The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 27, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 4
L4 i b 5 r j V J r h tv h I i 8 In xi m H JUST PERSONAL MENTION Sidge Harry S Dungan of Hast en went up to Trenton Monday SBsrhing to hold court for Hitch ouck county for Judge Orr Report er Stayner accompanied him Judge Utengan spent Sunday in the city Sgnest of his brother W H Dungan Harry J Cox has returned to New Tirk City to look after his estate se which is expected to come up 3r Jul for decision This case in STfces priceless lands on Coney Isl iaui and if won by Mr Cox will bring Aim a fabulous return for his persisl colTrork to secure justice Dr and Mrs William F Burris departed Monday morning on 13 for Denver and the mountains on an out ing The doctors sermon Sunday morning in the Methodist church was greatly appreciated by many The doctor takes some pride in being old facliioned in his theology He is sound and earnest too The doctor and wife attended the Cambridge ERRANTES Royal Italian Guards Band has come Into the Chau tauqua field It has been Induced to leave the summer gardens and richly furnished amesement parks of the city for a ten weeks tour of a great Chautauqua System The coming of this 2unous band to this city Chautauqua week is unquestionably the great ost event in music the community has known Ferrante himself is one of the greatest band directors that Italy has produced He organized Ms first band when only a very yocng man He has been a band roaster ever since He came to this country with his Royal Italian uards less than two years ago The band had made a great stir in 2nrope -where It is well known and it is fast becoming a favorite In this country It has never until this summer crossed the Missouri river Band Day will be one of the big days of Chautauqua week TELEPHONE TALKS No 9 THE WHY OF RATES A railroad may haul a carload cf flour at a cheaper cost per sack than if cne tenth as much were shipped but it costs us a great deal more per telephone to operate an exchange of 5000 subscribers than one of only a thousand In an exchange of 5000 subscribers every telephone user is given an opportunity to use hs telephone ten times as much as in an exchange cf a thousand subscribers This condition would make the operating expense and main tenance ccst of every telephone and line in the larger exchange much higher than in the smaller one Then too in the larger exchange telephones average fur ther from the central office necessitating more wire per tel ephone Also as more telephones are added to an exchange the unit ing of everj telephone with every other one increases the in dividual cost enormously But the service of the larger exchange is worth a great deal more Nebraska Telephone Company CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager BULLARD LUMBER CO SELLS THE BEST Lumber and Coal BULLARD LUMBER CO hnnp IVn I WJ P Jannigwww iiwuwm mmmm km m - 1 Id T vr McCONNBLTj Druerelst -ways malse you want to come aga ii r t MASSACRE OF THE NELSON BUCK SURVEYING PARTY As Told In the Official Correspond ence and Newspaper Accounts of the Time In the issue of The Tribune for Tuesday June 6th was printed the substance of a letter from Mr H B meeting of the Epworth League last McGregor of Pontiac Illinois who week in Cambridge He is a member of the Board of Control Being old time Missouri friends of Rev and Mirs L E Lewis of our city they came up here and spent a few days visiting them jaithe McCook Chautauqua Wednesday Afternoon and Night ISIGNOR FERRANTE THE GREAT ITALIAN BANDMASTER - F so far as is known is the only sur vivor of the Nelson Buck surveying party the members of which with the exception of Mr McGregor and one other were killed by the In dians in the summer of 1869 The real story of the massacre will prob ably never be told but enough has been discovered to leave no doubt that the bones of at least ten of the twelve men who started on the ex pedition were left to bleach upon the plains of southwestern Nebraska somewhere within the boundaries of what is now Red Willow county The archives of the surveyor gen erals office of Nebraska contain sev eral letters from Nelson Buck In one dated December 27 1867 address ed to Surveyor General P W Hitch cock the writer made application for a contract to do surveying in this state He says he had at that time been in the business of surveying in Illinois for thirty four years and that he believed he was qualified to do such work An interesting asser tion in this letter is that he had let- ters of recommendation from Judge ireat Abraham Lincoln Jno T Stuart and many others among the most prominent cf our great men No copy of the surveyor generals answer i available but the following ed February 11 lStiS givco an inti ination of what he may have said and in the light of what afterwards occurred seems almost prophetic As to the trouble with the In dians I expected to encounter all chis I am no more prepared to be killed than ethers are but I think I am just as unlikely to suffer from their depredations as others and am able to employ such force as will be likely to protect a party of survey ors as ethers are In fact that part will net deter me from taking my chance It i3 not the profit alone that would induce me to make the attempt but the desire to be employ ed where I can see the west so then so far as the fear of Indians are concerned that has little or no weigh in this matter If I can procure a contract for U S surveys I ckall go prepared to perform all the requirements of the laws in sui cases Permit me to speak as thoJgh I was personally present I can pro cure all the necessary recommenda tions as a competent surveyor I can if I have not now procure all the necessary outfits and instruments I can procure all the necessary as sistants and arms for defense as against Indians and I can perform the work as well as any other man as my long practice in surveying I can say without fear of successful contiadiclicn has given me a knowl edge of all the various plans that must be carried out and I am anx ious to be engaged in this business Before any contract was executed there was a change of administra tion and the next letter in the ser ies which is dated May 29 1SG9 is addressed to Gen R R Livingston In this letter Mr Buck announces his intention of leaving Illinois for braska within a few days In the I issue of the Nebraska Herald pub lished at Plattsmouth for June 24 lished at Plattsmouth for June 24 18C9 it is reported that Nelson Buck Esq of Pontiac Illinois a brother of John F Buck of this county has a contract under Survey or General Livingston for establish ing standard lines in the western part of the state On July 21st 18G9 Mr Buck wrote Gen Livings ton from Fort Kearney as follows I regret that I did not procure arms etc while there at Platts mouth I anade application through Capt Pollock to Gen Auger for leave to draw such as were need ed but did not get them I will write today to Lieut iMc KUlay for 6 Spencer rifles or needle breech loaders with 200 rounds each Please write to Lieut McClay or Gen Auger your consent for me to draw such or others which may be had at Fort MePherson Some and indeed several of my company feel discouraged at hearing of Indians out and through our district of coun try and want arms so that if we must fight Indians all can take part in the matter We have lain here three days hoping for some arms although I knew the matter was rather doubtful on account of irregularity in the present application Still as -we were here we had hoped that the Gen would dssue the necessary orders So far as is known this is the last word from Mr Buck or from ffir r s3niwL Caf WOODWQRTH Druggist J move tan and sunburn except H B McGregor and John Nettleton who left the party after it had gone into the field ever saw any of its members eiliter dead or alive again In the issue of The Nebraska Her ald for October 14 1869 it was re ported that none of the lines or corners that were to have been es tablished by Mr Buck under his con tract could be found This fact coupled with the fact that although his trail had been discovered and an empty water keg found near one of his camps no trace of the par ty had been seen and that Gen Dun can who was out on a scouting ex pedition had found two surveyors tripods in an Indian camp that had then been recently raided by him led to the surmise that the members of the party had been massacred Lieut Jacob Almy reported the cap ture on September 26th 1869 by a detachment of cavalry under the com mand of Gen Duncan of a squaw Avho told of an encounter between a party of white men and a band of Indians under Pawnee Killer and Whistler that occurred while the In dians were crossing the Republican river between Frenchmans Fork and Red Willow creek to move over to the Beaver She said that four young Indians in advance of the main body of the savages were attacked by the whites and that three of the In dians and one white man were kill ed The Indians pursued the ag gressors in the direction of the Leaver took their horses and ra tions destroyed two wagons and kill ed five of the whites the rest of them escaping The story told by the squaw is 1 extract from Mr Bucks reply Corroborated by the account ot an investigation made by an employe cf the government who was in charge of the agency to which the Sioux returned after their summers cam paign through the Republican valley His report dated Whetstone Agency New Fort Randall D T Jan S 1S70 reads in part as follows As intimated in my last letter to you in reference to the killing of a party of surveyors under charge of Mr Buck last summer by Indians I have now to state that I have made i diligent inquiry among the Indians located here including Spotted Tail Swift Bear Pawnee Killer and others and send jou the substance of pjQne jf0 jg2 information gained up to the pres ent time Pawnee Killer arrived at this agency in September last Hi bartv all tad more or less United States currency which they paid ov er very freely while here Spotted Tail informs me that one of his party related to him that they at tacked near Beaver creek a party of about twelve surveyors in August last and succeeded in killing six of the party The balance retreated and entrenched themselves The Indians subsequently attacked and were re- Concluded in Thursdays edition i BEG0J PURIFIER 2 33ucd EB IkMEiEJSEi The best all roioid cleanser in ail the r K33iti7 roinid Cleans mechanically nol chemically and is therefore the safest cleanser lor fcxxl ucnsils Quickly removes grease and burn from pots and pans safely and hygicnicaUy cleanses milk pails cream separators and evcrlhing about ihc dairy Glassware cutlery lloors woodwork bathtubs painted walls metal surfaces etc become clean and shiny in a jufy a cleaner houssuith less labor r Many oiher uses z and Full Directions on large Sifter can JO P L nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line cf lawn hose and sprinklers IOBSISE2E - C Ri yVOODWORTH Druggist - McCook Nebr Uwmk Sanitarium Suipho Saline Springs Locatd on our own pramiaoi asd in the Natural Mineral Water BATHS Unsurpassed in th treatment Rheumatism Heart Stomach Kidney and Uth Diseases Mtdctif Ctrxci Adiim DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln R Now is the Time to Freshen Up NOTHING makes a place look more run down at the heel than the noticeable need for puint This is the time of year to freshen up Look at your buildings wouldnt a coat of paint here and there add a touch of prosperity RED SEAL Pure White Lead and linseed oil make not onlv i cheap paint per jjalion but a very durable paint as well Add any tint wanted Have the painter examine the surface to be covered and gauge the proportions accordingly Send for Our Free Painting Helps containing color bclifmes miscellaneous painting directions and names of Blue List Painters in our community who use cur white Iind Ask for Helps No B To Paixtfrs If you use our white lead erd us your name for our Painters Blue List ftnrf fnr Pirrnlnr Vr T T n nt NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 722 Chc Jnut St bt Louis Mo McCook Hardware Co Healing Plumbing MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur SIGNALS OF DISTRESS Awt m 4rT W tes km l j - I t 1st Ifff BATJu L fife J5raiffl 1 ilpll McCook People Should Know How to Read and Heed Them Sick kidneys give many signals of distress The secretions are dark contain a sediment Passages are frequent scanty pain ful Backache is constant day and nigh Headaches and dizzy spells are fre quent The weakened kidneys need quick help Dont delay Use a special kidney remedy Doans Kidney pills cure sick kid neys backache and urinary disorders McCook evidence proves this state- ment j Mrs Elizabeth Kummer 20S E j Fourth St McCook Nebr says I was subject to backaches and head aches and I knew that my kidneys were weak as the secretions from these organs were badly disordered Upon taking Doans Kidney Pills I found immediate relief and continued I use made my health much better I i heartily recommend Doans Kidney j Pills and advise their use in all cas es of kidney complaint For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other Lily Patent Flour when once use none other will satisfy you There is one medicine that every family should be provided with and especially during the summer months viz Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It is almost cer tain to be needed It costs but a quarter Can you afford to be with out it For sale bv all dealers GO SOMEWHERE THIS SUMMER TO THE EAST Take advantage of the low excursion rates available this summer to eastern cities There are 30 day tourist rates to New York At- lantic City Boston Montreal Portland Buffalo and other places 1 slightly higher 60 day limit tourist rates to many of these cities there are diverse tours via Old Point Comfort thence ocean voyage to New York and Boston this tour recently introduced by the rail i roads has become one of the most popular tours of American travel TO THE WEST Daily excursion fares to COLORADO YELLOWSTONE PARK BIG HORN MOUNTAIN RESORTS BLACK HILLS PACIFIC COAST also circuit tours that will include all of these attractive localities in one tour Call or write for leaflets describ ing any tour you expect to make wi L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska cMsgam j V V PITW1P1WTW PlVlffl fTTTPW T 1 r D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska j V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNsVico Pres E A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capitall50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS VfcFranklin A McMillen E A Green G H Watkius Vernice Franklin C R woODWORTHTTJfuggisr r 9 riWYj V N A in il r 1 J 19 l o