The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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feiiizwar -a
Crce fjt rt
Cholly Chumpleigh Would
leave your happy home for mo
diSfw SSVjnKs
Miss Caustique Yes if I saw you
coming and the back door wasnt
SASKATOONS district has never
known crop failure even in raot adverse
eeasons Hence the prosperity of our
English speaking agricultural community
Hence the fact that Sas katoons popula
tion lias jumped from 113 to over 16000
in less than seven years We have lots of
land Why not keep the family together
by getting some for yourself and the boys
For all information write TCommissioner
Board of Trade Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Western Canada
Fatherly Advrce
Now that you are married my son
listen to me
What is It dad
Try to be a husband not merely
n ex bachelor
Free to Our Readera
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co Chicago
Tor JS pige illustrated Eyo Book Free
Write all about Your Eye Trouble and
they will advise as to the Proper Applica
tion of the Murine Eye Remedies In Your
Special Case Your Druggist will tell you
that Murine Relieves Soro Eyes Strength
ens AVeak Eyes Doesnt Smart Soothes
iye Pain and sells for EOc Try It In
Vour Eyes and in Babys Eyes for Scaly
Uyelids and Granulation
Use of Ants in Nature
Prof J C Branner in the Bulletin
of the Geological Society of America
describes the immense importance of
ants as geologic agents especially in
tropical regions Ant burrows have
been found at a depth of 35 meters
and they ramify over vast areas
The Exception
Post There are as good fish in th
sea as ever were caught
Parker Hm I guess you havent
heard Thompsons latest flsh story
Harpers Bazar
The Herb laxative Garfield Tea over
comes constipation giving freedom from
ick hcadache and bilious attacks
Is life worth living I should say
that it depends on the liver Thomas
Gold Appleton
The satisfying quality in Lewis Single
Binders found in no other 5c cigar
Keep your heart high that Is he
turn of philosophy Victor Cousin
has proven a great help
to those in need of a
tonic appetizer and
health maker Try a
burn Indigestion
Costiveness Malaria
Fever and Ague All
I TJ J of this paper de- 1
I Headers ijr
I - anything 1
1 used in its columns should instil upon 9
1 having what they ask for refusing all I
I subfiitutes or imitations R
BsBBEriiiii m i iBwrainnBrirBriwiHnifiiiihwwSffl
Sunlight Sanitarium
A Modern Fully Equipped
Fireproof Hospital
Fully equipped for the treatment of chonic
rheumatism diseases of kidneys bladder
and other chronic diseases by baths elec
tricity etc A COMPLETE X RAY
OUTFIT Modern asepticoperating
rooms for the care of surgical patients
lA full corps of trained nurses Rates
moderate For further information address
J Irving S Cutter M D Supt
2840 Sumner Street Lincoln Nebr
I rffUJi in Jim
i ift JiV t LJ
T is generally conceded by
historians that neither the
sensational engagement at
Bunker Hill the significance
of which was understood
throughout the world the
overwhelming defeat of
Burgoyne at Saratoga or
any of the other engage
ments during that struggle
equaled in results that of the siege
and surrender of Cornwallis at York
The campaign that led to the defeat
of the best of the British troops under
an able commander was one that was
worked out to the highest degree of
military sense It contained all the
elements of a drama such as a play
wright of high ability might conceive
and it was carried out with a daring
and skill that as planned could have
but one ending
General Washington and Count de
Rochambeau met early in August at
Weathersville Conn and there they
talked over the plans for the future
It was almost determined to put the
French and American armies together
and make a concentrated attack upon
the city of New York which was de
fended by Sir Henry Clinton then
commander-in-chief of the British
forces in this country
It was intended that this attack
should be In the nature of a surprise
and with this in view the two arm
ies were brought together at Dobbs
Ferry and every preparation made to
fall upon the upper part of Manhattan
island At the last minute there came
dispatches from the south apprising
the leaders of the American forces J
that Lord Cornwallis had been con
ducting a very spirited campaign
against General Lafayette who with
Baron Steuben and Anthony Wayne
was directing the destinies of the
This news put a different light upon
the situation inasmuch as the planned
campaign upon New York was for the
very purpose of compelling Clinton to
order Cornwallis from the south to
hiS support in holding Manhattan is
land The plans carried exceedingly
well for it was evident that Clinton
heard of the contemplated move
against him and ordered Cornwallis
to make preparations to move to him
Cornwallis therefore withdrew from
the south camped first at Portsmouth
and later moved to Yorktown where
he lay prepared to sail for New York
At the same time as the news of
Cornwallis movements were reported
General Washington learned that
Count de Grasse with a fleet of some
thirty ships was sailing from the
West Indies leaving San Domingo on
August 3 and was bound for the Ches
apeake Bay
Instantly the entire campaign was
changed to meet the new conditions
and while the demonstration against
Clinton was not allowed to lax the
attack was not made Instead Instruc
tions were hurriedly sent to Lafay
ette to et in communication with de
Grasse and with what troops the lat
ter could spare to make every effort
to envelop Cornwallis by land and
In the meantime the allied armies in
f ont of New York withdrew as quiet
ly as possible leaving behind only a
sufficient number to keep up the pre
tense -of investment and the troops
were hurried toward Cornwallis
September 9 saw Washington under
way and accompanied by only Colonel
Humphrey he rode 60 miles to Mount
Vernon arriving there the same day
Count de Rochambeau arrived at
Mount Vernon the following evening
and the plans for the campaign were
gone over
Meanwhile Cornwallis had received
tidings of the arrival of the fleet of
de Grasse which reached Hampton
Roads about August 26 and also word
that the Continental army was bearing
down upon him He was quickly
aroused from his dreams of security
and he and his officers contemplated
a number of plans for getting away
but in each Instance there were cir
cumstances that forbid making the at
tempt and he contented himself with
writing to Clinton to send him aid
Whether CHnton could not or would
not comply will probably never be
known though after the war both offi
Governor Nelsons Residence at Yorktown Still Standing
cers indulged in accusations of eacl
other but the fact is that he did not
and when the allied armies sailed lntc
the harbor of York and camped upon
the adjacent hills Cornwallis was com
pletely trapped
The story of the siege is familiar tc
every school boy or at least it should
be so that I will give only the bare
outlines of it The active attack upon
the British was begun October 6 by
General Lincoln when he opened a
parallel Five days later Baron Steu
bens division opened a second par
allel This brought the lines of the
besiegers to within about 300 yards
of the stronghold
While the infantry was engaged in
paralleling the artillery was hard at
work and the bombardment was furi
ous Governor Nelsons residence in
the town was thought to be the head
quarters of Cornwallis and the doughty
governor himself leading in the at
tack by the artillery not only ordered
his men to fire upon his home but
offered a prize of money for every ball
that struck it Whether the house
was too far or whether the marksmen
were bad its not known but the house
was little damaged and it stands to
day a monument among monuments
to the bravery and devotion of the
American and French armies
The most dramatic feature of the
seige was the attempt to carry twe
redoubts The task of carrying the
redoubts was given to Lafayette and
Baron de Viomenil The latters as
sault proved a disastrous one for the
British put up a stiff fight and though
they were beaten the attackers left
fully one third of their number in the
trench Lafayette was more success
ful and his troops Jed by Alexander
Hamilton who was the first to scale
the parapet swept everything before
them their losses being comparative
ly light
The carrying of these two redoubts
was the beginning of the end for Corn
wallis soon found that he could hold
out no longer unless by needlessly sac
rificing his men It was with a heavy
heart indeed that Cornwallis ordered
a white flag to be displayed on Octo
ber 17 and sent a note to Washington
asking for terms of surrender
The articles of capitulation were
drawn and Cornwallis was invited to
meet the American officers in the
Moore house and sign them This he
did and on October IS the British
army with colors cased and drums
beating marched out of Yorktown be
tween two lines comprised of the
American and French soldiers Wash
ington with his staff was at the head
of his army and Rochambeau with
his staff at the head of his
Cornwallis felt in no humor to
meet the victors so he sent his aide
General OHara with his sword and
with the excuse that he was too ill
to attend Washington too stood up
on his dignity and instead of himself
receiving Cornwallis sword he de
tailed General Lincoln to that duty
It appears that when Sir Henry Clin
ton finally became convinced that
Cornwallis was in grave danger he de
cided to send help and so on October
19 the very day that Cornwallis sur
rendered he sent an army of 700C
men to him The troops on 35 ships
arrived at Yorktown five days latei
but finding that it was too late turned
back to New York
Today the visitor to Yorktown maj
see much of interest The battlefield
has somewhat disappeared and there
is but little trace of the redoubts bul
time has dealt gently with the old
town The same houses that figured
in the tragic events of more than a
century ago still stand while the Nel
son house with a ball In one of the
walls gives testimony to having been
There may be seen a cave that ia
said to have been the refuge of Corn
wallis during the bombardment while
the beautiful marble shaft erected by
the government gives the historical
data concerning that which one sees
in the neighborhood
Cinematograph In Great Britain
Great Britain imports from the
United States a majority of the cine
matograph films used by it It costs
from 6 to 50 cents to see a moving
picture show in Great Britain
Mr Benton Holme Why Wheres
the new chambermaid
Mrs Benton Holme I told her to
dust this morning and an hour later I
found that sho had dusted
Incident That Struck Householder as
Being Along Slightly Humor
ous Lines
Many funny things happen In a
flat during the course of a few
months said a Milwaukee fiat dwell
er but one of the best things I ever
saw happened yesterday
I was suddenly roused from my
slumber by three loud knocks on the
door Jumping to my feet and into a
bathrobe I hastened to see what was
wanted I opened the door In time
to see a young fellow half way up the
flight to the next floor
Hello there I yelled kt him
Ho turned around hastened back
and handed out a small envelope
pointing to the inscription 1 glanced
at it It was an appeal for aid be
cause the applicant was deaf and
Say I was mad enough to kick him
down stairs Then the joke struck
me and I slammed the door in his face
and went back to bed laughing
Our boy was born in Toronto on
Oct 13 1908 and when three months
old a slight rash appeared on his
cheek What appeared to be a wa
ter blister would form When it
broke matter would run out starting
new blisters until his entire face
head and shoulders were a mass of
Ecabs and you could not see a par
ticle of clear skin Other parts of
his body were affected but not to
such an extent We tried about every
advertised remedy without avail In
deed some of them only added to his
suffering and one in particular the
Remedy almost put the infant
Into convulsions The family doctor
prescribed for him and told us to
bathe the baby in buttermilk This
did not do any good so we took him
to a hospiral He was treated as an
out patient twice a week and ho got
worse if anything Wo then called
in another doctor and inside of a
week the boy was to all appearances
cured and the doctor said his work
was done But tho very next day it
broke out as bad as ever
We decided that it could not be
cured and must run its course and so
we just kept his arms bandaged to
his side to prevent his tearing his
flesh We left Toronto and shortly
after our arrival in Duluth the Cutl
cura Remedies were recommended
We started using them In May 1909
and soon the cure was complete You
would not think he was the same
child for Cuticura made his skin per
fectly clear and he is entirely free
from tho skin disease There has
been no return this time We still
use only Cuticura Soap for babys
bath Robert Mann Proctor Minn
May 3 1910
A magazine poet refers to a baby
in the house as a wellspring of pleas
ure According to his theory triplets
would be a deluge
If it were not for their long faces
Eome people have an idea the world
wouldnt know they were religious
Garfield Tea will set the liver right
correct constipation cleanse the system
purify the blood and clear the complexion
No one is satisfied with his fortune
or dissatisfied with his Intellect
In this world one must be a little
too kind to be kind enough Mari
Mrs Wlnslows Soothinp Syrup for Childret
teething softens the gums reduces inflamma
tion allays pain cures vrind colic SSc a bottle
Love is selfishness in two persons
- -
Two Varieties
Little Willie Say pa what is bus
ne8s courtesy
Pa There are two kinds of busi
ness courtesy my son One is the
kind extended to people who pay cash
and the other is extended to people
who dont
Pretty Quick
He But couldnt you learn to love
me Anna
She I dont think I could Harry
He reaching for his hat It is a3
I feared you are too old to learn
Harpers Bazar
Eradicates scrofula and all
other humors cures all their
effects makes the blood rich
and abundant strengthens all
the vital organs Take it
Get it today in usual liquid form ox
chocolated tablets called Sarsatobs
Jo l1111111111 iiirui1iiiiiMiiliii For Infanta sad CnildrePa
I mm mum
tti i k mat ia h a- u - via a m at Ha
AVegetablc Preparation for As
similating IheFood and regula
ting theSlomachs and Bowls of
F Signature
ness and RestContains neither
Opium Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nar c otic
Rttfpt cfOld DrSArUEff7VBi
funjkin Stld
An Slid
tHTniyrtia Fnver
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
lion Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms Convulsions Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
Tac Simile Signature of
The Centaur Company
Guaranteed under the Foodaiffl
Esact Copy of Wrapper
Bears the J A
of fwu
iP In
W d Ik
stt m via
1 For Over
Thirty Years
TMzeEKTAuiieoBMreT tiro tors err
forfh Tih
Twenty acres of corn that will produce 50 bushels
per acre is worth 500 in the crib The same 20 acres
of corn will produce 3oo tons of ensilage and is worth
2i8oo in the silo HAVE YOU A SILO
is the highest quality silo ever placed on the market It is built
of triple a Washington Fir the best material known for silo
construction It has hinge doors the greatest improvement
ever placed on a silo The doors are always in place easily
swinging into and out of position on their hinges and are not
scattered about the farm as barrel covers box covers or step
ping stones across muddy places Send for free catalog We
want to tell you all about this KING OF SILOS
Nebraska Silo Gompan dcplw u Ijftoin Nebraska
For SfcWTSrfoTEir Plnk Eyc Epizootic
8f Sft Shipping Fever
X4R Catarrhal Fever
Snra cure and poiitlTe proTentiTero matter ho w horsesatan sUco aro infected
oreiposei Liquid clTen on the tongue acts on tho Blood aad Gland expels th
poisonous Berma from the body Cares Distemper in Dos3 and Sheep and Cholera m
Poultry Largest renin live utoelc remedy Cures La Grippe unonc human beln
and Is a flne Kidney remedy 60c and 81 a bottle f5 and 110 a Cutthlsoui
Keep It shnwtoTonrdruirpUtwhowinpetltforyou Free Booklet Distemper
Cauies nd Cures Special Agents wanted
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely and
gently on the
liver Cure
rjjfj p
jmsmm iwittll
AWJzrW ftlVt K
0r SjT I
ness and Indigestion They do their duty
Genuine must bear Signature
In great variety for sale at tho lowest prices by
nEaTEU1 atUSlilEH CMOS Kum City Sluonrl
for starching
finest linens
Fads for Weak Women
Nine tenths of all the sickness of vromen is due to some derangement or dis
ease of the organs distinctly feminine Such sickness caa be cured is cured
every day by
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription
St Makes Weak Women Strong
Sick Women Well
It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restora
tive tonio for the whole system It cures female complaint right in the privacy
cf home It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors and so abhorrent to
every modest woman
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of
those peculiar affections incident to women but thoso
vranting full information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure are referred to the Peoples Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages newly revised
end up-to-date Edition sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only or in cloth
binding for 31 stamps
Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y
in Saskatchewan Western Canada
SOO Bushels from 20 acres
of wheat vhs the thresher b
return from a Lloyd-
minster farm in the
season of 1910 Many
fields in that as well as
other districts yield
ed from 25 to 35 bu
shels of wheat to the
acre Other grains in
are thus derived
Irom the FREE
rf IV stern Canada
tm irallenl EhoKlnu cades
prices to adrance Land valcss
sbould doable In two Trara time
Injr cattle raising and dairy
ing are ail proiimuit jcjko
llnmr Kt onrt of 1 6U acres are
to be had In tlie very best
districts luu acre
certain areas Schools and
chnrcbM in everv settle
ment climate unexcelled
soli trie richest Trood water
and bnildlnsr material
plentiful 33
For particnlars as to location
Ion- settlers rallicar rates and
descriptive illustrated pamphlet
Last Best West and other In
formation write to Bnpt of
ration Ottawa Canada or to
anadlan Government Agent
j Rscn 4 323 Eldj Omaha Ecb
Pleaw write to the aent nearest 70a
jHeJ urwlan si
trmu u4 kilU mil
Mm Neat delB
ornamnttl conves
fentcbeap Lutjall
JKtiMa Catspillo
tip over TttJi not sou
or Injure laythiac
Ot all ds3ner
teat prepaid icr 20c
ltO D Kalb in
SrMfclja 5T
Clesws aad bcangfics ths hiTr
Never Palla to Icestoro Gray
Jiair to its iotoub VJfy1
Cores sals dimus A hair tailing
fOcaadglATOtf DrondiU
525232 Thompsons Eys Wato
W N U LINCOLN NO 25 1911