1030 a m and 130 and 400 p m The name Liberati explains the merit of this musical organ isation to music lovers v RED WILLOW Threshing is a small job this year taking only hours instead of days to thresh a crop Candidates are visiting the farmers in a genial way Mrs Sexson and Mrs Wilson and children spent Friday after noon with Mrs Louis Longnecker Mr Cramer of Indianola took dinner with his daughter Mrs Lewis Elmer on Wednesday Red Willow beat in both ball games at the picnic Fred Fritch is doing the thresh ing in this neighborhood Choke cherries and green ap ples combined make a good sub stitute for better fruit and the farmers wives are busy prepar ing it for winter Walter Helm lost a fine mare first of last week DANBURY Campbell Bros sent an adver tising car up the line on the pas senger one day last week A small ad that is bringing in the money is Wolgast If the frog was too big for the hen could the turkey gobbler Miss Myrtle Boyer was operat ed on for appendicitis at the Im manuel hospital at Omaha Mon day She is getting along as well as could be expected Miss Dorotha Hill and Adsia Smith of Beaver City are visit ing with the McDonald girls Prof Leavitt of the Franklin academy was here on Wednesday and spoke at the Congregational church for the interest of that J academy Clifford Smith of Wilsonville visited last week with his uncle Webster Dowler Otto Puelz has a new windmill erected where his old one blew down Miss Hazel Logan departed on Monday evening for Elmore Ills for a visit Mrs Marf Maser and daugh ter Carrie and son Ralph left for Orleans Neb for a visit before going to Colorado to make their home Miss Myrtle Triggs is visiting her parents at Grand Island Lon Olmstead of Cedar Bluffs visited his father A V Olmstead Sunday Mrs C W Rogers and daugh ter Marguerite visited at the M M Young home Thursday after noon Elmer Devoe was up from Le banon Thursday on business People are very busy these days playing croquet Geo Harbor had the misfortune to have a mule killed in a cyclone at Dresden Kan Tuesday Gus Samuelson of Omaha visit ed with the Bastian boys last week W M Greenway returned on Saturday after an absence of a few weeks Some of the young people from here went down on the evening passenger Monday to take in the circus at Beaver City The McCook Tribune want ads line Most people read them Everything in drugs noil F M KIMHELL W B Mills Directbrs 5c Happiest Girl in Lincoln A Lincoln Neb girl writes I had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble I began taking Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up a nd got better right along I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find such a good medicine For sale by all dealers STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION or THE McCook Co operative Building Savings Assn Certificate No 11 of McCook Nebraska oa the 0th day of June 1911 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans 137700 00 Stock loans 3675 00 Cash 3034 82 Delinquent interest 11G 27 Expenses and taxes paid 63 07 Delinquent assessments US 50 Total 165290 56 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up 157449 02 Reservofund 3069 44 Undivided profits 4603 50 Prepaid dues and interest 168 00 Total 165290 56 Receipts and expenditures for the year ending June 30 1911 EECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1 1910 g 3895 67 Dues 30803 50 Interest premiums and lines 15117 48 Loans repaid 26825 00 Tax Sale Redemptions 457 35 Total 77104 00 EXPENDITDEES Loans 31875 00 Expenses 726 81 Stock redeemed 4033154 Cashonhand 3084 82 Int on matured stock 623 03 Tax Sale Certificates 409 75 Total 77104 00 State of Nebraska Red Willow County SB I F A Pennell secretary of the above named associationdo solemnly swear that the forego- 1 ing statement of the condition of said J tionis true ana correct to tno oestormy Knowl edge and belief F A Pennell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July 1911 C H Boyle Approved J A Wilcox j J f USE Mt Just the thing for scouring the many enfcrent parts so hard to get thoroughly clcnn by ordinary methods Old Dutch Cbcnccr is quicker easier and more elective Milk will not become tainted if you clean your separator regularly wiln this modern Cleanser You can use it with absolute safely Does not roughen the hands cs caustics and ccics arc sure to do Large Sifter Can JO cents mmmi For special on sauer Jiraut by the gallon see Magnes Lily Pateat Flour when once use none other will satisfy you Foley Kidney Pills are composed of ingredients specially selected for their corrective healing tonic and stimulating effect upon the kidneys bladder and urinary passages They are antiseptic antilithic and a uric acid solvent A Mcllillen For summer diarrhoea in children always give Chamberlains Colic Cho era and Remedy and cas tor oil and a speedy cure is certain For sale by all dealers Heating PlumbiDg MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week i m g Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades n Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 IV ANOTHER BANK STORY Smith bought some pigs from his neighbor Jones The price came to 642 Smith paid Jones in cash but as usual neither had the proper change and Smith said Just make It even money Smith lost 8 c ents Jones bought some pigs from his neighbor Johnson The jrice came to 642 Jones haJ nis money in the bank ana gave Johnson a check for the exact amount Jones did not lose a cent This is only one of the advantages of a check ing account Come in and let us explain further The First National Bank of McCook Neb Quality and price courtesy and promptness In delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store MRS L CANN Teacher of Piano and Organ 910 First Street West McCook Ne braska I AM PREPARED to do Paper Hanging Light Car penter Work and Inside Painting Leave orders with C C Brown at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St West McCook Neb L CANN COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location nt acr rnCrrtr street in P Whleh birldiog ltWUUK Osborn Kummer Co DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South of DeGroffs Phone No 13 I Fire and Wind I Insurance Written in First Class Companies if C J RYAN IJ2JIItJJ22JItCJ55IJ25 White line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456