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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1911)
v - Xii i V i I 7 w f iefo - THIRTIETH YEAR 1 Closed for Chautauqua E E DeLong of the Electric the atre did the nice thing by closing on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday for the Chautauqua It was a gener ous act and one appreciated by the management For Sale S E Va sec 7 and N E sec 18 T 5 R 29 and N E yt and N W U S E sec 13 T5R30 Will consider any fair offer cash or parton time Address owner J T FOLEY LewistownMontana REXALL V for sweaty feet and abnormal perspir ation on any part of the ibody 75c Guaranteed L W McCONNELL Druggist Can Pay at the Store Parties owing the TJpdike Co may pay their bills at Jones Cos oenfectionery and news stand Hn low er Main avenue Phone 13 or 169 S S GARVEY Manager Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Several thousand sweet potato plants for sale McCook Green House Phone red 214 A few damaged pyrography pieces which we are selling at half price Cant you use some A xeal bar gain x - L W McCONNELLyDruggl8t 3T jmUsa ty B - V She Comfort First Always GET A PAIR OF Viersen Osborn Oxfords or -Slippers And be in Line TAKE A KODAK VITH YOU We say Kodak advisedly We do not merely mean camera but the particular make of camera that bears the Eastman trade mark Kodak The satisfactory results that dt has given to our customers justify us in specifying KODAK Yo r vacatidn will mean more to you if you kodak Not only more pleasure at the time but afterward i m 5w if xSfA the addtd pleasure that will come from the pictures Let us show you how simple it all is by the Kodak system Our stock is very complete and we are always glad to give photographic help to any amateur L W McCONNELL Druggist Our Meat Again The locals met the Cambridge club on the McCook grounds Tuesday of this week and took their measure cleverly for another defeat The details of the game follow Cambridge 0 2310 00006 McCook 0 3 2 5 110 0 12 Hits Cambridge 8 McCook 15 Errors Cambridge 5 McCook 4 Batteries Cambridge Hayes and Gilbert McCook Matheny and Har mon and Green 1 1 I HAPPY NUPTIAL EVENT The Marriage of Mr John Rice jnd Miss Regina Provance Wednesday morning at 8 oclock Mr John Rice and Miss Regina Prov ance two most estimable and popu lar young people of our city were solemnly wedded in St Patricks Catholic church Rev W M Patton O M I being the celebrant of the nuptial mass by which these highly esteemed young friends were made husband and wife until death does them part Besides the high contracting par ties there were Miss Marguerite Rice of Scotts Bluff Nebraska sister of the groom and Dr Arthur Colfer and Miss Lillian Provance of Bal timore Md sister of the bride and Mr Ed Williams in the wed ding party With Miss Claire McKenna at the pipe organ Mendelssohns Wedding March was played as a processional and the Wedding March from Lohen grin as a recessional The bride and groom and a small wedding party of relatives and most intimate friends then repaired to the ccsy home of the young folks first door north of the Baptist church where a dainty wedding breakfast was served The groom is known as one of the most promising young lawyers in this section of the state and connected with W S Morlans office The bride is the charming sister of Mrs J M Trammell with whom she has made her home for years since coming here from the old home in Baltimore Md The Tribune has very warm washes for their success and happiness Saturday the Last Day By cutting out this notice and bringing it along not later than July JLst you can purchase one 10 yard cut of any of our 10c colored lawns for 50 cents Read carefully and come The Thompson D G Co Ut most values for cash only You Can Irrigate with one of our Chore Boy gaso line engines and save 3our potato patch and garden HARDWARE CO For Sale One Jersey cow and a lot of house hold furniture Call at 302 west 10th or phone red 412 a d Mcdonald McConnell for drugs McConnell fills prescriptions McMillen prescription druggist Everything in drugs McConnell Hammocks at low prices McCOOK HARDWARE CO Hammocks Yes McCONNELL Druggist Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Hubers all the time Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Try him for an order Come to Diamonds Shoe Store and find out what is ailing your feet your shoes and your ipocketbook Germazone put in the drinking water for chickens keeps them well and hearty 50c per bottle at WOODWORTHS One way to build up home institu tions As to buy Anchor and 91 Patent The McCook Milling Cos choicest flours Keep cool by visiting our store No better ice cream or cold drinks served in the state than ours C R WOODWORTH Druggist It is high quality low prices and perfect fitting shoes that cause bus iness to increase right along at Dia monds Shoe Store Prescriptions are our specialty Ac- j curacy quality promptness and the Tight price L W McCONNELL Druggist Get acquainted with the good things we serve at our fountain Oul ice cream Is the best that can be made Our ices and fancy special drinks touch the right spot and al ways make you want to come again WC -R WOODWORTH Druggist c00 While the first fire was in pro gress fire was discovered in an other building less than a block east of the burning structure owned by the same party Part of the appar atus was transferred to this building and this fire was more easily con trolled and extinguished before great damage had been occasioned the building or contents It ds the common opinion that both buildings were set on fire evidences being at hand of coal oil having been used in the effort to destroy the buildings and contents The owner was occupying the first building discovered on fire but the second building as said to have not been occupied save it ds said by a young man hired to sleep therein iin order that the insurance might not be cancelled Base Ball Game Bowery Dance None better and few aquals 91 Patent and Anchor brand flour Made by our own mill The McCook Milling Co Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the iisL McMillens Cream Lotion will re move tan anf sunburn if ilf - Thursday Evening Edition McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 29 1911 MIDNIGHT FIRE STIRS THE CITY Considerable Portion of City Is In Jeopardy for a While On Account of Strong Wind THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN OF INCENDIARY ORIGIN And the Matter Will Doubtless be Probed to the Bottom Many Suspicious Circumstances Connected With the Fire Between 11 and 12 oclock Tues day night a building on west A street owned by Laura Hughes was practically destroyed by fire The city fire department was first called out and quickly got lines play ing on the fire and the adjacent liv ery barn owned by W W Barritt Their early efforts were hampered by low iwater wVsh was soon improved by closing the VaVru pipe and pumping system Shortly afterwards the stand intn o istroyed The damage to the second building will not amount to more than a few hundred dollars includ ing contents Both buildings and contents are said to have been insured although J E Kelley advises the writer that about a month since he canceled advised the insurance was subsequent policies he held on same We are ly rewritten in the German Fire In surance Co L ine departments were instances the water had to be turn ed off until the sections were art placed The fire has caused more discus sion than any fire that has ever oc have gone Under all the circumstances both The first building is a practical Iocs departments did effective and com and the contents were likewise de 1 mendable work YTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYTTTTTTTTTYTTYTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTa I JULY 4th ON DRY CREEK ON FOWLER WILCOX RANCH SPORTS OF MANY KINDS Horse Races Foot Races Refreshments on the Ground TfcERE IS A GOOD TIME IN STORE FOR YOU EVERYBODY WILL BE WELCOME COMMITTEE Get our rates on Farm Loans DORWART BARGER obttttc - i 3 KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAikAAAAAJLAAAAJkAAAAAa Married This Morning Mr William J Moore of Billings Montana and Miss Jessie Lee Bruce daughter of Mr and Mrs J A Bruce of our city were married ithis morning at 7 oclock Rev L E Lewis of the Methodist church of ficiating in the presence of mem bers of immediate family and a few friends A wedding breakfast was served immediately after the cere mony and the happy couple depart ed on No 13 this morning for their future home in Billings Montana The bride has been the efficient lady in charge of the ready-to-wear de partment in H C Clapps store the groom is a railroad man They take with them to their new home the con gratulations and best wishes of many McCook friends The guests were Missses Tressa Rector Clar Burton Bridgie Doyle Tacie DeLong Mabel Bruns Josephine McClure Barbara Schlect and Pearl Lawritson - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 A A A A A A On Saturday Only Beginning with Monday June 12th we will do feed grinding only on Saturdays McCOOK MILLING CO The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Get Cow Ease and cave the cows and horses from flies At McCOOK HARDWARE CO Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners Work for a bigger and better Mc Cook and use 91 Patent Kodaks and kodak supplies L W McCONNELL Druggist Bargain sale on wall paper for the next ten days beginning today C R WOODWORTH Druggist We are closing out Hammocks at reduced prices A McMILLEN Druggist Take a Parker Lucky Curve fountaij pen with you on your vacation You may want to write home For sale by C R WOODWORTH Druggist Cambridge nity girl HcV State ftisto calSactV Some Low Priced Items Ladies gauze vests 5c Mosquito netting 5c Yard wide muslin cts Good ribbed hose 9c Mens suits 325 Mens overalls 44c Boys double front overalls 44c Simpsons prints 5c Best white oil cloth 15c Best apron gingham 6c Mens igood shoes 190 Mens felt hats 56c 6 red handkerchiefs for 25c Cloth shades on spring rollers 20c Childs rompers 25c Ghilds ging ham dresses 29c Ladies washable dress skirts 135 Am A 2 bushel grain bags 22c Boys Indian Suits 100 Childs fancy parasols 10c Big rugs 30x60 125 Mens Broad Long blac satine shirts 39c Big long sleeve aprons 65c Fleischers German knitting yarn 25c for -lb skein Best paper napkins 5c doz The Thompson D G Co Utmost values for cash only Married at Nebraska City Mr A H Records and Miss Myrtle Brue were married in Nebraska City hampered on Wednesday June 28th 1911 Mr sonievtL 0 by the bursting of hose Records is a brother of Mrs Harrv the Burling- and it is stated that the Burlington Wade He has been employed for tons firp department was called out j contingent had oii section of their several years past by the Nebraska and they assisted greatly in pipe lines cut by unkhcz party or Telephone Co and is engaged on the ing the fire to this building i parties during the fire lif these line being strung from Franklin to The bride is a Nebraska On Bargain Square We haveyed a bunch of mens curred in the city and it seems to odd suits worth tour regular prices be xl common desire that the closest 650 to 1500 at exactly half price scrutiny and investigation be given 50 cents on tbedollar Sizes 36 37 the same as to its origin and cause 38 and 39 First come first senv The known water shortage the ed The Thompson D G Co Ut fairly strong wind the extraordinary most values for cash only dryness and the nearness to the liv ery barn caused the greatest con cern and apprehension throughout the Boys Play at Cambridge The McCook base ball club city and there was an intense feel- play two games at Cambridge July ing of relief when the fire was con- 4th with the local team The morn fined to the original buildings Had ing game will be called at 10 and the livery barn become involved in the afternoon at 3 oclock A num thsfdre it is not easy to imagine her of McCook people wiill witness justrhow far the conflagration would the games and enjoy the day at that place will Deputy State Wardon Here Charles Randall deputy fire ward en is here today from Lincoln in vestigating the fire of Tuesday night There was 1200 insurance on the west building and contents and 2 500 on the east building and con tents Something New and Good Marshs Special a high grade flour made especially for me and sold only by me with a money back guarantee The Marsh Flour and Feed Store 215 Main avenue Phone The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Dont Forget to Get Our prices on corn and feed of all kinds McCOOK MILLING CO We hate a select line of box paper and writing tablets A MpMTTrrcV TlniW - - - co rist Get that new Velie buggyfor the 4th at McCOOK HARDWARE CO We sell Sweet ness and Murn for perspiring people They kill the odor Try it C R WOODWORTH Druggist We carry a complete assortment of Rexall Toiler Requisites One for every toilet need THE REXALL STORE McCONNELL Druggist An ill fitting shoe is not only toad on your feet but they get shabby and wear out quicker At Diamonds Shoe Store you are fitted by an ex perienced shoe fitter thats one of the reasons why Diamonds shoes feel better and last longer Buy a hammock and enjoy a few hours rest each day Stretch out your weary bones after the days work is done The comfort obtained from a hammock in this way repay the price it cost in a few evenings Buy the hammock of us and get a good one C R WOODWORTH Druggist Nyals Handy Lotion cures sun burn and tan Dont let the face dry up become -wrinkled before it should The judicdous use of a good lotion like Nyals will keep the skin soft and smooth and the complexion clear during the most trying weather Eric 25c For sale only by C R WOODWORTH Druggist b C NUMBER 10 Addition - Subtraction Multiplication Add to your earning capaci ty a little each day but Bub tract at least one fourth - of each dollar you earn and put it in the bank By so doing you multiply present content ment and future comfort by every deposit you make It is the duty of every man to provide for himself and his family both now and in the future Health and content ment are two essentials in se curing the best results from your labors but so divide your income that a goodly portion will be applied to the fund which insures FUTURE com fort THE McCCOK NATIONAL BANK Walsh President C F Lehjt V Pres C J OBrien Cash DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science The subject for next Sunday morning is God Baptist The subject for morning service at 11 Letter vs Spirit For evening Christianity Reasonable JC E at 715 Bible school at- xi D L McBride Minister - Episcopal Third Sunday after Trinity Sunday school atilO Holy communion and sermon at ill Even ing prayer and sermon ats Ladies Guild will meet at rectory with Mrs Goldsmith Thursday after noon July 6th On Bargain Square We offer 15 doz of boys arid girls good stout ribbed black hose- of the regular value of 12c to ISc accord ing to size for 9c a pair Any size 6 to 9 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Once Used Always Used Marshs Special high grade flour sold with a money back guarantee For sale only at Marshs Flour and Feed Store 215 Main ave Phone 95 Bug Death Kills t all plant eating insects and promotes the growth of the plant SohJ only by McCOOK HARDWARE CO There is magic In the words Advo They are the final word in canned excellence And Huber is the prophet All the fresh fruits of the season at Magners For special dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner One Minute and Motor washers McCOOK HARDWARE CO Beauty is Balanced J Hs p by the skill with which we bring it out in the photo graphs we make of you Many people are much better looking than they ap pear in ordin ary Photographs You may think you are one of the few whose portraits cannot be made attrac tive Come and sit for us and your friends delight with the pictures will prove you mis taken KIMMELL STUDIO Phone Red 428 McCOOK Above Coausrdal lj I 1 1 n r - is