The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 13, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 8

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    PHONE 18
A most enjoyable time was
spent at the home of D H Mc
Murrin last Sunday when a host
of their friends gathered to give
them a farewell surprise Some
of the ladies took advantage of
the time while the family were at
tending Sunday school and slip
ped quietly in and had everything
in readiness for an elaborate
spread when the family and1 the
many others that followed them
returned home No need to ask
if they were surprised they were
simply amazed To come home
and find everything loaded with
all the delicacies hands could pre
pare To look at the table you
could hardly imagine such a va
riety could be produced in such
a dry time We too often have
heard the question asked What
did they have It would have
been much easier to answer
What did they not have But
it was considered the last thing
the loving hands of their many
friends could do to show the
esteem and friendship they had
for Mr and Mrs McMurrin and
family so no efforts were spar
ed to make the gathering a con
tinual round of pleasure They
are people that the longer you
know them the dearer they are
in your estimation They are
elassed among th eoldest settlers
of the county having home stead
ed here 27 years ago They met
with all misfortunes and trials
of early settlers but being of a
cheerful disposition they always
contrived some way to meet the
disadvantages and remained on
heir claitm the desired time to
prove up on it then soldit and
bought a farm on Driftwood di
vide 9 miles southwest of Mc
Cook where they now reside
They are the parents of eight
children seven of whom are liv
ing one having died in infancy
The children are Yan McMurrin
who is in the employ of the rail
road company at McCook Mrs
John Nobs residing on a farm
on the bottom south of McCook
Mrs N B Silver and Mrs Bob
Highland both residing on farms
in Colorado Noble McMurrin
who will take charge of their
farm after their departure and
David and Glenn ivho are still
with their parents and will move
with them to Minnesota where
they will reside on Mrs McMur
rin s brothers farm The din 1
ner over the afternoon was
in saying that feAV will leave the
county who will have the well
wishes and the hearth congratu
lations of so many friends as Mr
and Mrs McMurrin The one
thought and consolation for us all
The best of friends must
and what is our loss will
be the gain of their future vicin
ity -
Each family returned to their
respective home declaring Sun
day to be one of the happiest and
shortest daj s of their lives and
wishing the family all kinds of
success in their new home
Indianola received a good rain
Saturday and another one Mon
tlal Sims returned from Cali
fornia last week to spend his va
cation with his folks
Lesta Iladley of Denver is here
visiting her brother and his wife
Mr and Mrs Jes Hadley
Tearl Allen left for Lincoln on
Friday morning and other east
ern points
Quite a number of the farmers
from around Indianola attended
the grashopper meeting in Mc
Cook Saturday afternoon
Miss Lena Hill arrived home
from Denver Monday for a visit
with her parents
Hope Henderson left for Beat
rice Tuesday morning for a visit
with her sister
A severe hail and rain storm
swent over this section Tuesday
For sale only at Marshs Flour and
Feed Store 215 Main ave Phone
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Frank S Vahue Daniel B Doyle
Jr and Emmet E Hovermale de-
Mrs MeKinney Hazel and Mrs
Ed Lee were in McCook Satur
Pete Voge wife and little
daughter visited in Franklin
spent in visiting and playing the county a few days this week
various games such as croquet Relatives from Iowa are visit
ball and horse shoe But the ing at W A McCooPs
fenuants will take notice that on the
31st day of May 1911 W B Whit
taker a justice of the peace of Red
Willow county Nebraska issued an
order of attachment for the sum of
200 in an action pending before him
wherein George W Marquafdt is
plaintiff and Prank S Vahue Dan-
day was all too soon to an end Plate glass windows were un- 5el B Doyle Jr and Emmet E
and when we arr gathered to par- loaded here Monday for R L j Hovermale are defendants that prop
take of ice cream and cake as a Duckworths and Mack Lords rty of the defendant Emmet E
last treat we realized the hard- stores Hovermale has been attached under
rest was yet to come to say fare- i A small twister swept through said order consisting of
well to friends whom we had Tom Morrisons jard Saturday Enamel sink 27 feet Vz in pipe
crown to esteem like Mr and evening tearing down one of the and Dib Sas fixtures and fittings lad
Mrs McMurrin and family whose large Cottonwood trees in front der and 40 feet of tracks 92 runnin
friendly way and ever ready or tne House
position to help a friend in j
tress had won them a place in j GRANT
each and every one of our hearts Clias A Wesch returned from
They were always ready to take Hastings Wednesday on No 1
an active part in our Sunday Chas R Lee Went to McCook
school or anything else they felt on business Wednesday
would be an advancement to the Joshua Rowland was a Traer
neighborhood And we feel safe Kansas caller Tuesday
feet of shelving 10 feet high 6
counters 5 show cases wall case
cash register desk book case set
tee 3 chairs spice cabinet stove
and pipe 3 twine holders broom
rack whip rack 2 tobacco cutters
40 packages stock food oil tank
basket bolts 6 seats barrel and
i cases
cleaners scoops pails and i Jook m saui county on tne zjra
afternoon doing some damage boxes 2 Rochester lamps and awn-
Ilalf grown chickens were killed ms
by -the severe hail Water and
hail could be seen in the fur
rows early Wednesday morning
Miss Selma Benjamin is stay
ing with Mrs Jno Maisel at pre
Albrecht and Peters are herd
ing their cattle on the Foxen and
Taylor lands as the pastures are
getting short
Aug and Henry Wesch were at
McCook on business Friday
Jacob Wesch and brother Hen
ry were Herndon Kansas busi
ness visitors Monday
Mrs John Maisel visited the
parental home over in sunny Kan
sas Sunday
Mrs Hery Wesch is on the sick
list again
Once Used Always Used
Marshs Special high grade flour
sold with a money back guarantee
Said cause was continued to the
29th day of July 1911 at 9 oclock
a m
By C H BOYLE Agent
First publication July 6 1911 3t
the Estate of Hiram F Feekin de
Notice is hereby given that the
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is sis
months from and after July 22 1911
and any claim not presented by that
time shall be forever barred that I
will sit at the county court room in
McCook in said county on the 23rd
day of January 1912 at the hour of
ten oclock A M to examine adjust
and allow the claims against said
estate and that the time limited for
the payment of debts Is one year
from June 26 1911
Dated June 26 1911
Seal1 County Judge
First publication June 27 1911 8ts
Legal Notice
In the County Court of Red Willow
County Nebraska To all persons in
terested in the estate of Juliet B
Hume deceased
Notice is hereby given that Rob
ert W Hume administrator has fil
ed a final account and report of his
administration and a petition for fin-
i uirnj sw i
jaMjlef -v
uV oauuuiy xvz m me iiour oi
ten oclock A M to examine ad
just and allow the claims against
said estate and that the time limit
ed for the payment of debts is one
year from June 26 1911
Dated June 26 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June 27 1911 8ts
In the County Court of Red
Ooxmty State of
in the County Court of Red Willow 7llloJ
County Nebraska In the Matter of
ka In the matter of the estate
K3iff 23JHEI
In order to make room for our Fall Shoes we are going to put on sale all our Low Shoes and Pumps for MEN WOMEN and CHILDREN at
prices that will suit you all COME EARLY WHILE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE
Mens Oxblood Tan Calf and Patent Colt Oxfords
worth 350 and 400 Sale Price
rfmRim maf
Odds and Ends in Ladies Canvas Oxfords worth up to
200 Sale Price
50c per Pair
Mens Tan Calf Gun Metal and Patent Colt lace and
button Oxfords worth up to 400 and 500 Sale Price
350 per Pair
3x fl J t
Mens Patent Colt Oxfords worth 500 Sale Price
350 Per Pair
Odds Ends in Mens Canvas Oxfords worth up to 250 Sale Price 1 Boys Patent Colt Tan Calf Gun Metal Oxfords worth up to 3 Sale Price 175
Ladies Tan Vici Kid Oxfords in light
and heavy soles worth up to 300
Sale Price
250 pair
Ladies Pat Colt Vici Kid Oxfords
in lace and button worth up to 400
Sale Price
300 pair
Ladies Pat Colt Dull Kid and Tan
Strap Pumps worth up to 400
Sale Price
Odds and Ends in Ladies Slippers
and Oxfords Broken lots worth up to
250 Sale Price
tTXTTKTW Jff wpwifwnHMMrm
Broken Lines in Misses and Childrens Oxfords and Pumps
will be closed out at
Less Than Cost
al settlement and discharge as such
aid for the distribution and assign
ment of said estate to the persons
entitled thereto as required by law
It is ordered that the same be
heard before said court at the coun
ty court room at MdCook in said
county on the 26th day of July 1911
at one oclock p m
Witness my hand and the seal of
said court this 5th day of July 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication Juilj 6 3 wks
8 a
of Robert B Wilson deceased
state of Nebraska Red Willow
I J C Moore county judge of
said county hereby notify all per
sons having claims and demands
against the estate of said
Robert B Wilson deceased
that I have set and appoint
ed the following days for
the reception examination and
adjustment of said claims and de
mands as provided by law at the
county court room in the city of
McCook in said county to wit
s Un the 10th day of August 1911
NOTCE TO CREDITORS and the 6th Jay o
In the County Court of Red Willow
jo All interested
persons so mterestea
County Nebraska In the Matter of n
the Estate of Carolina Feekin de AlU aPPear at said time and
ceased place ana duly present their said
Notice is hereby given that the
time limited for the presentation of
claims and demands in the man
ner required by law or show
months from and after July 22 1911 cause for not s doing and m
nn 1 1 1 a t - i I5l2fl flnv T A nimn ntiA I 4-
emu any uicuiiu not presenceu Dy tnat i -v - io oimu xlul
about 15 gal oil 2 barrels 12 egg i time shall i be forever barred - that I j be presented by the 5th day of
egg carriers window trim- wi sit at tne county court room in
IMi l 1 1 An
February 1SJ12 the same shall be
forever barred It is further or
dered that this notice shall be
given by publishing a copy of
this order for four weeks in the
McCook Tribune a newspaper
printed in said county
Given under my hand and the
seal of said court this 10th dav
of July 1911
Seal j c MOORE
County Judge
Ritchie Wolff Attorneys
First publication July ll 8ts
During week beginning Thursday July 13th
and ending an Wednesday July 19th 1911
0 per cent discount for cash
on any Gas or Gasoline Stove or
Ice Cream Freezer in our store
H P WAITE CO wisjt