The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 06, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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i 8t tT i i
Hens - 250 to 6oo
Womens - 165 to 400
Boys 2 5 - 165 to 300
Misses 13 4 150 to 300
Childr 5 13 80 to 200
Infants 1 5 60 to 150
The Corner Store
Dresses Half Price
All our embroidery lingerie Mar
quisette and voile dresses are now
offered at exactly half price That
means very nice dresses now from
0150 to 338 The Thompson D
G Co bent on clearance
Pastors Vacation
There will be no preaching services
in the Congregational church during
the month of July and the first Sun
day in August on account of pas
tors vacation
Keep the Flies Off
your horses and cattle with
Ease 100 per gallon at
For Sale
S E i sec 7 and N E sec
18 T 5 R 29 and N E and
N W S E sec 13 T5R30
Will consider any fair offer cash or
part on time Address owner
J T FOLEY Lewistown Montana
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones Cos
ocnfectionery and news stand on low
er Main avenue Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
-Now that the state fair manage
ment have fenced in 15 acres add
of lawn and grove on which
to pitch tents for those who wish to
camp during the week the camping
idea promises to grow in Nebraska
the same as it has in Iowa Last
year nearly ten thousand farmers
camped the entire week on the Iowa
fair grounds This privilege permits
an inexpensive outing and there to
enough to see at the fair to keep
every moment fully employed dur
ing the entire period Bring your fam
ily with you to the fair September
4th to 8th
Hammocks Hammocks Only a
few left and they must go at sur
prisingly low prices Call and see
L W McCONNBLL Druggist
Dont forget to try and see if our
31 patent is not as good or better
than the best Guaranteed at every
store in town
The cost of the talent for this
years Chautauqua at Cambridge is
1955 They are conducting an in
dependent Chautauqua
There is magic in the words
Advo They are the final word
in canned excellence And Huber is
the prophet
Several thousand sweet potato
plants for sale McCook Green House
Phone red 214
One Minute and Motor washers
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
All the fresh fruits of the season
at Magners
McConnelLfor drugs
i - Wrgl
v --
Farmers in Vicinity of McCook Aref
Alarmed at Ravages
Leading farmers in the vicinity of
McCook have become alarmed ovejr
the destruction caused by grasshop
pers and have requested a meqtjng
to be addressed if possible by qtatjte
university people as to methods to
exterminate the pests
President Cordeal of the commer
cial club is in communication with
thq university and hopes tp secur
some one from the university for thfcj
meeting Saturday afternoon in the
club rooms
At anyrate such a meeting will
be held and it is hoped that somtj
effective and practical measures may
be disclosed to help the situation
The fear is especially felt for the
valuable alfalfa lands in the vicin
ity of McCook which are being ruth
lessly ravaged by these pests
Waists Half Price
On Bargain Square we offer about
5 doz white shirt waists at half price
They are odds or slightly mussed and
cun from 75c at regular price up to
350 each They are yours now at
from 38 cents to 175 Come in and
select or look only as you please
The Thompson D G Co bent on
not profit is the keystone principle
of McConnells store If his prices
are higher on any item it is be
cause the quality is also higher
There is a great deal more profit in
the inferior grades even when sold
at much cheaper prices but if you
value health and safety more than
the difference in price you will do
well to let him serve you
McCook and Oberlin
Tomorrow the 7th the local ball
team ai Oberlin will try- issues on
the local grounds- The fans are
looking forward to a good game and
hope to see a liberal and enthusias
tic patronage
Once Used Always Used
Marshs Special high grade flour
sold with a money back guarantee
For sale only at Marshs Flour and
Feed Store 215 Main ave Phone
Ladies Waists 25 Cents
One lot of about 25 Colored Shirt
Waists in small sizes on Bargain
Square for 25 cents each The
ThompsonD G Co bent on clear
Lost or Strayed
Small white face Hereford cow
When last seen near Red Willow
had leather halter and short rope
Notify or return to S V Frazier
South McCook
Do Your Cooking
easy and cheap on a Perfection Oil
Cook Sold by
Everything in drugs McConnell
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Hubers all
the time N
Magner sells better groceries than
the jusfas good kind Try him for
an order
Few more nice hammocks at bar
gain prices
One way to build up home Institu
tions is to buy Anchor and 91
Patent The McCook Milling Cos
choicest flours
A G Bump has closed his down
town office and will conduct his bus
iness from the residence for the
present No 305 2nd street east
Phone black 252
The men who have in charge the
County Collective Exhibits to be
shown at the state fair September
4th to 8th report that the dry
weather is making it necessary for
additional work to keep the best ex
hibit of agricultural fproducts to be
shown in the United States this year
up to its usual high standard One
of these men says I have already
worked my corn six times and am
going through it each week until the
15th of August with a single row
cultivator so you can depend on it
that our county wall have this year
corn to show rain or no rain
wnii LsaJI
Meeis Death in That Way
Portland Ore July 4
A telegram July 4th brought Mr
and Mrs S D Taylor of our city
the crushing news of the death by
drowning of their son Guy M Tay
lor on that date near Portland Ore
No particulars up to the hour of
our going to press are obtainable
Guy has been in the northwest
for the past two years and for some
time has been employed on a boat
which plys flaily out of Portland in
the daily newspaper business
Guy was about 22 years of age and
The body was shipped from Port
land Wednesday afternoon and will
amrive in McCook some time on Sat
urday for buraal
The Tribune expresses the senti
ment of this entire community in
extending Mr and Mrs Taylor and
family the profoundest sj mpatby of
this city in this great and tragic sor
row which has thus so suddenly and
unexpectedly come to their hearts
and home
Re2 Estate Filings
The following real estate filingi
lave been made in the county clerks
jic bince our last report v
A H Baldwin et ux to Jas
L and Pniscilla B Hoyt iwd
1-2-3-4 in 30-2-30 3500 00
McCook Water Works Co to
to City of McCook deed13
in 1 So McCook Pt nYz
nwii 32-3-29 Pt 13 blk
11 1st McCook 65000 00
W B Downs to Joseph Ogor
zolka Jr wd to nw 22-
3 26 3000 00
Lincoln Land Co to McCook
Water Works Co McJCook
Water Works plat including
all real estate 30000 00
City this morning The car in which
he and Mrs Reagor and a party of
friends were riding was going at a
rapid speed when it struck a bridge
throwing the doctor out His skull
was fractured and he sustained in
ternal injuries The doctors say he
cannot live until morning He was
to have pitched for Beaver City V
one of the games at Arapahoe today
Died This Morning
Just before going to press this af
ternoon The Tribune learns of the
death about eleven oclock this
morning of Mirs Eliza Mathews who
has been ailing for several weeks
The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at four oclock services
being held at the residence on 6th
street east
Rev Bayne is out of the city but
has been teegraphed for
None better and few aquals 91
Patent and Anchor brand flour
Made by our own mill The McCook
Milling Co
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
McConnell fills prescriptions
McMillen prescription druggist
Two fine rains one on Sunday and
the other on the Fourth
Roy had quite an accident
last Thursday caused by the team
munning away one or the horses oe
dng killed and Roy had his arm brok
en just above the hand
Lightning set fire to the grass on
Thursday afternoon
E Beebe is intending to haul hogs
T F West Peter Smith and E
Beebe will ship part of their cattle
Quick beat our team in a ball
game Saturday toy the score of 7 to
6 The boys will have to play bet
ter to win as they had the umpire
on their side and then could not
beat them They play Spring Creek
Saturday This will be another game
lost as they play on the Spring creek
Mr and Mrs Henry Jacobs of Cul
bertson visited at Wrights and Ham
iltons last Sunday
Henry and Nick Kolbet spent Sun
day with their brother Fred
- Jf v
Thursday Evening Edition
Ferris Halstead Loses Both Legs and
Died Shortly Afterwards
Ferris Halstead was run over by
the cars at Imperial Tuesday sus
taining injuries from which he died
while being conveyed up town at that
place Halstead was employed on the
Kiilpatrick ranch up in Ohase county
and his postoffice address was Cham
pion He was not assisting in load
ing stock from the ranch but came
down from the ranch to see the
work idone
Both legs were cut off below the
Halstead was single and 55 year
of age
Advertised List
The following letters cards and
packages remain uncalled for at the
Burns Mr Edward Burgess Mr
Won Conelly Shannon Ditnian
Henry Green Mr F A House
keeper Mr E T Hulen Mrs T
P Minor Mr H V Thomas Miss
Alice Taylor Mr W OBrien
Jas E -White Chesley Web Mr
BJH Wilhost Mr Smith Wright
Ira B 2 Gavune Jules De for
Brown Jimmie Comer Mr Guy
W Latamore Delbert Mapes Rosa
Wilson Mrs Lucy Wilson Mr Ed
Wilson Rev C W
When calling for these please saj
they were advertised
LON CONE Postmaster
Claims He Did It
A tfellow by the name of James
Durkdn claims to have set the can
on fire and is being held in the
county jail Dunkin says that he
served six and a half years in the
penitentiary of California and thinks
Fatnl Auto Accident ol ju uV M
considered a resident ofthat state
Beaver City Neb July 4 Spe
fal telegram to the Bee Dr HA
Reagor was probably fatally injured
iln an auto accident near Beaver
He is thought by some to be the
same individual who threatened to
break glass in Denver in order to
break into jail Whether Durkin is
crazy or just a fool has not as yet
been determined
A Few Junior Normal Notes
The total enrollment has reached
Normalites observed the Fourth
but a session will be held on Sat
urday to make up for the day thus
Prof Davis talk in chapel thiR
morning on his experiences attend
ing school and teaching in Sod
school houses was very interesting
Bug Death Kills
plant eating insects and fertilizes the
plant Not injurious to man or beast
Sold- by
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12 th
we will do feed grinding only on
The Main Store On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best -in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
Get our rates on Farm Loans
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
Work for a bigger and better Mc
Cook and use 91 Patent
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
UV mer hvskate to suarantPt
lily Patent flour At the McCnoV
rluur and Feed Store
For every ailment of the dog El
kays Dog Remedies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Bargain sale on wall paper for the
next ten days beginning today
We are closing out Hammocks at
reduced prices
A McMILLEN Druggist
Attend the grasshopper meeting in
the McCook Commercial club rooms
Saturday afternoon Your
and advice may be valuable to
those now suffering from the de
struction of these pests
Games at Cambridge on the 4th
McCook won both games at Cam
bridge Tuesday morning according to
the following particulars and details
Morning game
r h
McCook 00011000 24 8
Cambridge 00200010 03 7
iBatteriesiCambridge Wood and
Gilbert McCook Milligan and Har
Afternoon game
r h
McCook 43051400 724 22
Cambridge 3000014008 7
Crip Milligan was in the linie
lightanthe morning game winning th
game with a run in the ninth inning
Crip was hit by a pitched ball
during tie game which laid him out
temporarily The Cambridge pitcher
has a rather unfortunate recorrd for
hits that is for hitting batters
The Cause of Constipation
Constipation is in some cases the
direct result from a torpid or slow
acting liver brought about by the
with holding of the flow of bile This
condition is commonly allied with
more or elss indigestion and dyspep
sia partly due to the constipation it
ielf Many persons have found n
comparatively easy to overcome these
conditions with a treatment of Rex-
all Liver Salts In our judgment we
feel that this preparation as remark
ably well fitteol to over come these
conditions and recommend them to
you with the understanding that
they are guaranteed and your money
will be refunded in case there are
no beneficial results In two sizes
25 and 50 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Large Shipmentof Stock
A considerable portion of fast
freight 77 yesterday afternoon was
made up of stock D C Marsh had
four cars of hogsin the train E F
FQiteraft accompanying the shipment
for Mm
Something New -and Good
Marshs Special a high grade
flour made especially for me and
sold only by me f with a money back
guarantee The Marsh Flour and
Feed Store 215 Main avenue Phone
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
You Can Pump Water
any time you wan to with a Chore
Boy engine Sold by
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and feed of all kinds
We have a select line of box
paper and writing tablets
A McMILLEN Druggist
One Minute Washers
rive perfect satisfaction Soli by
Sunday made a new record for heat
in Lincoln 107
Feeds of all kinds for sale
Some sligbt showers and lowering
of temperature last evening and thlis
The Catholic ladies will hold a
lawn social at the residence of ilrs
Anna Colfer Tuesday evening July
11th Everybody welcome
It may be well for water consum
ersto remember that the sprinkling
iiours have been confined to 7 to
S in the morning and from 6 to 8
in the evening The mayor says the
order is not a bluff
The new time table which went in
to effect on the Burlington last Sun
day makes several slisght changes in
the time of departure of several of
the trains Consult the time tablee
in this issue of The Tribune whCc
has been corrected up to date
Attention is called to the announce
ment elsewhere in this paper of J
C Moore as a candidate for re-nomination
on the Republican ticket for
JCounty Judge Came here from the
eastern part of the county where he
was an early settler Has made a
creditable record as county judge
and wall doubtless receive a large
vote as he did in the election two
years ago
r Historically
Nbr State
rf ntiiHiiP
Addition - Subtraction
Add to your earning capaci
ty a little each day but sub
tract at least one fourth of
each dollar you earn and put
it in the bank By so doing
you multiply present content
ment and future comfort by
every deposit you make
It is the duty of every man
to provide for himself and his
family both now and in the
future Health and content
ment are two essentials in se
curing the best results from
your labors but so divide your
income that a goodly portion
will be applied to the fund
which insures FUTURE com
P Walsh President
C F Lehv V Pres
C J Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Methodist The Methodist church
will hold the regular sen ices next
Sunday morning and evening It
may ibe a little warm but if we ever
needed the help of God and the serv
ices of His house it is during these
dry hot days We are taught in His
word If we forsake the Lord He
to Him He will draw near to us and
bless us Surely every one that
well forsake us but if we draw near
loves the Lord should call upon Him
that tnis drouth may be turned aside
and this awful heat consume us not
Our annual conference will be held
at Lexington Neb September
Warren will preside This
will be the seventh time for him to
preside over the West Nebraska
conference He is a tower of strength
and much beloved by this conference
and all who know Mm This will be
the year of the Lay Electoral confer
ence which wdll meet in conjunction
with the annual conference as the
general conference will met in May
1912 The Lay Electoral conference
as composed of one layman elected
on Friday of the Annual conference
from each cfharge who are to meet
organize and elect their delegates
to the general conference and tran
sact such business as may come be
fore them J C Moore W B Whit
taker and E D Perkins have been
elected as judges and tellers to con
duct the election in our church All
members over 21 years of age have a
iright to vote at this election The
time of this election will be announc
ed later
Episcopal Sunday schocl at 10 a
m Usual s jrvices at 11 a m and
S p m conducted by the rector
Christian Science The subject for
the service of July 9th will be Sac
Beauty is Balanced
by the skill
With which we
bring it out in
the photo
graphs we make
of you Many
people are much
better looking
than they ap
pear in ordin
You may think
you are one of
the few whose
portraits cannot
be made attrac
tive Come and
sit for us and
your friends
delight with the
pictures will
prove you mis
Phone Red 428
McCOOK Above Commercial