The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 04, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 2

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commercial club Nebraska Historic
al association etc
With the growth and development
of the country in the decade from
1880 to 1890 his law practice grew
rapidly During the twenty five years
following 1SS0 he was connected with
much of the important litigation of
this vicinity and period The care
and research which he placed upon
the legal propositions he urged be
fore the courts soon made him one
of the leaders of the bar of Gage
county acknowledged to be one of
the ablest in the state and gave him
the confidence of the courts and the
respect of his professional brethren
He has given much of his time to
legal writing publishing in 1880
the Law of Replevin which had
been about two years in preparation
This work was well received by the
profession and was soon recognized
as the leading text book on this dif
ficult subject which position it still
Time to Call the Painter
THE time to call the painter is v
your house needs paint If you
for cheaper linseed oil you will lose money
The longer you wait the more paint
will need Use
Fore White Lead
and pure linseed oil now and the high
price of oil will mean only about 5 per
cent increase in the cost a very few
dollars at most Not enough to pay for
having a shabby looking place
Send for Oar Free Painting Helps
containing color schemes miscellaneous paintin
tions and names of Blue List Painters in yoi
munity who use our white lead Ask for Helps
TO PAINTERS If von use our white le
us your name for our Painters Blue List Write
for Circular No B It gives particulars
722 Chestnut St St Louis
L W McConnell
Tfte Mcoolt THfeuiie
F M K1MMELL Editor
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
The Express in common with
other citizens of Gage county is
pleased to learn that Hon J E
Cobbey is a candidate for a position
on the supreme bench of our state
Mr Cobbey was born in Missouri
where -his father was principal of the
Clarksville Academy in 1853 At
the close of the Civil War the father
found himself with impaired health
from hardships suffered in the union
army which made an outdoor life
advisable He settled on a small
farm in Benton county Iowa twenty
five miles from a railroad Here the
subject of this sketch grew up at
tending district school in the winter
and working on a farm in summer
When eighteen years of age he com
menced teaching school By teach
ing and farm labor he worked his
way through college and law college
He is a graduate of the scientific
course of the state college of Ames
Iowa and the Iowa college of law at
Des Moines iow a part of Drako uni
In 1877 he settled tn Beatrice and
opened a law offiee Although active
in politics alwaya taking a deep in
terest in political matters he has
not been an office seeker
In 1877 he waa appointefi U S
Gonimissioner by the U S circuit
judge which position he still holds
being appointed by both republican
and democratic federal judges At
the present time the position is not
lucrative but it is a convenience to
federal olficers and others to have
a coimniisioner at this place
One term as county judge of Gage
county 1SS0 81 one term as city
attorney of Beatrice two terms on
the council of the same city and a
few minor positions cover his offi
rial life
He has always identified himself
ith the social life of this city be
ing a prominent member of the
Christian church different Masonic
lodges also U C T and Beatrice
holds A second edition was publish
ed in 1900
The Law of Chattel Mortgages
came from the press in 1893 This is
comprehensive and the only two vol
ume work evier published on this
In 1S91 under legislative author
ity he prepared the statutes of the
state and in 1893 a second edition
This work was known as the Con
solidated Statutes The investiga
tion necessary for preparing it gave
him a vision of a better statute and
the work of gathering notes and ma
terial was at once commenced and
for ten years much of his time was
given in preparing the material for
this new statute which was first
published in 1901 as the Annotated
Statutes This work contains all the
statutory law of the state scientific
ally classified and arranged and
more than 30000 notes explaining
the text The publication of the
Annotated Statutes is still being con
tinued a new edition being publish
od after each legislative session
His statutes have attracted at
tention outside of the state The
commissions in prepariag new stat
utes in Wyoming Missouri and
Oklahoma followed some of its fea
tures In New Mexico a commission
of five appointed to select an oxpert
to prepare a new statute for the
prospective state after a careful ex
amination of the statutes of the dif
ferent states selected the Annotated
Statutes of Nebraska as the best
model and employed Judge Cobbey
to prepare these statutes giving him
unlimited authority to re word ex
isting statutes or draft new ones as
to him seemed best
During the year 1908 he was in
Santa Fe engaged on this work
which when completed was entirely
satisfactory This work involved not
only a thorough study of the com
mon law as calssified by Blackstone
and the statutes of the several states
based thereon but a study of the
civil law as classified by the Code
Napoleon and enacted into statutes
by the Latin nations New Mexico
up to 1846 recieved its law from
Spain through Old Miexico and this
civil law foundation influences the ap
plication and enforcement of subse
quent common law enactments This
experience gave Judge Cobbey a
broad and comprehensive knowledge
of statutory law He has frequently
been a contributor to legal journals
and law magazines
This experience in the different
branches of the law as practitioner
trial judge tex tbook auhtor law
writer compiler annotator and stat
ute draughtsman give to Judge Cob
bey a wide and comprehensive know
ledge of legal problems which with
his great capacity for work his
friends think eminently qualify him
for a position on the supreme bench
Daily Express Tuesday June 20
z m if
JvS 4th
Ml JUlr
-- ww Lg
r com- r v W H
No B I
1 send n of I H
Mo Mil
May Make Heroes of Physical
Cowards In Time of Danger
It Is the Sudden Impulse That Moves
One to Do the Right Thing In an Un
expected Emergency A Soldier and
a Shell and a Man and a Murder
There is a distinction to be drawn
between presence of mind and cour
age Persons who naturally are timid
and nervous will in circumstances of
great danger and excitement perform
acts of heroism that would be beyond
their powers on ordinary occasions
We speak of these as instances of
presence of mind But if you ask
them tuny would tell you that an in
voluntary impulse rather than any
premeditated course of action guided
their will on the occasion Had they
time for reflection when all the threat
ening danger to themselves had be
come clear to their minds their nat
ural timidity of character would have
asserted itself and deprived them of
It is absence of fear that prompts
the soldier under a heavy Are from
the enemys guns to go to the assist
ance of a wounfled comrade and bring
him to a place of safety and nothing
in human nature can compare with
such self sacrifice But in times of
sudden emergency it is not always
the bravest who act with promptitude
The following story is an instance of
One of our transports was returning
from the PhiHppjnes with invalided
men and one morning at sea a group
of officers on the deck discussed the
subject of firing shells A soldier was
told by the colonel to bring an empty
sliell with a fuse The colonel took
the shell in his hands and striking a
match lighted the fuse - As this slow
ly burned and the colonel proceeded
with his address to the other officers
another soldier passed the group and
the moment he caught sight of the
shelf he rushed- forward exclaiming
Look out sir the shell is a live one1
Then ho did what never seemed to
haw same Into the miixfe of any in the
group of officers He seized the sbeH
out of the hands of the colonel and
threw it into the sea For this service
he was promoted The soldier who
had been told to bring an empty shell
had gone to the wrong magazine
Those who talked with the man touch
ing this incident say that he repudi
ated any idea of having done a brave
thing I dont kuow he said what
made me seize the shell out of the
colonels hand but it came suddenly
into my mind and I did it It is this
wave of unconscious thought which
constitutes true presence of mind This
will come to people of nervous and
even cowardly natures
There is of authentic record the case
of a man known to be utterly deficient
of courage who saved himself from a
very awkward situation by an exhibi
tion of real presence of mind He was
an Englishman and lived in a town in
the midlands where he was an organ
ist Late one evening he was returning
home through some of the back streets
which at that hour were more or less
empty of people As he went along
however he noticed some distance
ahead of him a man and a woman
walking side by side the mans arm
being around the womans neck Just
under a street lamp the couple stop
ped for a moment when the organist
heard a piercing scream and saw the
woman slowly falling from the mans
arms Almost before she had reached
the ground the man darted away
down a side street and disappeared
When the organist came up to the
woman he found to his horror that
she was lying in a pool of blood His
first impulse was to run away and get
clear of the terrible scene but his bet
ter feelings prevailed and he knelt
down beside the poor woman to see if
he could do anything for her When
he raised her head he found she was
quite dead with her throat cut from
ear to ear Reside her ou the pave
ment lay a blood stained razor
The organist was overwhelmed with
horror Before he could collect him
self a group of people had gathered
and presently he heard expressions
such as He did it I tell you I saw
him Theie is the razor The fiend
Where are the police Hand him
over It was certainly a very awk
ward position as the rough character
of the people might tempt them to
take theMaw into their own hands and
use him very badly The arrival of a
policeman seemed to steady his nerves
for a moment and then came a wave
of inspiration that might tridy be call
ed presence of mind no seized the
dead womans wrist and pulling out
his watch went through the form of
feeling her pulse Then he put his
hand over her heart and turning to
the policeman said as calmly as lie
could I am sorry to say that I can
be of no further service here The
poor woman is quite dead There is
no action in the heart or the pulse
In an instant the murmurs of the
crowd changed and he heard Ties
the doctor on all sides This was his
opportunity and slowly rising and
affecting to be in no hurry he passed
through the crowd who made way for
him But wheu he got clear of the
street and came to the first turning he
took to his heels and ran for all he
was worth The cowardly spirit got
the better of him in the end He
heard the next day that the murderer
bad gone straight to the police station
and givn himself up New York
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate for re nomination to the
office of County Judge on the Re
publican ticket With a high appre
ciation of the large vote given me
two years ago largest of any ex
cept treasurer and with a purpose
to render the best service possible
if re elected I respectfully request
the consideration of all Republicans
at the coming primary election Aug
ust 15th
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
is effective for coughs and colds in
either children or grown persons No
opiates no harmful drugs In the
yellow package Refuse substitutes
A McMillen
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12th
we will do feed grinding only on
We Serve to Please
lea cream soda and sundaes with
pure crushed fruit including all the
A McMILLEN Druggist
Mary J Powers wjtnt to the court
house Thursday and left five dollars
with the county treasurer filing as a
Democratic candidate for county su
perintendent Mass Powers is an
experienced teacher having a good
record in the McCook schools where
she has been employed for many
years Trenton Republican
Right in your busiest season when
you have the least time to spare you
are most likely to take diarrhoea and
lose several days time unless you
have Chamberlains Colici Cholera
aand Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and
take a dose on the first appearance
of the disease- For sale by all deal
People used to buy hardwood floor
by the isquaro foot Now they buy
it in tin cans Chi Namel cans We
sell lots of them
For sale by
McCONNELL Druggist
Subscribe for The Tribune
McCook People Should Learn to De
tect the Approach of Kidney
The symptoms of kidney trouble
are so unmistakable that they leave
no ground for doubt Sick kidneys
excrete a thick cloudy offensive
urine full of sediment irregular of
passage or attended by a sensation of
scalding The back aches constantly
headaches and dizzy spells may occur
and the victim is often weighed down
by a feeling of languor and fatigue
Neglect these warnings and there is
danger of dropsy Brights disease
or diabetes Any one of these symp
toms is warning enough to begin trea
ing the kidneys at once Delay often
proves fatal
You can use no better remedy than
Doans Kidney Pills Heres McCook
Mrs H A Rouch 212 E Fifth St
McCook Nebr says I have seen
what Doans Kidney Pills will do in
cases of kidney complaint and there
fore feel justified in recommending
them A member of my family took
this remedy when suffering from
backache and soon received entire
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
100 Reward 100
The readers of Ihis paper will be
pleaed to learn that there is at last
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Happiest Girl in Lincoln
A Lincoln Neb girl writes I
had been ailing for some time with J
chronic constipation and stomacn
trouble I began -taking Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets
and in three days I was able to be
up a ncTgot better right along I am
the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
such a good medicine For sale by
The republicans of Red Willow coun
ty are hereby called to meet in con
vention in the city of Indianola on
Wedesday July 19th at 2 oclock in
the afternoon for the purpose of
elcctirg eight 8 delegates to the
republican state convention to be
held at Lincoln on July 25th 1911
and for the purpose of electing a
county central committee and for
the transaction of such other busi
ness as may properly come before
said county convention
The convention shall be made up
of delegates chosen by the republi
cans of the respective precincts of
the county on the basis of one dele
gate at large for each voting pre
cinct of the county and one delegate
for each 15 votes or fraction thereof
cast for C H Aldrich republican
candidate for Governor at the gener
al election held November 8th 1910
which basis of representation en
titles the respective voting precincts
to the following number of delegates
Alliance 3
Box Elder 4
Driftwood 4
Gerver 3
Lebanon 5
Perry 3
Valley Grange 4
Beaver 5
Coleman 2
East Valley 7
Grant 2
Missouri Ridge 2
Red Willow 5
Bondville 2
Danbury 5
Firitsch 3
Indianola 7
North Valley 3
Tyrone 3
Willow Grove
1st Ward 1st prceinct 13
1st ward 2nd precinct 9
2nd ward 1st precinct 11
2nd ward 2nd precinct 5
It is recommended that no proxies
be allowed but that the delegates
present from each precinct be author
ized to cast the full vote of such pre
It is ordered that precinct caucus
es to elect delegates be held on
Wednesday July 12th at such hour
and place as the precinct committee
men shall designate aad that the
several preciact combnitteemen shall
at once call such caucuses and give
notice thereof by posting op publica
It is suggested that the prefcinct
caucuses nominate precinct officers
at these caucuses and that such bus
iness be included in tho oall for
the caucus
Dated thds 26th day of June 191
By order of the County CeRtral
For special on sauer kraut by the
gallon see Magner
Subscribe for the Tribune
Lily Patent Flour when once use
none other will satisfy you
Received on Account Pah
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office
1000 50c
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
tttttttt jm g
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Smith bought some pigs from
his neighbor Jones
came to 642
Teacher of
The wice
Smith - aid
Jones in cash but as usual
neither had the proper change
and Smith said Just make t
even money Smith lost S
cents Jones bought some 3
from his neighbor Johnson 1 Q
price came to 642 Jones a
nis money in the bank ina
gave Johnson a check for the
exact amount Jones did 210
lose a cent This Is only one
of the advantages of a check
ing account Come in and let
us explain further
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness In delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
Piano and Organ i
010 First Street West McCook
to So Paper Hanging LSght Car
penter Work and Inside Painting
Leave orders with C k Brown
at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St
West McCook Neb
We now handle the best
gradesof Colo and Pejnna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262 i
Real Eastefrday
ike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Prick Paid in Cash
New location u HcCnnh
streetin P Wleh btrlaisg l IvAAJOK
Osborn Kummer Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
T T - J TTT 3
rire ana wina
I Insurance
Written in First Class
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456