The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 04, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Early S W Nebraska History
Battle Between United States Troops my amounting probably to thirty or
and Kiowa and Comanche Indians forty again appeared in our front
on Republican River Report of distant perhaps a mile To over-
Captain Sturgis of Encounter of take tins party lieutenant isn was
August 6 1860 detached with twenty men on picked
For several years prior to the be- horses with orders to catch them
ginning of the Civil War bands of if possible and not to spare the
Kiowa and Comanche Indians had horses Lieutenant Ingraham with
been ranging over the great plains the advanced guard followed in rear
slaughtering cattle stealing horses of Lieutenant Fish with orders to
burning ranches and killing settlers keep in sight of that officer and
i t iu f hocon n His ciinnnrt i TlPCfSSa
i t
nf tmnns itnrJor tho zealous young officers was
Tuesday Evening Edition
The Deed and Bonds Were Duly Exchanged Between City
and Company Last Saturday Evening
The First Proposition of the Company to the City Obtains and Transfer Is
Made on That BasisSprinkling Hours Temporarily to he
Restricted to 7 to 8 a m and 6 to 8 p m
City council met in adjourned
ana ui m we Buuiu u - - Y JuV session Friday night Present Ma
1SC0 the government determined to Thus pursuit though conducted with
an end to these atrocities sent great energy on the part of those
yor James McAdams Councilmen Mid
dleton Stansbenry Brown and Woods
mMnnH nr Hnntnin stiiwris in less unsuccessful and after keeping citv Clerk Frank Travers Citv At
HU 0 5t P over hills and ravines for eight torney F L WolfL ordinance No
whlcli necessitated a march from nrles they found themselves no 2Q0 for purcnase of water works was
south to north across the state of nearer the enemy than when they adopted all four COUncilmen voting
Kansas terminated on the 6th day started This last effort aye AdjOUrnment taken to 1030 la
of August 1S60 in an engagement ea neyona -a aouDt mat ow nviv m Saturday wnen all were present tal of 6500000 Clerk was ordered
that occurred at a place which has after marching a thousand miles over ag above except woods absent to cancel these coupons and preset
been if it ever can be more a country for the most part a desert seventh of
set yet uy City Engmeer McKay was present serve same On coupon
definitely located than at some cannot compete with the fresh and Water company refused to sell un- each bond 1250 was indorsed by
place near the Republican fork fat horses of the Indians legs cIty purcnasei water tax due water company The 13 bonds were
north of Beaver creek The follow- About 11 oclock a m we crossed from consumers for 2nd quarter of then delivered to A B Minor pres
ing is taken from the official report a boggy branch of the stream along 1911 This and afternoon session ident of water company and secre
of the encounter which is dated at which we had been marching and occupied with negotiations and tary of Lincoln Land Co A bill in-
Fort Kearney N T August 12 I860 halted in order to see the wagons ter propositions no proposition being eluded in settlement purchasing coal
On the 2Sth ultimo we marched safely over The difficulty of the made satisfactory to both parties in transit etc allowed Ordinanc
company accepted citys original pre
position as stated in ordinance No
200 having decided to retain second
Quarter tax and collect same itself
Deed from Water Co to city con
sideration 6500000 and release of
30000 mortgage delivered to city
with two insurance policies Six cou
pons were clipped from each of wat
er -bonds 1 to 13 for 500000 a to-
Some Later Fire Developments
RANDALL IS AFTER kerosene was found in the middle of
ALLEGED FIRE BUGS a room Members of the fire depart-
nient declared that flames floated
Cans of coal oil jugs of gasoline on top of the water that was poured
and old sacks soaked with the two into the houses
liquids taken from a pair of houses By making inquiries it has been
in McCook which were partially de- learned where the oil was purchased
stroved hv ffirA n fpti rliY3 mm hava nnrl v fi Tinm Tl nnnln eo
- - rf0 uv j nuum iiuWiU kJIXJ1
furnished a case for investigation by
State Fire Commissioner Randall He
came back from there strongly con-
Investigation by Mr Randall de
veloped that instead of the insurance
vinced that the fire was incendiary on the two buildings and contents
All evidence secured was left in the being 3700 as first reported the
hands of the county attorney for pro- total is quite 6500 and possibly
ceedmgs to be undertaken- later 9000 sums out of all proportions to
The houses are the property of the real value of those properties
Laura Hughes and it is reported that which are practically worthless
they were used as sporting places up save for the immoral purposes used
to a short time ago when they were which the Albert law has made too
closed under the new Albert law hazardous for owners or lessors So
They were heavily insured together the incentive for incendiaryism is
wJth the furniture and other contents not lacking
Firemen found a large kerosene Incidentally while in the city Mr
can nearly empty and a two gallon Randall ordered some cleaning up to
jug which had contained gasoline in be done instanter in the business
one of the houses In the other a section Mr Randall stated however
jug of gascline tightly corked and that he found few cities in the state
wrapped with sacks saturated in in as clean condition as McCook
he Arkansas river towards the crossing taken in connection with S 00 No
from Saturday p m at adjourned 301 was passed restricting spring Dr
R Jones has joined the To the patrens of the McCook Water
norm leaving our teiiua aim uwtj ic iin ieaonia ucy - umuci sessicn present Mayor james ling except irom i xo a a m aim o wfe and son a jjill QHy g pj
baggage behind under a proper guar on the creek and the presence ot a ams Councilmen Middleton Stan
and hy a series of rapid marches good many Indians still hovering in berry and Brown City Clerk Frank
i n f wi iai noon on Tiaiv fE to the front as skirmish- essentials oi wie weeiiiy crop uuueuii
frierdly Indians or destroyed
As 4 had marched fifty miles Indians had
and as
ing up
ntMhomhvnnnnM riavlieht ily and if such were the case to -5 wib fearea a week ago
chase vje cemained in camp
irin fnrl thpm nrntcction Thft nnmlinr n Z Has been begun m a number or
the day and marched again in a cf hostile Indians in our front was
violent itorm as eoon as it was dark now evidently increasing and Cap-
strikinir dlrectlv
tlio romnass PanJf A to join Lieutenant Stockton as they are now
nfi ihn Tivt iinv five of our and take command of the squadron decade since at this stage of
Indian scouts fell in with a large par- A -few moments more however left growth the fields were as free from
tv of thel enemy and two of them no doubt of our being In the vicin
lent condition were the important
- i i iix
to 8 p muntil proper fire pressure
and domestic supply obtained and
seven 1 of them made at night we our front rendered it necessary to Travers City Engineer Deere and providing for fine allowing lawn
succeeded in arriving so close t fron adopt precautionary measures against Deputy McKay City Attorney Wolff sprinklers to run during fire Ad-
the rear of the enemy at Solomons a surprise Accordingly the troops and partner C D Ritchie Water journed
fort nn thp morninsr of the 3d as were required to stand to horse
v u
to get possession of their camp which while Lieutenant Ingraham with the
they hdd abandoned during the pre- advanced guard was directed to re-
ViOUS nygllt Here We IOUnu large wJiiuuti me uiuuki in uiu iviuicj
quantities cf buffalo meat and hides of tlie crossing and Lieutenant Stock-
and a Considerable number of lodge ton was directed to deploy his com-
Burlington Crop Report iAN
That the wheat crop is much better
thfci was indicated in the reports a Mrs
week ago anu tnat com is in excel
Joseph Menard Answers the
Final Call Saturday Morning
1 sued at Burlington headquarters in Mrs Joseph Menard on last Saturday
accountlof the rapidity of their flight ers Shortly after this arrangement
i Av vo riistrihiitprl iimnnj wa3 made I received word by one Lincoln Thursday
ciiivi nififU i u w - w
C E Eldred is the orator of the
Works Co
Water tax second quarter is now
I day at Haigler Dundy county today due and payable at the companys of-
W A Mitel Ml is up from Hast jfice We are informed that seme of
i ings to celebrate the fourth with the our former patrons make a claim
family against us for the amount collected
i J R VanHorn returned Friday during the time the courts
I night from his long absence from was in effect in excess
the city I charges fixed by Ord 136
or me
Our at-
Mrs Will Deere returned home torney has advised us that such
Sunday en No 13 from a visit to claim are erroneous and we have
The announcement of the death of Superior not allowed any credits on that ac-
Jeo Rjan went in to Omaha Sum- count Wo wish now to close out the
monning though not entirely daJ morning on No 2 to secure a business of the company as rapidly as
- nnfnl no n rtftV Vl rcc nA nOSjtlOn lO thflt ptv TlOrS hTfl fl ml W cTl in cnHIn oil lnn1
of the guides that several of our own The weeK prospwts are unuormiy -- M - - -- M fM 0 s T Jl 7
become entangled with ood in the eastern half of the state Fa surprise wer neaitn mas -- - - nm uiiuwry oeay we
I harm oTr mor mnnr oi Miss Vfilma amvfid home Frudav ar in ontop Intn n ff cif
the last twenty four hours the enemy Lieutenant Stockton was while the whole state crop is not -e u - -
fltlir the end came paJnlessly at an early -ant from their visit east entering appearance for immediate
norn tt1 iiti 4ii iijixi iuii j uwi iwiuwiu uiiu - -
UU 0 - - e i nn
sections through the state
vnicago in tne city s imaiicy xasi
I I IT Arrie rlic yifit ennf ha r nitor tcnrinnr nnH ln nr r i i
Harvest- mm i vun5 nU u iub iiuclioh mvoivea
Mrs Menard came to McCcok frcm terIy conterence in the Methodist in any one or mon3 casss the result
church Thursday evening last
ja the one case will then determine
Herman Brown arrived home Fri- the rights of all parties Call at the
At i t a 1 ftn v rirTrr in or n in O fiTT Y c fffinn rrivs t n Aui j
for the north by tain Beall was sent with hfe com- good at thi season in live years iC w biuu unU y a s A 1 uu
went off howling piteously
Ac nx oc thorp was sufficient
- Ififf teen miles when they scattered on
ved from
Corn prospects have not been as and up to the end was identified with
nun it hnl hfiAn kuc tiiiiie ui niouua w in Ltiiiueiij - v unin cigij
hnif n dozen of them parently determined to make a bold at three oclock for the purpose
nv 4 much 0ise as one stand Captain Mcintosh who com- of selecting delegates and
would exiect to hear from a hundred manded the squadron on the left was
throats However they did us lit- now directed to move diagonally up
tie injiirv and withdrew before it the hill side and take the enemy in
was light enough to pursue them It flank while Captain Carrs squad-
TQi ihi twn of them at ron moved on tLo center with a view
3 ilCCUlll VU v -
precinct ticket
WILL SEXSON Committeeman
Small Reduction in Valuation
Red Willow county shows n smnll
At Camhridae
became of flight and pursuit for
sixty stalwart warriors At Th2 ns nf thj Camtold wat
this time a messenger arrived er plant consumed four million two
the north side of the Republican fork
i that he r nml hirtvjIp nsnnfl
In this affair and the skirmishes sincJ the plant was instaned r
which preceded it twenty nine of PeTOy was the heaviest user his
tached with the advance guard fif the enemy were kUled How many meter registering i28000 gallons
of Captain were wounded it is impossible to
tyix men to the support
itti pnmmandsay with any degree ot accuracy
f -- - -
followed at a good pace Thus- tne
pursuit was kept up for eighteen mil
es when I determined to abandon it
and resume the trail knowing that
sooner or later it -would lead to their
principal stronghold In this affair
two of the enemy were killed one
of whom judging from the grandness
of his decorations was probably a
chief or at least an important per
sonage among his people
-Soon after leaving camp on Whelr
ans Beaver creek on the morn
IBS of the Mhi a arty of he -U
probably a great many
Six companies oE troops partici
pated in this pursuit and fight and
a number of Indian scouts accompan
ied the detachment The casualties
to the government forces were three
froTiri1iv TnrlianR Wiled two Soldiers
seriously and one slightly wounded Week
and one missing Further investiga
tion may disclose more definitely
the olace where thlsJ battle
was moves
however but that it occurred either
in Furnas for Red Vlllow county - McConnell fills prescriptions
the treasure her memory
Emilia Adele Rofinot was born in
It tii ri a t n m
weeds I cago Illinois aepiemoer in
- - TiVnsCk ivno IQ tQOTc O nrnntlic o nl 1 X
- ii AA ftf wf 4 Un f fnrnn r K nMAmv IPPP Will fVf H t III I WtlPiif nmtl nil I wu wia luunwio auu mv
ana tne ouien uuuuW ---- - -- - -
tli s days old at her death
one fatallv and has since diea tnree ana tne remumuer ot tne commanu uiia u iuaUV i 1TOi
of the enfemy were also killed and was therefore at once moved forward cunt on the Lincoln djvision 70 per
A j at a srallnn In nur firont flav a fevel cent on the Wjmore and about 28
H niornCng at ten oclock Rev
1 - o nbinvnmiioinu inw ner cent on tliP McCook division ac-
On tne morning ot we om i - - - - - -
- - -- KfvrA rinv hreak ed by numerous ravines and con- cording to present indications Lm- u
talned between low of Qiills coin btar
they made an attack upon our camp a ridge
in hat numbers it would be diffi jon the north and a heavily wooded
cult lo say 4mie think they stream on the south As we Box Elder Precinct
j ie nm nf rl ih pnpmv nnnrpd in from or The Republican nrimary election
nereu iiitv cr sixlj uwt - - - oioW nnmtnW
r - T 1 i j i vului T iuijwitj v
rl aftr conceivable hirhnv n Qna nnfi ilir time Pi f Rr nrffincrr Will no noirl I -
- aa nc Vioir in r hnrrn nr fivhi nn font IS reduction in total assess
th tmll ed up at a round gallop and in good are 3293230
iiiii lu eiiuiic u -v iv
7 order but unfortunately the enemy 49949
we marched again when Captain mc-
an to give way and though
Intosh was sent at his own request
with sixteen men to reconnoiter a ra
our horses were put to the top of
iinuraay last
ed valuation
least were Daaiy uuuuCu w - - daushter from awav to arrive before
nrn mwrlif nnf nl nrtninpori Iflf Ill I AVCl HI I 1 n tirvllimo Fj Yi w
In this order the command 1310 are 3349170 The 1911 figures I
or a reduction of
Issue One Day Earlier
o nonrl ireti nn onnnimt nf til A r 1 i rr -
vine at a short distance on thengnt - j - - vu aucuuui oi iuebuay oeing Juiy
freshness of the Indian horses and 4thj Tuesdays edition of The
of the column As this ravine
the aded condition of our own the went to
Monday evening
peared to lead in the direction of the press
trail the column moved on and on stance between us gradually increas to enable lhe force and publisher to
thus rendering thear own arms
Jed appropriately celebrate countrys
the hih ground about one our
to a great extent useless while our iatai day
mile from camp beheld thu gauant
long rangs arms told with great f
i vonf1 nf bra men
fect them The whole scene
furiously before them some i
and tender sympathy of many tender
friends in this bereavement and sor
Call and
Captain Mcintosh thought from in- gZZlT f r fr the A ChC nnd Gla
returned to tne atoonb aim
1J T J iof o inmp o ve 1st to July 1st This is more than
seen wi
UlUliilOIlS lie
rumr fnr us encarciped a little after nightfall
lUrCe U ilUCiUl 111 nmuus --
and that he intended keeping HP the
chase Lieutenant Fish was then de-
twice that of any previous quarter
If You Have
houses to rent list them with Whit
taker Gray They have several
applications on file now for hous
es Phone black 283 Office in Tem
ple block
see our new line ot
ture 3nfl Carpet Co
ssware Drew
of the many bargains during the
At i5c per iooo gallons the plant jujy clearance Sale at Clapps
made the town a revenue of 631 for
tnis WeeK
the quarter Cambridge Clarion
and buy your dry goods during
Clapps Fifth Off Sale this
G 31 Burnett the chiropodist re-
Everything in drugs McConnell
See G M Burnett at the National
hotel and get your corns removed
Painless method
well known- chiropodist will
irpmvv nivr norns and bunions with
corns ana Dumons jtowhh --
There seems little question pan office at National ihotel
out any pain to you uiuce ai x r
itional Hotel
call atf
If you want him to
phorie bfr
j Matt Colling one of the oUtimers
from route one Indiancla had busi
ness in the county capital Saturday
H H Humphries of The Tribune
force is visiting in Ainsworth
ery uuviiiuii place until - v v
en muiiic lvi rr to him
iuuxivuiiu sang uu ay- Phased iu sit i nun
ity for speedy settlement
Extended to Other Classifications
The postoffice department has
Funeral services were conducted in Lvatka his old home up in Brown amended its law concerning indemnity
St Patricks Catholic church Monday county on matter ether than f jrst class In-
Wm F L Barnes is shipping his demnity to the extent of 25 or the
officiating at the threshing outfit to Bladen this state actual value of article will be paid
impressive requiem high mass Those to do some harvesting for farmers in r losses of registered mail of the
paying a last tribute to the memory that nslghborhood -third and fourth classes mailed on
o the departed filled the edifice to A E Petty came up from Lincoln and after July 1 1911 Heretofore
o erflowing Interment was made in Saturday night joining the family only first class registered mail was
here until over the 4th Many friends protected by the department with in-
the opinion that they did not exceed hiding unti Mrs P F Itennity to the extent of 50 for a
is the more the P - M -des contame on Single
twentv whlcl I think J 1 Tj IP priate solo by request EL EL Magee came from Aurora piece Other classes of mail
probable number for line tne coi m if - 7 1 Denarted is survived bv her the 4th He and his son Bruce Bhffle given the same service and nro
band and four daughters Mrs S P will leave tomorrow night on their tection en route if lost in the mails
Rinker and Mrs Fred Harris of Den- Paoific coast trip of a few weeks owners were not indemnified
Vcir Mrs J E Miley of Cincinnati Mrs C II Nash and the children
Ohio and Miss Aimiee of our city departed on Sunday morning for Photographic Satisfaction
One daughter died in Infancy Steele City Nebraska to be absent follows the use of our photo sup
Mrs Harris arrived in the city on -several weeks visiting the home- rcs Our goods are always fresh
and was the only folks and reliable and insure you the re-
Postmaster Cone arrived home on suits deoxed You will not find a
her death Mrs Rnker came Friday morning from his absence better or more complete assortment
and Mrs Miley on Sunday of a couple weeks in the east Our stock includes all the worthy
Hence all were present at the funeral ing wnich time he visited in modern requisites and our prices are
services and burial falo Washington New York and invariably the lowest that reliab
The bereaved family have the deep er points
goods can be sold Come in and
R J KLOatrrok and family of Be 1 Set photo wise to date
atrice were in the city last Thursday
on their way to the great ranch up
in Chase county The rode in a
big Peerless touring car and the rest
of the party rode in a big Apperson
touring car
H C Clapp departed Sunday morn
ing on train 2 for New York City
Mrs Clapp will meet him in Chi
cago and accompany him on east
Thy will be absent four or five
weeks unking fall and winter purch
ases cxicciing to spend week in
Cbicigo on the way home
McConnell for drugs
LOST Between E Benjamins res
idence and St Patricks church July
2 a gold necklace with amythiist set
and pearl pendant Suitable reward
for return to Mrs E Benjamin or
The Tribune office
A large delegation of members of
Eureka chapter Order of the Eastern
Star went up to Benkelman last Fri
day afternoon and assisted in the
constituting of the chapter in that
town airs Z L Kay of our city be
ing the grand officer for hte occasion
All agree the Benkelman bunch are
the finest ever
scores of new things this
There are
pring that
will interest you
L w McCONNELL Druggist
Rea Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
iiave been made in the county clerks
i - i iit h our last report
Jennings Hughes Co certifi
cate of partnership in plumbing bus
Perry Barker et ux to J K -
land Rose Kerr wd to ie
Vn se1 11 and w sw of
12-1-26 - 5900 00
Francis Marion Myers father of
Switchman L W Myers died at th3
sons home on 2nd street east Sun
day July 2nd Deceased was about
59 years of age Up to the time of
going to press arrangements have
not been perfected for burial Dropsy
was the cause of death
this week in which you can buy
Dry Goods at 20 to 50 percent
discount at Clapps