The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 11, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 4

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During week beginning Thursday July 13th
and ending on Wednesday July 19th 1911
20 per cent discount for cash
on any Gas or Gasoline Stove or
Ice Cream Freezer in our store
Honest Medicines Versus Fakes
President Tafts recent message
suggesting an amendment to the Pure
Toed and Drugs law in its relation
to prepared medicines does not re
fer to such standard medicines as
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
and Foley Kidney Pills both of wkio
are true medicines carefully com
pounded of ingredients whose med
Stiver leave home on a journey
without a bottle of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy It is almost certain to be need
ed and cannot be obtained when on
3oard the cars or steamships For
ssle by all dealers
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
115 Main Ave
100 Reward 100
The readers of this paper will be
pleaPd to learn that there is at last
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Jkanal Qualities are recognized by the Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
medical profession itself as the best nally acting directly upon the biooa
ini annts fvr the and mucous surfaces of the system
eases thev are intended to counter- thereby destroying the foundation of j11
act For over three decades Foleys the disease and giving- the patient
Honey and Tar Compound has been strength by building up the constitu
a standard remedy for coughs colds tion and assisting nature in doing its
A affections of the throat chest work The proprietors have so much
and lungs for children and for grown faith in its curative powers that they
3ersons and it retains today its pre 1 offer One Hundred Dollars for any
eminence above all other preparations cast that it fails to cure Send for
f its kind Foley Kidney Pills are j list of elstimonials Address F J
7Mllv effective and meritorious For CHENEY CO loieao u
sale by A McMillen
Box Elder Precinct
The Republican primary election
lor Box Elder precinct will be held
on Wednesday July 12th 1911 at
the home of T M Campbell Box El
der at three oclock for the purpose
of selecting delegates and nominat
ing precinct ticket
WILL SEXSON Committeeman
Eight in your busiest season when
jou have the least time to spare you
are most likely to take diarrhoea and
3ose several days time unless you
iave Chamberlains Colic Cholera
sand Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and
take a dose on the first appearance
f the disease For sale by all deal-
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Happiest Girl in Lincoln
A Lincoln Neb girl writes I
had been ailing for some time with
chronic constipation and stomach
trouble I began taking Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets
and in three days I was able to be
up a nd got better right along I am
the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
such a good medicine For sale by
all dealers
Sprains require careful treatment
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlains
Liniment freely It will remove the
soreness and quickly restore the parti
to a healthy condition For sale by
all dealers
The Farmer Telephones
Yes this is Smith talking
Three tons of hay su Im getting 12 a ton
Ill deliver it today good bye
Bell Telephone service enables the farmer to do
business direct with the- consumer saving the middle
mans profits
The city wholesaler as well as the country dealer
and farmer are promptly reached by Bell Telephone
CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager
Lumber and Coal
Phone No i
- - -
Little Charley Einck was
thrown from his pony and broke
his arm His older brother Al
vin in still kept in by his broken
collar bone
Louis Longnecker cut wheat
for Mr Jensen Harvesting is
soon over tliis season as most of
the fields have stock turned m
Roseoe Korns was badly hurt
when his horses ran away In
jumping from the wagon he fell
on his knees breaking one of the
caps loose and bruising the oth
er so as to keep him from walk
ing for some time
It seems a pity to see so many
dead fruit trees dried pastures
and no gardens There is a fine
prospect for canned goods being
brought in
Mrs King and two children
and Amy and Marie Meyers spenl
Wednesday at Louis Longneck
er s
A few of the neighbors had a
Fourth of July picnic in the Buck
woods A social time and a good
dinner with spring chicken and
ice cream were enjoyed
Mrs Taylor made a business
trip to McCook on Thursday
Miss Cleo Hale a niece of Wil
liam Meyers is visiting at his
home and calling on friends
Mr and Mrs Waddell and Mrs
Taylor went from Sunday school
witli Mr and Mrs Clark for din-
Gr II Harris and C II Mundy
loft for Friend last Saturday to
Ernest and Albert Lytic left
last Sunday morning for the east
ern part of the state to work
Henrietta Frimmel entertained
her sister from McCook over the j
Walter Modrell returned Fri
day night from Laird Colo where
he has been farming this season
The Hastings Chamber of Com
merce have engaged Company D
of the state militia to act as a
gard and to help handle the
crowds during their aviation meet
July 18th and 19th General ad
mission will be 50 cents grand
stand 25 cents automobile box
es 50 cents
The exhibition will
Kidney Diseases Are Curable begin at 4 p m each day
under certain conditions The right
medicine must be taken before the Foley Kidney Pills are composed
A Peculiar Phenomenon That Has a
Simple Explanation
In the crude oil producing regions In
California there are scores of large
i ponds of this material After being
as sump holes
These oil ponds are known
htly shining ana a per
son stands for a few moments on the
margin of the sump hole so that
his shadow falls ou the surface of the
petroleum and he then quickly changes
his position the dim shadow remains i
lust where it was origiually cast In
other words the s
scarcely visible to the naked eye Mil
lions of these wee bubbles are rising
to the top all the time when the
i bubbles break and the gas is liberated
passing into the air
Both the gas and bubbles are so
j very supersensitive to the temperature
that even ones shadow cast for a
moment across them is affected The
temperature is lowered Whenever the
substance quickly changes position the
shadow remains until the rays again
warm up that spot and the shadowy
outline slowly fades away Of course
the freak shadow may be seen for
only a very few seconds Scientific
American w 51iiKisU3Uyf
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
is effective for coughs and colds in
either children or grown persons No
opiates no harmful drugs In the
yellow package Refuse substitutes
A McMillen
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Tried in McCook It Has Stood
the Test
The hardest test is the test of
time and Doans Kidney Pills
have stood it well in McCook
Kidney sufferers can hardly ask
for stronger proof than the fol
Mrs D A Jordan of McCook
Nebv says About a year and
a half ago I suffered from kid
ney complaint There was a dull
bearing - down sensation through
the small of my back and I be
came so weak across my loins that
I could hardly stoop I did not
sleep well and this resulted in
a tired feeling when I got up
Headaches bothered me and I
was very nervous Doans Kid
ney Pills improved my condition
as soon as I began taking them
and the contents of six boxes ef
fected a complete cure State
ment given June 26 1907
The Cure Lasted
Mrs Jordan was interviewed
on June 21 1910 and she said
I gladly confirm the public
statement I gave in 1907 recom
mending Doans Kidney Pills
They effected a permanent cure
in my case and I am now enjoy
ing good health
Hastings Neb The secretary
UiStttiat ims yiuiccu uu i ui xusieuieuuj oircunuij ocici tcu iui im
Perry A Pitman -Dale Tex says their corrective healing tonic and 01 me ndisuiigs muuuti ui uu
I was down in bed for four months stimulating effect upon the kidneys merce has just received a tele
with kidney and bladder trouble and bladder and urinary passages They irram from the Glenn II Curtiss
gall stones One bottle 01 r oley s are antiseptic antilithic and a uric
Kidney Remedy cured me well and acid solvent A McMillen
sound Ask for it A McMillen
Peter Snyder et ux to
Kasper Gettman wd to
12 in 6 McCook 1437 50
McCook Pressed Brick Co
to P Walsh wd Pt ne
qr se qr 29-3-29 1 500 00
The McCook Tribune
the in aivance
It is 100
In the County Court of Red
shadow does not Willow County State of
i follow the substance Ka in Tlie matter or tne estate
This may seem like a paradox but it of Robert B Wilson deceased t
is true The instant a person rhifts state of Nebraska Red Willow I
his position his shadow is again cast county
m a new pace yet tne rormer suauow of
j j a M count
remains unchanged The longer a r
sald hereby notty all
county per
person stands in one particular spot
the longer will the former shadow be sons having claims and demands
visible J against the estate of said
Hundreds of experiments have been Robert B Wilson deceased
made along these lines and every time that I have set and appoint
tbe same results have been produced i ed the following days for
simple explanation ror xms
t recepti0n examination and
nomenon Is that under the hot sum l -
adjustment of said claims and de
gas is being constantly generated
down In the body of the petroleum mands as provided by law at the
and it rises to the surface in the form county court room in the city of
of little minute bubbles So very i McCook in said county to wit
small are these bubbles that they are On the 10th ilsiv of August 1911
and the 6th day of February
1912 All persons so interested
will appear at said time and
place and duly present their said
claims and demands in the man
ner required by law or show
cause for not so doing and in
case any of said claims shall not
be presented by the 5th day of
February 1912 the same shall be
forever barred It is further or
dered that this notice sliall be
given by publishing a copy of
this order for four weeks in the
McCook Tribune a newspaper
printed in said county
Given under my hand and the
seal of said court this 10th day
of July 1911
County Judge
Ritchie Wolff Attorneys
First publication July ll 8ts
j w - - i dstoCcbtt
Estimate of Expanses
For the current year 1911 by the
city council of IMcCook Nebraska
Be It Resolved by the Mayor and
City Council of the City of Mc
Cook Red Willow County
cnln W nil rlnnlovo tilUL Uie lOUOWfflg Be aHO
the same hereby is adopted as
t i r ii n
o0 cents Foster Milburn Co the estimate of expenses for said
Buffalo New York sole agents city of McCook for the fiscal year
for the United States commencing May 2nd 1911
Remember the nte Doans oft ffirs1 2200 00
- Supplies claims and
JUlU lilKe I1U Utile tinn
Making and repairing alleys
streets and crossings 2000 00
Adopted and approved
20053 00
this 26th
day of June 1911
To convince every lover of Art Needlework that Richardsons
Grand Prize Wash Embroidery Silk is the Best we will give away
A Pillow Top With Back
Choice of 12 Pretty Designs
Absolutely Free
All we ask is that you buy six skeins of Richardsons Grand Prize
Grecian Floss with which to embroider it and a Diagram Lesson for 25c
The Pillow Top and Back are absolutely free
Colson Cos 5c 1 Oc 25c Store
estate and that the time limited for
the payment of debts is one year
from June 26 1911
Dated June 26 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June 27 1911 Sts
Legal Notice
In the County Court of Red Willow
Count Nebraska To all persons in
terested in the estate of Juliet B
3000 00 - Hume deceased
Notice is hereby given that Rob-
rtedi estate Tilings Firemen and supplies 1800 00 ert W Hume administrator has
The iollowing real estate tilings anting streets 2800 00 ed a final account and report of his
have been mad ein the county
I principal aue on administration and a petition for fin-
vUw Mvt jwwun AUo luiit uu 3 r
cleric s ornce since our last re- Maintenance
of free library
port Maintenance of sewer
O N Shakespeare et ux
Ella Lee wd Pt Blk 14
West McCook 1500 00
Charles F Lehn et ux to
Mary E Vincent wd 17
in 8 1st McCook 2000 00
Benjamin A Fraser et ux
to George B Wilson wd
ne jr nw or se qr 11
2 29
1100 Ofl I seiuciiicui auu uiacucirge as sucu
300 00 anc fr tne distribution and assign
ment of said estate to the persons
S25200 00 pntififlf therotrv n rrpnuireri hi- inxv
The entire revenue for the city for
ll ordred ttat the cmn K
IS same
the year ending May 1st 1911 was I
as follows I heard before said court at the
General fund 6187 00 ty court room at McCook in said
Occupation fund 3635 00 county on the 26th day of July 1911
Water fund 3446 00
at one clock p m
Cemetery fund 16 0Q
Road fund ifisn nn Witness my hand and the seal of
- - - - -
lignt tuna 2992 00
3500 00 library fund 1269 00
Sewer fund 453 00
Scale fund 274 00
said court this 5th day of July 1911
x mo iiifiivvo JU i pflim acrniTie
The program as
being prepared by the committee gaaai
in charge will call for attempts
There is one peculiar thing about to break different records held
these sump holes and that is in the by the aAiators such as the j
way of producing what are known as j tude record the longest time in
freak shadows These are real the ah and other feats of high
shadows but notwithstanding this fact
fl f A rf
they are decidedly freaky If the J f x
Sram wlU be earried out each
sun is brightly per- i
fSeal County Judge
First publication July 6 3 wks
In the County Court of Red Willow
County Nebraska In the Matter of
the Estate of Carolina Feekin de
Notice is herebv eiven that the
First publication June 29 4ts time limited for the presentation of
V claims against said estate is six
NOTICE TO CREDITORS months from and after July 22 1911
ifnn pmnnsm nf lu LUV ouu J ol iieu wuiow uua any ciaua not presentea Dy tnat
U lation ot liammoncis
Lompam County Nebraska In the Matter of time shall be forever barred that I
port 2s ew York continuing tile the Estate of Hiram F Feekin de- will sit at the county court room in
contract which the committee ceased McCook in said county on the 23rd
made with their representative a notice is nereDy given that the day of January 1912 at the hour of
few days ago
A 1 J 11 11 M
rni - um iuuutu lui uie piesemawon 01 ten o ciock a
M to examine ad-
cfir AQtnta ie eiv iiief ori1 lTrTtF nloTmo ofrinpf
vtiv niA jj ju uuu auuii uaxct liuu auixxou
111 i 4 a x
go auu mi nanus arc auiLin iu montns irom and after July 22 1911 said estate and that the time limit
work to make this meet the great and any claim not presented by that ed for the payment of debts is one
est that has ever been held in the lie sha11 be forever barred that I year from June 26 1911
f vv1 sit at the county court room in Dated June 26 1911
state ot rsemaska io
Arpnon 5n SM pminf fha 9vr T rrir4T
pumped to the surface the petroleum ment ever undertaken by Hast- day of January 1912 at the hour of Seal County Judge
is emptied iuto depressions in the ingrS people has brought out so ten oclock A M to examine adjust CORDEAL McCARL Attorneys
earth where it remains for a time i fvnii0 mrmit n lliis and allow the claims against said First publication June 27 1911 St
Later tne crude on is pnu ea in uarAerial Exhibit
reis iu juic uieiai cans or ujmt iu uij
July Special Rates
Yellowstone Park tours a delightful vacation at Hot Springs in the
Black Hills at the iranches in the Sheridan Big Horn district the
new Owl Creek Hot Springs resort at Thermopolis Holms person
ally conducted camping tours through Yellowstone Park via Cody
choice of 200 iresorts and campingplaces in Colorado beautiful Estes
Park Colorado circuit tour of Scenic Colorado and Yellowstone
Park Special excursion rates to California Portland and Seattle
Homeseekers excursions twice a month through the whole West
An elaborate scheme of low rate eastern excursion tours has been plac
ed before the traveling public It comprises CO day tourist rates 60
day limit tours and new diverse route tours of the East Something
never offered before
Every day rates to Michigan Wisconsin Canadian New England
New York and New Jersey resorts
It is impossible to enumerate the list but agents should be supplied
at an early date with special leaflets describing this extensive ar
rangement of low rate Eastern tours
Special rates will also he available for great conventions to be held
in Eastern cities
Write or call and let me help you plan your tour
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNSVice Pres
E A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capitall50000 Surplus 25000
VFranklin A McMillen E A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
h I